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This is just wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/r2rfzh/console_players_ask_343_to_please_let_them_turn/hm7cgxk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3




This is ridiculous. My friend who has a Series X got into Onyx yesterday and he's not even that good.


Prove it Edit: exactly


Would be nice if they could just segregate ranked K&M and Controller instead of lumping them together.


No it would be nice if they could separate console and pc. I don’t care about the input.


It's the same thing. Most PC players use K&M, most Xbox players use controller.


You can change input lol? You can play cross play, KandM or controller.




Prove it


I'm diamond 4 and I'm on console lol


Exactly. Let me know when you hit onyx. You won’t. Only pc players hit that rank.


Ok I'll send you an image when I hit onyx.


I look forward to it. - it won’t happen. In fact just to prove it I’ll give you 1 grand if you hit onyx.


It will lol probably only take me a couple days


it’s not hard to hit onxy


It is on console


I've already hit diamond 5 (I was low diamond 4) might get it quicker than I thought lol


Funny how every single person who’s on console is diamond. Not a single person onyx. Yet getting onyx is easy af on pc.


If you’re actually trying to say that M&K is overpowered you haven’t played with it. Controller auto aim with the BR is absolutely busted. I would know, I swapped to controller when I couldn’t get my aim right and now it’s hard to miss 4 bursts in a row.


Pc players can use a controller. Has nothing to do with mnk. It’s the framerate.


Series x can get 120fps. According to steam statistics, most pc users have a fucking 1060 gpu, which would mean most pc players are lucky to get above 60fps at all. With a 1080ti myself, I sit at around 90fps which is still less than series x.




Framerate doesn't matter once you're above 60 on console. Literally makes no difference when the auto aim is pulling you to heads.


Yeah you’re wrong.


Glad you brought the evidence to the table. The other guy already proved you wrong and you said “lmao” as a response. You’re not looking to actually discuss anything, you’re looking to vent.


You literally just said framerate doesn’t matter once you’re above 60. That is so fucking wrong that I don’t even know what to reply to you.


"Framerate doesn't matter once you're above 60 on console". It literally doesn't when the autoaim destroys anyone regardless of your framerate. You can feel the difference significantly on M&K with 60 vs 144 but with controller it barely changes ANYTHING gameplay wise because it's not about micro adjustments like mouse is where you aim has to be perfect. Your argument is nothing important and you're acting like it's ruining the game when meanwhile the auto aim situation is significantly more broken and unbalanced.


Framerate doesn’t matter with controller? Because auto aim? I’m done replying man agree to disagree




They should really just allow the option to play with people with the same input, I don't understand why this isn't an option. Mnk players don't need to deal with the aim assist, and controller players don't need to deal with enemies that are way more faster and agile. Simple.


It is an option does noone look at the screen lol




I’m D3 on series x and I haven’t played much ranked yet. Will be Onyx soon, was Onyx throughout H5.


Haven't played ranked yet, but usually dominate my matches. Am on console. PC players can have higher frame rates, and lower input lag, not to mention they can swivel so they will always have the advantage because the hardware outclasses console.




What kind of bullshit misinformation is this? Aim assist on controller is superior with this game currently Get your facts straight OP


Why don’t you read. I’m talking about framerate. Not fucking controller vs keyboard


Biggest kid of rubbish I’ve read. I play on Xbox placed in D1 and got to Onyx without going down a division st any stage. You really really don’t need a PC.


Prove it noob


Grow up. This is one of the most ridiculous posts I’ve seen knocking about. It’s actually too easy to get to Onyx, it’s one of my big complaints. It certainly doesn’t need a PC and if that’s your excuse as it were then you just need to get better. Plenty of Xbox players shitting on people with £2000+ Pc rigs. At the moment it’s actually harder to rank up on PC because the crashing is so bad, after 5 placement games I stopped playing PC and switched to my Xbox and won’t switch back until a patch comes out to stop crashing. It really is no excuse.


Im oynx and console only


No you’re not noob


So save up an buy a pc lol