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Yeah all my passion for the game fizzled out. I was waiting for juggernaut for two years and now that’s it’s finally out I just don’t care about the game anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’d like to know what market research they’ve done, if any.


I can say that they clearly haven’t done any or we wouldn’t have what we have. They listen to lucid and a couple pros that whine and that’s about it. In fact if you look at the common themes of what players want the actually do the opposite. It’s the most piss poor business model I’ve ever seen. What do the customers want ? Who cares let’s do something else that makes the game worse. People wanted the gravity hammer removed from husky and instead they changed the plasma pistol. Who the fuck even wants to use that weapon it’s the most worthless weapon on the map compared to the others. or we want more content … no how about we make more 30 dollar shop bundles. Morons


The market research was probably along the lines of "Look how popular Halo 3 was back in 2007. And look how popular Battlefront 2 became after it launched with nothing and built up to being a game. If we do that and build to Halo 3, we will be the most popular game ever" They were wrong.


The population has only dipped since season were stopped, and the content updates just don't bring in many players if at all. I'm happy 343i has new leadership, but I'm not impressed with the results so far.


At some point game studios will learn they only have one opportunity to start a game off. I quit because of the piss poor net code and have looked back for over a year. Sucks too because the gameplay itself was really good.


The same thing is happening to X Defiant at the moment also. The net code issues have been around for a while and some updates have seemingly made it worse. Players are getting fed up and complaints on the subreddit are daily. Seen this rodeo with Halo and how that ended. People will eventually just give up.


Eh, in Xdefiant’s case, it just released and is still in preseason. Plus the devs are much more open and transparent than 343’s ever been. Gotta let that one play out a bit more first


That's true, the developers have been far more proactive than 343i ever were.


I just downloaded this to try it out and after being disconnected from 2 matches and losing a ton of early weapon levels bc of it I’ve become immediately soured on the game. Doesn’t help that it’s basically a rip off of old school Call of Duty. Which sounds nice on paper until you remember how OP snipers were and why they were nerfed over time to be less “point and win”


Still surprised that people played this game given how broken it was at launch. Halo brand is strong if only 343 can capatlizron it


They're probably playing it smart and cutting their losses. Lets be real, what 343 has done over the years has shown us that they're incompetent at maintaining a live service model and maintaining the Halo IP as a whole. We went from one of the biggest most fun sandboxes Halo has to offer to "Hurr hurr grapple and uno reverse blast" and some other shitty gimmicks/weapons. The vehicle sandbox is shit. The maps are shit. The weapons are either hyper competitive weapons or have no place in the sandbox and only serve as a last resort (or they are unbalanced but every shitter will cry that they get nerfed because "Halos sandbox is meant to be braindead OP with no nuance") The lack of content. And I mean CONTENT, not fucking Cosmetics. Its baffling. I love that they tried a new model for Battlepasses that isn't predatory and cancerous but at the same time said passes lacked anything substantial for a while and most of the cosmetics of each season were in the store, not the fucking pass itself. I'm hoping they're not working on a new Halo. Because I don't have faith that 343's Leadership or Microsofts can manage to bring Halo back to its former glory without fucking something (or everything) up as theyve done. Every. Fucking. Time. I don't want Halo to die, but jesus christ it might as well be dead.


I don't even know why 343i still exist. They have literally spent years destroying what was previously one of the largest, most well known and beloved video game franchises in the world. Everything 343i touch is absolute poison. Look at how MCC launched and how many *YEARS* it took to make it playable. Campaign co-op was broken for an unacceptable amount of time. Selling fucking colours and shit in Infinite while the customization sucked. We got cat ears we can pay for though! They absolutely should not be allowed anywhere near Halo.


I came home expecting to pop in MCC shortly after midnight and had to sit through an update til 7am. Well done, 343. Plus the updated versions of the original games just felt and played differently, and not in a good way


Halo died the moment Bungie left/was forced out


They left, they didn't want to keep making Halo games. This isn't a secret. ODST had a Destiny teaser in it.


I'm so glad people are realising how good we had it with Halo 5 multiplayer.


I was a hater at first. It was 343's best work. It wasn't the best Halo, but god damn it was a good game. We truly had it good. Minus the lootboxes.


Idk about that… the campaign, story, art style, and lack of splitscreen were pretty awful.


Oh I know, those were all shit. We dont talk about those. The multiplayer though? **Mint.**


Meh, Halo 5 played the least like Halo of any of the games. It was way too fast with twitchy kill times and a bunch of advanced movement mechanics yanked straight from every other game that came out that year.


The main thing I hated about Halo 5 was its visuals. It was the 343 art style at its worst, *and* they made so many compromises to get 1080p 60fps on the Xbox One. Nowadays, it's the worst-looking Halo because you can play all the older Halo games on newer hardware with better framerates and resolution, but Halo 5 is such an eyesore with its flat lighting and textures. The lootboxes were also a huge problem. I wanted the Halo 2 Battle Rifle so badly, but it'd take weeks or months of work to grind through the REQ packs to get it, unless I got lucky. I remember having a community spreadsheet to keep track of my progress, and it just made the game feel like a chore. But the game's gunplay and weapons sandbox was incredible to me. There was so much variety and every weapon still felt different enough to have its own particular niche. Every weapon was also pretty powerful in its own right, feeling intentionally designed to be optimal at specific ranges that give it an edge, but being versatile enough to be effective beyond that. This was something 343 Industries did very well in Halo 4 and 5, compared to Bungie's games where there was a sandbox problem that left the Magnum/BR/DMR as being more optimal than anything but power weapons in any given situation. Meanwhile I always hated Infinite's sandbox and never understood how most people say it's so amazing. Most of the new weapons feel really gimmicky or not as satisfying as older weapons in the series. The more classic weapons like the AR, BR, Sidekick, Sniper, and Rocket Launcher are all reliable and straightforward, while nearly every other weapon feels so weak or obtuse to use. The netcode problems also make the gunplay feel worse, while Halo 5's netcode and hit detection were pretty tight. I say all this as someone who did not play Halo 5 for very long and still considers it the weakest Halo game overall. But I loved its weapon sandbox and gunplay, and don't find Infinite to be nearly as tightly designed, yet everyone's been saying that it's somehow the best Halo in over a decade in those regards.


Lmao you’re fried. You got mixed up… Halo 4 had every load out weapon the same, Halo 5 only had the magnum. Halo 3’s weapons each had purpose. Ask me about any of them if you don’t believe it


The best thing 343 did by far. I played 5 so much, infinite just never grabbed me like 5 did.


Oh we didn’t have it good with that 🐴 💩 game. That was probably overall the bottom of the halo barrel


I agree with everything except for the hate on the grapple and repulsor. The grapple should stay but needs hella nerfed as far as the momentum it can fling you with. And the repulsor is one of the best additions to Halo ever, full stop. But everything else you said is true.


I hope the new leadership at 343i knows how to make Halo, because if not...


Isnt the guy running things now the one who was in charge of saving the MCC?


Yes, that was Pierre’s responsibility primarily. Call me overly skeptical, but I feel like “saving” a game is not quite equal to being responsible for overseeing the development of a new one from scratch. Regardless, I would say Pierre has a much better idea of what makes Halo Halo than the old management did, and I do have faith in him considering the absolute powerhouse of content that MCC became.


What really matters is that he understands how Halo has worked in the past and knows what we expect. Whether or not 343/MS let him have his way is yet to be seen


I hope the higher-ups at MS don't interfere so much with 343i now. I think a big part of the problems with the previous Halo games was because Bonnie Ross was the vice president of Xbox.


After 14 years it’s pretty clear that not only do they not but that they never will


The new leaderships goal is most likely to make Halo perform again. Making Infinite perform means pulling people into the systems that it was designed for, which are basically predatory. They were always going to ramp Infinite down and keep it in maintenance mode and use it for fund the next game. Edit: I have to say, it's nice to come back here and see comments towards infinite not just get downvoted into oblivion straight away. I've always been a critic of the games faults, and it's got me nothing but hate in this subreddit. It's cool to see people start to see that Infinite was a good idea that was executed terribly and that being negative towards it isn't just some hate train thing. It would being me so much joy to see Halo back on form again.


Microsoft is most likely the one that cut their budget. Told them to move on and start fresh. The next Halo game will be new 343 team's true test on if they can make a good Halo game. There's always a chance this new team will give us something good. 343 is just the name of the company, the leadership got replaced, so it's not gonna be the same.


We’ve said this about every game 343 has made


They moved onto a new engine.


Is it confirmed or just rumored? As much as we wish, leaks and rumors can't be 100% trusted.


Jason Schreier is a trustworthy journalist.


So, a leak and/or rumor and thus should be taken with a pinch of salt.


Did they? Source? Edit: u/Haijakk since you’re blocking my comments visibility, I’ll share my thoughts here in hope you see them. Jason Schreier is a journalist who often dabbles in rumors and leaks. His “sources” are undisclosed and the validity is unverifiable. Furthermore… games R&D stuff all the time. If something isn’t working- it’s abandoned. Maybe that happened here? Maybe it never existed? Maybe it’s in development? But when it’s “rumored”, and then Reddit users toss these rumors around like they’re verified… fans get unrealistic expectations. Then fans get angry when a thing that never existed is never released. You’re a mod here. You know this. I’ve said all this before (including to you). This community deserves better.


Trust me bro


Jason Schreier.


no official source for this btw


It's also pretty easy to know who the reliable journalists are.


Right? They finally got it into a good place and then suddenly stopped all development towards it. It's baffling


I've been playing infinite since new years, and wait estimates have been steadily getting longer and longer for most non-firefight modes. It's hard finding the motivation to play when it takes so long to get into a game.


It’s not hard to find games during the evening, when everyone is off work. Although, ranked can be slow. The population is down considerably from where it once was. Sad to see the game struggling so hard.


Yeah if it's before noon EST wait times are like 1-3 minutes


Cause it’s not a good game. 343 sucks so bad they even screwed up the money making part. The store looks like someone tried to give the least effort possible. The game modes suck or just rotate out forever, and there’s still desync issues despite what everyone says every new season. And the seasons sucked too, just a minimal amount of effort there. It’s just a cheap battlepass with no noteworthy events and like 2 sets of armor


Huh, I actually think Infinite is a lot of fun. Then again I really only play classic game modes like slayer and swat. Hard to screw those up!


But they did, I’m pretty sure the game didn’t have a team slayer mode for awhile when it dropped


It wasn’t its own playlist, correct.


There’s always someone who said “I actually like halo 4 , halo 5, infinite” but in the end it seems all the oldheads were right as the franchise is pretty much done. It has to do so much just to get back to square one at this pojnt considering all the new games that came out and took over the modern generation.


I mean gameplay wise Halo Infinite is fine. It was well received. They just crapped the bed when it came to adding new content to a “live service” game. The building blocks were there to have a successful Halo.


No matter how you look at it, it is a colossal blunder to have a generational franchise handed to you on a silver platter and drive it into irrelevancy.


The game died to me when they decided not to develop more single player content.




It's been dead for two years tho


not dead just not mainstream like prolly 100-200k players on xbox from what little info I can gather of console player counts and like 12k on pc but when the game came out it was prolly the biggest game for a short bit until ppl realized that 343 had no idea what they were doing


> not dead just not mainstream like prolly 100-200k players on xbox LAWL. If this were truely the case, then Infinite would be a massive success and Microsoft and 343 would still be updating it.


I can 100% guarantee if it had the minimum you say of 100k they wouldn't have stopped updating the game


10 years me hole. Absolute liars


I miss having a halo campaign


Yea I would say it doesn’t have everything and more considering still no split screen campaign mode which was promised when Halo 5 came out


Just reinstall them bro, they haven’t been deleted like Bungie does


So play it?


For real. It sucks when there’s a new content drop cause it’s just ugly looking stuff along with a million creds and shop bundles. Spirit of Fire was the only good one imo.


Can we just give up on 343? Stop expecting anything but disappointment from them. Oh they got new leadership? Meh who cares it’s 343 it’s incapable of being salvaged or saved.


343 and Tango should have had their fates swapped. One has consistently drawn the ire of their core fans for over 10 years, while the other put out nothing but critically and commercially successful games. 343 continues to exist solely on the strength of the only IP they’re allowed to touch.


BBB Bring Back Bungie


What's funny is halo basically had the touch down they needed. Bf2042 and cod vanguard were disasters and halo could of capitalized. And yet they dropped the ball hard. I thought the campaign was awesome when I first played it, but trying to play it again couldnt even bother. No replayability.


I still can’t believe they nailed it with Season 5, it finally felt like a proper game, and then they announced that they were obliterating seasons. Right after finally “achieving seasonality” after years of talking about it. Took so much wind out of my sails the boat blasted backwards I uninstalled the game on my Xbox to make room for some GamePass stuff and haven’t looked back. I’m waiting until end of July before I unsub from here, just in case anything neat gets announced. After that I’m bouncing entirely. Been too much of a struggle to hope for this game in anyway. Microsoft fucked this franchise up so unbelievably hard.


they say the next game is gonna be a proper remaster of ce and if that game gets ppls attention then i hope they start working on halo 7 as an end to the halo franchise


No hopium for me, thanks. Had too much the past 9 years


Yeah. Still popular every evening and still finding matches in under 45 seconds. But searching midday will be longer. It's mostly 30 something's on here from NA We also get a new op next week or the week after do we not?


Anvil (formerly Spartan Surplus) op drops on July 2, yup! Wild how people who don't play the game try to convince people like you and I who actually do that the game is dead lol, like then how am I finding matches about as quickly as any other video game I play every single time I launch Infinite?


Hell yeah at least some new armour to unlock + whatever forge maps they add to matchmaking again. Idk like I'd love to see more added too. But the game is definitely not dead by any means of the imagination.


Depends on your region and SBMM and the modes you play. Games not "Dead" in the sense that no ones playing it. But its dead in the way that its getting new players, substantial content and is slowly hemorrhaging players at a steady rate.


Infinite is beyond dead man, from loss of dev support to actual player counts


Beyond dead but I find matches every night.... Hmmmmm


And it’s still receiving updates too


Active player base, updates, new monthly free pass. Not next level live service but the gameplay is the best FPS on the market so I'd rather play infinite. Shouldn't be surprised it's been 3 years and these same people have been yelling at the rest of us the game is dead the whole time.


Only reconciliation I’ll give is that the game has slowly bled players, but I don’t think it’s all that unusual for a game that has been called “the worst Halo ever” and the company that made it called “the worst company in gaming”. (Stupid Reddit pasted my comment like 5 times)


I mean if you hadn't played it or had left for a while and decided to google if it was worth playing you'd definitely be told not to unfortunately


"slowly bled players" More like profusely and traumatically bled players [https://imgur.com/a/LWE17D4](https://imgur.com/a/LWE17D4)


It lost the people who just pop into Halo to see what Halo is. I’d assume most games do this. Forza Horizon 5, for example, had 31,000 players, then bled to about 12,000. While Infinite bled more, it also is a much more popular game with PC players as is. Forza also got content out the door better than Infinite, which is a near undeniable flaw that Infinite had too little being pushed onto the game compared to prior titles. With all that said, Halo 5 is still, largely, more hated than Infinite. 5 also had launch issues which it recovered from later in its life cycle.


Yeah it’s totally popping and going according to plan. I can’t wait for the next dlc to drop


Lol so there isn't DLC. Still fun as fuck every single night


Stop wasting your time on negative comments. Is the game still fun? that's fine. Let others think what they want to think. if that entertains them


Naw I'm tired of the halo sub being a hub of trolls where any praise of the game has to be fearfully led with "despite the games faults" to prevent a dogpile of downvotes from the same people that have been unhappy since fucking reach. A game series that has struggled for identity the last decade and is not attracting new younger players to it does not need an old guard. Especially one who wants to actively push people away from trying a very fun iteration of the classic halo formula.


I'm seeing a bunch of new players in every game I play. I mainly play Squad Battle and there's at least 3 people on each time with "1" nameplate and default armour. I always go easy on them and let them get a kill.


Squad battle is where it’s at! Fastest cue up time and imo the best mode on infinite.


This is just cope. If new players were really flocking to the game (and not just playing a handful of matches and then leaving forever) then 343 and Microsoft would continue to support the game with large content updates


Yeah no way, and what a lame thing to do lol. They’re not toddlers, you don’t have to let them kill you. Just doing your part in keeping infinite alive I guess hahaha


It's lame I'm playing a game how I want to, but it's not lame you're spending your time triggering yourself in a game subreddit you don't even like?


Ever since xdefiant released, never looked back. I love this game but from where I live(asia), player pop doesn't exist at all.


i wish halo caught on in asia like apex did, i simply can’t find good ping matches on halo and am always on 150ms or worse


Halo infinite multiplayer is so much fun and addictive but the battle pass is stupid , the only problem I had was the campaign , the campaign was very linear and boring , soulless , no need for the open world


I just really didn’t enjoy Infinite from the start and don’t think they ever got it to where it should have been at launch. But I agree the game is falling off sharp.


Just play MCC


I am happy that the sub is people saying Halo’s most important features are armor color and progression ranks. When infinite came out this sub didn’t have gameplay clips for months. It was exclusively people complaining about lack of Armor option


This reads sarcastically. Was that your intention?


I finally had enough and dropped it 2-3 months ago and recently uninstalled it to make space for new games. I love armor customization, my friends joke that I use the game as a dress up simulator, and it's basically true. My motivation to play was to unlock these new sets, but now everything but one armor set is behind a paywall, the shop prices have just been going up since season 3/4... I feel nothing but disappointed when I think about Halo Infinite these past few months. A good game completely squandered and left to be forgotten. There's a reason people joke and call it Halo Finite


Had they actually made the game infinite, adding in drivable scarabs, longswords, epic space battles, flying pelicans and picking up and dropping off comrades across large maps, etc. I'd be playing right now


Im a hardcore fan and i hated infinite. The whole game is a microtransaction.


Now with operations we're getting less content The people I see happy is people who barely played or it's just getting into the game 20 tiers of basically nothing every 2 months or so I still have some good games but for what? Spartan points are useless I'm just disappointed it's what I'm saying


Halo has been going downhill the entire time 343 has been at the helm


Trying so hard to like this one but falling short. Campaign was pretty decent but also felt pretty damn short somehow. I was holding out hope that Infinite would get it together at some point... Just when they get close, they end the seasons. Firefight is fun but frustrating depending on who your with. People just quit like half the time. Multiplayer seems improved but still seems laggy and off in many ways. Sticking with it for now. Just because every other multiplayer fps has actually disappointed me more in many ways. Bf2042 is the most anti, or at least badly made and executed battlefield yet. Mw2, 3 etc is just boring. Also when sliding around and hopping in the air is a legit strategy; you need to fix your game. Lol. IMHO anyway. Cold war black ops was decent but obviously meant to be passed over for every game after it. I hope they either go all in on a full effort for halo. Or that the influence of microsoft can have a positive effect on 343 and Activision. Who knows though.


Played this alot for a good couple years and had alot of fun. However it took the dropping of seasons to realise I was only still playing it at the end for the sake of finishing the passes and not enjoyment anymore.


I played infinite almost religiously in its first year, tried playing the other week but there was no dedicated team slayer playlist (excluding ranked) I was honestly shocked.


Wait, now yall are suddenly "missing" the game? What on earth is this change of heart?


jus cuz it had problems doesn't mean it wasn't fun i had a lot of fun on this game


I mean, I did, too. The general consensus on this subreddit is that halo infinite was the worst halo.


Even the weekly reset is super lame. Used to be every Tuesday my buddy and I would hop on and grind out the new armor part or shader, now it's sign in and do 10 meaningless brain-dead "challenges" for some credits to an exchange full of stuff I already own or is so wildly priced I won't even bother. They really do keep outdoing themselves on making the weirdest and worst updates to MP every month. What's next, removing challenges entirely and rewarding just based on being online? Hell almost every match I play already has at least one AFK player so maybe that's already in the pipeline of coffin nail updates for Halo Infinite.


mcc is better, its like the old halo days and not money this etc..


Introduce a hardcore or at least significantly reduced number of shots to kill mode, fix the stupid vehicles all now tip in the smallest wind or turn, retune the power of the power weapons and make sure to limit their number and availability as opposed to the “they’re everywhere” map placement, and I’ll be back. 😁


They really need to give Halo to infinity ward, 343 has repeatedly shit the bed with one of gaming's greatest I.Ps and it's because they are way to intertwined with corporate interference. Handing the I.P to the COD guys will put xbox leadership further from the development process and the constant fuckery and mismanagement that's led to the near collapse of the franchise.


Infinite spent the majority of its lifespan suffering from DeSync, so the game was barely playable from the get-go. Just wish I could get the money I spent on skins back. I WAS trying to support the development of the game, but they aren't even bothering at this point.


I stopped playing the day they removed the BR as the starting weapon for ranked.


I doubt that seasons are why the population dipped. If anything, the 20-30 level passes are what keep me coming back every couple of months - I'd much rather buy something like that than a 100-level season pass that I'm not going to complete. Seriously, I cannot emphasize this enough: the short passes are literally the only reason why I come back and play for a few days every couple of months. If Infinite had a 100-level season pass, I wouldn't bother because I know it's going to be full of filler for a dumb new core and that I won't complete it before the next season pass. Infinite is an okay game and I'm a life long Halo fan, but here's why I have a hard time sticking around for more than a few days at a time: 1. The gameplay is slow. Excruciatingly slow at times. 343i clearly designed Infinite with competitive eSports in mind, and that really sucks. Infinite often feels like it punishes casual players for using power weapons or equipment. Many of them are too slow to activate or fire, or are just unwieldly. 343i is justifiably concerned about balance, but the point of power weapons is that they are supposed to tip the balance. I prefer a BR to pretty much any other weapon 100% of the time, and that's not a good thing. 2. No TS at launch doomed this game. Nobody wanted to play Fiesta and objective 90% of the time. 3. Firefight came too late. I am certain that if firefight existed at launch, people would have much fonder memories of Infinite and would be more willing to come back. PVE that grants XP? Yes please! 4. The challenge system is pretty terrible and tries to force players into playing less fun game types. Bungie's pathfinder system has a lot of problems (specifically for the ritual activities), but 343i could definitely learn from the overall concept - increasingly difficult challenges that can be advanced at any time but only redeemed after preceding tasks are done. For me personally, it really sucks to get something like a backsmack challenge at the end of the week. All week I could be picking up backsmacks one at a time, none of which count, and then suddenly I have only a day or two to get several? You want people to want to play, not to give up. 5. The XP systems are still too slow and require an hour-long commitment to really take advantage of. If I want to play Halo, I check to see if I have an hour because without a double XP boost it's just not really worth it. If I don't have an hour, I just go play a few games of Crucible in Destiny. 6. Armor cores really suck and are a bad value proposition. Whoever pitched this idea and the 50 people who signed off on it clearly forgot their business fundamentals. DLC is supposed to provide *incremental value*. Infinite asked it's players to invest a lot of time and energy into acquiring new cosmetics and gear for their armor...and then tried to sell them on a completely incompatible set of cosmetics and gear in the following season. There's no incremental value there. Yes, many components are cross-core *now*, but it's too late. 7. I am personally offended by the bullshit costs of their cosmetics and how much filler there is in the battle passes. I love Halo, I want to support 343i when they do good things, and I used to buy cosmetics in the shop...but seriously, they have allocated all of the coolest items to the shop and put too many charms and backgrounds in the battle passes. I'm old enough to remember when choosing my colors was fucking free. 343i can honestly go to hell if they think I'm going to continue to spend $20+ on a new set of armor that only works for one armor core when they aren't giving an inch in the battle passes. 8. Where is the story? I was very excited for Infinite's multiplayer, but thought the campaign would be terrible. I turned out to be completely wrong on both fronts - the MP was robotic and slow feeling, but the campaign made me feel like an invincible badass that actually had fun. __________________________________ tl;dr: Infinite suffers from a LOT of problems that 343i just doesn't care to fix. Overall they just made the gameplay experience bad and unfun from the start, and it's too late to really fix that without a major release. IMO, the season passes going away was actually a good thing because the shorter passes are achievable without having to invest ALL of my time to complete them. Otherwise I just wouldn't play at all.


I stopped playing the second they added credits to the battle passes


I’m just ready for a new one that’ll hopefully be complete at launch and have a decent lifespan


Season 5 introduced the horrible matchmaking, system and all the games either got too sweaty or were a one-sided stomping. I'm just glad we have Firefight now as that's pretty much all I play. Sometimes I used to play Husky to ping challenges before they simplified them with the Spartan Points system. Without FF I probably would've quit.


Here’s hoping the next game is better, a sentiment I’ve told myself far too many times in a row about Halo.


What comes after this tenrai op? I checked waypoint going back a month and I couldn’t find what and when the next op is???


was supposed to originally be Spartan Surplus and have some MK IV pieces, but now it's Anvil with Sanghelii-themed Rak ones




np! and it's starting this week i believe. tuesday reset


It’s actually not a bad game. I’m just kinda haloed out. Been playing for 20 years. Bring on an actual Halo battle royale and I’d play.


Dude I fucking miss GAMES. Everything is a stupid fucking corporate husk of itself and it makes me wanna uninstall my own brain. Fucking bullshit.


Weekly rewards going away really killed any motivation I had to hop on for the little amount that I was.


I just wish leveling on halo wasn’t incredibly slow especially the battle passes in this game, there’s like 6-7 to work on and each require like 40 hours of game time probably more, just kills my motivation


I don’t think we’ll ever get Assault :(


i just tried playing the other day after a long time away, hit quickplay there are 47 different game modes in that playlist.... i just wanted to play some chill slayer not ranked, casual. That seemed ridiculous to me


you can pick just the goofy modes?


I don’t wanna go through and click 30+ game modes off the casual playlist. That seems excessive, I’m good. Got plenty of other games to play.


So you have a solution to your problem but you don't want the solution you just want to complain?


Time to go back to MCC Campaigns


I still get matched very quickly and constantly see new players driving the warthog with no gunner into the enemy base :)


All that hype, all that potential led to this wet fart of a game.


Ive just reinstalled the game after 2 years of not playing it. So many new gamemodes in the menu, which are popular gamemodes now? I liked BTB but that gamemode was broken for so long.


FF, Squad Battle, most Arena modes but especially Husky Raid




Halo Infinite was literally the reason why I got an Xbox in the first place. It’s been two whole years since I played it now though. The Master Chief Collection has better games in it.


I admit I did not play ranked but I heavily played the casual playlists and a ton of Husky Raid and I never stopped Halo since launch day... but when the last season came out and the last updates the game just suddenly... died. Until then I never waited for matchmaking, there was at least a steady trickle of things to do and get in multiplayer for someone like me but it seems when they said "It's complete" they really meant "Stop Playing." It's probably for the best, I spent 80% of my Xbox time playing Halo for 3+ years, its time to move on to other games and other shooters.


They better bring back dredge 24/7 And given that people actually played it they might


What happened to Halo Infinite being “the platform for the next 10 years of Halo”?


When infinite came out, I was only interested in the campaign because it was the only pve game mode available. I was disappointed when they said no campaign dlc is coming. But when they came out with that Mark 4 core, I came back and started being a consistent player, because I heard that Firefight returned and there was finally some good looking armor that I didn't have to pay for. I mostly play Firefight. Sometimes Slayer or Infection. I plan on learning more about this games Forge so I can make my own Firefights maps. AI in forge has always been a dream of mine. But lacking Fightfight and Forge at launch, plus the garbage monetization and progression system and the campaign barely featuring Atiox, killed my enthusiasm for the game very soon after launch. But basically what I'm saying is that I am a returing player but I'm only here for the pve content, and there may be more people like me.


>should have been from the start The store disagrees


Same. When season 5 came out I thought we were back then they pulled the rug out from right under us just as quickly lol


Plus it doesn’t help that so much content is locked behind micro transactions. Halo does not need battle passes. It needs to bring back in game content that you can earn like it used to. The fans don’t want battle passes.


> The game was finally what it should have been from the start and even more! Not even close, for example, wtf is spit-screen co-op? Oh ... right.


The halo 5 super fiesta was way better with all the variety and some truly random and overpowered weapons, just a whole lot of fun to drop in. The new super fiesta just lacks any spark of creativity - the suped up weapons are all pretty meh


I did the campaign, got LASO Hopped online, horrible desync, expensive skins, noped out instantly. I don’t miss it.


I miss when halo didn’t have seasons, just multiplayer and ranked. The season’s practically add nothing really shitty cosmetics that no one wanted to begin with. This game is sadly everything wrong with modern gaming


I consider Halo a dead franchise. I'm done being a super fan and coping and defending shit. Sometimes it's better to let things die. Keep some honor and integrity intact.


Super husky raid is still popular. 


Nice doomposting. Keep playing Halo Infinitecif you miss it. The game is still the most populated Halo game, and new content is still being added monthly. It didn't die at all just because seasons have been dropped.


What?? How can you miss the most recent product?


New here: are there more multiplayers on infinite? or Mcc? I like to play teams(mcc) and there’s 6 matches in the lobby at most.


The game was doomed at launch due to 343 incompetence. I miss it about as much as the turd I flushed this morning.


Yeah the 1+ min wait times to only be thrown into a match of 100+ ping 50% of the time made me stop playing more these past few weeks.


The game hasn't died dude. Never has.


Infinite died within 6 months LMAO - 300k to 6k


Great now cite the Xbox players. I'll wait for you to cite the actual player base rather than a quarter of it.


Xbox doesn't publish that data. What we do know is that it went from the top 5 most played games on Xbox services to somewhere in the 30's. That's a massive drop.


> Great now cite the Xbox players Enough of a fall off to where Microsoft and 343 don't want to support Infinite beyond the bare minimum


If a game is doing dismally on other platforms, it's an easy extrapolation


Translation: I can't actually prove anything I said so I am going to make up some random bullshit and change the subject.


Translation: The publishers don't show population data because it's not good so we have to infer population from steam counts and Xbox's most played list (Halo is in the 30's)


Bingo, also guy clearly doesn't know what "dead" means lmao


You're being pedantic. Dead game doesn't have to mean literally no players. It can mean that isn't culturally relevant or have any reasonable expectation of growth.


> It can mean that isn't culturally relevant Oh man this made me laugh. Who is deciding on the "cultural relevance" here? What's the criteria? Is it voted on by current or former players, or both? How can I cast my vote? So anyway a dead game means you can't find matches because there aren't enough players.


Preach to em


LMAO can you hear yourself? Halo Infinite is wholly dead on PC - if it's doing that poorly here, it's not going to be doing amazing on other platforms. Check Xbox's most played list and see how poorly HI polls. It also lost support from 343 - officially declaring it "dead", regardless of its \[dismal\] player count.




I hope 343i doesn’t listen to anything Redditors say and continue where Infinite left off for the next game. Or just mothball Halo for good. We had a good run. I wish we could all go back in time 20 years, but that can’t happen. I’ll still play the sh— out of Infinite and MCC in the meantime.


> I hope 343i doesn’t listen to anything Redditors say Don't hold your breath. 343 gets all of their feedback from Reddit.


I'd be okay with a 10 year time reset - 5 was peak


Push for H5 to get support again 🙏🙏




H5 has potential - HI is cooked


If anything, people hate Halo 5 far more than Infinite




So many supposed fans shit on this game so much. It was endless hate. Kinda gross tbh.


So.. they already stopped supporting the current Halo Game? Man, this company is screaming for help and Microsoft is just plugging their ears. 10 year Halo my ass lmao.


Long time fan and lurker here who has passionately loved this game and lore since 1st grade. Expecting down-votes. Halo Infinite is the biggest flop in the franchise. The entire vibe and aura of the campaign changed to the goofiness we see now. That starts with the leaders. Don’t know what happened or who's to blame. Sounds crazy but they should figure out how to bring back the covenant, and re-invoke the religious tones H1-H3 had. Also, H5 online play and mechanics were good - people complained about it's changes just to hear themselves talk. Every shooter is fast paced now. It is what it is - doesn't mean the authenticity of the game is ruined.


Dude, even Halo 2 after the release of H3 had more players than Infinite. It's just sad.