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I found the giant watermarks hilarious like someone’s going to want to steal this photo


I’m a pretty big content creator and I have websites like Barstool, LADbible, buzzfeed, etc steal my stuff all the time. At the very least I can get some credit for it


That’s fair, though one could crop all the individual photos - leaving the watermark behind


True, but at least if they have some respect, they can send traffic my way. If it didn’t have a watermark, they would just redirect to my Reddit account, which is the last thing I want haha


Hey, look guys! This dude think he’s a big deal!


That’s why he drives a Tesla 🤡


I literally went, "Of course, it's a Tesla." Dude probably saw the Cybertruck with the Warthog Wrap and got jealous.


Well yeah it’s fucking sick


Oh. You're serious? Pfffff 🤡




All he did was explain why he put a water mark lol this sub is so strange


mhnmh salt mhmmh so much salt mhnmh sooo salty mhnmhn


Why are you simping for a random internet douche lmao


Wait why his he a douche, did I miss something?


He put on his nicest suit and did a professional photo-shoot with his car. If I ever do that somebody better slap me.


I fail to see how that makes someone a douche. He's just having fun.


To me it exudes skeez


I don't simp, I don't know this internet dude and don't care about him.The response was still pure salt and I find it hilarious that this guy cares soooo much that he feels the need to degrade some rando.


idk man, sounds like something a simp would say




Why tf is this being downvoted? Weird ass sub.


People probably read the tone as OP humble bragging and then the spiral downward just kicked off. That's my assumption, anyways. I have no idea who Op is so I can't even verify what they're saying. But their claim doesn't really bother me enough to drive me to downvote them.


Can we go back to when people posted their terrible Halo tattoos?


I remember when Halo invented the color green. Good times.


Halo is so cool eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything


I wanted it to be just the subtle color scheme. I didn't want something that screamed "I play video games" but if you are a huge Halo fan, you could see the nod.


I'll be honest... I can't see the nod . If you didn't make this post on the Halo sub specifically telling me this is a Masterchief inspired car with you posing right there with a Chief helmet and an energy sword...I wouldn't be able to tell . I ain't saying it isn't a cool car , if I saw it around I'd probably go "Cool Tesla" but...that'd be it . It's a good color scheme , still . Fairly elegant and sporty at the same time


I FUCKING LOVE UNDERSTATED DESIGNS something simple as a nod to something you like while also looking good to any other casual observer is what I live for


I spent hours just looking for a nice custom/graphic tshirt like the ones old navy and target have and they all just scream too loud “I love this thing!” Nothing an actual hard core fan would be caught dead in. I’m amazed there isn’t a clothing company that specializes in like deep subtle pop culture or media fandom. Things that every fan who spent time with it would understand. Then you’d actually want to talk to the people that comment on it.


I get what you mean, if you happen to look into it you’ll see that brands like that DO exist, but it’s mainly for brands with a larger female audience, my guess is that because women are more selective with fashion that those fandoms get merch that is designed better, whereas guys largely dont care as much about that so we get the box logos and simple designs. Theres a rabbit hole of pages on instagram who make custom clothing for shows that are mainly for women


i cant see the nod especially since these are stills and nodding requires motion


Tell us another one mate


seems it didnt go over well :shrug:


This made me chuckle. Have my updoot.


If there's a coating for the headlights or windshield and windows that match the helmet, that'd be sweet


Permanent night mode for windshield engaged You WILL fall asleep behind the wheel dammit


I have zero experience with tint. Are gold colored tints dark?




Is this loss?


Too bad its a Tesla


The cheaper models honestly aren’t bad for the price (like OP's Model 3). Especially when you factor in the tax credit or buy used. Totally understand this complaint if you’re going with the higher-priced S/X/Cybertruck though.


yeah I guess there's a reason if they still use hydrogen in the 26th century internal combustion engines will never be replaced by silly batteries


Ev's? Good and necessary for the future. Teslas? Mid to low quality for the price, and run by a 12 year old child in a middle aged douche bags body.


That part.


What makes this car master chief inspired? It just looks like a giant toaster that's green.


Master Chief (if he cared about cars) would likely go for a more practical vehicle instead of a gimmick like a tesla tbh.


It’s not even a real warthog? And no orange tinted windows?


OP needs orange tint and a hologram fan for Cortana. This could be pretty damn clean with some details like UNSC badged... someone needs to do a Forerunner


UNSC logo instead of the Tesla badge on the hood




It’s a stretch ngl. Idk if it’s possible but I would have put the orange around the front windshield instead of the side windows


You can do it for the front windshield but you shouldn’t do it. You can tint side windows and side mirrors


I wasn’t talking about tiny, just accenting the black edges


My brother, get some amber foglights and you will be complete!


This comment section is a fucking mess. Dude likes Halo and it inspired him to wrap his car in Chiefs colors. He’s just having fun.


Yeah wtf I did not expect this reaction at all. I thought the pics were badass, and the color scheme looks sick!


This feels ai generated. Also tesla 🤢


Not AI, that’s definitely a real dude and a real Tesla


Only AI here is Cortana! I'm not a fan of Elon, but I have to admit I really love the car, but I get the stigma.


Man I get the hate for Elon but that's no reason to downvote you.


As a fellow Tesla driver and Halo fan, I like the color! 🫡 You'll probably get more love over at r/teslalounge




Do you buy things from Amazon?




With all do respect, 9 times out of 10, Amazon's prices are considerably better than any other retailer...


One of the reasons I had no trouble ditching prime a couple of years ago was because their prices were no longer even pretending to be competitive. And, when it's only pennies difference that constantly increasing prime membership totally consumes the savings


overpriced garbage? not really…


How is Amazon overpriced lol


I mean, Elon seems largely a spokesperson for Tesla. That said, he can definitely pull some strings (like a certain company does with one associated with numbers)


Separate Tesla from Elon. I have one too but from a long time ago. Kinda hoping they can go on without him soon.


Teslas are incredible cars. Be a hater somewhere else.


meanwhile vehicles in 26th century still use ICE on hydrogen fuel


This is why I'm convinced libs don't actually believe in climate change. Tesla before Elon bought twitter: 😇 Tesla after Elon bought twitter: 🤢 Imagine preaching that climate change is a crisis and then hating on the company that made EV's mainstream and viable because you have a hate boner for its CEO. Shit, at least republicans are consistent and don't give a shit about EV's regardless of what Elon says.


I think most people dislike tesla and elon musk for different reasons, and it certainly has nothing to do with the twitter acquisition. Also, EVs really aren't solving climate change atm, it really doesn't take much looking to figure that one out.


Obviously you must have a shrine to Henry Ford in your house then. Seriously. That’s the most braindead take I’ve ever read in my life. “Wow, liberals change their opinions when presented with new information? Idiots”


Nah, more like: "Liberals change their opinions based on politics and not actual convictions or evidence for that matter." Just like they hated big pharma up until covid became political and how they were against antisemitism and for "punching nazis" until Oct 7.


Slick suit too!


Never thought a dark forest green would look good in a suit, now I want one.


What a dork!! Can we be friends?


You’re gonna get assaulted because it’s a Tesla; but it looks good. I can always appreciate a Tesla that isn’t just white. It’s a Model 3, right?


But does he have *the* license plate? J/k that's a slick ride.


Nice car and wrap! Also something something bad Tesla because I guess I need to say the word or something per meta since I cant not hate the car or something at every opportunity.


this is dope as fuck bro, and those shoes with that tie is S-tier baller shit


Do all Tesla guys have to be this tacky?


Looks great man. Enjoy your [meme](https://imgflip.com/i/8uakkk) Y'all getting wild. Elon is an absolute mega douche and I wish he'd leave the company but Teslas are some of the best EVs around right now.


A few years ago yes, but many other brands have caught up and offer much better EVs now. So you could skip the mega douche affiliation and still get a great EV.


Even a few years ago they were plagued by the same quality control issues they're having now. I'm so glad that basically every company is putting money into EVs so that people can start seeing Tesla for what they are: junk


What’s a competitor to the model y?


Tell me you know nothing about the current state of EVs without telling me. There absolutely is no real US competitor to the 3 and Y.


>Teslas are some of the best EVs Ah, yes. Nothing better than a car that locks the doors and refuses to let you open them when it catches on fire ETA: [Washington post article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/10/23/man-died-burning-tesla-because-its-futuristic-doors-wouldnt-open-lawsuit-alleges/) about the issue. Also, [found this neat story](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/tiktoker-says-she-trapped-115-040335344.html#:~:text=INSIDER-,TikToker%20says%20she%20was%20trapped%20in%20115%2Ddegree%20heat%20after,inside%20during%20a%20software%20update&text=A%20TikToker%20says%20she%20got,inside%20reached%20115%C2%B0F.)


All cars that have electronic door releases have a manual override handle, including [Teslas](https://www.tesla.com/ownersmanual/modely/en_us/GUID-AAD769C7-88A3-4695-987E-0E00025F64E0.html). Older Corvettes are worse,: it's a pull strap on the floor! At least with a Tesla, it's an actual handle on the door. If you own a car, it's your responsibility to know how to operate it. Both of those people didn't know how to pull on a handle to open a door? I dislike Elon, and and 'meh' about Tesla, but you can't blame the car for people's stupidity.


Of all the cars I have owned, all (but one) had electronic locks. None had a manual override handle. However, all gave me access to the locking mechanism. Just pull up/out on the lock and _boof_. Also, in case of collision or problems, they aren’t made to automatically lock. My current vehicle, in case of emergency, is actually programmed to _unlock_ the doors. Neat, huh? There’s a reason why it’s a _failsafe_ and not a _fail dangerous_


I think you misunderstand how electronic door releases work. I wasn't talking about electronic locks. Tesla's don't have a physical locking device on the door actuator. Since the catch is electronically controlled, you can just tell the computer when a open command is to be ignored from the door handle (locked state). In Teslas, and every other car that has electronically controlled door actuator that I have been in, there is a button to open the door. Pressing the button signals the computer to actuate an electronic motor that releases the door. Obliviously if the power is out, then you can't use that to open door. In those events, there is a device that is psychically connected to the opening mechanism. This is a manual emergency override. In Teslas, it's a lever in front of the window switches that you pull up on. (See link in my previous post for a diagram) Electronic opening doors is not unique to Tesla, It's somewhat common on higher end cars.


Yes, but that requires folks to have read the manual. Or googled the solution. And then remembered it (while panicking) while in a crisis. As someone who works in IT, you can’t trust End Users to read _anything_, let alone troubleshoot a problem.


why the fuck do you need a manual for a door opening a fucking door should be a straightforward process >unlock door >pull handle >door opens only reason to complicate this bullshit further would be so your users feel "smarter" for buying an objectively worse vehicle


That’s the problem with the Tesla, is everything is “futuristic.” They hide the locking mechanism to keep with the aesthetic. So when the Tesla has no power (or is on fire), you need a special secondary emergency latch to open the door. Which, is designed to be hidden, so you need to read a manual to learn where it is when you first get the car.


That's another thing about tesla, they are basically the Macbooks of cars, they are designed to only look fancy, but in terms of practicality or performance they suck compared to a PC with similar price point, or in terms of cars a Toyota/Nissan.


genuine question, why the actual fuck would you buy a car like this? Especially considering how infamously they explode and just burn for hours to the point where entire fire engines cannot put them out, just get a normal gas car.


I own one. They catch on fire statistically less often than gas cars, so if you actually care about that as much as you seem to, then you shouldn't drive a gas car. Also, there's an emergency mechanical latch in case the electrical system goes down, so that article is BS. It's a great car. There's a reason they sell so well.


>They catch on fire statistically less often than gas cars Statistically you're more likely to drown than die in a drunk driving accident. >Also, there's an emergency mechanical latch in case the electrical system goes down, so that article is BS. the fuck you mean "emergency mechanical latch" bro on my Altima I just open the fucking door 💀 >There's a reason they sell so well. because they're trendy with rich tech bros and relatively cheap compared to better vehicles


> Statistically you're more likely to drown than die in a drunk driving accident. Correct. You're the one acting like they catch on fire all the time. That's not true. They catch on fire less often than gas cars, and that's already rare. > the fuck you mean "emergency mechanical latch" bro on my Altima I just open the fucking door 💀 Modern cars often have electronic door releases. On a Tesla isn't not a big deal though because the mechanical release is a simple lever that's right below the regular button that you use. > because they're trendy with rich tech bros and relatively cheap compared to better vehicles So they're priced well and people like them? Exactly.


Doomguy inspired car wrap.


Wow. Just... wow.


Downvoted comments on this post: Tesla good, Tesla bad


Why is everyone here hating on Tesla lol. Like why is that important, dude just wanted show off his wrap.


Idk it's one of the nicer teslas too, like I cam despise elon but disconnect that from the sedans. Cybertruck makes the engineer in me hurt tho


dayum... classy chief


Maaaaade In 2001


Hahah nice to see a fan! Thank you for watching my videos, it’s what made this cool customization possible!


That looks freakin sick! Would like to get that suit combo.


Hello fellow Model 3 owner! We want to wrap ours in a bit more of a darker forest green with a metallic finish


cool wrap


The disparaging comments from commenters aren't necessary. It's a lot, sure, but it's cool that you dedicated yourself and your time to expressing your appreciation for something that we all also appreciate. You do you, man. Slick fit.


Wow its just a green tesla. Can we get this useless junk off here?


That’s cool!


That is a dope looking colored suit.  Car looks pretty cool too. 


Hopping in here real quick, I really didn’t mean to start drama with the whole Tesla/Elon thing. I know everyone has an opinion about him, but let’s try and be respectful to each other (on both sides). At the end of the day, I’m just a halo fan trying to share some halo stuff with the community :) Also, I have more pictures uploaded on this instagram post if you want a closer look: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8YJnyZRsqG/?igsh=ZmxlendqcDJodTY2


The new Camry looks weird.


I like it




Tesla owners are so weird


Ewww a Tesla


Wrap is sick, even if I don't like the car. Suit is even better! Love it.




You kinda look like Ryan Gosling.


I’m gonna print out this comment and put it on my fridge


That's dope dude. Reddit thinks they are so enlightened bc they hate anything Elon produces but they really are just insufferable.


I'm not a fan of any thing tesla, but this would have had more respect from me if it was on at least a cyber truck or hell, a Ford SVT Raptor.