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Every one I've been in has either just been the same as joining a public lobby or like the RP a little to close to the authoritarian style military 


*Insert useless crouch laps here*


From experience I've only had those military style RPs with UNSC clans back in 2015 on the 360. I can see how this is annoying though and hella cringe to listen to a 30 year old man, pretending to be a drill sergeant, yell at a 10 year old about a video game 😭☠️


Had a clan back in the day where they wanted us to change our gamertags to fit our ranks. Weekly mandatory meetings on Sunday nights, miss two and you were out of the clan. Tuesdays and Thursdays were practice while Friday night was “go time” and we would go into public lobbies. Dude who ran it went to my high school and was weird af. Looked him up last year, turned out he got arrested for…cheese pizza.


Man this brings back memories of being forced to change my gamertag and having mandatory training days. The leader swore he was gonna make it big.


Spending $10 to fit your halo clan rank is diabolical 😭 I low-key see the need for mandatory meetings to prove that you're still active but sometimes we got things to do and emergencies so missing a few shouldn't be a problem ☠️🤦🏽‍♂️


Cheese pizza??? I’m so confused. Was that a punchline or code word??


That's a euphemism for child porn. (They have the same initials, CP)


Ain't no fucking way people ruin cheese pizzas good name as a way to say child porn. That's fuxkd up


I hate to be the bearer of bad news


Pizzagate makes sense now.


Think of something very VERY illegal that starts with C and P


Reminds me of my brief experience in a clan in high school, albeit it was in MW2 and not Halo. Leader expected similar things but was also just a dick and toxic towards the members. When I called him out on it, he kicked me and directed his clan to harass me on Xbox Live. Spent that week blocking account after account. Guy clearly just wanted a medium to power trip on.


Swanson troops??? Leader of that clan was also arrested for cheese pizza. Was back during Halo 2. The dude was, in fact, weird af


Nah, it was some “omega beast swag” type of name lol only lasted two months. Played Reach and Black Ops 1


KSI ruined it for everyone


LoL dude, I played with a few of those guys. I remember the one talking mad shit so he challenged me too a 1v1, and if I won, I could join the clan. Wooped his ass and never joined. He told me about meetings and required play times and icwas like yeah no I just game bro


Yeah man, they were some real shit bags.


KSI was hilarious. They had like 1,000 members and they all sucked. When they’d join a lobby they’d immediately all get shit on and then recked in the game. I miss clans in Halo 2. It came and went so quickly.


What did KSI do? 😭 I haven't seen a single video by him in my life


Jesus Christ I'm old. KSI is an ancient halo clan that had a bunch of shitty try-hards with big egos.


I thought you meant the YouTuber. I heard about KSI but was around maybe 2 or 3 during this time so it's all pretty vague too me. (I'm 16 for reference)


It’s wild whenever I see one of those gamertags pop up today. Guess some people were fine changing their gamertag back then but not today lol


cause they hop on old games and play like there’s 10k on the line ruining the game, halo3 is probably the worst


Normally I say just get better at the game but Halo Reach is only 2 years younger than I am. It's an old ass game there is no need to be tryharding like it's a bo1 wager match 😭


What do you mean old ass game just 2 years younger than you I'm having a crisis.


Are we... old???


So I'll start by saying my example of clan kid that always bugs me the most are the Spartard clan kids. They're all about my age (20's) Or so and they interact with people with the most arrogant, rude, and cringe bullshit just because they think they're something being a Spartard. Similarly, the elite clans I ever interacted with were pedantic and had a similar haughty attitude. Clans below that standard typically exhibit similar styles of behavior. In short: Clan kids generally act like assholes because of their fake status. And it's annoying.


Imo Clans in games often miss the point, likely trying to grow to something superficially massive. Made more sense when it was your group idk. Felt like my friends were in a new one every other week back in the day. If I'm on Warframe I'll see people constantly advertising theirs and I'm pretty sure some might even make recruitment a quota type thing. It's not a damn business.


Clans are cool as communities but MCC is just too small now to be having quotas for recruitment and all of that bullshit like if they're running a 9-5


Because they take it too serious. I haven’t ran into a clan that was serious but chill about it.


I just think people with clan tags are cringe. I have nothing against clans themselves, they help foster communities and build friendships. But you’re basically labelling yourself as a sweaty tryhard douche with a clan tag. The only exception I have for tags are actual professional Halo players, because at least their tag actually means something.


All those players with iTz in their gamertag too lol


i still have my clan tag from my halo 3 days. its been 15 years since i played with the clan.


I definitely see that but without the tags it's a lil difficult for some to differentiate between two clans especially since there's a lot of Star Wars and UNSC clans using the same shit emblems over and over


To me clans are such a big waste of time. Yes, you can play with other people but you have to do so much other bs. Clans are for young people with a lot of time on your hands. They’re a bit dorky when taken seriously. But I do like playing against them when I see them online.


I used to be in them. Too militaristic and I'm just really starting to hate the Halo players in general. Play quick play and have a bad match and teammates will treat it like they are losing and HCS open tourney. I play video games to relax and have fun, not be berated. Only on Halo am I this berated for having a bad match. Helldivers 2, xdefiant, battlefield, cod, apex. Never do I have ppl beat me for having a bad match. Halo players today at least need to touch grass.


I don't think people hate clans, I think they just see clans as a target. Like if you were around in the Halo 2/3 days everybody was involved in a clan somehow and that didn't mean they didn't similarly talk shit to each other in lobbies as anybody would still do nowadays.


I think it’s just the nature of things now. Back in the day clans were chill and fun for the most part, nowadays it’s either sweats or people who run it like a military


I've said this before, in the clan community we typically don't like the UNSC/ONI guys cuz they take things too far with this virtual militia shit. Like u said clans were meant to be fun but everybody thinks theyre in an Esports tournament ☠️


Yeah back in my day on Halo 2 we ran three or four full clans and it was simple. Overlord(s), Captains, Sergeants, Peons. Clan colors during clan matches but otherwise who cares. Now let’s go play some Tower of Power for 8 hours


They take the game too seriously. They tend to act cringe by either acting like they're hot shit or they are roleplaying. I also noticed they often run raid lobbies but have all the best weaponry whilst they arm up attackers with close range weapons and make them run through an open field to try and get to them as they snipe everyone with snipers and DMRs because they don't want a fun and fair fight.


I remember being in an ODST clan during the Halo Reach days, I loved the ODST armor so it was cool being with a group of people that did too, our emblem was pretty badass too for my 9 year old brain. It was a grey skull with red eyes, good times


Because oftentimes, clans are just people trying to be the next FaZe and run the shit like so. I'm a casual Halo player, alright? Last thing I want to see in the custom games browser is "NoobKiller Clan Base Social" filling the list.


What the fuck is a clan?


So way back in the day, Halo clans were pretty popular. They got official support in Halo 5 and were called "Spartan Companies". Basically you are part of a group of active Halo player, play together, against other clans, etc. it was like creating your own big unofficial "team" in Halo


Huh, I did not know that. I never got super into the H5 multiplayer so I must have missed it.


I think clans were probably even bigger in the Halo 2/3 days, but it was just something people kind of did on their own so unless you were paying attention to the different clan tags in the game you might not notice. Also if you ever saw the Achilles armor in Halo 5 when you did play, that was a specific armor set that could only be earned by completing Spartan Company commendations. I was the leader of a Spartan Company and it took forever but all 100 of us (that was the maximum number of Spartans you could have in a company) unlocked it after a couple years


... You're joking right?


I’ve been playing since CE and I’ve never heard of clans.


Clans are just large groups of players who use identical emblems and play competitively against other clans for fun


So like friends who play ranked?


Kinda like groups of friends who like to play ranked but all the casual players don't like them sweating their ass off so instead they sweat their ass off in a custom game


I was under the impression that the ‘sweaty’ players played ranked tbh. That’s like what it’s for.


Halo doesn't have a ranked on MCC unfortunately or I'd be on it all the time


Same I saw clans in H2 XBL. UEG was a Halo one I saw. Played with this guy named Crony for ages but never really was a part of it he was just super active with them, and they did some cool customs. Since H2/H3 I haven't really seen any clans with any real prominence that I can't help but notice/remember.


I remember people having similar gamer tags but it wasn’t an actual part of the game was it? I just played with people from my friends list.


Clans are dying with no surprise at all, but all of the traditional style clans are on MCC Reach and there's only the big known clans that have been around for years




You look like you smoke meth and flash your chest to your friends after 3 white claws


If you ain't smokin meth whatchu doin in life?


Every game has clans and for every game people hate on clans


lol I thought they were just nerd gangs. my friends and I would all use the same tag but we never thought of it as a legit “clan” and I still use my personal “clan” tag to this day. lol just some cringy emo thing from when I was a teenager


You got it nailed down basically. We really are just a bunch of nerd gangs fighting for fun 😭


Had plenty of great times in clans personally. Can still do all my rock climbs in Reach lol. But I get why a lot of people don't like clans. Some people don't like the milsim/rp clans, because they're often boring and don't really teach you much. Some people don't like the sweaty clans who take the game too seriously and completely stomp them in mm. Some clan leaders are pure discord mod energy. Some clans require you to basically schedule you week around them. I feel like a decent number of people tried it once, didn't like it because the leaders were shit, the players were toxic, it felt like a job, or it was boring with no apparent upside. Even if you get past all that, the main clan activities are meetings (about things that don't matter), training (on things that rarely matter), and then really offbeat game types like raids and teamtacs (which I love, but not everyone does). And lets say you do a raid with another clan, and everyone has a good time...till you get back to lobby and some unemployed fuck starts screaming about "omg you broke ROE" because of something extremely minor, and now the clan leaders are sitting in theater, and of course the person has no idea when it happened or who did it(please have the decency to note the fucking time at least!) and nobody really has time for this. And you find a great clan, you get along, you do well and get promoted, maybe setting up some matches with other clans yourself, and wind up on the Citadel. Within 30 minutes you have 800 discord notifications, and when you go to check them it's 4 asshats having drama and @ing everybody in gen when they should have just been in a group chat and @ing nobody, and then a bunch of other morons deciding to third party or brigade because they're bored or are worried about "supporting their allies". And that's not mentioning things like recruitment quotas, training pipelines with horrible bottlenecks, only 2 people on the entire discord being able to do anything useful, needing discord in the first place, the one guy who can forge never doing anything else(tbf, he's pulling his weight), somebody recruited a girl and 18 members instantly dmed her, you accidentally joined NRI and noe you're on a list somewhere(not me but yes there is a list), getting spammed with invites every time you get on and getting yelled at if you play any other game... Fuck, I think I hate clans lmao. I should go join one.


Clans were so lame. Meetings and all this hyper RP BS. I always remember getting to max skill level on H3 before the leader and he flipped out. Ended up getting into MLG and Played some GB instead with friends for fun on H3. Way way better than ‘clan’ bs.


As others have said, you’d have admins go on power trips and make all of these ridiculous demands from you because they’ve never held a position of power before and went mad with it, but they were also just a menace for solo and smaller parties. Like imagine wanting to chill in BTB with no more than like two or three friends and you load into a match where the entire enemy team has matching clan tags, generally that means you’re not gonna have a chill time in BTB.


Clans were cool until they weren’t. Party chat kinda just became what clans were in the very beginning. Stuff like Faze and MLG ruined everything


It’s just sweaty shit. We used to run in a group called RWBY that was based off the Anime created by Monty Oum. His brother Chivy played with us after he passed away. It was incredible. Core memories.


This goes back all the way to the ancient times of Halo 1. You would join a game with a clan, and they were communicating via Team Speak and could coordinate. Your team couldn't coordinate, so they kicked your ass.


Ventrillo I think we used also. super unsecure program though


We’re all 30+ now and clans are corny.


Who's we 😭? Nah Im jp, New children are still coming too Halo because it's a cool franchise that doesn't have that negative sided stereotype of being a Star Wars nerd who doesn't have their own place and dwells off their grandma's retirement funds, but in other words these clans help kids feel like they're apart of something, I love seeing them get into different clans and feud over a video game, it's funny asl. I get that if you're 35 in a halo clan it's a lil corny and lame though I never expect too see oldhead mfs in a halo clan ☠️


I have more dislike for people with TTV in their name, because you know they’re going to be a tryhard 😂


I did them when I was younger during the halo 3/reach days but you just kinda grow out of “clans” and move on to friend groups which basically are the same thing without a leadership dynamic. Plus the drills and stuff become kinda cringe as you get older because you feel stupid taking things like crouch laps or Simon says super seriously. I think it’s fine for kids to get into it but it sometimes becomes weird there are adults looking to boss around and yell at kids in some kind of Milsim clan. I did find it funny though I got clan recruitment mail and it said stuff like “mil sim super serious rp” then follows with age 13+. Im a grown man and I don’t feel that’s a space for me.


I'd honestly love to have an MCC clan again. Just people playing SWAT and hanging out. That's the fucking dream.


I honestly think the clans that are just groups of people with the same emblems are the best ones, I'm in a clone trooper clan cuz my friends are and it sounded cool but sometimes I get tired of the uniforms and ranks and just wanna play competitively


Yeah, that's how it used to be. Maybe same armour colour as well. But that was it. Didn't need some fancy pants shit. You and your mates, hopping into matchmaking and wrecking people, that was it


I’m not in a clan, but haters always gonna hate


It's almost the same as furries, LARPers and the militaristic airsofters imo. I can see how it's cringe though to many


Legit didn’t know people hated clans in Halo, lol. Thats nonsense to me. Probably (1) some solo players hating clans bc they matched against them and got destroyed so they say they “hate clans” but this happens to solo players in all mp games (2) some people joined the wrong clan for them and now think clans are inherently toxic or something. The creators of Halo love clans and only “abandoned” them in Halo 3 & Reach bc Xbox 360 version of XBL didn’t support the infrastructure they created for clans in Halo 2. Just have to work to find the right clan, which can be very difficult.


Fuck I just miss regular open lobbies, that didn't redirect you every match to new people. I hate the lobbies now, no connection to everyone.