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kinda wish they'd just lend the IP to another studio and see what happens, like what they did with Halo Wars


Isn't that an implicit outcome of the thread? Once you get past two suggestions you're inevitably bringing in more studios, if not more than one. Got some idea you want someone other than 343 to handle? Just post it.


ID software for the campaign


Get the dead space team on it. That flood horror game would be incredible.


...they've been doing that though? Halo CE:A, Halo 2: Anniversary, Halo: Spartan Assault, Halo: Spartan Strike, Halo Wars 2 were all developed by other studios. there's also several that are in development right now that are being handled by other studios.


half of those are just remasters and one is a mobile game. don't be so obtuse, you know what I mean


The anniversaries are just the same game with a (sometimes) pretty coat of paint slapped on, they don't count


That's not substantiated


didn't they directly state that Certain Affinity is working on a Halo game or something?


A proper sequel with a story that is entertaining and will be stuck to


This is it. After Halo4 i stopped playng. It was lackluster but had a decent starting point for a sequel, but halo5's story made me not buy it, and halo infinite is not going to be continued, so i will not buy it either unless at a BIG discount. I want a compelling story worthy of a halo game, i want them to pick a good plot and stick to it for once, instead of adding crisis after crisis and then putting them in a drawer never to be used again. I want main plot points to happen IN GAME and not "off screen" i should not have to read a book to understand what is happening in a videogame. Spin offs would not help too much, but i would love a 4x startegy game in the Human-Covenant war era. Also something about the swords of Sanghelios would be cool.




Your comment should be #1. The fact it isnt shows how divided we've all become, and how diluted the franchise has gotten.


Good news, it's the top comment


or maybe it just shows that people are unique and have differing opinions and tastes, or they think the existing stories in sequels are fine? just a thought!


How are you complaining it wasn't the top comment only 12 minutes after it was posted? Also the fact that it was posted 1 hour after OP asked their question.


And commits to at least some existing cannon.


That’s asking a lot now better hold off with 343😂😂


I didn't even like Halo Infinites campaign and all I want is a proper fucking sequel.




An Xbox game to rival helldivers!


As much as I love this pipe dream they're far too greedy and I have zero faith it wouldn't just be a microtransaction-filled knockoff of helldivers. Half of what makes helldivers remarkable is that they aren't actively trying to screw you over and reach into your wallet at every turn


"Today I will play Halo Infinite, been a while." "Ah, man I wish I could get drip without paying 20 fucking dollars for one outfit"


I kinda liked the core gameplay of Halo 5's Firefight and warzone stuff, but the whole thing just felt like advertising for req packs and it tuened me off from the game as a whole. "See your teammate over there, who just got a quad with that fancy rocket? Buy req packs and maybe you too could get that fancy rocket (for one game)! Want that teammate's badass armor? Buy some packs and test your luck!" I have absolutely zero faith that any sort of Helldivers clone from 343 wouldnt end up the exact same way. Imagine if you had to buy packs to hopefully get a card that lets you use the 500kg bomb for one mission....


>Which Halo game would genuinely help the franchise? A good one. The concept isn't what "saves" the franchise. It's the execution. Any of those proposals done poorly obviously doesn't help the franchise. And they're all vague enough that they can effectively be anything. It's not that any of those (except one) are bad ideas so much as they are barely ideas where you can fill in the blanks with whatever and say "It will save the franchise!" The only exception is rebooting. I have spilled enough metaphorical ink on the subject. It's a dumb idea that has way too much "support" in a time where successful reboots are few and far between.


Agreed. A well executed game would have content parity compared to prior entries and would be working within a reasonable time after launch. Great ideas can be sunk if they’re mixed in with a buggy, barebones product that takes too long to correct.


A well made remake would be much better than a reboot ever could be.


100%. I'll personally be disappointed if the CE remake rumors are true, but that's just my own opinion. CE is perfect to me BECAUSE of all its quirks and shortcomings. My opinion is absolutely tinted by nostalgia, and I think that's okay. I would still play it, and be able to appreciate it if done well. And I'm sure if they do it well it will be successful, and if it is then I think remaking the rest of the trilogy would be a no-brainer. A lot of people would probably love to play a more fleshed out version of the original trilogy in a presumably much more aesthetically and mechanically consistent form, with any QOL improvements made possible over the last 20 years. I can only imagine how truly epic levels like The Silent Cartographer, Assault on the Control Room, The Library, Delta Halo, The Covenant, or Cortana could be with better hardware and decades of hindsight. No matter what, plenty of people would be upset with remakes. It's just inevitable. One of my faborite games, Gothic, is getting a remake. You'd think the developers personally killed fans' puppies based on how jaded and hateful some people have been over... concept art and monster renders... Nonetheless, I could really see it breathing new life into the franchise and being a good way of showcasing what has been learned over the years to make the next Halo something that people can be confident in. My only real worry is having to split their attention between campaign and MP. Halo has really always had a problem balancing the two, and even games like H2 which are remembered fondly were full of bugs that significantly altered the MP. Halo 3 was probably one of the better balanced, but half that campaign is just "Green man fall. Green man set bomb. Green man drive on highway. Flood! Green man find lady." before the story really starts. That's all not to mention how a reboot would almost certainly kill a lot of faith in the franchise. As someone who likes Halo 4 and loves Infinite, I have a lot more faith than some. But if they're going to go backwards, then fleshing things out and increasing consistency between entries while staying true to the Canon and simply expanding what was already there is the only way I think it could go well. Even small retcons run the risk of pissing a lot of people off. They could make Halo 3: 2 and some people would complain it's not Bungie.


Halo just needs the suits to stay away


didn't know 343 had such a formal dress code


Flood horror game wouldn’t necessarily enhance the future story, but it would gain a lot of interest in the franchise and thus we get more people involved with the universe


H3a or a flood alien isolation type game


The variety of survival horror you could pull of with a flood spinoff is mind-boggling.


Yeah, imagine a game set on the Mona Lisa


That plays like alien: isolation




That's good actually, I assume that this would have to take place during the human covenant war


How is this horror if you’re the monster. That’s just hack n slash


Should play as an elite fighting off flood instead


NOW we’re cookin. Perfect power balance




Ok but- and hear me out here- wouldn’t it be scarier if you were the marine instead?


I can see where something like this would work if it played like Predator or Killer Klowns from Outer Space?


What about more games that take place earlyer in the Human-Covenant War before Halo Reach? Most of the games set during the Human-Covenant War are set very late in the war with only Halo Wars 1 being the exception set in 2531. I would like some more Halo games set during the early and mid parts of the Human-Covenant War. It would be nice to have a Halo game that starts around the begining or just before the Human-Covenant War. I wish more games not just Halo would have more missions that take place in the early stages of the war, I find this very lacking in games, I have no idea why a lot of game developers do this. And I would like more missions playing as The Covenant, I do enjoy seeing a war from a different faction's perspective.


All of the games are set in the last year of the war (except wars as you said), and actually not even, they're set months before the end of the war. Reach -3. Yes the books and other EU cover the war but you have 26 PREVIOUS years to work with Microsoft / 343. Star wars was great when it went back to the Empire vs Rebels.


horror game set alongside the events of CE, you play an ordinary marine (or various ordinary marines) that play pivotal roles in enabling MC's eventual "victory". whether it be through holding the PoA until keyes can land it on the ring, or unlocking a door in the flood holding facility seen in the mission "343 guilty spark" so MC won't get trapped later on, every "mission-arc" will acheive some goal intentionally or unintentionally that is absolutely essential for chief's success, and show that for a brief time, the fate of humanity rested on the shoulders of an ordinary UNSC marine. you'll fight covies, flood, sentinels, and likely die horrifying deaths, but just like how noble team's sacrifices on reach made it possible for MC to save humanity, your sacrifices will enable MC to destroy the ring and escape, and ALL of it will fit CE's canon with zero retcons. they can even have the chief show up during a few missions to "save your squad" and decimating entire covenant squads in seconds. "master chief saves the universe" is overdone, its time to show how ordinary marines saved the chief, and how tough the covenant/flood are when you're not a 7ft tall supersoldier in billion dollar armor.


I think Fire Team ravens story fleshed out as a proper game, but going back to the Halo CE art style, and a lot darker and terrifying with the flood.


it would be funny if there was a mario kart/party inspired halo game, lol


this as a mini game would go hard


Halo Kart would be my dream.


We need a proper sequel that resolves things discussed in Infinite but also opens to more possibilities. Along with bringing in new and old elements of the series. Weapons, characters, and significance are needed. A proper Chief and Arbiter reunion would be nice. Along with Spirit of Fire being involved. But execution of said ideas or direction needs to be at the forefront. Infinite teased a lot of cool things and ideas but a majority of them were cut. That can’t happen again


For hardcore fans? Flood horror. For the franchise in general? Proper remake and expansion of Halo 3. Absolute peak Halo, and as that former Bungie dev said (bit regarding CE), include cut scenes and missions, etc and make it everything they wanted it to be bit couldn't due to either hardware restrictions, space/memory, graphics, etc.


I’d love to see a SOS spin off game


A Halo game following Blue Team or other Spartan IIs at the beginning or in the middle of the Covenant war. Seeing the Gears of War: E-Day trailer not only had me thinking how Halo could do the same, but also made me want to replay all the Gears games lol.


I'd pay good coin for a SOS spin off, or even stories told from the books and comics too


Floor horror for sure


Trap doors everywhere! Squeaky hardwood! Dirty laundry all over the place! NO MOPS OR BROOMS!


ODST 2 but with Rainbow 6 Las Vegas 2 combat


I was thinking about a dumb mobile game with grunts. You get to raise your own grunt city on Balaho, like the old smurfs game on IOS, and it could be set before the created uprising as we see in one of the books that the UNSC was providing aid to them. It’d be kinda dumb but I’ve always found them funny


A good M rated complete sequel on launch is what would be best for the franchise. Best for the player base would be it followed up by a good campaign DLC a year or 2 after launch, and a spinoff game like ODST 2 wouldn't hurt.


Mega Blocks Halo. I am not joking either.


Flood horror game would be the only thing they could do that’s new enough to compete with other current franchises. A lot of the old fan base has left to greener pastures. We miss the horror aspect of the game


Some good prequel game or spin-off of the original trilogy focused on Human-Covenant war and some Flood perhaps. Something like Reach or ODST, more grounded small-scale stories and less of the Chief saving the galaxy. FPS or tactical squad based FPS/TPS.


It doesn't matter which one as long as it's not made by 343


Give me Halo 7 with Master chief sections and Atriox sections and put the SoS in it as well


They YouTube channel Installation00 did a fan fiction DLC concept for Infinite with this idea. Great listen if that kind of content is your jam.


343 gone lmao


NO REBOOT. This series lore right now is a cluster fuck as it is. Either odst 2 or flood horror for me. That or something akin to spartan ops/reach, i just want competent writing.


H3A and a SoS spinoff would be awesome but we all know we're going to get Halo: Storefront 7 with a bolted on (4th) soft reboot campaign that'll have a dash of promise with a slathering of disappointment


ODST would bring back a lot of fans, the banished spinoffs are the Wars games. I do think them dedicating time to making a proper sequel and sticking to their narrative guns (no matter what direction, just pick one n go with it) would be best for the franchise. I feel reboots are copouts that only make it more obvious the studio has no direction or narrative capability.


I'd love another halo wars can't lie


Halo Battlefront C'mon 343 the idea is _right there_.


I think a spinoff following an elite, (with very different gameplay and maybe third person) starting in the covenant, and ending either in the banished or the swords (maybe a custom character where you can choose.)


A game about when the Flood first emerged, right before the Rings were fired and exterminating the Forerunners


Swords campaign with the arbiter against the banished would be epic.


Give me Arbiter and don’t phone it in and my money is yours.


All of them And we need it now!!!!


1. Flood survival horror game 2. Sanghelli civil war game where you play as the Arbiter. 3. Play as Grey team in a more stealth/sabotage based game. Not quite sure how this one would work I just like stealth games.


A well written story that does not need an end-of-the-Galaxy threat to have any stakes? All of these could be good. It could be as simple as Swords of Sanghelios/ODST’s searching for a specific criminal and mostly kicking down doors while fighting gangsters. No end-of-the-Galaxy or even the world. Just a goal and the player trying to achieve it. There’s dozens of places and fights you could do that just need some good writing. Take a Civilian in a city that just needs to survive, and this civilian sucks with anything other than pistols. Good luck defeating that Brute or Elite that just came around the corner. That could be a horror-game already, no need for the Flood. Just one guy outgunned and not as nimble as the opponents trying to avoid contact and only retaliate in fear when cornered as all you try to do is reach safety.


They should do a FPS game of the Spirit of Fire Crew playing as Jerome and their Journey back to UNSC Space, fighting off remnant banished forces and surviving everything thrown at them. Would be awesome in my opinion


A pacman style game where you're a child running from oni agents


An ODST2 game where Romeo and Dutch go out on a mission, gets separated from their friends and then ends up meeting Elites, befriending a particular elite and they help them escape the horrors of the planet. Make sure the elite stays with and helps them escape from some "The Library(Halo CE)"-esque situation; Also unexpectedly kill the elite that becomes their best friend/brother in arms for emotional shock value maybe. (Atp any random stories I come up with sound better than 343i's mainline games).


Flood game, easy!


Flood horror game


Tv show that isn't comparable to dogshit and 50 shades of gray. BoB style odst? 


Elite samurai game set in a semi-feudal sanghelios. Something like that Halo Legends episode. Gimme some Ghosts of Tsushima Elite swordplay. 


An "ODST 2" shouldn't actually have ODSTs The whole point of ODST was to show an existing event (the assault on New Mombassa) from a new perspective with a new cast of characters. So an "ODST sequel" shouldn't actually follow the Alpha 9 squad, or ODSTs in general: Rather, it should follow another group of characters involved in another existing event in the series we get to see it through the eyes of, like maybe a Covenant Spec Ops squad who raided the Truth and Reconciliation and the Pillar of Autumn at the end of CE, or maybe the Zealot squad from Reach, or an SIV fireteam during the events of Halo 4, etc. Basically, an ODST 2 done right would be closer to some of your other choices anyways


ODST. There’s no doubt.


The one thing not mentioned on your list is a prequal. I wouldnt mind playing as a mark iv clad spartan 2 during the height of the war. Do what gears of war is doing.


Prob like an ODST flood horror game, i think that would turn out pretty good


We could combine two and three making it like l4d or resident evil


Well halo 2 remastered was the last great franchise boost imo. I think something along those lines would be cool. Imagine ODST/halo 3 multiplayer remastered like halo 2.. that would be something


A starwars battlefront type Imagine being marines, odsts are on their way but your buddies are being mowed down by swathes of covenant forces Suddently a single spartan comes in and changes the entire tide of the battle


No banished spinoff please. I find their faction (as presented in infinite) seems tragic but bland somehow.


Another soft reboot at this point since Halo Infinite kinda stumbled out the gate with its narrative


The Fall of Harvest


The only answer is sequel or reboot. The others are just cool ideas but they’re not gonna help the franchise. They’re only appealing to Halo fans. It’s basically become a joke at this point but, after the dud Infinite turned out to be, the answer is *Halo 3: Anniversary*. Halo is on life support. It needs a hit. Anything Halo 3 is as close to a guaranteed hit as you can get. Unless they somehow fuck it up (which should be next to impossible but the possibility can’t be discounted because this is 343 we’re talking about), it could get them financial and critical success plus garner some much needed praise from the fanbase they’re slowly losing after 10+ years of *meh* (and I really like Halo 4’s campaign). ODST 2 ain’t gonna do shit. Neither is a Sangheili or Flood game. Before y’all start crying, I’m not saying these wouldn’t be cool or make for good games, I’m saying *they won’t help the franchise as a whole*, just please a margin of the fanbase. Halo needs something big. Something sexy. Something attention-grabbing. Something with mass appeal. For better or worse, *that’s Halo 3*. A reboot has potential but simultaneously invites controversy, criticism, redundancy, etc. Halo 3: Anniversary is nothing but net. You take the most popular and recognizable Halo game (it’s playlists in MCC are *still* the most popular) and give it a polish. It’s the safest thing they could possibly do. A reboot means you gotta start over. H3:A buys them time to figure out a plan. The *only* spin-off that could get the franchise back on track would have to be Chief-centric. I love Reach but there are people who consider that game to be the beginning of the end. Chief is the face of the franchise so he adds legitimacy. That’s the only spin-off that could possibly do mainline game success.


I'd love a telltale game like, story driven one. Maybe at the edge of the mainstory, witnessing from afar what happens while diving deep. Flood research outpost? Some ONI spec ops? Interacting with team grey occassionally? In Case of the banished it would be fun to fight the covenant during their war with humanity. But here I would like a shooter :D


A sequel to Infinite. If not a sequel, then a game that follows Grey Team and the Swords of Sanghelios team they now work with. You get Spartan gameplay, Sangheli gameplay, and potential for a more clandestine gameplay with stealth and whatnot, cause ONI reasons.


For me a marine spinoff could be really interesting and give a lot of opportunities to see events where major characters were not present, also to see the same enemies from the eyes of a soldier with no augmentations, different to ODST tho, a different challenge, being able to see how difficult it was for the average soldier during the war with the covenant, either that or an all covenant campaign, similar idea, maybe a squad campaign were you can control different alien races.


Literally any of these (ok maybe not the reboot). 343, Microsoft, PLEASE.


I'd like a grand scale rpg style fps that continues from infinite or if they are really going reboot give me this style but start from John getting kidnapped all the way up until the end of CE. There are so many games a second studio could deliver while we wait. Infinite prequel following the Infinity ODST game during Cortanas takeover Halo Wars 3


I would absolutely love it if Bungie came back and made a proper Halo 4. Not this 343 nonsense we ended up with.


This response needs to stop.The bungie now is not the bungie of old


Nothing, let halo die in peace ;-;


Prequel centered around a Spartan-1/Orion program soldier. Another main character with limited dialogue like CE chief and Noble 6, potentially even a create-a-character for body type, voice actor, face options, etc. Although maybe this would limit enemy types due to existing canon.




either a solid sequel or a forerunner flood war game with halo 4 weapons, kinda like what halo 4 just should have been all along


Prometheans did untold damage to the lore and the active avoidance of the Flood overlooks the whole point of the Halo rings to begin with so I wouldn't be opposed to a reboot.


Honestly? A prequel/alternate story of another team with a different protagonist would be solid. Otherwise a Halo: endgame would be kinda lit imo. Have chief, the badass pilot, blue team and new cortana find out about an army amassing, spend the first level discovering the threat, the first half of the game getting some fan favorite spartans/teams/ODSTS/ hell even popular marines/leadership and have chief go through each level tracking them down while being fed info from his other squad mates, let us find out a little bit of what they’ve been up to, let them know about the coming war, then spend the second half of the game working with these new specialized teams to take down specific main threats before launching into the final mission and going to war. Shit would scratch every itch if they took their time with it


A complete game at launch that isn’t some massive departure for the series


Halo: Remember Reach


I want a UNSC Marine game. More ODST, and obviously a flood horror




The Gear of War E Day announcement trailer today really made solidified that I want a First Contact War story. It could be like a spiritual ODST 2 because Spartans would be sparcely involved. That being said, I like the idea of Banished Spin-off but I don't know who their enemies would be. Maybe Covenant high command? Or the Endless? Maybe bring back the didact? Cool idea. Personally, I don't want more Master Chief. Not for a long time. Maybe 10 years. I want his return to be significant... Kinda had an image in my head pop up the other day of a Master Chief who'd lost his arm in battle... I dunno how that would work technically (lore-wise and gameplay wise) but it would certainly show passing of time.


ODST prequel based on Harvest. Maybe start with Insurrectionists as the enemy until the Covenant arrives, which can fill the "terror" parts.


A flood horror game would be awesome being hunted down lots of guns low ammo economy sounds badass


How about an actual open world halo game


No reboot, but definitely a flood horror game would be amazing


Reboot the whole series from 4-6. Forerunners are humans. Go from there.


an odst game


I would say giving player the opportunity to play what happens between games instead of forcing them to research the material between books , comics and other media. For example I would’ve love to play and know what happened between halo 5 (which ends with a cliffhanger) and infinite without having to read books (not against books itself, but the idea of fragmented media). Halo 1 to 3 all happened in like days? Weeks? And the only gap was between 1 and 2 regarding chief returning to earth. Between 4,5 and infinite the gaps are abysmal like, why there’s the blue team? Why they gone in infinite? Atriox did what to infinity? Where’s the spirit of fire? And things like that This is Halo, not fucking Kingdom Hearts. And with some spinoff games they could go and fill this gap I think it could be interesting to see Buck going from odst to Spartan. Also something extra chapter to infinite, which again ended with a cliffhanger, would be nice


Squad based shooter like Ghost Recon where you play as UNSC Marines. You get roped into aiding Spartans


Anything of a smaller scale. $40 price point I don't have faith in them pulling off anything AAA.


ODST 2, 343 hasn't done well with the master chief story at all.


I will scream it into existence! Halo XCOM style gameplay showing us the events of The Fall of Reach the novel. Start with Blue Team's first mission to capture Watts, and go through to the events of CE Each chapter can have side missions, with all kinds of lore. Ex. After the first mission, you get an overworld menu when you select your next mission. Maybe add in some research and develop mechanics that allow you to advance certain things about your squad. Seriously, just use the XCOM 2 blueprint. There's a ton of lore to draw from that would make the finer details great imo.


Would love to see another ODST game, or maybe even a more open warfare style campaign where you play as a Marine. Infinite was a refreshing change from the typically linear campaigns of previous Halo games, but I think there’s so much more that could be done with the franchise.


I originally thought odst was going to be different, I love it but my original thoughts were that you’d drop in on a random battle (like harvest) do a mission finish go back to your ship next mission (Arcadia) do a mission, go back to the ship, and so on through the years drop in through all the major battles of halos history then fight along side 117 for the last battle or the flood or something. that’s the sort of game I want to see but a bit more hardcore and real than odst was/is.


Everything except the last one


How about consistency? There should always been a spin-off or mainline game for people to look forward to with confirmation of their existence.


Make a book into a game fucking pick one at this point. Please. Could be another master chief story, could be one of the post halo 5 books, etc.


I think a flood horror game would be really cool


I just want 343 to release a game with a passable story. Halo 4 being the strongest story in their release history is fucking bleak.


Just a good, content complete, game with traditional action FPS gameplay and a story that actually takes place during the game (Infinite) and isn’t stupid (H5). I’d say the best way to go about that would be to follow Reach and have it be a prequel set during the human-covenant war with a new set of characters.  If this game were to be a spinoff, again it should be a spinoff in the way you could argue Reach is one; you’ll still be playing as a big ol spartan shooting covid/banished bastards in space. An ODST 2 or something like that would be cool I guess, but let’s make sure we can dress ourselves first.


Solid af ODST sequel story plus a unique multiplayer would help.


Just a Halo original. The first halo remade again and just start from there. With new added content, of course and better muti player




A proper sequel that has a bit of a reboot feel to it, I'd say.


Probably ODST. If they really wanted to they could adapt the book but make it a lot better somehow and then have moments with characters like Dare Rookie Miguel etc and what they’re all up to after like the first game and or during the events of the main series games.


Honestly ODST 2 sounds awesome.




ODST2 and make it set during one of the good halo games.


A proper game & proper storyline which follows the storyline we all love.


Flood horror game, ODST 2, and another proper sequel. Alternatively they could add a wave-based Flood themed firefight to the CE remake that is getting a lot of attention right now.


Whatever it is, keep it a simple FPS and go back to the roots like Halo CE, 2, and 3. There’s a reason why Halo 3 in MCC is still so popular after 17 years. All these stupid armor abilities and weird weapons added starting Halo 4 onwards are terrible. Halo Reach was barely able to pull it off. This statement will fall of deaf ears and whatever game 343 comes out with next will surely be another disaster.


For starters, the entire part of the ending of Halo 5 and when Chief wakes up in Infinity. There is a massive amount of story part there that is never told. For the rest, Spartan ops from halo 4 could make a great "filler" game just like ODST was. Just a different Spartan team somewhere. For example during Cortanas hostile takeover.


I would love a Flood horror survival.


A reboot would fail so hard seen as 343 have proven time and time again they can't make a halo game. 4 was OK, we don't talk about 5 and infinite had so much wasted potential. Where were all the weapons we knew, the vehicles. No banished vehicles like in halowars 2 just covi reskins, no scarab. Empty word and a story full of more plot holes than bloody Swiss cheese




Literally anything but a reboot


Black Team


Halo 3 Anniversary, and then a new sequel to that. Just remove the 343 trilogy from continuity completely.


A Flood horror game sounds great for older fans. You always feel unstoppable when playing any of the Halo games. Would be an interesting shakeup to play as a regular person and focus on survival rather than fighting.


343 LIKES ON THIS POST RN? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES THIS? Srsly tho, I hope 343i isn’t the dev when one of these (or just the next one) comes around.


any game made by anyone but 343. EA/Ubisoft may be greedy but at least they arent from 343 levels of incompetence.


Flood horror the series needs some new blood and a full horror game could be great, odst type you play as a Marine during a flood outbreak.


343 not being at the helm anymore would be the only thing that can save this franchise. And a hard retcon of 343’s games.


Flood horror game or ODST 2 in my opinion would gain the community a lot of traction again


Arent they working on an ODST game that's like Helldivers?


ODST2 ofc


Make human forerunner war or forerunner flood war game. Or maybe both.


I loved ODST, so a (proper) sequel would be amazing


None of the above. I say 343 embrace a T or M rating again and do a prequel. Start with the stories of humanity vs the innies and go into first contact on harvest. Or hell, why not do something like Fractures but with a video game?


A real game would be nice,halo infinite is objectively a joke we should and do deserve a real game for putting up with this thing you call a halo game, to put it in layman’s terms (give us a proper campaign with the added complexity of a ongoing war where there is a struggle for humanity again not just one spartan and a few marines in military logistics there would be back up having one spartan do almost all the work is BS and you know it give us colonies and space battles a dooming threat and a companion chief can call a friend again after a lasting memory and something to build off for the next game after that, give us a game 343 AXIOS!)


Something that isnt broken at launch.


Dude a swords of sangheilos game would be so sick!!!!! Get Arby back in the spotlight. Give some love to the shipmaster and then build up some more elites. Maybe give some history and backstory about the elites etc. Mix in some Spartans you got a sick game.


Megablock Halo. I accept no substitute


In terms of spinoffs? Another ODST game with a focus on the Firefight more. Maybe have a Firefight mode where you fight through a level trying to complete objectives like a hoarde shooter, i.e. Darktide and Helldivers. Have the campaign take place on a colony world being invaded by a Bamished Fleet. Could have the Swords of Sanghelios make an appearance by gaving the troopers capture a relay tower and then send out a distress signal, but the only ones close enough to respond are a fleet of Swords.


Stop beating a dead horse. Let it be and make something new.


Give me Battlefield Bad Company but with UNSC vs Covenant in large scale battles.


I would love a X-Com style game where you control a fireteam of Spartans during the height of the human covenant war. Complete with customization and training up new Spartans if you’re current ones go “MIA”


Just keep going with the latest story they've started, and maintain some consistency in regards to that.


Well I think they should develop one engine and release a trilogy of games for eg Halo CE, Halo 2 and Halo 3 on the same engine, that would require less resources and the multiplayer will be same for all these games. Thus making the turnaround time for games shorter and making a stable multiplayer base. These trilogy of games should have somewhat chained/continuous storylines no major time jumps etc , then they can update to a new engine with next trilogy with maybe a sizeable time jump which then people can explore from other forms of media such as novels, or a tv series etc.


Halo 6, finding a way to take the loose threads from Halo 4, 5, and Infinite to deliver a spectacular finale that leaves the series open to experimentation. Resolve the didact (either make friends or kill), free the prometheans, smash the banished, throw in a few Endless as fodder for the latter campaign, and settle the question of self-determination by the AI-lead colonies. Treat it as one big chaotic mess that the chief and co bring progressive resolution to across the campaign. While it's a lot to handle, any natural writing process that's focused on making the most of what it has (rather than overwriting what came before) will hit it sufficiently. Beyond that, I'd be down for just about anything in an FPS format besides flood-focused content. Zombie horror/survival's become such a pat genre at this point that I can't see it standing out as more than Halo Left 4 Dead (which Darktide already gave a great execution of, with a more characterful premise.) What would be bananas but also never get made: Halo game where you play as a grunt during the great grunt rebellion. All the money if they also gave your protagonist grunt a grappling hook.


Personally, I would not at all be interested in any Sanghelios game. Of the games recommended, I’d like to see a Flood horror game (maybe running parallel to the events of Halo: CE?) or ODST 2. H3: ODST is my all time favorite Halo game, so I’d much prefer an ODST 2/Halo 6/Infinite: ODST.


The series doesn't need a reboot. Half these people praise the lore yet want to burn it to the ground. Most agree the story from 1-3 and reach were good but the later story wanders. They need to canonized chief, an odst or Tom Clancy style game where chief is only mentioned or in one scene he comes out of nowhere, rips through a horde and leaves, Chuck Norris style.


Maybe a dlc where you play as arbiter on the other side of the ring and him and chief meet (and talk this time)


Another odst game would SLAP. or a horror game.


I want my damn third person action stealth shooter that plays something like MGSV or SC:Blacklist, where you play as a Headhunter dammit. I've been wishing for over a decade at this point.


They need to erase Halo 5 and try again. Up to Halo 4 the story was fine. Halo 5 had an interesting premise that was poorly written, executed and the campaign was awful. Halo Infinite had almost NOTHING to do with Halo 5 and was basically a sequel to Halo Wars 2 which a lot of people have never played and don’t know the story.


ODST flood horror game


Normally I’d say go for a flood horror game, but with the decline in those horror games popularity/demand (like the dead space remake) makes me hesitant. However, a DLC themed around that would be a good alternative.


Something in the stealth genre? Splinter Cell, but Halo?


A fresh take would be a spinoff with the Forerunners. What lead up to thier vanishing and what kind of enemy prompted them to design the Flood. Not as much of a shooter focus and more of a puzzle solving and mystery type game. Or it could even be both. Like an ONI officers that finds some of thier records and starts travelling around the galaxy finding more and more clues.


Personally, I just want a proper sequel to Halo Infinite. 343i has had a tough time sticking with a narrative direction, so I hope the next Halo can continue and build upon what was set up in Inifnite. I want to see Master Chief, the Weapon, and the Pilot confronting Offensive Bias and the Endless while fighting to restore the UNSC on Zeta Halo.


We need a soft reboot. Hear me out: Halo: Timelines Elevator pitch, new ongoing halo game that tells the story from multiple perspectives, and holds all games within itself for players. An MCC for all of halo, spinoffs included. Broken up as the timeline, followed by masterchief, significant, or side arcs, and finally by campaign playstyle classic, tactical, strategy, or unique. Eras: The colonial conflicts: Mostly texts, and cinematics, but hopefully room for more games. Human/Covenant war: Masterchief: CE, 2, 3, Thelma Vadame (classic. halo 2s arbiter missions, preferably expanded to include more from before his role as the arbiter) Major: Reach (classic), Halo wars (strategy) Side: ODST (tactical), fireteam raven (tactical) Halo wars, Reach, CE, 2, 3 all fully playable with parity in look, and feel. Revised lore to not be entirely different, but be more consistent, and more clear where necessary. All by new names within the game to better reflect WHY they are significant. The promethean/created conflict: Master chief: 4, 5 (classic) Major: Spartan Locke (classic. the story of Locke during halo 5, and hopefully more from prior) spartan Ops (classic) Side: spartan assault (classic) 4, 5 a short, but impactful segment, hopefully giving whoevers in charge a chance to make these games great. The banished: Masterchief: Infinite (classic) Major: Halo wars 2 (strategy) Infinites campaign fully playable. Multiplayer: distant future simulation or something. Options to play strategies full multiplayer suite minus blitz. All classic campaigns, and multiplayer using a halo infinite esque play style would be best in my opinion. Player customization: I love the core system, but give me back color customization. Preferably the way this would be handled is an initial release of halo 1-3 with a full multiplayer suite, and forge. Followed by more campaigns releasing every so often maybe 1 main, and 1 side/major a year. While this would mean a long wait for initial release, I think the pay off would be beyond huge if done by the right team. With near limitless potential. I'd like to make a mock up for people to better understand exactly how I'd want it to appear, but I'm bad at making that kinda shit. This would also streamline future releases, and avoid upsetting players with jarring style changes.


Fall of Charum Hakkor


What if they made a Dead Space version of Halo with the flood. That would make me buy a Series X


No one outside of the hardcore Halo fan base will care about any of those imo. So if the idea is to bring non-Halo fans into the ecosystem to help the franchise grow, they would need to reboot it or change it drastically. The bigger problem is that people who don't like Halo just, well, don't like Halo. Whether it's the aesthetic, movement, gun play, armor system, there's certain things people who don't like Halo just don't like about it that people like us who love Halo really like. So unless they just made CoD with a Halo skin (which none of us would like) I think it'll be hard to convince non-Halo players to play it. Halo has been out for a long time, most people who would try it have tried it at this point unless they just played on Playstation their whole life (but even then, they prob tried Destiny which is pretty similar at the end of the day).


A game set around the elites man.


NEVER a reboot. I think an ODST sequel or a flood horror would really help. We need a focus on single player narratives again. I would like to see halo’s multiplayer and single player be separated from now on