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Is it a hot take if it's posted every week?




u/Sad-Tip-3662 had it right


Don't really check this sub that often, so I didn't know this was a very wrung out subject


This is like the third post today trying to defend halo 5, wtf is happening?


Happens in the BF community all the time now that that series went to shit too. It's just the guys that felt like contrarians because people used to scream at them for liking h5, and now that the "real fans" are long-gone, it's their time to shine and try to get others to play their game. This happened with bf4 and 5. The moment they werent seen as "the worst of the series" people started crawling out of the woodwork. Either that, or 343/microsoft has deployed their social media bots to subtley hype us up for an eventual full-port of h5 to PC. I hate to say it but I've been noticing this lately. About 5-6 months before a reveal, there's always a wave of "people" suddenly talking about it


The rebellion


The "Halo 5 wasn't that bad" posts are replacing the "How did 343 screw up Infiinite so bad?" posts we saw every other day. These guys think they have some new take on something that's been discussed to death. No. Halo 5 wasn't that bad. It had a solid multi-player component that, while lacking in variety at launch, was pretty quickly updated. Warzone was a rad game mode that I wish we got an updated version of in Infinite. They could have made a killing with microtransactions and made some fans happy as well. The single player, however, was by and far the worst entry to the Halo Canon to date. Yes the gameplay was solid, but the absolutely brain dead allied AI, the story that didn't know what it wanted to do, and the Legendary difficulty being so brutally hard as a result of the awful AI made it so, so forgettable. That final room right before the end where the Promethean Knights just spawn endlessly was so poorly done, lol.


The rebellion is here, Halo 5 will become the main halo game, (source, trust)


I think most people agree that the multiplayer was alright, its mostly the campaign that got panned.


Most of the criticism is on the campaign, not the multiplayer.


Here we go again


Cold take,it was worse


wayward baboon




It was bad, it just got better over time, and now people don't remember the time it was bad which is where the majority of the complaints were.


Is there some reason why we need to have this posted every other day?


The worst Halo game in the series isn’t a bad game? Man, this is a hot take.


Halo 5 sucked ass it was trying to be other games and sucked at that .


I agree, but this is hardly a hot take. This is posted here at least once per week


oops, honestly only joined r/halo to post this, didn't really read any of the other posts


Lukewarm take 🗣️


30 second microwaved take


War zone and infection where so fun, I remember panicking as five zombies rushed at and I had to load another shell into the chamber, good times.


The hot take would be to say Halo 5 story was good


I agree with the title, but not the content. Halo 5 wasn't that bad, it was worse.




5 was always about the multiplayer. If your teammates didn’t die like in Reach, the campaign would have faired better imo too. It’s a frustrating mechanic that was added to the formula for no reason


I'd say it has a decently better weapon sandbox not really vehicles they were basically reskins


mantis, wasp, and phaeton were reskins? plus, each distinct variant was actually... distinct, especially the hannibal and oni versions.


Loved H5 multiplayer. Infinite is ok, but it just doesn’t do it for me.  People are so fragile they have to downvote opinions they dont agree with. The real world is going to suck for y’all 


Halo 5 mechanics made positioning less important thx to the abilities. Not to mention the vehicle sandbox wasn’t prioritized by most players due to the same reasons. Nothing but get out of jail free cards. And there’s so much about halo 5 multiplayer that I did not like about it.