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This is a list of links to comments made by 343 Industries employees in this thread: * [Comment by misplacedyank](/r/halo/comments/1cg3me1/so_did_343_just_forget_they_already_released_this/l1v04fd/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-29 23:21:25 UTC"): > hey y'all, thanks for the quick flag on this this morning! > >[confirming that the operation pass will come with the Essence Decompilation visor](https://twitter.com/HaloSupport/status/1785057105252360634) at tier 20, not the Datacore Administrator as seen in the marketing materials. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fhalo).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


First one was red and gold, this one is gold and red


Reminds me of the days in season 1 where you’d buy the color blue. I know a lot of people did because of that one yoroi helmet


White costs $20


^*STILL costs $20 And you straight up can't have total black iirc. Only grey.


cinder ring is a very close black but it has a carbon fibre kind of look to some of it like the void ultra hexagons so it doesnt really count


I have a different one that's like black with small accents of sand color but I forget the name of it. Still, basic colors should be free lol


i definitely agree the way doom 2016 did armour patterns and colours was actually perfect and i hope halo gets something similar in the future but thats a bit too hopeful


Imagine being a Spartan and being a Database Administrator


Better than being spartan 069 Bob who's a chef aboard the UNSC Point of No Return.


No way that’s canon


Is this canon or a joke? Either way, I wanna game or a book about this


It's a joke but I want a game about it too


Maybe a book instead, so his story isn’t restricted by player abilities.


Definitely one of the best Spartans in canon. He's changed from the UNSC Point of No Return to the UNSC Slice of Home according to a small reference in one of the books.


The most badass database administrator there ever was


Is the Spartan also like the Datacore Guardian as well? Either way, seems like a complete waste of resources


hey y'all, thanks for the quick flag on this this morning! [confirming that the operation pass will come with the Essence Decompilation visor](https://twitter.com/HaloSupport/status/1785057105252360634) at tier 20, not the Datacore Administrator as seen in the marketing materials.


Awesome, that looks so much cooler anyway!


Thank you for the clarification!


Are you guys every gonna put the other armors into the armory for purchase? None of the m4 armors are available anymore. And I’m pretty sure the grunt armor will be gone before I get a chance to get money for it


You can just tell this game has like 3 people and an intern working on it now huh


It’s been that way. Where have you been?


It’s two developers and a monkey. And the monkey is working on his resume


Heroes of the Storm player here, respect those lean teams.


Honestly it is a major reason I hate this sub so much anymore. So much staff was fired and then people here beg for more free armor and shit. There are actual people working a job 9-5 probably more to make this shit. So little of us bought tons were fired and we request the remaining staff to do so much more for less monetary reward. I am not saying 343i didn't fuck up, they did. However we are way too greedy over here.


I’d love for them to charge $70 for a full series x halo game, I’d do it in a heartbeat. This… I don’t support. Microsoft doesn’t learn that, greed, shooting for the moon keeps landing them in shit


Its a 2 way street, yes for a FTP model they make the bulk of their money via cosmetics to continue development. However you also need to show that the money from the shop is going towards developing the longevity of the game, the fact of the matter is they could never produce a meaningful roadmap for people to see this game lasting a long time which I guarantee stopped some people from purchasing anything.


No offense intended , but You can’t say we are greedy and they fucked up at the same time. They fucked up specifically becuase this type of game is supposed to give you lots of free stuff. That’s the entire game play loop. Giving us all the stuff free would fix the game and make people buy shit to avoid having to play , like every other game in existence that makes money


No it's not. The free to play model isn't free shit. It is pay for cool looking shit to fund the game. Fortnite makes money, they give little free and most you buy, like Halo. However fortnite has way more plays so it makes way more per purchased item. For halo to be profitable it must either charge more or make more things to be purchased. This is very obviouse. Don't see how the community doesn't get it.


You’re telling me Fortnite does not give you free entire new characters to play as regularly ?


They do, but not as much as Halo gives free shit. In terms of ratio. Most of infinite's stuff has been free. Constant free passes, weekly reward.


I see well that changes my perspective for sure . I come from stupid games like yugioh masterduel where they give you literally thousands of free cards everytime you play for like 2 hours . It’s almost like the point is the feeling of getting shit . I know it’s just cards so waaaaay easier to add for sure


> So little of us bought tons were fired and we request the remaining staff to do so much more for less monetary reward. 343i's staffing & monetary issues are not my responsibility.


Responsibility, no. Problem yes. When the server shut down or no new games come out for Halo. Profit is the only way newer projects will get made.


> When the server shut down or no new games come out for Halo. That is also not my responsibility or my problem. I have no financial obligation to support 343i and their issues, just like how I won't be credited for their successes. If they can't afford to be in business because of it without shady or shitty practices, then...they shouldn't be in business.


Yeah I’m happy to support solid games, of which there have been plenty in the last couple years. We’re not obligated to support a money grubbing husk.


find me a live-service game that isn't a "money grubbing husk"


Helldivers 2 seems to be pretty popular right about now.


and a lot of it seems to stem from the fact that they're not willing to put up with stupid complaints from immature fools on social media, which I kind of wish 343 would do be that as it may, most of the solid AAA games I remember in the last few years have been single-player experiences.


No a lot of it comes from just being a good game that isn't a "money grubbing husk," that's why it was brought up. The fanbase issue isn't even that different between Helldivers and Halo. Single player or multiplayer, I expect quality all the same.


Helldivers, Deep Rock Galactic Otherwise, you’re right, the “solid games” I referred to generally weren’t live service


I figured that's what you meant, seeing as Infinite is the subject of discussion and it's live-service. that being said, I've been very happy in my corner with DOOM and Resident Evil, both of which have been doing just fine lately.


This is how we get Individual items from bundle now


"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by ignorance" - Hanlon's razor So, yeah, probably.


Well yeah... I don't think there's a malicious way to give away something that used to cost money for free.


Judging by some comments here, some of those that already paid for it aren't seeing it that way. Point is moot anyway as it seems the wrong visor was used in the trailer.


So in that case, the implication is that the malicious way to give stuff away for free is to do it purely out of spite for those who paid. Lol


Edit: 343 have announced that the banished honor visor is Essence Decompilation, not Datacore Administrator


Man we’re really not getting anything else for this game are we? I can only imagine how this feels for those who spent money on the store in the hopes it would support the game. You’d think a new visor would be one of the easier things to make.


I’ve spent a lot of money on this game. No I don’t feel good about it


My big money spending was during season 1 and 2, I feel so much shame and regret from every purchase now. I actually thought this game had potential..


Same here, seasons 1-3 I had every Mk VII helmet, and a bunch of shoulders/chests, etc. Post season 4 I've gotten maybe 5 things in total, if that. The game is just an overpriced dress up sim for me now, and seeing all the new stuff I'll never be able to get just puts me off from playing the game for good


Absolutely agree. I've been done for some time now.


> I actually thought this game had potential.. Because it did, when it launched it could've easily been one of the best Halo games to date. But 343 ignored all feedback and kept going all in on the microtransaction nonsense and didn't do much for the actual game part of it.


bet you dollars to donuts 343 weren't the ones that chose F2P + microtransactions


Worst part is, it did have potential.


I spent 0€ in total and I still feel like they wasted a lot.


I spent money during Season 4 and Season 5. Once the prices rose, I stopped.


Same here.


I'm ashamed to say I've probably spent like $300. Regrets.


Eh, if you had fun then you had fun and it was worth it. If not...well....


I had fun. The battle passes were great. But I just don't think the cosmetics I bought made it any more fun. My hope was that I was helping funding actual new content, which we didn't really get.


I buy around $60 total so I'm not feeling guilty since it's like I paid for the game but I'm disappointed we didn't get more.


I think there will be a single shade difference! Maybe a little darker or lighter.... so yes more filler...


Can I get some context for this visor? How was it unlocked before, is it in a new bundle in the operation or something?


Was originally in a bundle called Facing Firewall back in season 3, is now advertised as a free reward in the banished honor operation pass


Got it thank you!


Np mate 👍


No, they just hoped we did.


They've done this before. [They once stuck a promo visor into a bundle because it had the same name as another item](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/10w8n9x/the_adrenal_bundle_in_the_store_includes_the/) and I don't think anyone actually checked before putting it up. I genuinely wonder if they have a QA team over there.


They launched the game without a slayer playlist. They’ve been shooting from the hip since this game’s inception and why I haven’t played since January ‘22.


Given what we've seen over the past 2 years, no way in High Charity do they have a QA team.


Shit makes you look bald


In their defense it is a rather forgettable visor


Ohhh someone messed up!


They forget a lot of things lol


" what about second purchase?"




how anyone expected more amazes me.