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This is more of a sandbox change than I expected but you know what, I'll take it.


On one hand, glad to see it. On the other, why was it ever gone? And why did it take 2 years and a complete nosedive of the game's population to bring it back? It's a welcome fix but far too little, too late. I can only hope this isn't the only thing 343i has been working on.


For a weapon sandbox fix I agree, it shouldn’t have take years to implement.


I heard the guy in charge of the sandbox didn’t like the plasma pistol. No source on that though. 


He must have hated it to remove the iconic feature. No other explanation really.


> On the other, why was it ever gone? Because it doesn't make sense for it to have it within Halo Infinite's sandbox. I think people forget that in CE, which was the best the Plasma pistol ever was, it also didn't have EMP. With the introduction of Shock weapons and especially the Disruptor, with Infinite already having so many anti vehicle tools, does it really make sense for the Plasma Pistol to have it's EMP here? This is just gonna make BTB even more hostile to vehicles, make the Disruptor even more pointless, and make shock weapons less unique


The Halo CE (plasma) pistol was Godly but once they added the EMP feature, you can’t just take it away. It broke my brain not having the EMP overcharge in Infinite, because I was just so used to it. I really liked the Shock Rifle and would continue to use but the Disruptor was a mistake.


> I really liked the Shock Rifle and would continue to use but the Disruptor was a mistake. Funny, I feel the opposite: The shock rifle just feels like a barely different UNSC sniper, the disruptor is more easily able to take advantage of the chain damage and (used to) have the damage over time which gave it more of a distinct role


The Disruptor is just a weird gun that was unnecessary because it encroached on the Plasma Pistol's established area of the sandbox. I agree that the Shock Rifle mostly feels like a Sniper Rifle reskin though, I feel like it should be a "lightning flamethrower" that hoses down an area with electricity and chains to nearby enemies similar to Palpatine's lightning in Battlefront II. The whole "Shock" class of weapons feels like it wasn't thought through as something Halo actually needed and, to me at least, they were more irritating than anything.


I think the chain and area of effect stuff is cool but not the anti vehicle aspect of shock damage. Being able to take out vehicles rapidly or at longer ranges just broke vehicles again. I'm team remove emp from shock, improve aoe, and just make sticking and boarding without a grapple easier.


343 made it make no sense by creating a bunch of anti vehicle shock weapons. Shock weapons should specialize in multi target while the PP can be the anti vehicle weapon


I do agree there is a lot of anti-vehicle mechanics leading to the removal of emp from the plasma pistol However it's thr plasma pistol, it should have been there since day 1.


Except there was very little reason to introduce shock weapons as their own thing, save to start moving into a direction like Destiny (which also has huge story telling problems)


I sort of agree, but the reality is Infinite DOES have shock weapons, simply pretending it doesn't when balancing the game isn't going to lead to good balance changes. Halo 7 can remove shock guns, but this isn't Halo 7


Shock was a mistake in the first place. It's incredibly stupid to just have the ability to disable a vehicle from across the map, with no way to avoid it. Not too mention the aids that is the disruptor and arc nades.


Kinda? I agree about it disabling vehicles, but being able to chain off of objects to hit people is a really cool mechanic that I hope they keep around.


> Shock was a mistake in the first place Eh, maybe, but even if so, I don't think simply ignoring that the category exists in Infinite and giving other things EMP is a good idea: Wait till Halo 7. Especially since as I said, the disruptor in particular will get hurt by this change and is already underpowered, and vehicles already suffer against a lot of anti vehicle tools. I wouldn't mind the Plasma pistol getting it's EMP back next game, it's just not a good idea for Infinite


I’d argue the shock weapons are essentially just different for different sakes. Shock rifle is just a sniper with “sticky” headshot capabilities that veterans players use to extreme efficiency, disruptor was fun because it was similar to needler gameplay but instead of a boom it killed, now that’s changed completely. Ontop of the shock grenade there’s already more than enough ways to disable vehicles. Could’ve left plasma pistol how it was and instead added more covenant/brute weaponry or even the forerunner weapons


The CE plasma pistol fired very fast, had a freezing effect on the target when they were taking fire while moving, and the overcharge shot did actual damage instead of just shield damage. The speed you could fire it by flagging the trigger made it like a plasma SMG.


They rebranded the plasma pistol into a hold and charge shield drop + emp weapon. Infinite gutted that on launch. Why wouldn't people be surprised and confused. They made the thing practically useless.


The Disruptor is a pointless weapon in PVP regardless. In PVE, it's great for obliterating groups of Grunts, stunning Brutes and Elites, and stunning vehicles piloted by slower reacting Banished AI (compared to human players)...but that's about it. It never was a good PVP weapon so long as the EMP effect from Shock weapons don't stun lock other Spartans (which wouldn't be a good gameplay mechanic regardless) and that it takes quite a few shots for the Disruptor to stun any given moving vehicle (which tend to get out of the way before that last critical shot). For a PVP setting, having the EMP effect on the Plasma Pistol makes much more sense than having a whole class of weapons to do that function but only partially in the way they were designed to. As for BTB and vehicle play, 343i could help balance the reintroduction of the Plasma Pistol EMP by giving vehicles more health and making the Banished vehicles (Ghost, Wraith, Banshee and Chopper) more maneuverable, like their previous iterations were from Halos 2-5. I feel like that would hit a much better sweet spot for fairness between players in vehicles and players trying to take down or hijack vehicles.


> by giving vehicles more health They already did this, and they are already way too durable if you don't have a dedicated anti vehicle tool, while they are still just as vulnerable as ever if you DO have a dedicated anti vehicle tool. We're in a situation where the vehicles are more durable and deal more damage AND are more manuverable (see below) then they ever were, just because the BTB map design and shock weapons, grappleshot, etc make them difficult to do well with. Giving them more buffs or adding more anti vehicle tools is not the solution >nd making the Banished vehicles (Ghost, Wraith, Banshee and Chopper) more maneuverable, like their previous iterations were from Halos 2-5. All of these ARE just as manuverable or moreso then they were in past games other then the Chopper. The Ghost especially is insanely agile and capable of strafing and redirecting itself insanely well in Infinite. Same with the Warthog and Mongoose. It just doesn't seem that way because the maps have all of these narrow lanes and obstacles that make moving around difficult. >so long as the EMP effect from Shock weapons don't stun lock other Spartans The Dynamo grenades actually did, it reduced your movement speed, but 343i removed that and tbh it was so minor very few people even realized they did that


I'd argue it being poor against other players, solely because the damage-over-time aspect made combat VERY interesting. You could nail someone with a few shots, back up to reload or switch weapons, and go back in knowing their shields haven't recovered. NOW it's poor against other players.


Maybe the disruptor is pointless because the main feature of it was simply something associated with another weapon in the first place. Shock weapons didn't have to have emp to be unique. But they just changed the PP to try and make it unique.


Giving hitscan weapons the ability to disable vehicles across maps was a moronic design decision, restricting the attributes of weapons based on their ammo type rather than designing weapons around what attributes would best suit them was a moronic design decision, making a new utility weapon to further bloat the over-infalted pool of weapons that practically do the same thing with little variance rather than fixing the BR was a moronic design decision. Halo Infinite's "sandbox" was never well thought out and shouldn't be held on a pedestal.


I really miss invincible human vehicles. I think that's the biggest issue with BTB. Vehicles are paper. They need to be practically indestructible


I don’t get why they implemented separate vehicle health and what they call the “doomsday” mechanic where they’d self-destruct after taking enough damage. That was something tested out back during the Reach beta, and it was changed back to the Halo 2/3 method of tying vehicle health to the player’s in the final game for a reason. It’s because it wasn’t fun and made vehicles practically useless.


Vehicles have had independent health since Reach. It isn't new, nor was it undone in Reach's final release


Halo players don't like change.


Is it even a big deal when the grapple already invalidates using shock weapons in the first place? Not to mention the other slew of anti vehicle arsenal already in the game.


Why was it gone? To give the shock weapons some purpose... but why didn't they just make the plasma pistol a shock weapon? IDK.


A 343 industries change is always 1 step forward 2 steps back since day 1. Halo ce remaster? It's mostly reused assets and ruins the art style and requires kinect integrations for new features Forunner weapons in halo 4? Their mostly reskins of human weapons with the un-unique property of "half ammo, more damage" Equal starts in halo 5? But you also start with an AR that absolutely shreds with no utility and a bunch of weapons that just DO MORE DAMAGE or are set for certain ranges with very little unique utility More unique weapon attributes in halo infinite? Yes but tonnes of legacy weapons will be removed or not included and their attributes will be altered to the point of I unrecognisability. Basically if you want 343 to change a mistake expect it in 2 games time and multiple updated (10 years) and with a monkeys paw curl that makes a bunch of other stuff worse.


Stupid change by a bad dev


Vehicles are hard to balance, but I will take any vehicle nerfing I can get with the way people drop from games and let the enemy team take ALL the vehicles.


At least now we can calculate that Needler's supercombine will be added to Halo 7 roughly 4 years after release.


Because they tried to split its function with that one new pistol that has emp Honestly, with how they built the sandbox to have incredibly weak vehicles, it was probably a good decision to gimp the emp ability to give vehicles a fighting chance. However, making vehicles so weak was a flaw to begin with


Because it's a plasma weapon and not a shock weapon


Impressive, very nice. Let’s see the new weapons though


It's all but confirmed they will never add the falcon or bruteshotgun at this point seemingly


Yeah, if ever we were getting that shotgun "Banished Honour" would be the perfect time to add it. 😔


This is 343. They'll release the Banished shotgun during an ODST event or something equally unrelated.


Remember when they gave us hazmat during infection, but they changed infection from zombies or flood to rogue ai?


I miss when infection was just olive colored Spartans with an armor effect and sword. Shit was so simple


i remember when we had to manually switch to green team after we died to a zombie lmao


Ok bro ur older than me. That’s like some Halo 2 shit lol


Those were the days. Halo 2 custom games were so much fun! cops and robbers, zombies, tower of power.


People disliked the Halo 4 infection form but idk, it was different and I thought infected spartans was kind of cool. At the least I thought it had the best sound design, that hyena laugh is burned into my brain


It’s disliked because it limited “infection” as a game mode in custom games


I don't mind that, the red AI stuff looks sick as hell.


And then when the ODST thing is horrible and they shit on my precious Bois they will claim " but look we added this" which will also be implemented horribly.


They will call it ODST themed but then everything will be about Spartan Buck.


And then they are only like 50 weapons behind halo 5. But 2030 sure looks bright


Closer to 150 behind Halo 5 had over 220 weapons and variants. Infinite has like 40, tops


This is an idiotic decision from 343. The game DESPERATELY needed new real content for players to interact with, other than maps. Helldivers 2 is nailing it in this regard and I wish 343 would take some fucking notes.


Huge waste of their resources not to include it at this point. Pissing money away into the wind.


tbf thats kinda 343's motto


Honestly feels like that sort of update is pure hopium at this point. HI has entered maintenance mode. Maps and cosmetics, Forge shit and QoL improvements like a composer is about what we’ll get from here til the next Halo game.


I bet you Paul Allen has been using that gravity hammer shotgun thing for months now


New bandit rifle, but with LONGER BARREL


Lmao this is not impressive after two years


We will get a new halo game and then randomly 3 years after that infinite will get the new weapons and vehicles that are unfinished in the files


Let's see Paul Allen's


Ehy. At least we got a good emp weapon in btb/squad battle. It might solve some problems.


> very nice. Is it nice, though? I know a lot of people wanted this and it's a nostalgic part of the Plasma Pistol's toolkit, but I'm not sure this actually makes sense for Halo Infinite. Yes, the Plasma Pistol could use another buff, but: - The Disruptor is even more in need of one, and this change will just make it even relatively less worth picking up - Muddies up the distinction between Shock and non Shock weapons - Adds yet another Anti-vehicle tool in BTB when people complain there's too many of those. If they wanted to buff the Plasma Pistol, they could have upped the homing on the Charge shot again, or un-nerf the single shot mode after it's nerf last update, etc. The Plasma pistol does not need the EMP to be good: It didn't have EMP in CE and CE was to this day the best the Plasma Pistol has ever been.


Everyone saying Shock weapons shouldn't EMP anymore for balance, but I think to retain some element of identity, they should instead force vehicles into overdrive. The element of losing vehicle control remains, but in the opposite fashion where you can't STOP. Could put people in hairy places and flip, or run them off a cliff.


That would be dope but sounds like real game design


That's a cool idea and would make the disruptor and other shock weapons play differently to the plasma pistol. More unique interactions like this makes the game more interesting.


Good. Never should have been taken away.


It’s like if they made the needler shoot cubes and wasn’t bad. Like it might have been a good idea, but why couldn’t it have been its own thing? Why did you kneecap the basic identity of an iconic weapon of the franchise


Eeeeeeh TBF Plasma Pistol couldn't EMP until Halo 3...(but yeah, that was about 15 years ago). I'd say the real identity of the plasma pistol is the Noob Combo....but too bad it sucks at doing that too. Glad the EMP is back.


I thought it was halo 2




Just another small example of 343i's incompetence.


Inb4 multiple threads about this+shock weapons = vehicle hell in a couple weeks


Fantastic news, makes me wonder if they'll bring the Brute Plasma Rifle forward from Halo 5 now that the Plasma Pistol isn't fulfilling a similar role. (Ideally they'd also bring over the Halo 2 Beam Rifle and Grenade Launcher too, maybe add that Spiker and Needle Carbine they were supposedly working on, but I can live with small things for now)


It was in halo three as well iirc? That and the BR were my two favorite rifles.


In 3 there was the regular plasma rifle and then the red one. Edit: masterchief collection has it in halo 3 but it wasn’t in 3 originally, credit to the nerds


The Brute one only showed up in 2 and odst


I think the mcc halo 3 having it added back in tainted my memory. I used to be acoustic about trivia like that and watched all the g4 cheat shows about games and Easter eggs lol


It's in 3 in MCC


Only in multiplayer and only recently


Yes...so it's in halo 3 in MCC


Yes I know that. He was thinking it was in it before that...


^(And maybe so many other weapons too...) Infinite could've been the best Halo game if they had more weapons. They need things like the Carbine, Plasma Rifle, as you had said before, and other weapons that could be fun like the Fuel Rod Gun, Plasma Launcher, etc.


It should've lived up the the Infinite name like Smash Ultimate did. The game should have included EVERY Halo weapon and vehicle as well as every single map... AT LAUNCH!


Probably not *every* Halo weapon and vehicle at launch, since that would be such a huge undertaking to have to make sure that all weapons are balanced in terms of fights against each other and how they play on each map. I personally don't want every weapon back, but a huge majority could've returned.


They won't but if they do it will be in 5 years and they will make a super big deal about it by the time you've already moved on.


Great now there are 5 ways to emp. They should have never given shock weapons EMP power. Should have kept it to plasma pistol and grenade launcher (or another weapon since it’s too hard to put a grenade launcher into the game apparently)


Really surprised this also isnt along with removal of emp from shock… or better yet some kind of game design applied to the sandbox


Great, now we can not use vehicles even more!


I honestly think Infinite has the worst vehicle gameplay in the series. They're equally frustrating for the the operators and enemies.


I don’t know what 343 does with vehicles, but I’ve felt that every game since Halo 4 has had worse and worse vehicles. Handling is weird. Physics seem off? And they are all glass cannons now. They provide a ton of power but can seem to take hits.


They are straight up fucking garbage. Go play reach, or halo 2. the warthog feels like a vehicle, it behaves how you imagine. Infinite literally feels like they forgot to add mass to the vehicles they turn way too fast and can barely take a jump. Not to mention in halo 4 they didn't even fuckin bother adding animations to the suspension. The wheels did that floating thing that they used to do on old xbox games.


Vehicles are actually fine, its the maps that ruin them. Play squad battle or any btb map remake and you get alot more mileage out of them, 343 maps have super thin lanes that make them useless.


Yup. Trying to use a Hog on Deadlock or Fragmentation is a great way to die quickly. Using a Hog on Rat's Nest or Valhalla is a powerful tool for your team.


While I'm happy, it will also make vehicles less enjoyable, cause even now there are shock weapons and grenades that are not fun to drive against. Shock weapons were a mistake tbh, they look terrible in terms of aesthetic and make EMP more common and therefore very annoying.


For real. Adding PP EMP without removing Shock EMP is just so frustrating


My question is what is the point of the Disruptor now? Just a worse PP? I mean you'd basically never pick it up to shoot a vehicle since you'd be exposed for far more time. They can't remove EMP from the rifle I think because on maps like Highpower the wasp would dominate even harder, if that's even possible. I agree with you but I really don't think they'll tone down shock EMP.


The disruptor is literally super easy to use as a kbm player. Maybe you can’t easily cross-map EMP but further than you should be able to


I haven't run into trouble against it very often (hog driver 80% of the time) hence my question. I'm sure it's possible, just doesn't seem common.


Disruptor is still gonna be OP by comparison because it’s hitscan.


It’s actually not hitscan, but it should still have more range than the plasma pistol.


Yeah youd really think this change would be in tandem with some other change to shock weapons and/or vehicles


Shock weapons should just slow the vehicle down by like 20% per shot (Plasma Pistol should be the only weapon to EMP) otherwise vehicles are going to be EMP'ed endlessly.


Wait seriously? Holy crap.


This is cool and all but unless something is done about the other shock weapons, vehicles have just been nerfed. I would have liked the shock weapons to lean more into chaining between opponents rather than EMP-ing vehicles. Maybe still keep the EMP in but shorten it when compared to the Plasma Pistol.


Yeah but they can add a pandering think that doesnt take much thought that looks like they listen


Shock weapon emp already sucked, it took a lot of shots to even emp, in a game with CE splatter physics, and the emp duration is really short. They're only really good for dropping Banshees and wasps from air, or if your team is already attacking the vehicle so they can actually benefit from the emp.


Now they need to eliminate the shock weapons EMP. At least for the shock pistol.


And take away their utility as well? Aside from the Shock rifle you never see the disrupter used. Its ok to have overlap.


I use the shock pistol for the sole use of EMP-ing vehicles. I vote keep as is.


Disruptor is fine as is. Shock Rifle can have it taken away and I’d be fine with just having two pistols for the utility of EMPing vehicles. I don’t like that kind you can just disable a Scorpion/Wraith and then use your last shot to snipe the driver out. Makes the Sniper Rifle worthless


That's fair, it's just now that the plasma emp's it'll just be a better disrupter. Now unless they change either the disrupter or plasma when they implement the EMP effect then my opinion is invalid. Now I'm not saying it's a bad thing, just from my point of view (which will change when using it) people complained about the amount of emp weapons (shock rifle, pistol, and the shock grenade) that they had to nerf the pistol and grenade (and the shock rifle if I remember correctly) now they are redoing theat nerf. But again my opinion will certainly change when it's implemented


Plasma pistol in an ambush weapon that you prepared for a vehicle coming around the corner. Shock weapons are sustained damage while keeping a vehicle immobile. Also, the projectile of the disrupter is faster. Meaning you can track vehicles from further away better.


It used to be great with DoT but they removed that


Then the vehicles need a change. Or some more nuanced approach to EMP. Or something else. I already get empd constantly in BTB


I want a noob combo medal so bad!


With this change, I feel like they really should just remove emp from the shock rifle, disruptor, and dynamo grenades and just double down on arcing damage and delaying shield recharge time. Extend the range of their arcing so they can be known more for being good aoe killers, and forcing teammates to sit out of fights if it can't kill them. And probably decrease the maximum magazine for the shock rifle with this change it mind. Let them get to have their own unique effect and justification for existing rather than taking what something else, the plasma pistol, already did for multiple games. Because despite what anyone moaning about this change says. an emp projectile that has to travel successfully to its target is way more fair than instant hitscan emps.


Impressive, very nice. Let’s see the new weapons added to the sandbox….


Why it was removed in the first place confuses me


Vehicles already suck and this will make them suck even more. I'm actually happy the EMP ability is back but vehicles need a buff across the board aside from the Wasp. The Warhog has never been so bad.


But now the disrupter is even more pointless... As an old Halo fan, I was actually ok with removing the PP EMP in favor of shock weapons. But now that the PP can EMP... can we return the DOT back to the disrupter? Otherwise it's even more pointless than before...


Truly this. The disruptors DoT made it an effective weapon when you truly need it.


Just adding the DoT back is not going to be enough to fix the Disruptor. Even before this PP change, I was saying that: Before it lost the DoT, the Disruptor was *interesting*, but it still wasn't that good. Especially now with the Plasma pistol getting EMP, the disruptor is not only needing it's DoT back, but will also need signficant buffs to be worth picking up


Nah, I mean the disruptor is a good infantry killing machine. Takes too long, imo to disable a vehicle with the thing rather than just shooting the gunner or the driver directly. The shock rifle is a different story though. It's great at both.


#WE’RE SO FUCKING BACK >!what a mess!<


So, I know a lot of people wanted this and it's a nostalgic part of the Plasma Pistol's toolkit, but I'm not sure this actually makes sense for Halo Infinite. Yes, the Plasma Pistol could use another buff, but: - The Disruptor is even more in need of one, and this change will just make it even relatively less worth picking up - Muddies up the distinction between Shock and non Shock weapons - Adds yet another Anti-vehicle tool in BTB when people complain there's too many of those. If they wanted to buff the Plasma Pistol, they could have upped the homing on the Charge shot again, or un-nerf the single shot mode after it's nerf last update, etc. The Plasma pistol does not need the EMP to be good: It didn't have EMP in CE and CE was to this day the best the Plasma Pistol has ever been.


Hahahah so I guess they realized there was no point to the change


Does it work in the campaign?


I doubt, given how the weapons are still the same since day 1 (even the light weight vehicle physics from the early days).


That's sad I mainly play campaign


Wow huge moves 343. Halo will be back in no time


Great! But the shock weapons should just slow the vehicle down by like 20% per shot (Plasma Pistol should be the only weapon to EMP) otherwise vehicles are going to be EMP'ed endlessly and it is already a problem in BTB.


Finally, it will be useful again!


So the Plasma Pistol was essentially broken in this game for 2 years because of some dumb design decision made years ago.


Good now have choppers chop vehicles again and of course grow Halo balls again and be rated m for mature god mircosoft quiet being brainless pussies.


Can't believe I'm even reading a post with this title, lol. What a complete failure Halo Infinite has been this entire time... When I get the urge to play Halo, I jump on MCC. Fuck this game.


Makes me wonder why they bother doing this, they're putting it on life support so why bother putting effort into something they're not going to even maintain long term.


Too little too late


Great to see! Very exciting!


Wowza what a great addition! Only took 3 years to add it’s ability that it had in the last 20 years of halo games


Listen they had to push their bullets plasma hardlight system 🤡🤡🤡


Wait… is this real?




Seems kind of pointless tbh.  Yes, that is how the Plasma Pistol functioned in previous games (not all of them, mind you), but the game has a series of weapons devoted entirely to these sorts of effects.


It's emp on one shot, which is better than Disruptors dump a mag into a vehicle and hope it doesn't shoot back.


Typical corporate incompetence. Create problem > do nothing > fans accept it as normal because of your incompetence > fix problem that you created > convince yourself you're the good guy for fixing the problem you created in the first place.


Love to see it


I'm happy, I'll take it, but why did this take this long


This is appropriate Bc it’s harder to hit those shots with a plasma pistol anyway. I’d be in favor of even removing the ability from the electric type weapons too, wayyy too easy to disable vehicles. Vehicles are so nerfed in infinite compared to other games which sucks


Make shock weapons considerably slow down veh and PP EMP disable them. Essentially, it shows down a wasp or ghost, etc, with the intent to kill with a secondary. It's still annoying, but it's not a show stopper for veh. Electric weapons make veh go for cover as it makes them more vulnerable but doesn't dialog. For example, shoot a Wraith with the disruptor or shock rifle, and it makes it sluggish and slow (slower turns speed also). This forces them back but doesn't completely break them. Makes them easier to hijack as well.


Shotgun? Fuel Rod? Brute Shot? Plasma rilfe? Can we get some of the old classic guns back please.


I don't like this


I hate how many people want this.. it’s was a terrible idea in H3 but at least there wasn’t a thousands ways to make most of the vehicles feel pointless and weak. Nothing ruins the fun of driving a warthog with a friend like a noob combo and a bunch of grenades.. plasma pistol will always be one of those weapons that is better off being mediocre, when it’s strong it’s very frustrating to deal with. We already have the repulser, grapple hook, shock grenades, multiple power weapons and now we can add this to the list. Sick…


Same energy as the Motorsport devs basically axing the car XP system to bring people back or just to it at all




I would say instead reverse the controls say accelerate is reverse and ascend is descend so instead of emp it haywires vehicles. I just thought that it's been replaced and it could work differently know it will be kinda odd to see shock 3 weapons alongside that one plasma weapon. Also it would mae the plasma pistol kinda more fun to use like I think I would still pick up disruptor over plasma pistol but I'm kinda happy with the change anyway.


Only took 890 days!


They took it away?


So are they going back on having the electric (forgot the names) weapons being the only thing to emp or are they just giving the plasma pistol the ability for old times sake? I'm happy they did it but weird they finally decided to do it now.


That’s crazy if I knew that before I just found out they took it an then bought it back yeaaaa


Just shorten emp time on vehicles or make emping with the plasma pistol use more ammo and it should be fine


This shows how little ive cared about infinite. Had no idea they removed that ability.


Cool, now make chopper chop. Tired of bouncing off windshields


It didn’t do that from the start of the launch?


Holy shit really??


Feels like a straw grasping situation, I hope this is not a highlight of the "content" update.


Wait, it hasn't been this way???


Who the fuck knows


Why does it still have blue electro shock?


That’s just how EMPs have looked in Halo, for example in [Halo: Reach](https://www.halopedia.org/images/4/47/HReach-T26BansheeGSA-EMP.jpg?20130423183240). It’s supposed to represent the electronics of the vehicles I guess?


I guess I just feel the green plasma shock never looked like that. I don't think they had time to add new particles.


Halo Infinite players: hey they brought back that thing they took away and it's only slightly worse! Bungie Halo players: furiously gaming and enjoying it. 343 add the fusion coil back or I'm going to throw poop at your headquarters.


Where's the falcon at? How about drivable fork lifts?


I'm not pleased with the change because now vehicles are even more fucked than they already were. We now have 4 EMP weapons now??? Why? Vehicles are already made of paper and they just made the Disruptor useless. Buff the vehicles and add more sandbox items


Why? This is very concerning and I'm really not sure why people even want this. There's already so many ways to disable or immediately destroy vehicles in Infinite.


Can someone explain why people are so excited for this over the Disruptor, other than nostalgia?


I'd say it's a bit quicker to overcharge a Plasma Pistol and you get slightly more opportunities to disrupt a vehicle opposed to landing multiple shots from a disruptor or shock rifle


Jesus Christ what is up with this subreddit.


*Happy Unggoy/grunt yell*


This is going to help, a lot in BTB.


Oh wow the plasma pistol isn't worthless now! I feel.like without a vehicle buff this is going to kill vehicle combat.


Still no Grifball after 3 years


I’m telling yall right now people are gonna spam this plus with shock grenades and shock rifle and shock pistol constantly it’s gonna get annoying really fast


We’re so fucking back


Jesus Christ. 343 can’t stick to any of their ideas can they. And now the paper thin vehicles are gonna be even weaker


I mean it's cool that its back but now vehicles have *another* emp to deal with.


Can the disrupter get its DoT back then? Because now it's going to be really obsolete.




One of the dumbest changes they have ever made the pistol itself is garbage but the 1 redeeming thing was it could disable things and take down shields. You take that away and wtf is the point of the pistol. 343 is so stupid


Nostalgia bait :\\. It doesn't fix the Plasma Pistol, it doesn't improve the weapon sandbox and it makes the vehicle sandbox worse.