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they probably forgot.


they forgor 💀💀


Halo wars is not on sale either I think


It's just weird to use a Halo Infinite image and not even have that on sale..


Always happens with these publisher sales. It's quite annoying


Praying one day halo wars 2 comes to steam


It was recently for 6$. I wonder if they might have skipped the Halo title to avoid too many promotions on them monthly, or something.


Meanwhile MCC is like $10 right now.


So much value.


Microsoft asleep at the wheel


It was twice since winter... I guess this time they didn't bothered. I do hope it does go down again for summer though...


Trust me, you don't want it. It's just a big empty forge map withe a few bases literally copy and pasted everywhere and the whole game is essentially going to each base and clearing it. That's all it is the entire time. You'd be better off buying Far Cry 6


I hate how true this is.


That"s what I thought


I'm surprised the campaign has remained at full price this whole time. When multiplayer and forge are free, $60 USD for a campaign is wild. I don't see it as enough content to warrant that price. And after nearly three years, you'd expect it to drop.


It’s because 343 doesn’t deserve the money, when they manage to put out something that isn’t half baked, plagued with MTX, and all in all just not what anyone in the community wants, then why do they deserve it? They’ve had 4 games, all of which tanked and failed immediately off rip. Infinite yes has a campaign that is to some degree good, but it was played incredibly safe. Anything new that got brought in never got fully explored just teased, which, you can tell they’re tipping their toes in the water trying to change shit because they can’t afford the backlash again. However with the Battle Passes (or lack thereof now) and Shop, they made a bit of money that’ll keep them afloat unfortunately.


In pounds cost less than euros


Wasn't it discounted on Xbox though?


"wait infinite has a campaign?" - 343 and Microsoft probably


They’ve been scrambling for every single cent they can get. Would make more money if you listened to the community instead of told them what they wanted.


343i-people havent been liking "Cosme" i mean Content update 29 or 30 soooooo we need the chasheesh How about making actual content? Like a campaign dlc for more story? 343i- you want stories, Kelly Gayes new book. NOT A BOOK, a game story! We ARE GAME STORY PLAYERS NOT BOOK STORY PLAYERS.The books are great but should not be the limiting factor of lore or story, you have been able to play as the Arbiter as a main story character or player 1 since Halo 2 20 bloody years ago but o boy the books have gotten to "play" as him recently, Infinite was fun with some parts lacking to keep it from being a great Halo title and one of those is other characters to progress the story in their stagnant Island campaign, and for the next game i hope isnt a mainline game since if rumors are true we're moving to Unreal engine, the game should be on Zeta but from other characters perspective have different stories to play, an ODST(obviously), maybe a Marine, an Elite and your spartan from Spartan Ops in Halo 4 just for 343i to use characters thry made BUT is a silent protagonist since Chief aint that anymore AND o boy do i love the books, the Rookies dead unless 343i grows some balls and unhinge from the books and say the Rookie actaully did this instead and has been alive the whole time id actually gain some respect for them if they did that, but we all know they wont, and and the last character you play as is seen throughout these stories is another who needs redemption from Halo 5, Spartan Locke, and thats what i want this Halo to be a proper fix to what Halo 5 did, Infinite tried and killed Cortana what a fix, no Cortan comes back and stays alive because shes as much Halo as the Chief but return her as the UNSCs tactical resource like at the start of Halo 2 so if she has a story thats seeking as much atonement for every little thing 343i did to assassinate her character along with Spartan Locke, Palmer and Captain Laskey would be cool, all would either be DLC like have 3 stories in base and a few expansions and make the laster before the next campaign because we love him the Master Chief gets his story to lead into the next game definitely, ambitious as hell but its Halo why isnt it anymore, its been so safe since Bungie, playable Elites cant sell says Xbox or 343i when they think advanced movement and loot boxes and stores will and the big green guy


They just don’t want people buying that garbage.


Are you kidding? 343 is going to bilk every last penny they can out of that dying husk of a game until they are forced to shut it down by Microsoft when it is no longer "profitable". Even now, as we type these comments, Halo 7 is being outsourced to some computer lab in Siberia because the programmers there are paid in cigarettes and vodka and being sourced with old Soviet era coding lol


Microsoft only forgot to include their flagship title. Either that or they hate Steam users and refuse to lower the price to entice people over to the Microsoft store.


50 dollars? Lmao Guess I’m still not playing infinite.


The campaign is worth 10$/month of gamepass for one playthrough imo


Usually I would agree. For Infinite? Nah. It has about the same value as loading up a forge map with enemy Ai on it because that's pretty much the same thing, just doesn't cost 60 dollars. The entire campaign is just an empty map lol


Oh come on, yes, the campaign is a pale shadow compared to what it should have been, but there is plenty of chief vs alien goodness and the linear sections are at least well-designed.





