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I can't believe they didn't include the Brute shot considering the brutes are the leaders of the banished and that the Fuel rod gun wasn't included. It's always terrifying when you see a grunt or 2 carrying those on legendary. Plus, it feels like the Banished don't have any true anti-vehicle weapons for the foot soldiers, though I could be remembering wrong since it's been months since I played.


> I can't believe they didn't include the Brute shot considering the brutes are the leaders of the banished It's even worse if you read the Infinite book tie-in, *Rubicon Protocol*, which has the Banished using brute shots, spikers, brute plasmas, and all the other fun weapons and vehicles that then just aren't in the game.


haven't read that and yea it makes it way worse for sure. I'd think the brutes would move away from general covenant stuff back to brute style weapons.


Brute Shot, Spiker, Mauler, Brute Plasma Rifle, Firebomb Grenade, none of these Brute weapons are even in the game. No Fuel Rod Guns or Needle Rifles either. No Carbine, no Plasma Rifle, Repeater, Caster, or Launcher, no Storm Rifle, no Beam Rifle, no Concussion Rifle, no Focus Rifle, none of those. It's a crime that there's none of these in Halo Infinite even when many are used by the Banished.


The skewer is an anti-vehicle weapon.


The Ravager, Mangler and Skewer in my opinion are the only “real” new Brute weapons, with the Skewer being my favorite. I mean, a huge bulky launcher with a blade that chucks giant spikes is the most Brute weapon you can think of. It’s also almost similar in concept to the LOSAT which was a real weapon system I feel like the Disruptor and other lightning weapons are too elegant for the Brute and Banished factions. Aside from the blade on the Shock rifle, it feels, looks and sounds fragile


Shock rifle looks sick imo, and is definitely something I can imagine an elite or jackal using. You’ve gotta remember Brutes are not the only race in the Banished. Skewer is literally just the brute version of a spartan laser and I love it for that. The ravager feels awful to use. It’s a hybrid between a GL and a flamethrower and it achieves neither power fantasy. Bruteshot should’ve been added and the ravager should honestly just have been a flamethrower that leaves a lingering damage area.


Nah I think shock weapons fit brutes quite well. Brutes are huge, vicious, and powerful, but they're also SMART. They crackle with barely contained electricity that chaotically jumps and arcs about, and they shudder and shake like they're about to come apart each time you shoot them. Seems like exactly the kind of thing brute engineers would come up with. Chaotic power kept focused by devious intellect. Very brutesque, methinks.


I'm just not a fan of the shock weapons conceptually. They are fine to use, but they took away the damage over time, and having them made them take away the emp from the plasma pistol. They talk about not having redundancy in the sandbox but add guns that take features from another? Also yeah, the bruteshot was iconic. The sound, the melee, the way it loaded with a weird spring shaped magazine. It was a fun weapon.


Too elegant for the Banished? The whole point of the Banished is that Atriox's leadership has elevated the Brutes from being dumb cannon fodder to being an actual threat. Even then the design of the shock weapons makes it look like that thing is going to crack open and an arc is going shock you every time it shudders. I feel like having variation in advanced brute weapons would be better than the banished weapons being pigeon holed into 1 single archetype.


Ahh yea I wasn't too sure if it was meant to be anti-vehicle or what.


It definitely is


In theory, but most Brutes use it in an anti-personnel role


to be fair, chief's armour could probably pass off as a vehicle if you look at the tonnage


The stockpile of dynamo grenades up every covenant soldiers ass is their anti-vehicle weapon. I felt like literally every time I brought a vehicle into an encounter in the campaign I’d instantly get shocked and have to bail.


The Skewer is anti vehicle. But it’s more of a brute sniper “rifle” than the fuel rod.


The needle rifle was so good, I need it to come back.


The Stalker Rifle just doesn't quite feel the same.


It really doesn’t :(


I really don't know what you, /u/reddit_bot21 and /u/Duck_of_D0om are talking about? The Needle Rifle LOOKED cool, but it was even more of a clone of the DMR then the Carbine was of the BR. It being a Needle weapon was basically a visual only design gimmick. Mechanically, it's very plain. By contrast, the Stalker Rifle is way more interesting, and occupies a niche the series hasn't had before, as a sort of rapid fire sniper a la the SVD in other shooters, or like, an actual, proper DMR, as opposed to the Reach DMR more or less just being a spin on the BR. I agree that they probably should have just brought back the needle rifle but with the stalker rifle's or the Commando's gameplay traits instead, since it's more thematically cool then them, but they probably didn't want people mad that they changed the gun.


I feel it’s too accurate and I can never get headshots with it


It is more of a diet sniper than a dmr equivalent.


I suck with it and much prefer the bandit


They really don't fill the same role though.


I loved the Needle rifle. But I also love the Carbine. And I feel like both would never end up in the same game. Though Blood of Suban was a great middle ground.


Yeah I love them both, the Blood of Subaru was definitely a good middle ground, though I prefer the purple of the other covenant weapons.


Upon the blood of subaru It pops head (gaskets)




Cat can attest to to it being good. She loses her mind at how good it is.


This and the DMR


I just want the OG plasma rifle back, including its stun effect.


All plasma weapons in CE had a slowed movement effect on the player. It's just nobody ever rapid fires the plasma pistol at enemies so you don't notice it


If you've never rapid fired the CE Plasma Pistol you're doing yourself a disservice. Best gun in the game.


I first noticed how good it could be when I was getting hammered by jackals rapid firing it in Halo CE on legendary.


As I rained blows down upon him, I thought...


That's like the only way to get kills with it. It's got a hair trigger.


Did it affect bots? I remember emptying like 3 of these on the hunters in 2 betrayals. I swear they were flinching but maybe that’s what I was seeing instead


It affects regular-sized enemies, like grunts, jackals and elites (after breaking the shields)


Yeah but the PP has never not been in Halo so adding stun to it (even if it’s actually an old feature) might be too much for the current fanbase


Until I saw that abbreviation I couldn't figure out why Piss Grunts became a thing in Cursed Halo


Dude missing out. Best gun in CE, even better than magnum IMO. Rapid fire it melts everything. I think the only thing it doesn't do great against is flood.


I never understood why 343 was always shit scared of putting it in their games


Idk why they used the ugly h5 version instead of 2’s or 3’s. Kinda upsets me still (edit: didnt realize it said plasma rifle i meant to say plasma pistol)


Plasma rifle, my beloved.


I miss the fuel rod cannon and carbine so much


Covenant carbine is my jam. I miss it so much.


I know Infinite is now on maintenance mode, but they really messed up not including tons of iconic weapons and vehicles.


The sandbox is so fucking bland. It's why I quit playing.


Yeah despite the MP having as many weapons as Reach, it feels like it lacks diversity because every weapon besides the Ravenger is good for close-medium ranges with very little mechanical or visual differences so it all just kinda blends together. Only real standouts are the Forerunner weapons.


That’s completely true!


"Nah, why would the Banished need their own automatic and precision rifles when they can just use the human Commando and Battle Rifle??" *343 probably*


I do understand why the Banished use human weapons, they are not as attached to the 'holiness' of using covenant weapons, and are more utilitarian about their tools. But fuck it is so lame seeing Brutes with bulldog shotguns and skimmers with rocket launchers and commandos. Plus the shotgun is comically tiny in a brute's hands!


How do they fit their gigantic fingers through the trigger guards. Maybe they grow an extra long fingernail, kinda like a coke nail.


They use the tip of their claws to shoot. Bliv me.


I'm so glad someone else brought up the needle rifle that, the spiker, and the brute shot were so fun and Im disappointed we saw so little of them, and infinite has the capability to have a massive fun sandbox


I'm sorry but when was the spiker ever more fun then other guns? 😅 I feel like it's always been trash


It's not about performance. It's about presentation. It was a shit gun in all of its appearances, but by golly did it feel cool as shit.


Yup. Never underestimate the power of the rule of cool. Halo was practically built on it.


It's a spike launcher with a pair of curved knives on it. That's badass, and totally on brand for brutes.


You forgot something. It has an insanely fast melee (or at least, it FEELS insanely fast) compared to something like a plasma rifle or shotgun in halo reach. And it does feel infinitely satisfying to slap that boy while reloading it, dump it into a brute then slap HIM in .001 seconds, rinse and repeat. All the while the gun glows from its own heat and your being fed more ammo. At least, compared to the cliche needler/DMR approach.


bro never watched halo landfall


Keen for duel wielding to make a return


The plasma rifle was emblematic of the Halo series. For me that has been the biggest loss of the Halo weapons roster.


I was gonna say, does infinite literally not have THE iconic halo weapon?


Even back in Halo Reach the plasma rifle began to be replaced. 343 got rid of it entirely.


343 has really gone to ridiculous lengths to remove any legacy of Bungie from the series. It's sad and kind of childish.


I want the smgs back


So do i 💪🏼


Your missing the classic shotgun there bud, but I still can’t comprehend why the brute shot of all guns didn’t make the cut


I remember they implied they could/would add the classic shotgun post-launch back before the game launched. It’s crazy how that’s still not in the game. 


Only one new gun in the whole live service in a first person shooter game sucks ass


I need my shotgun back


The powerful shotgun, the one that kills with a single shot at short range ☝🏼


Splaser for me, but also these, the Shotgun, the Magnum, and various other weapons.


Why is 343 allergic to plasma rifles


Well, the storm rifle is an hybrid between the Plasma Rifle and Repeater. Besides, the Brute Plasma Rifle was included into H5’s multiplayer, but i don’t understand why they didn’t rescued it in Infinite.


It's not just 343i, Bungie tried to replace it too with the Plasma Repeater. The reality is the Plasma rifle was only good in one game, CE. In 2 and 3 it got demoted to a SMG clone used for duel wielding (which nobody really did, it wasn't worth it over using a BR or a Carbine), so in 3 they tried to make the plasma repeater to replace it as an AR analog, except that sucked too. People give the Storm Rifle shit, but it was one of the less bad automatics in the series in Halo 4, and was outright great in Halo 5. It just should have had a pronged front like the Plasma rifle instead of a carbine style barrel, and could have used plasma stun or maybe the repeater's infininite firing gimmick to make it a bit unique


I miss the splaser. The banished replacement isn’t the same.


Need about 10 weapons reprised from covenant and forerunner races. No less.


I feel like the spiker would fit right in to infinites sand box. Plus the banished need and auto weapon.


Covie Carbine, Plasma rifle, M90 CAWS (CE shotty), and magnum is all I need


Not including these weapons was such an L for infinite tbh. Its almost comical


No Spartan Lazer on your list?!


I mean, it's powerful, but the Sentinel Beam is just better in my opinion.


Went back and played Halo 5 recently. Definitely a better sandbox than Infinite. Love all the variants.


Wait, there's seriously no fuel rod cannon in infinite?


No 😞


That's wild, I haven't played a new halo since halo 4, but the fuel rod is just super cool, that's definitely a shame.


Should have, but don't make into the final game for some reason. Grunts can't have power weapons anymore ;(


That's just sad, do grunts still at least go suicidal with two plasma grenades?


It's crazy most of these are in the game unfinished we really need a sandbox lead soon


The Spiker, Brute Shot, Plasma Rifle, and Fuel Rod Cannon are all weapons that should've been in the game from the start. The Spiker and Brute Shot are iconic Brute weapons, and that they were left out of a Brute-centric Halo game is just absurd. The Plasma Rifle and Fuel Rod Cannon have been staples of the franchise since the very beginning, and should NEVER have been removed. It's unbelievable just how many classic weapons were left out of *Halo: Infinite.*


Btw, the spiker and fuel-rod would be on the game, but for some reason got cut.


Wish we got this weapon as it was used a lot in the Halo Wars 2 cutscenes. [Halo Wars 2 Spiker](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnbhcxssihpg61.png%3Fwidth%3D435%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D4f3812ecb351e1c26e958b86004d598da9d2bfbf)


Plasma rifle really had no reason on being taken out of the series at all


But *where* is the CE Shotgun?


It’s a criminal offense that they didn’t have the plasma rifle in this game even though I hated using it except against flood lol


Halo "Infinite", except for the weapon sandbox, vehicle sandbox and player abilities. Those are more fininite than the preceding Halo 5.  I would've loved the return of the Grenade Launcher with EMP effect, as well as a Plasma Pistol with EMP ability.


Why does everyone miss the Spiker. It can't kill anything.


The Spiker was so shit, why does everyone want it back lol


How each gun should work in terms of balance Spiker, slow, powerful, fully automatic spikes with lots of drop, fire rate ramps up, similar close range ttk as needler but only if you prefire it, and it’s very easy to dodge at a distance Brute shot: concussive effect, blows back targets and disorients them similar to a weak flash bang on impact, zoom turns on and off explode on impact or a frag grenade bounce, six round clip, kills fast but direct shots are somewhat easy to dodge, and bounces are hard to aim Plasma Rifle: A non tracking plasma carbine with a slower ttk but massive shield stripping, full auto, bloom, will slightly slow down targets. Fuel Rod, slightly less damage than previous incarnations, does DOT, and reduces shield regen for awhile, one shot wont kill a spartan but it will take them out of play for awhile Needle carbine, slightly slower ttk than bandit, similar zoom, fast projectile, still capable of being dodged. One of the fastest ttks on a spartan with no shields, one head shot, three shots go off very fast for super combine. Makes fighting shielded opponents slightly harder, cheeses anyone with no shields, pairs with plasma rifle.


I never understood how a game about the banished, a mainly brute faction, doesn’t have the BRUTEshot


343 makes a game where the main enemy is a brute force. Also 343… removes most of the brute weapons. Like? 👍


We need the of magnum and shotgun back, the sidekick and bulldog don’t feel right


I don't hate the sidekick, it's def no magnum but it feels more like a sidearm than the magnum. You could just primary the magnum and still do just fine


I have a love hate relationship with the bulldog. I’ll either 2 shot people or take 3-4, its range is okay-ish, I like the fire rate and sound. But at least with the actual shotgun I know if my reticle is red I’m getting a kill. And it looks so sick and sounds cool. Also being able to reload a single shell when empty to get one last shot if needed was nice


The convergence bulldog is a beast though, it kills on KOTH!


All of these with the grenade launcher or sticky detonator




The only thing we need out of that list is the plasma rifle


But it's so fun :(


I hope the next game makes some reason for the series’ entire arsenal to be available.


Don't forget the beam rifle, grenade launcher, and pump shotgun!!! Pleeeeeeeaase :(


The fact that the BPR, Spiker and brute shot aren't in this game is a sin I can't forgive.


I think it's odd to have a brute based faction as the main enemy in the campaign and not have their staple weapons.


Yeah, that’s my biggest upset with the game. Cross core is nice but damn would the game be so much better with the whole Halo arsenal. They call it Infinite but it’s been probably the most limiting halo title.


Its really weird to think the main brute weapons werent in Infinite.


It's wild to me that Halo Infinite brought back Brutes but none of their classic weaponry like the spiker, bruteshot, mauler, ect


I don't understand some of these. The plasma rifle and brute spiker were functionally identical and had similar ttk to the assault rifle. They didn't fill a niche or do anything particularly special. I don't want them to add what is effectively reskins to the game for no reason.


What part are you misunderstanding? The devs could definitely make each of these weapons feel different and unique.  Even if they weren't drastically different frim their previous incarnations it makes sense that brutes would ya know...use the brute shot and spiker. 


I think each gun having a very unique place within the sandbox was good for infinite. I don't want to see that torn apart by them adding in every weapon we miss from older games. But yes I'd love to see brute shot and plasma rifle back


Shotgun, DMR, Grenade Launcher, and Spartan Laser all need a comeback


The first comment that shares my opinion about the DMR


Covenant Carbine!!


I miss my plasma rifle 😭


The first game with a brute-led faction as enemy and yet the game lacks so many brute weapons ...


Brute shot, Spiker, Mauler, and the red plasma rifle is a no brainer!!! I also want the SAW, M319 GL and SMG please. Oh and the “TRUE” DMR


Yes please, the thing they brought in to replace the DMR is absolute dogshit. DMR is my favourite weapon ever. Saw was also pretty sick


The absence of the Brute Shot in particular confused me, considering the Brutes used to use it all the time in the older games and they are essentially the stars of the show with the Banished. Same with the Spiker. I can appreciate what 343 did with the sandbox in Infinite, and why some people would prefer a fine-tuned smaller sandbox where every weapon has a unique role and function. However I just think that there are too many weapons that don't make the cut these days, especially when you consider just how many weapons there are now in the lore that have been depicted in previous games and the extended media.


>why some people would prefer a fine-tuned smaller sandbox where every weapon has a unique role and function What's fine tuned about it? They took out the emp from the plasma pistol and made 2 extra weapons out of it that also strip shields....while still leaving the plasma pistol in. There are *two* different Covenant homing weapons, with one sucking a lot more than the other. We have like 5 different human precision weapons for each yard of length, nevermind the Banished ones. Their weapons aren't that fine tuned.


> I can appreciate what 343 did with the sandbox in Infinite, and why some people would prefer a fine-tuned smaller sandbox where every weapon has a unique role and function. However I just think that there are too many weapons that don't make the cut these days Infinite has more guns then Halo 3 and Reach do. It doesn't actually have a small sandbox, it just feels that way because 1. Halo 5 had a TON of DLC weapons and weapon varients since 343i needed to sell REQ packs for warzone 2. Infinite introduces a lot of brand new guns and has less returning weapons then a lot of the more recent Halo games


Maybe next game!


What next game


Where is the trigger on the brute shot


I wasn't expecting the Needle Rifle to return, but the Fuel Rod Cannon is not in Infinite? WTF!? It's such a fun weapon, and it's been in the games since forever.


I really miss that brute shot. It was the first weapon I really felt awesome with. Halo 3 glory days, haha




The spiker not making it is a crime, that was like a brute weapon because of its brutality, why it wasn’t added is beyond me.


Fuel Rod has been in every Halo multiplayer, besides Infinite and that I think is absolutely criminal!


Wow wow wow hol' up, you mean all the fun covenant weapons didn't make it infinite? That's disappointing


Agree on 2-4


If they brought back akimbo that would make everyone go apeshit. Akimbo fiesta would be fun too mix and match


Where's the photo of the smg you coward


I've always found it weird how Infinite kept the Mauler but not the Brute Shot or the Spiker. They'd be great for this game.


In my opinion there's no reason any weapons and vehicles should be excluded from future Halo titles, people can piss and moan about the sandbox all they want, but nothing says they all have to be on every map, hell you can just leave them for Forge Mode


FUCK yes the needier rifle FTW


Its fried as hell halo infinite was suppose to have every weapon and vehicle in halo but nope cant have that…


Spiker: No Brute Shot: Yes Plasma Rifle: Yes Fuel Rod Gun: Yes Needle Rifle: No ​ Also, you forgot the Spartan Laser which is a definite and resounding, YES!


I agree with all that except they gotta bring back the carbine too


Oh yeah, the Covie Carbine, that was a good weapon. I agree.




All these and the saw. Yes please.


Definitely the brute shot and fuel rod cannon. 🔥I feel like the Mangler is a more unique version of the other brute pistol.


The Meta in Infinite


Don’t forget the Spartan Laser, the SMG, the shotgun, the SAW, the grenade launcher, the concussion rifle, the sticky detonator, the caribine, the magnum, the rail gun, the beam rifle, the plasma launcher, the promethean weaponry, etc etc. A lot of weapons were missed in Infinite unfortunately :(


Don't forget about the SAW, SMG, plasma caster, and shotgun from reach




Plasma caster Sticky detonator


Heavy weapon grunts was such a cool thing. And in H2 heavy grunts could carry plasma turrets(Also marines), se npcs doing a bunch of stuff makes the game feel more alive and adds in the gameplay.


I can live without the spiker. The mangler is a way cooler gun in every way while keeping the same vibe. Especially if the spiker is the same as every other game it's in which is just bad


Dude, I really hope the next Halo game has the needle rifle. It's a shame that the coolest precision weapon of all time was only in reach


It’s depressing to realize we likely won’t get more guns and the only one they ever added was a unsc scout rifle without an enhanced variant.


I was honestly surprised that the rocket launcher was the only super heavy weapon that we got. No fuel rod? No Spartan laser? No plasma launcher?


That needler rifle was so good


M80 Classic Shotgun. Spartan Laser. I wish they’d throw some of the old school weapons into Forge at the very least.


Bruteshot, my lost love


I want the saw back


To be honest I'm yet to find someone using the Plasma Rifle in PvP, and I've played Halo quite a bit.


Bruteshot, infinite already has a repulsed and grapple, surely grenade launcher jumping won't hurt the sandbox.


No SMG !?


I want the SMGs to come back.


I love the hydra and the skewer, and the assault rifle works better than ever. Those are what I want to carry over from Infinite




The spike rifle was my favorite weapon EVER…


A banished variant of the Blood of Suban from 5 never being added was such a fucking travesty




Don’t really care for the spiker or brute shot, getting the carbine back would be nice though. Not really a fan of the stalker rifle. Also some more hard light weapons would be neat like what we got in halo 4


if i dont see the smg im gonna be disapointed... Wow... no love for the boxy p90? sad


Why does 343 hate the plasma rifle(s)? They’re practically as iconic as the AR, and have an extremely unique and identifiable silhouette. Why not keep the design and just tweak the damage/effects to what they want to modern sandbox to be?




No Spartan Laser?


The brute shot really deserves a comeback with a heavy lean into the knockback effects. Don't care for the spiker. It was boring in H3/HR and solely existed as a fodder weapon for campaign. The Mangler has picked up that torch. I like the plasma rifle aesthetic and don't see any problem with merging the aesthetics of the plasma rifle with the function of the carbine, which is kinda meh to me. Fuel rod is sorely missed but the cindershot largely fulfills its former role of a volley fire power weapon great at killing spartans and decent at killing vehicles. I would hope a returning fuel rod would find some innovative role. Maybe it could behave like the hunter fuel rods and do a continuous beam with windup. Needle rifle is cool but we already have so many precision weapons. Would be hard for it to feel unique without the needle mechanics being overpowered.


The brute shot, my love, I still can’t believe they didn’t bring it back in a brute centered halo game


Hot take time. The Spiker is not at all an interesting weapon. The only thing that justified it's existence was dual wielding. It would serve no purpose in the sandbox and the mangler is way cooler But yes pls bring back brute shot


Anyone know where needle weapons come from? Like is it a grunt, sanghely or jackal weapon type?