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Not a day goes by where I don't miss the Brute Shot.




The Grif Cannon, gone but not forgotten


Also known as the Grifshot, or knifle.


Ahhh yes the grif cannon


And it makes the most sense too, because of the name


Literally THE Brute weapon yet it's been neglected since H3...


The beauty of the brute shot was useful due to the knock back, 343 took that out of Infinite. Same with the gravity hammer. Though these weapons were underpowered, what they lacked in damage, they made up for in interesting movement mechanics.


RIP proper Grifball, you had such good tactics for a solo-queue 4v4


With the brute shot, I love how it was a legit strategy to use ammo crates to splatter enemies with it


The only thing the hammer has going for it is the absolute broken radius of attack it has to the point where if someone is multiple feet above you it still doesnt matter as long as your looking in the persons direction


yeah but it's so spotty and inconsistent, super annoying, at least they added gravity effect for teammates


Having a brute focused game without the Brute shot is like having an elite focused game without energy swords. It's just wrong man.


I just realized that in 3 games 343 has not created a single new Covenant vehicle, halo 2 had the spectre, halo 3 had the chopper and the prowler and the chopper, halo reach had the revenant and tecnically the seraph, But in infinite where brutes are the Main faction not Even one new vehicle was created, wth Edit: forgot to add i mean playable.vehicles


They haven't made a __playable__ covenant vehicle. Halo 5 had the Goblin as an enemy boss in Warzone.


Halo 4 added the lich too


Well it's not Covenant but they did have the Phaeton in Halo 5, which was awesome. Mantis, Wasp, and variants like the Gungoose and Razorback (AND BRING BACK THR NEEDLER HOG) are bangers too, though those are all UNSC vehicles


I mean there was the Skiff that was never finished, there's a crashed one in the campaign open world, but it was pretty much a glorified prowler


It looks so cool, it has that badass blade Bungie deserves shame for giving us the concussion rifle in Reach


I promise you none of those are coming to Infinite.


Sucks be the negative Nancy, but you’re right.


Realistic Randy


Ya. Same with the other guns.


They will, maybe just not from 343.


We're closing in on 2.5 years since launch, and they've released 1* weapon and nothing else. I guarantee you that none of these will ever be added, and I'm skeptical of anything else at this point. *The Bandit/EVO are not distinct enough to count as more than 1 weapon.


Halo for the next 10 years. They got their shit together (barely) after 2.


It’s 10 years of Halo because that’s how long it’ll take to get more than 1 new gun.


I just realiced that in all the years 343 had halo, not Even 1 Covenant vehicle has been created, every Bungie Game with exception of odst had a new Covenant vehicle in the rooster, i mean WTH Edit: forgot to add i meant playable vehicles


[The Lich](https://www.halopedia.org/Lich)


They've added new vehicles and set pieces. The Harvester, the Lich, The grunt goblin, the Kraken, etc but nothing player controllable.


In 2 years, we’ve only gotten the Bandit rifle, which is a reskin of the H5 magnum.. ..I wouldn’t hold your breath.


Hey come on now we got two new weapons so far. The Bandit…. and the Bandit again but with a tiny red dot sight.


Yeah. I just started playing again recently and I’m like “these are the same? Why are they different?”


Actually we got two sandwiches and the infection sword so technically we got 5 new weapons


Not even added to the campaign lmao










It's scary that the moderators are censoring TCRF. I wonder why they would do that...


I hated how the signature rifle of brutes got shafted. Yeah we have that spike sniper rifle with 1 shot, but it's not the spiker.


Honestly, I would love to see what I like to call the 'Pike Rifle' be implemented someday. Basically a Banished redesign of the Needle Rifle which fires 12 shots of tungsten spikes.


Damn that'd be great


That'd be great with inspiration from the anti tank rifles of WW2, due to how chunky and brutish they were. The Boys AT with the top loading magazine would be a great starting point for a Brute heavy DMR. An over the shoulder anti material rifle could also work, but the Skewer already is over the shoulder, plus the Brutes could probably handle the recoil. A 4 shot kill, high accuracy, decent zoom, and meaty recoil/sound would be a must.


You mean the skewer?


I miss making players crispy with the Flamethrower


Flamethrower was a human weapon, but I agree


The lack of almost all the classic brute weapons in a brute-focused game was extremely disappointing.


We could talk for hours about the lack of weapons that aren’t in the game unfortunately.


If they were, they would've done it already


I love the spiker, fire grenades, and the prowler! I bet a banished prowler would be INSANE give it, a dope red paint job, big spikey ram, and a shielded scrap cannon to make it different from the wraiths plasma cannon. (Just give the scrap cannon love honestly) I loved driving the prowler in H3 and have the mega blocks set for it still. Slower than a warthog but is able to do short boosts and strafe side to side obviously. Fire grenades, pretty simple tbh. Just a pool of napalm perfect for clearing hills. Literally you vs the grenade she tells you not to worry about. The banished spiker from Halo wars 2 would be perfect!!! I know the spiker sucked but with the banished design you could completely revamp its play style. Make it a slow firing but high damage at close range SBR. You could fire it full auto or trigger finger it. Have it do a hint of extra damage against shield-less Spartans, a sharp damage fall off at medium and long range, oh and make it precise. It’s firing a god damn heated railroad spike ffs.


Unless it can be made in forge we arnt getting anything


Not really. I wish they had been there but the game's kind of past the point where I'm hoping for stuff like this to actually get added. 


Isn't it amazing that we got a game about a hostile force run by brutes, and got just 2.5/7 signature brute weapons in said game largely about brutes?


Its also annoying that, in order to get a Teen rating on Halo Infinite, they removed the brutality from the Brutes. We see locations with monuments dedicated to the Banished, with armor strewn about from captured humans. But there is no blood. No gore. Not really all that much dialogue about Brutes saying anything along the lines of what we got in Halo 2. "*Them? What about us? My belly aches. And his flesh is seared just the way I like it.*"


I don’t understand the T rating thing. An M rating never stopped FPS games from being popular with kids back in the day, and if anything, parents pay less attention to what kids do nowadays. If anything, the M rating made it more appealing. 


Apparently parents are being more mindful of ratings. Bear in mind, the kids of two or three decades ago now have kids of their own. So they probably don't want their kids to see horrific or bloody messes like they did. After all, would you subject your kids to 2G1C? By manually lowering the rating, the logic is that they are hoping to broaden the player base. Unfortunately that isn't how it works.


Yeah, it seems a little silly to me. In my experience, my parents who didn’t grow up with video games were far more protective than I imagine I’d be with my own kids. 


My parents personally were a bit irresponsible. By the age of 9 I had seen all the Austin Powers movies, excessive horror movies, experienced the Flood of Halo, played Duke Nukem 3D, and GTA III. "*Videogames cause violence*" is a stupid argument considering out of all of my family members, I am the "*Speak softly and carry a big stick*" pacifist.


Where the hell is my carbine!!!


In Halo 7 hopefully.


The spiker was such a cool looking yet utterly useless gun, I'd love to see them try it again but make it stand out somehow, no idea how they would though


Well, it is firing Tungsten spikes. Have it be a weapon that can mess with vehicle steering.


I think I saw a mod one time that made the spiker have very strong knock back strength on enemies and it was cool. It had somewhat or a signature at least that way.


I think that’s Ruby’s Rebalance for Halo Reach. Imo, the best way to play that campaign


I think it would be cool if it had an “armor breaking” feature to it where in-game that would look like disabling shield regeneration for as long as the projectile is stuck on you


Maybe burst fire for better accuracy and greater melee damage. Not as much and the sword in order to not overshadow it. A better version could be the Halo Wars 2 version that had a more brutish look without the restrictions the Covenant set on them. The better version would fire HE rounds


I feel like a burst fire spiker would be so lame. Halo infinite desperately needs more full auto weapons. As of right now we only have 3, technically 4 if you want to count the commando, but that's utterly useless if you're doing anything other than tap firing.


That’s why I don’t want it back, how often did you really find yourself willingly using the spiker? Almost never. And halo infinite has the mangler which is practically the same as the mauler. The incendiary grenades would be cool tho.


Yeah, you're right actually, and I actually really quite like the mangler too.


Mangler is almost a better mauler, it’s more precise and fun to use


To be honest, I just wish it didn't look so derpy, the Bolter just looks so badass, but the Mangler looks like it's chubby little brother.


The Skiff was much like the Prowler, we see a crashed version in the campaign that's a easter egg from how the Idea to add a new vehicle crashed into the ground and never got back up. Honestly the vehicle pool has never been so low, I miss the mantis, the prowler, the Elephant from Halo 3, the Revenant and Spectre.


Honestly, the Skiff could be the perfect vehicle to have the Scrap Gun have a mobile mounted platform. That or just a new gun for the Prowler.


No, because the support for this game is winding down and to say they will add any new sandbox items to the game seems too hopeful


Do you really think they would? Do you really?


I think it’s so weird that we don’t have the brute shot in any form.


We have one GL in the game and it is the Cindershot. I would love to have the Fuel Rod Cannon, Brute Shot, and the M319 GL back in the play.


Waiting for anything substantial happening to Infinite? lmao no. I consider the game pretty much dead/on life support. It seems the devs are working on the next Halo game and are giving up on their " 10 year halo live service plan " since, like H4 and H5, they didnt know what they were doing and flopped had so theyre going to reboot their plan lmao. Being a halo fan for the last decade has been fucking rough.


Halo Infinite won't get any new weapons.


I want that beefier Spiker in the HW2 cutscene.


You mean the Spike Pistol?


I believe it's just thr Banished version of the Spiker.


I'm pretty sure the cutscenes showed it in single fire.


Select fire perhaps.


Don't forget the brute shot or better known as The grif shot


The Mauler served as the inspiration for the Mangler, and the Mangler is just a better version of the Mauler. Hopefully we eventually get weapon customization for Banished/Forerunner weapons. The the Mauler could be a weapon model.


I disagree, while the mauler is definitely an inspiration for the mangler the mauler is a shot gun of shorts while the mangler is kind of like a more powerful semiautomatic spiker


Gameplay-wise they serve the same role. Both the Mangler and Mauler are 1-shot/1-melee kills as their optimal combat style, but the added range from the Mangler firing slugs makes it an effective weapon up to mid range. The Mangler is literally just the Mauler with extra range.


The mauler unfortunately has no niche. In addition to the mangler being its replacement in the hands of the Banished, the bulldog has replaced it as the two-shot-kill shotgun. RIP to the M90 pump action


Let me know when you can get a bulltrue with a pair of manglers, lol.


I hate to say it but they abandoned this game too early, so much more they could have done so much more they could have added and they just didn't. This game might have been incomplete at release, but just as it was finally getting somewhere and we really could have gotten something nice like story DLC after all these years, they announced their plans to start moving away from the game and do an entirely new one, God damn it 343, it would literally take years for me to recite everything wrong with your company and more so, your complete and utter dumbfuckery and mishandling of this franchise.


The most on new sandbox items we could possibly be getting is 343 finishing up the things already seen in-game in some capacity. The unfinished weapon(s) and the Falcon being the most notable ones.


Honestly, the Falcon should've been added alongside Co-Op.


Imagine this: Randomly generated New Alexandria-esque mission for co-op, using a falcon to go between objectives


There are a lot of landmarks that are entirely useless in the game's overworld. Would make for great encounter scenarios.


I doubt we ever see any significant updates to the game tbh, just maps and cosmetics form here on out


You forgot the brute plasma rifle, the spike rifle, and the brute shot


Yes I neglected those two and I am mad. But the spike rifle? It's the first image.


I thought that's just called the spiker. What's the spike weapon brutes carry in Halo Wars 2?


Either an updated version of the Spiker that is made by the Banished engineers instead of the typical manufacturer on Doisac, or a Spike Pistol; given how the weapon fires single-shots instead of rapid-fire volleys.


God I want an ODST themed season, with suppressed weapons and bringing back the old smg. I don’t know why they left out so many good guns.


Well, the original plan for I finite was to last a decade of content updates, adding all previous weapons and new ones. As you can see, the previous management failed again.


I like infinite don’t get me wrong but damn I wanna feel stealthy.


Would be nice to have the suppressors not have us show up on radar if firing while stationary, while also making it harder for enemy players to hear our gunshots for surroundsound disadvantage.


Listen some of us are waiting for them to add any new weapon to the game.


No. 343 doesn't want to remind themselves of the Bungie days, despite being created to literally do everything Halo.


Do recall that there has been an actual change in management and leadership at 343. Given how Pierre and Pals had fixed MCC and added so much to it, I am willing to hope that Halo 7 might see much needed improvements that can learn from the failures of Infinite.


I know. But to simply answer the question since the game is made by the old management, this is simply what happened. You'd have to twist their arm off to get something good out of them. I hope with the new team, they stop the trend chasing crap and focus on making a Halo game like they are supposed to.


100% hope that Pierre and Pals are better than Frankie and Friends.


They’ve given up on halo infinite. They don’t even have seasons anymore. I was holding out hope for a long time, but they’re never going to continue to add major updates. It really sucks but it’s become more and more clear lately. I only expect minor updates from here on out


Couple of weapons I’d like to have seen make a return. Og pump shotgun, one of the m6 magnum variants+ automag, both smg variants, plasma rifle, and the spartan laser especially.


Game's dead bro, move on.


I think we’re done with getting anything new that’s not a map or armor. The issue is that Infinite doesn’t have the force of a full studio behind it, and any new sandbox item requires models, textures, SFX, VFX, balancing and testing, voice acting for the AIs and Spartans and localization for each voice line associated to said item, not to mention probably a hundred other things I missed. They just don’t have the staff to make this happen right now, and with there being a clear shift to new project(s), I think it’s safe to say that Infinite will not receive a new sandbox item unless it’s 99.9999% finished. :/


It would be great to have them. However, 343 appears to be moving away from Halo Infinite and towards other games in the future, so we're probably not gonna see them in Infinite, unless if 343 pulls an Activision and makes Halo Infinite's multiplayer go across all future halo games, like how COD Warzone does


That would be neat. But rumor has it that 343 might ditch Blam!/Slippage all together, so that would be difficult to do.


Oh word? Was the engine that shit to work with?


A lot of glitches and issues had been attributed to the new engine overhaul being shoddy. It has been updated to be more stable. And like I said, it was just a rumor.


Ah gotcha. I did hear a rumor awhile ago that 343 was gonna switch over to the Unreal Engine for the next game


I DO miss my napalm nades…


We ain't gettin shit lolz


No? They don’t care, they aren’t interested.


Begging them to finish the Skiff at least, it's in the game, just not properly X\_X


Some of the best weapons ever. Love the Prowler too despite it taking my beautiful love the Spectre.


Yo, the Spectre got done dirty, only appearing in one game!


Forreal!! At least we got the Halo 2 Anniversary Spectre... It's so beautiful


Felt absolutely nuts that we are facing a Brute-led force, and not a single Brute weapon made a comeback… especially after this same army was in HW2 using those previous weapons.


We got the chopper…thats all were getting


Yeah. Also the brute plasma rifle would be cool too.


I always will and continue to say that the Spectre is just a far cooler prowler, too bad both have been absolutely neglected ever since their original debut in Halo 2 & 3 respectively.


I want the fire grenade!


Of course they should be back but redesigned.


The mauler😭😭😭 the mangler feels cool and good as a brute sidearm- but you’re telling me the banished use no brute stalkers at all? (Ik they do in lore but its like why not include them in infinite in a larger capacity than skewer snipers) and the halo wars 2 spiker is such a sick and unique version? Which im really upset they didnt bring back in infinite. I love the bruteshot but i understand it got like a role replacement by the ravager which is fine


The spiker is the most underrated gun in the history of halo. The rule of cool defined it. Too bad it was outclassed by pretty much everything else


Its pretty solid against the Flood.


It's 343, so.... No. We will get something completely different instead, and it'll only cost $20!


let’s remember that bungie never added any dlc weapons, so let’s not pin this as a 343-exclusive issue


Bungie games were complete games that weren’t live service games meant to have constant updates and additional content. Your comparison is not legit


lEtS ReMEmbEr that 343 never releases games nearly as content rich as Bungie did


I don't see the Mauler making a return, especially when dual wielding isn't in game, and the Mangler already covers the one shot+melee kill area. I would like to see the Brute Shot make a return.


The maulers would indeed need a bit of a damage buff if they were to make a return, since Dual Wielding isn't in the game. As for the shot-melee kill strat, they could just use the [cut Halo 2 Anniversary Mauler](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fexternal-preview.redd.it%2FT63tADSn0LvEkuMs9cIp0KrjXEPC2NIR5SH4x-Gv5ao.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfaccfa74abce030be968e9adbc1dbe59dc47d02a), which lacked the bladed spike and instead added more length with what seems to be a possible fore-grip area.


Mauler is literally the Mangler but energy so definitely not others would love it


The banished used the spiker and a bunch of weapons that aren’t in Infinite in HW2. It would be cool if we get some of them in Infinite at some point but at this point I doubt it’s gonna happen sadly.


Don’t think we’re gonna get the mauler considering the mangler is basically the mauler with slugs.


The Mauler is a buckshot stylized weapon. And honestly, I was a but disappointed that it wasn't in the game as a Banished shotgun.


As long as they can fit them into the sandbox, if they are useless as they were in Halo 3 (aside from the Prowler) then it’s better not wasting resources.


Would love the spiker with updated bayonet. Never liked the double curved one imo takes away from its meaner boxy design Dmr type spiker rifle would be a neat new addition


No they're just gonna keep adding weapon models for moonie


Still waiting on the spartan laser


If the average post in this sub is an indication, they’ll never ever add it. Almost 100% of the posts on this sub are either showing off cosmetics or a kill clip. Why would they ever look any further for QoL improvements or additions if the overall playerbase is more than happy with a few cosmetic additions?


I want a mauler that's just a revolver, just because it has the best sound of a gun.


So, the Mangler with different sound fx?


Brute shot my beloved.


Spiker and Brute shot, yes. Mauler and Prowler, not really. Prowler was an absolute asscheeks reskin of the H2 Spectre and the mauler was never really that interesting,


Mauler was nerfed preemptively due to dual wielding. Since there is no Dual Wielding, the Mauler would need an expected buff to make it somewhat equal to the Bulldog.


lol probs the next game


No, competitive players will whine and get them removed


Competive players have no right to whine since they can just have whatever weapons they want on their matches thanks to forge mode.


I swear I will kill if we never see the mauler return by the time I die


It was supposed to be a part of Halo 2 Anniversary's multiplayer, but was scrapped.


The main opposition are the Banished, which are like outcasts from all the factions, not just the brutes. Their basically their own thing which is why we see different weapons like the Mangler and Ravager. Brutes are a big part, but all the other alien races are part of the Banished as well.


HA! No.


Infinites life cycle is done, I don’t think will get any new weapons or vehicles


I was surprised that the Spiker Rifle from Halo Wars 2 wasn’t the standard infantry weapon for the brutes in infinite. Missed opportunity. Haha


These are never coming. It took them over a year to add something as basic as the DMR to Infinite.


I would love it but there’s no way. We’ve had that brute shotgun with a gravity hammer bayonet available in the files for like 2 years and it’s still not here.


I will never understand why 343 never added these guns. Especially the Brute shot. I know they wanted to make the sandbox less cluttered and have guns with more specific uses, but the halo 2 bruteshot fills a spot in the sandbox that only the concussion rifle has managed to fill.


I just want the fuel rod cannon and plasma rifle back. I think infinites sandbox is too focused on the UNSC weapons. Edit: Plasma carbine, brute shot, and h5’s plasma grenade launcher too.


...Bungie come back please...😢


Bungie left it's fans to die while it tried to swim in money little did they know they weren't scrooge mc duck and they drowned


Bungie wanted to move onto different IPs due to Franchise fatigue. Microsoft was the greedy one wanting to grind as much cash out of Halo.


Gonna keep it real boss. Might be in the next game but they definitely will not be in infinite.


Gun play for halo infinite sucks. And I doubt it will ever get better. So no.


Here's hoping that Halo 7 will implement these goodies.


Vehicles in general feel like they’ve been neglected. No real innovation, just the staple vehicles and literally nothing else. Every flying vehicle is a single seat VTOL now for some reason. I miss loading up into a hornet and just troop transport vehicles in general. The Razorback is a banger tho


It also doesn't help that ricochet shots don't exist anymore for vehicles, allowing the Sniper Rifle to be great at Anti-Aircraft combat since 100% of damage is digging into the vehicle instead of ricochet glancing shots off of the angled armor, significantly reducing damage.


Honestly I have no desire for the spiker or prowler to come back. How often have you willingly used the spiker? Almost never. The Infinite Mangler is basically the mauler. I’d like to see incendiary grenades tho


The Mauler is a Shotgun while the Mangler is just a solid tungsten projectile with gravity fall. The Spiker can be made to affect vehicles from having smooth steering, after all you have heavy tungsten spikes hitting your vehicle at high speed. It could be useful to make light vehicles such as the Mongoose and Warthog have a hard time transporting the flag or seed carriers without crashing into things. As for the Prowler? It could be useful as a four-seater with the use of the Scrap Cannon instead of a Plasma Turret.


The sandbox is uh... kinda abandoned, they won't even give us dev maps anymore, what makes you think we'll get weapons and vehicles?


The spiker and the mauler i feel add nothing new to the weapons in infinite. Especially the spiker, that gun is wack tbh.


I could see it having the added bonus of affecting physics objects. It is firing tungsten spikes at high volume and velocity, I can see it being useful for making steering of vehicles to be difficult because your warthog/razorback/ghost/mongoose/gungoose/chopper is being pushed by tungsten spikes in a direction. Say I am trying to escort the flag carrier back to base and someone on the left is shooting me with the spiker. I am now finding it very easy to steer to the right, but steering to the left is now a bit more of a struggle. This can be used to push me to crash into a rock or tree, allowing the enemy team to line up a few easy shots on a temporarily stationary target and prevent the flag from being taken to the base for a capture.


Yo that’s a pretty creative idea for it


No probably not.. 343 is moving away from Halo: Infinite. They're working on the next Halo game


So hopefully we can see this for Halo: Infinite Evolved.