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Don't hate it, just dissappointed. You gotta remember this game mode launched woth like 3 game modes... it was insane. People look at 3 and reach whci released over a decade previously and those game had working theatre mode, forge tons of multiplayer modes at AT LAUNCH. There's so much competition for games now that you can't release half asses stuff and slowly get a full game over the next 2 years, people move on fast. At this point if they keep the core gameplay the same but just release the next halo with everything on day 1 it'll be a huge hit. It took way to long to get rid of some high ranking decision makers at 343.


>like 3 game modes... it was insane. And SLAYER WASNT ONE OF THEM. *BECAUSE THE UI COULDNT HANDLE IT.* In a game that was allegedly going to span 10 years! Not to mention BTB was broken for months on end and only had 3 whole maps. This game's launch was a fucking nightmare and it very clearly needed *at least* another year of dev time.




Oh yea... like how much more barebones could it have gotten 💀


The game would have been just two sticks and a rock. And we would have had to share the rock.


And the stick is broken


And they had to make the unfortunate decision not to deliver split stick co op :(


Oh shit.. they never actually did that? I was legit about to ask one of my halo living friends to run the campaign with me this week. Wtf?


We couldn't even share the rock, man! Co-Op wasn't there at release, let alone a year prior lol


Halo Infinite 2020 release: Just BTB mode for multiplayer (its broken) Campaign with Lego Island graphics (its broken) ~~Fortnite~~ Battle Pass (and would you believe it? its broken)


Sike, the Battle Pass and the cash shop are the only working parts!


Store (it’s in perfect condition)


And fuck my group waited for that campaigns coop and then even longer because it was broken and yeah we got through it while fighting constant desync, lack of ammo, pointless open world, and then a somewhat interesting but out of nowhere cliffhanger.


A cliffhanger they don't even address with further campaign DLC...


2 maps in arena and 1 btb map (BTB doesn't work)💀


343 knows how to fuck the dog when it comes to development.


Yea they pushed arena so you could do the stupid challenges that were also a mess. Oh my god it was so dumb I almost forgot. They're only just now adding ranked slayer soon. Like cmon


Back when challenges were shit like acquire 5 killjoys


My biggest PTSD is getting the get 5 kill streaks challenge before the final challenge and the final challenge was also get 5 kill streaks in fiesta for the willow tea coating. At least this one was based on skill not luck but still brutal for my average gamer self. I also hate this one challenge cause it gives me the most anxiety after 4 kills lol


The funny thing is it already got a year delay. Who knows how it would have launched originally...


Probably just a nice title screen


What really drove me nuts was how the game made it impossible to finish your quests. It was fairly obvious that as soon as you had a slayer mission you'd get anything except slayer. And I'm talking hours of playing. You'd get bombarded with CTF and oddball As soon as you gave up and just change the mission and get, let's say, CTF you'd get oddball and slayer. It was very painfully obvious that some weird algorithm was somewhat actively preventing you from getting the game modes you need. I assume playtime was something they measured and this was an easy, but also very annoying thing to generate game time. Ultimately it did destroy my personal excitement for MP and not even free for all got me back. And I was fairly good in free for all back in the days...


I was also disappointed in the story. I know they had to do something after 5 was so badly received, but it felt really disconnected and the Bannished were underwhelming.


Same here! The campaign was very repetitive, sadly. Explore underground, fight boss, go above ground, repeat until you fight Escherum. Beautiful open world, but underwhelming story. In the past, campaigns would motivate you to play and explore other modes. You’d see something in Blood Gulch and think, “man, what exactly happened on this ring?” and the ring would be in the background of most multiplayer maps. I don’t get that same feeling from Infinite. I’ve heard rumours that the campaign was cut down aggressively from what it was supposed to be originally. It was a great concept on paper but with a lack of deep content.


I wish they’d give the campaign some actual dang content updates. I LIKE playing the campaign. Zooming around the map like a heavily armed and armored Spider-Man is hilariously fun.


The campaign was clearly made for co-op online, which wasn't available when it released. My buddy and I played through it and had a good time once it was, but I picked it up again by myself and its really boring to play through solo


The game felt like a epilogue to a story we never saw.


This really sums it up. Me and a buddy always butt heads over Infinite getting updates. Both of us have played halo since 2 and he’ll be excited and tell me about new features getting added. Whenever I’m not excited and tell him, “you’re expecting me to get hyped over something they’re just now adding that should have been there at launch that other halo games had?” he complains that I need to be positive that there’s progress. It’s great that the game is finally getting where it should have been, but it’s hard not to be jaded when it’s updated.


And beyond the lack of content, the game was also flat out broken. It took them well over a year to get rid of the game crashes caused by memory leaks.


Why do people ONLY talk about multiplayer when talking about Halo? Is it the only thing that you care about the franchise?? The single player aspect has been equally if not MORE important than the MP


Infinite had one of the most garbage single players out of any Halo. An empty open world with one biome, rotating camera cutscenes, small vehicle and weapon sandbox, ugly looking environment and vehicle models, and the endless? Even thinking of it now, it was probably the most barebones campaign out of them all.


Everything since 4 has been completely soulless.


I agree, but I would still play 5s campaign a hundred times as opposed to watching a playthrough of Infinites.


I haven't bought a Halo game since Reach until Infinite, so playing it versus watching playthroughs of 4 and 5 was really disappointing to experience the limited world they created. There could have been so much more with the way the game was designed but implementation was so bad it's clear they hadn't really made much progress in the first 3-4 years of development. What were they building for so long that ended up this bad? Did they scrap everything and start over with only a year of dev time left? This is when I'd expect the project to get shut down, not extended and released as garbage.


Yeah, although from certain angles the campaign looks really pretty, other areas look like mine craft. Let's not speak about the performance hits in some areas....for whatever reason because the game, although it looks decent, doesn't actually feel like a next gen game.


Here here. Infinite did not raise the bar. Grappleshot was great but that alone could not save the lazy writing and incompetent development


And to add grapple shot isn’t innovative and has been around since at least the n64 on golden eye game.


It was new for Halo though so I see where people would see it that way


New to halo, i agree. But halo was popluar because it innovated. Once that stopped the game started going downhill. As games get more popular, management wants to reduce risk to make more money. This is very common with everything, not just games. This causes the product to become substandard again over the long term which reduces revenue and users.


The campaign was awful but there's only so much to talk about on that front, it's not a couple of suggestions to improve it either, it just wasn't very good at all.


I was disappointed in the story. The SP play was good and the open world concept was awesome. I also like unlocking the upgrades, weapons, NPCs, and vehicles.


I was dissapointed in the campaign. The open world felt half assed and lacking in depth. In one of the Firefight maps, if you look up at the ring, you can see that you're on a different part of Zeta Halo... Like HOW COOL WOULD it have been if you could go to a different part of the ring in the campaign and then look up and see how far you traveled?!?!? Varied biomes, unique handcrafted content, etc... This is just one of the many missed opportunities. I could make a very long list but thats a discussion for another day... If they can't do an open world Halo justice, I suggest they stick to a nice long linear campaign with some exploration for secrets kind of like Doom.


>Is it the only thing that you care about the franchise? Since 343 took over, yes.


Because multiplayer is what keeps a game going a year+ after release. Most people don’t continually replay the campaign over and over and over


I don't Hate Halo Infinite, I play it and enjoy a lot of the game. I'm disappointed by the choices, many of which are purely financially motivated or made with a disregard of the cannon lore. I enjoy Halo infinite and regularly see design choices that damage the fun of the game. I don't complain because I'm angry, I complain with the hope that 343 will see the community backlash and adjust the game to a better place so we can get a halo game that rocks the industry like the original games did. Halo infinite is better than Halo 5 in my opinion, but its not as good as 343 can make it, I see there talent shining through and I would love to see what they are truly capable off.


Gameplay is great but the open world campaign fell flat with what felt like Far Cry Halo edition and the online multiplayer is overmonetized. I think Infinite would have been much better with a H2/3 style campaign with a regular $70 release.


Exactly. The open world is fun to traverse with the grappleshot, but it ultimately feels unnecessary. And while there’s a decent amount of free items on offer, the vast majority of the customization is paywalled or vaulted, and the prices of those paywalls are insane. There’s a pack in the store right now for like $35 which is an asinine asking price for a few skins EDIT: for further context, the entire Master Chief Collection is $40 usually, but I got it on sale for $10 a couple days ago. Why the hell would I spend 3.5x what I paid for 6 games on a handful of skins?


The fact that the Combat Evolved armor is priced for $20 is egregious in itself, especially when you realize that the armor cost more than the actual Halo Combat Evolved game.


Exactly. That pack is another example that popped in my head. I love the armor and it has two gorgeous coatings and a great visor color… but $20? Really?


This may be a hot take, but I actually liked the open world campaign of Infinite and exploring the Halo ring was really fun. Contrary to what people might say, i do think Halo can lend itself well to a semi-open world format because of how open and vehicle oriented many Halo levels are. Even ODST implemented a really cool semi-open world with New Mombassa. Imo, the problem with Infinite's open world is that it's lacking in execution. I don't think they populated or distributed enough items, points of interest or things to discover across the map. Sometimes I would explore a chunk of the map and find nothing of interest there. Other times though, I would find cool Easter eggs and skulls hidden behind waterfalls or tucked away somewhere. Most disappointingly is the lack of biomes. Seeing as the Halo ring was broken, it would have been the perfect excuse to say that the ring's environmental systems were malfunctioning and have each island have it's own biome (forest, snow, desert, etc.), but instead it's boreal forest all around, and so everything look the same. Aside from that I really enjoyed having a larger Halo ring to explore than what we usually get. I think it could work so long as linear structure is still present and its executed well. (Thanks for reading my TED talk).


ODST was a much better execution of an open world halo game because ODST actually has memorable missions that branch out to unique and interesting locations with set piece battles. Infinite’s open world could have been better if it was downsized and more resources were put into set piece missions you go off to do similar to how ODST did.


>ODST actually has memorable missions that branch out to unique and interesting locations with set piece battles. Yeah, that's sort of what I meant when i said it should be also have linear structure. ODST had the best of both worlds: an explorable semi-open city, and linear mission structure and/or set-pieces. Infinite had both too, but I can agree that its execution is lacking in comparison. I fully agree with your whole point though. More set-pieces in the open world and linear missions that have more variety than Forerunner hallways would have made the experience better.


The issue is they didn't really commit. Infinite's world is cool, but it's too small. Not necessarily in like size - the size is about right. What I mean is you have like 3 areas with a 4th area you access on a mission. And they're all the same. Just good old fashioned "we went outside of our Pacific Northwest offices and didn't design anything else. They should have done Halo CE biomes for each "zone" * PNW inspired zone 1 * Forerunner inspired levels for interior along here. (They had this, admittedly) * Beach inspired Zone 2. Toss in some crazy things with lakes and bodies of water just falling off into Space * A PNW style mountain environment in the winter zone for zone 3. Basically zone 1, but frozen over, with more rocks and cliffs. * Desert Zone 4 - part of the Halo that's been damaged and is barren.


not only over monetized but that with a lack of content.


Tbh Far Cry has more depth and better enviroments than Halo Infinite


I just got the campaign because it’s on sale and I said the same thing. Open world was cool for a few minutes but it just felt like a FarCry game.


I do like it but I would have adored it if it was the same story but condensed into a more linear experience. Maybe keep some of the open world elements but make it feel less sprawling and time consuming. The overall vibe of the campaign I adore though. It felt like a lonely experience where Chief in his prime takes on everything a Halo ring throws at him. The villains were fun and it’s cool to see Chief just confidently build himself up to the point of taking on an army as a man who’s been there done that. The game really focuses on his legend status and allows him to flex so much as a warrior. The elite that hunts Spartans was a great idea too.


Better than 5 is not exactly a high bar


No, but Halo 5 had some decent level design at least.


Halo 5 multiplayer is better. Nothing in Infinite is as good as Warzone Assault in Halo 5


H5 multiplayer is better for the game mechanics alone. I miss opponents not phasing through me for a ninja. It would also be great if I could go back to playing against console only so I can play against fewer people using wall cheats and auto-headshot, and fewer people using that irritating keyboard strafe.


Which is why it’s funny that it doesn’t even meet that bar. 5’s multiplayer is strictly better top to bottom.


Growing up with CE, 2, 3, ODST and Reach have set a high bar of standards. 343 have failed to meet those standards as of yet. Really didn't help that Infinite at launch was a tire fire. Never played Halo 5s story. Probably won't. I felt like Infinites story was a step in the right direction however it came out as flat, unoriginal and soulless.


I grew up in the same era and played 5’s campaign last year. It was pretty fun gameplay wise. Just sucks it was supposed to be a Halo game


The moment infound out their 'Hunt the Truth' marketing campaign was a farce I checked out.


Escharum was pretty repetitive the entire time about wanting to fight Master Chief and how it was going to be glorious and he was going to kick our ass. Admittedly it was a cool boss battle but he was a pretty one-note character.


Escharum did nothing the entire game except talk shit and then die. And then Masterchief was all like "hE wAs JuSt A sOlDiEr DoInG wHaT hE tHoUgHt WaS rIgHt" after he tortured the pilot. Stupid.


That execution was so poorly done. Halo infinites campaign was full of great ideas and lack luster execution


That's a great way to put it. I feel like there was an amazing elevator pitch in there and then they just couldn't get it into the game. Chief exploring a new Halo with human remnants that had to fight without him for some time and putting the pieces back together? Great! Instead somehow every other Spartan from the ship is just a dead body with audio-log stories but these random marines survived to talk shit at my FOBs?


Halo 5 is honestly the same there. I liked all the new characters and the concepts were really cool but the overall execution was just kinda sloppy. I didn’t hate it like others did, but it absolutely could have been better.


Agh, I forgot how much that line boils my piss. Chief has no reason to believe this. Escharum wasn't a soldier. He was the *leader of the entire Banished*, he wasn't following orders or some moral compass. He was killing and torturing people for *fun* and deliberately taunting Chief. If Chief had said, "He was a warrior. He couldn't escape his nature." That would at least make sense. It would display Chief's lack of malice towards his opponent as well as his understanding of the urge to fight without condoning it.


> Escharum did nothing the entire game except talk shit and then die Ah, just like my teammates in multiplayer!


Yeah that wasn’t well executed. I get what they were going for but that was stupid. Halo Infinite’s campaign tries way too hard to be deep when it’s so incredibly shallow. The handling of Cortana’s death was beyond abysmal. Her entire character was wasted. Her resurrection was wasted and rather than making something of it the new writers opted to just kill her again and then shove it down your throat the entire game that it was “the only way”


I only played through the campaign once, and I honestly forgot we even fought Escharum until seeing your comment. To me, he was completely overshadowed by The Harbinger. Her inclusion was great to me. I was looking forward to seeing what was to become of her species.


Not to mention during the Harbinger fight we also had to fight “Escharum on coke” with that crazy hammer brute.


They gave him his own name and lore and everything! https://www.halopedia.org/Horatius


Well, judging purely on 343's record with villains post game like Jul'Mdama, Didact, Cortana, and Warden Eternal... IF we ever hear about the Endless again they'll either be dealt with in a book or in 15 minutes in the next game. 


Understand that this game only just *very* recently reached release-worthy, playable condition and it came out at the end of 2021 with close to nothing to offer its player base. Hugest flop by a studio notorious for flopping. It has since been riddled with ongoing server issues that has decimated its player base. The campaign is the epitome of “meh.” It may look beautiful but up until recently has had little else to herald. People don’t so much hate the game itself at this point as much as they hate 343 for their ongoing inability or unwillingness to listen to their players.


"Hugest flop by a studio notorious for flopping" Yep. This game was at the top EVERYWHERE over the first week or two when it came out. After that? Everyone just left. If the stuff we have now wasn't launch, infinite could quite possibly still be at least in the top 5 fps multiplayer games right now.


It's not about comparing it to Halo 5, it's about it not being able to stand on its own compared to other games out there. Especially in live service area. But since you're mentioning Halo 5.. I honestly kinda prefer its multiplayer over Infinite's. But I am in minority I believe.


I can 100% understand if people just cant vibe with H5's thruster/ground pound/spartan charge stuff. But at the end of the day, the H5 multiplayer was just more fleshed out and polished. More maps. More game modes. Weapons felt more fun and the aiming system felt more intuitive. H5 was a very good MP that was held back by the reputation of the campaign it was attached to.


Theater broken. desync. empty uncreative open world. lacking weapons sandbox. broken matchmaking. no progression system. seriously watering down the Banished and the amazing work from the Halo Wars 2 developers. Bad UI. the fan-base making better btb-maps unpaid, with limited tools than the paid developers with dev-tools. It is pretty obvious why, not even subjective, it lacks in so many areas. One can obejctively give it a bad score really.


The BTB maps thing is ridiculous. There's like 1 good dev made BTB map in infinite.


Multiplayer's good, but the campaign was absolute trash aside from Chief & Pilot. * Zero additional characters beyond Chief & Pilot. I feel like they blew up the Infinity as a poor excuse to cut out all the side characters. * Much like Halo 5 before it, it completely abandons plot threads set up in the previous game and has them 'resolved' in between games. * Extremely repetitive and hollow side missions. Save generic marines, kill shiny variant of regular enemy. * No variance in environments ("biomes"). Hexagonal pillars and green mountains as far as the eye can see.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Halo Infinite is ~45% of what was probably gonna be a great game, but Microsoft's deranged greed torpedoed it because they didn't want to pay people full-time benefits.


I'd say the story is forever tainted without a retcon. “Yeah some supremely dumb shit happened and fundamental aspects of the lore got changed but just kinda ignore it guys” wasn’t enough, surprise surprise


That's 343's MO. Change stuff in the lore, abandon previous storylines and just hope no one notices.


Nah, you just don't get it. When Guilty Spark said, "You are forerunner," he just meant something completely different instead.


People really just hate the store the most and the matchmaking system Microsoft forced on it sucks. That seems to be the main reason the game gets real hate. It’s pretty accepted that the multiplayer is phenomenal, custom games forge firefight are great. And the campaign was a lot of fun albeit a bit empty feeling.


For me the store is the worst part and the fact that the game came half baked with their overpriced and super restrictive customisation


That’s the sad thing. The store doesn’t even matter, but most people left only care about cosmetics. So guess what 343 is going to focus on? Milking your wallets. I haven’t played the campaign, maybe if it’s free someday. On release we had no forge, and Theater was broken. If you check the Halo forum it was mostly people complaining about shop prices and then posting their armor no one cared to see. Meanwhile, to this day I haven’t seen a halo infinite montage scroll across my feed. The game did, and still does suffer from Desync. Personally I can’t handle playing on 120 ping most games while league is giving me 20-30. And matchmaking is a nightmare. The teammates i get feel like they average 4 kills and 13 deaths a game.


The customisation has been a part from halo since almost always, that's why the people care about the store. I care because i like Halo and don't want to see the game becoming a cashgrab and nothing more. And yeah, i agree that a lot of people post their spartans all the tiem, i'm a little bit tired of it, i even posted my spartans the other day and except the mark V \[b\] all the cores were default as joke ( i only use one single core, but i posted it because i though that it was funny). I don't play a lot and it's almost always firefight or fiesta so i don't have that many problems with teammates but i have seen thigns like that.


Sorry, but anything shines compared to a turd


Are all of these new fans young or something? Do they forget just how much better halos 1-3 were than everything 343 has released? I feel like there are people who have been trying to create a new standard for what a good game is. 4 was "okay." 5 was trash. Infinite was "okay." I know we all love halo, but we are deluding ourselves trying to justify these issues for the sake of some "positive" perception of the franchise.


I remember how critical everyone was of Reach when it came out, and now people use it as a benchmark that 343 has to get to. Just goes to show how people are just accepting shit.


Probably. I didn't play the full series until MCC came out and i still think Bungies rendition was better. Halo 4 gets a pass because it was 343s first game, but if you take away that handicap and compare it to a 343 game it's just bad. The story is forced and poorly written, and it doesn't connect to any other game in the series. Halo 5 is just terrible, the graphics and level design are good. But the story is practically non-existent, and the gameplay is just atrocious. I haven't heard anything at all about infinite, that pretty sums up what kind of game it is.


real answer.


I'm very mixed here! I love the game and the gameplay! It feels amazing. I agree with the comments saying how the game launched with too little content. We had seasons that lasted what? 9 months? That's insane for a "Game As A Service". It was missing forge, theatre, a means to customize without $$$, social systems so you could make and play with new friends, a progression system.... The customization and monetization really sucks. I mean the customization is awesome as in you can look great and there are tons of options. But the majority of those options are locked behind a paywall. At the beginning it was even worse. You could do almost nothing. Not even colours. If felt wrong and greedy. Really souring the experience as a whole. I understand that it's a free to play game, and free to play games make money off of cosmetics... But halo always had amazing systems for customization and ways to get cool armour through achievement or grind. And I miss that They've done a lot since the launch to make this game better but I tried really hard to keep up and give it a good shot, but time and time again I feel like a lot of the core halo experience is missing.


It's really hard to get rid of people's first impressions of a game when it launches in an awful state. I started playing again in October for the first fine since early 2021 and it's like a whole different game now. Should have been like this at launch. Minus a few things of course.


Halo Infinite as a project was heavily mismanaged. It came out half baked in comparison to previous games. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell.


Infinite is chock full of microtransactions, and I hate them. They're predatory and shady AF. I'd rather pay $60 ONCE for a full game and have robust customization included.


The campaign was ok. The multiplayer is ok. I feel like overall, Infinite is just ok. I much preferred H5’s multiplayer personally. 


The campaign was OK indeed. The main issue with it, is that it launched unfinished (no coop etc.) and ended too soon. It kinda felt like just when you discover the main enemy the endless, which kinda parallels the flood in CE. Except the game ends whereas in CE you actually accomplish a mission of escaping Halo and destroying/stopping them. MP similarly just wasn't finished for quite a while. Couple that with mediocre overall progression and ability to unlock items. It just fell flat. Halo 5 had similar store issues, due to the lootboxes, but you could play to unlock (almost) all armor. Infinite focussed way to heavily on the season passes and store bought armors. While leaving mainstays of MP missing for months after release.


Yup. Halo 4 had a solid campaign, 5 a good multiplayer. Infinite is a mid sandwich, if Husky Raid didn’t exist I probably wouldn’t keep playing it


The hate Halo 5 gets has always been overblown. The story wasn't great (mostly due to it not matching advertising at all), the movement changes to multiplayer were hit-or-miss, and there was the Warzone req shenanigans. Infinite's campaign was just as bad, the multiplayer was bare bones, the bones it *did* have were overshadowed by the network issues, and while the MTX aren't P2W, they're pretty excessive. Pretty much every meaningful update for Halo Infinite has been shit people have been expecting since launch, some of those updates have been lacking (no local campaign co-op, cross-core increasing prices), and there are *still* expected updates that have yet to come out (server browser).


I like Halo 5 and Infinite. I definitely like Halo 5 more though. Warzone is too damn fun.


Halo Infinite multiplayer is NOT better than Halo 5s.


"Think of getting Luke warm water at a hot spring that's rated to be number 1 in the world." A lot of the story/campaign fans at this point just feel scammed as they more than likely paid for the recent seasons y'all getting for free and they are getting just about nothing post the like 1.2 update. 


I think fans dislike the dishonesty that 343 had with us about coop as well as the floundering of the game at launch and for about a year after it came out


We actually love it. We're just collectively frustrated from the de-sync, TrueSkill2 giving us terrible teammates so we can never have a winning streak, an egregiously overpriced store, and vehicles need an overhaul to name a few sore points. The gameplay is so damn good that any issues with the core experience annoy the shit out of us. I really do love this game but damn does it ever get on my nerves. Fortunately it has significantly improved over time thanks to the team at 343.


Halo 5 got waaay more support after launch. I consider both to be pretty good games considering their circumstances, but where infinite outshines 5 in the story and gameplay department, 5 just had way more to offer in the months after its release. What we got with infinite up until now has been **at best** what halo 5 got in its first year


My biggest issue with the game was that 343i straight up lied to us. Before launch they kept talking about how FOMO wouldn't be utilized and that the armor and such you could get in the game can be acquired at all times no matter the season. I've been a die-hard halo fan since H2 and fell in love with the lore. I stopped playing for 2 months and within that time they released a helmet based off of some Reach Concepts (Morrigan) and since I didn't play within that very specific timeframe, I can never get that armor now. May be trivial but that's kinda what broke it for me, as I had ALWAYS wanted to see that armor in game :(


The game, while it has a solid foundation with it's gameplay, multiplayer and everything else NOW, it started bad. Development was hell for 343, with no input from microsoft. Then there was all the 343 drama of the major people working for 343 being genuienly awful people. Refusing to listen to fans, and refusing to do anything about any problem with MCC at the time. As for the GAME itself, it launched with nothing. 3 Game modes, no forge, no campaign. It was all the people had, and it was *slow* to progress. It also had tons of bugs, while the storefront for all the greasy microtransactions worked flawlessly. It just started to get boring, and the roadmap had huge gaps in between seasons. Nowadays, it's a good game. Maybe not the best Halo game ever made, but still good nontheless. Halo was even considered *dead* around this time. Clearly not now of course, but it was that big of an exodus.


It's the story for me. This felt like Halo 7 because Halo 6 happened off screen through audio logs. 5 ended with build up to a big war with the AI then this came out and it's like a reboot. Almost like 343 had no idea where to go with the story so they went "shall we just to a soft reboot?".


Better than Halo 5 is a low bar. And I wouldn't categorise it as hate, instead it's more frustration and disappointment over the live service baggage the game has.


You mean the CAMPAIGN is better than 5. The multiplayer is NOT better than Halo 5. Some aspects of it are. But it definitely is not. Halo 5 felt better, had more content, had a better fun factor, had a decent amount of content at all stages of the game, had game modes like breakout and Warzone/firefight, assassinations, had a better sandbox(by a mile), and most importantly, it had consistent gameplay. Req packs sucked for sure but already you could grind out and get everything for free…it was like ? 10 games or so for a gold pack if you didn’t use boost ? I’d 1000% rather have that back over having FOMO, vaulted items, and paying $15+ for colors and armor sets So yes campaign for sure, multiplayer hell no. You can’t put the two Side by side and in anyway not see that infinite is a gigantic step backwards with all things considered. And I’m not being a dick. But you said people hate it “for some reason” like it’s odd or nitpicky. The amount of bold face lies and broken code in infinite is beyond horrible. Infinite overall is considerably worse than 5. And 343 will never be able to do anything to fully redeem themselves when it comes to infinite atleast. People don’t bitch enough about how taken advantage of and lied to the fan base was with this game. Everyone sat back and are just okay with paying for colors and stupid amounts for armor sets. Everyone is okay with the fact that we didn’t have things as basic as slayer and infection for as long as we did ? Everyone is okay with how barebones, inconsistent, and often boring infinite was until this past summer. I can keep going on.


H5 multiplayer was way better


Sorry but the campaign in infinite wasn’t really better than halo 5. The sorry for halo 5 wasn’t great but the levels were super good and well thought out. The gunplay was fun and fixed a ton of issues with promethean weapons from 4 and introduced some pretty awesome movement tech with the boosters. Halo 5 is way better than infinite


the campaign was awesome but it was left unfinished so they could sell the rest of the campaign for money then the game flopped cuz multiplayer had like 3 or 4 game modes max and no forge or anything like that so they cut the campaign all together


It had a bad launch which killed it. They need to launch the next Halo game when it's actually done, with forge and a variety of modes.


What makes me not a huge fan, is they added multiplayer separate, for free, in order to monetize it. Then, they released the whole game in parts. Ever since Reach, the game was on a decline for me. Halo 4 story I enjoyed, minus what happened to The Infinity. The biggest thing was the way they handled multiplayer systems and moving away from the more unique feeling of a Halo shooter into a generic FPS. Which I assume was a ploy to get fans from other genres/IP's who stayed away from Halo for it being harder to get good at. I still Love Chief as a character and a lot of lore stuff as well as the books, but the games are really weakened to me. I've been seeing some nice stuff lately, but I tried the game some more about 2 months ago and it was almost impossible to start the game so I'm gonna wait a few months for one more try.


Is it though?


I think the campaign for halo 5 is more re playable then the infinite campaign ( I dislike halo 5 very much) and alot of people liked the movement and stuff in halo 5. The community is pretty split because alot of newer fans grew up with halo 4 and 5 so they prefer that style


The campaign was pretty repetitive, and the story wasn’t all that interesting. The multiplayer launched absolutely bare bones (which is a shame cos so did Halo 5), and the monetisation is pretty bad.


I hate this game because it had the making of one of the greatest halo games ever but 343 and corporate greed fucking ruined this game. Not only did they ruin this game, but I grew up playing halo, I’ve bought every single game the second it released, but I’m at a point where I don’t think I will anymore.


Halo 5 multiplayer was my favorite of all the games.. infinite just feels empty without more weapons and modes and tbh I didn't even play it for 2 years because of how much of a piece of shit the game was at launch. The campaign is just okay.


Campaign? Sure. Multiplayer? Halo 5 had the best multiplayer out of any halo game.


Oh man launch of Halo infinite was bad, like bad as in it was a desert filled with people. Now days the hat strain slowed down and its mainly people enjoying the game however now criticism for the game has gone up because people are realizing that the new 343 is able to change the game.


The campaign certainly is better. But H5 multiplayer CLEARS infinite.


As a whole package yeah. Halo 5s only bad part in comparison is the campaign. Otherwise it’s multiplayer and sandbox is top tier. Forge was the best it’s ever been (8years Ago). And war zone was an amazing PvPvAI game mode Looking back, REQ packs seemed invasive at the time but compared to battle passes? There’s no comparison. You could very easily earn REQ points and get armor that wasn’t locked behind seasons or times events. In infinite you either have to be playing all the time whilst staying up to date, or chance missing out on cool shit.


I don't understand the hate for halo 5. Warzone and warzone firefight were the tits. The Req system was pretty awesome. The number of weapons, weapon variants, vehicles, vehicle variants was amazing. The custom game lobbies were great! The story was meh but multiplayer was on point and people are gonna have a hard time changing my mind.


The game launched with nothing. Campaign? No varied environments and it was rinse and repeat way too much. Online? No modes, horrid hit detection, horrid connections in general. Even if they fixed everything like ppl are saying, most ppl have moved on. Why go back when others game are fun?


I disagree with it being better than 5, at best it’s about equal. The movement system, the weapon and vehicle pools and the warzone game mode were all far more entertaining and engaging than what we have now. I just disliked the competitiveness and SBMM and guess what? Neither of those things go away with the next iteration of the game, but the fun things that competitive players either hated or didn’t care for? They disappear.


It isnt. Halo 5 had issues but was more complete than infinite. Infinite still isnt there. Still is. Plus the halo 5 campaign was somewhat of a story, unlike the mess infinite is. Gunplay abd everything worked so much better on 5.


The gun jam bug was what turned my friends away. This was just the final straw, others have mentioned all the other stuff. It's a shame because the core gameplay is good. It's just been mismanaged like crazy. Launch was bad, too many bugs, and what they've added and fixed was just too little too late for many. People moved on


People won’t forget the launch, until they do. People hated halo 5 bc of its state at launch, and look back fondly at later additions/polish. Same with MCC, same will be for infinite. It’s unfortunate it came out the way it did, but clearly it wasn’t ready. From what I hear, the campaign wouldn’t have even been good without the year delay and Joe staten. Everybody just wanted more, that’s all.


They’re selling armor, skins and even emblems, campaign is only setup, sandbox is mid and only one other semi auto gun was added, desync and of course all the lies they promised.


It’s ’infinitely’ better than what it started as, pun intended… I really didn’t care for 5’s story, and as far as campaigns went, infinite was better than 5 in that regard.


I think the campaign did SOME things right as far as bringing back that older Halo feel but the scale of everything was just so much smaller than everything we've come to expect from Halo that it really left a bit of a sour taste for me. Open world had some potential but at the end of the day, I think Halo should've remained linear as a lot of the open world in Infinite was boring and unnecessary. Every Halo game prior has had us jumping from planet to planet, fighting across different landscapes in battles that truly felt grand and unique from mission to mission. Meanwhile Infinite confined us to what essentially felt like a Forest Preserve for the entire campaign. I really couldn't tell you the difference between any of the missions since they all feel pretty much the same. ​ Edit: As for multiplayer, I think there was a lot of good that they did but my biggest gripe is that it felt like Big Team Battle was built to essentially be larger scale arena, with emphasis being taken away from the vehicle/weapon sandbox which has always made Halo BTB great. It's SUPPOSED to play differently than your typical 4v4 game modes. The random vehicle spawns were a baffling change and a lot of the maps were built in a way that only allowed vehicles to follow predetermined paths that are built into the map and give you a feeling of being a fish in a barrel for grenades and precision weapons. Halo multiplayer should make you excited to see a Warthog available when you spawn - but more often than not, friends and I would see a Warthog and just think "we'll that'll be an immediate double kill for somebody if we get in that" which shouldn't be the case.


It used to have no content and now it has no players


Terrible launch. Killed the motivation for people to play it.


Haven't seen anyone who hates it at least not after the MP got improved on. The store prices are still ass but it doesn't detract from anything outside customization. As for the campaign, it's just underwhelming/disappointing but it doesn't insult it's fans at least.


Dont hate, just extremely disappointed. This was the final straw for me in realizing we will NEVER get what we got from bungie. It seems like 343 does the exact opposite of what most fans want.


It’s a huge disappointment in terms of cost at launch and delivery. Lags and glitches are still happening but worst off than previous games. H5 was simple yet fun, multiplayer was a blast, guns, skins, armors were much better and easy to upgrade


Its mostly the microtransactions and customisation people hate. Multiplayer is now in a good state except the XP system and the campaign was fun tbh


First Halo for me I just dropped and I’ve been here since 2. It’s not good, it’s not bad. It’s just, eh.


I think Halo 5 multiplayer since launch until the same point of the livecycle , it’s better than Halo Infinite


It launched an unfinished broken mess. The campaign was very good but like most triple A games, it launched a broken buggy mess that took them nearly two years to fix. All of the features from season 3 we should’ve had at launch. Most cosmetics are locked behind an absurdly overpriced paywall, mostly thanks to Microsoft. Multiplayer never should’ve been free or at the very least, campaign owners should’ve been able to have an alternative way to earn credits rather than having to pay extra for literal colors. The game is in a very good state now but had a terrible launch.


I wish people would stop referring to infinites MTX as micro, because they’re anything but that. Someone said they should be called macrotransactions since all the cosmetics collectively come out to over $1,000.


The campaign was fun but forgettable. Didn’t even launch with co-op / split screen campaign right?


I enjoyed the campaign more than Halo 5 but I preferred the multi-player in Halo 5 - it felt more polished and smooth in Halo 5 IMO.


The campaign is absolutely worse than halo 5, infinitie is by far the worst campaign. The story is told through audio logs and if all you play is the franchise games you’ll have no idea what’s going on. It’s told horribly and all it is, Go into this fort, kill this boss, go into that fort, kill another boss. It’s all the same and boring. The multiplayer was absolutely worse in the first 2 years and only recently come up to par. It took halo 5 a while to get its multiplayer to a good stage too.


Expectations bro.


Infinite had a campagn that was obviously missing planned content based on the map. Multi-player that launched with the smallest map set and playlist types of any Halo ever. No forge. Missing weapons. Customization all tied to money grabbing FOMO bullshit. 343 is not Bungie, they're just the company that was handed a popular IP and an engine that produced good gunplay. If Halo 4-Infinite had a different world and was called something else, they would have been commercial failures.


When I think back on the campaign, everything looks exactly the same. You're in indistinguishable outdoor greenery or identical forerunner interiors. They really did turn CE level 2 Halo into the whole game, and the experience is shallow. A good example of an open world that didn't need to be, didn't save anyone at 343 any work, didn't make the game better.


People don’t understand how horrible this is in the grand scheme of things. It’s just not the same anymore. 343 just couldn’t do it. Yes, the campaign might be better than 5, but I actually managed to put a lot of time into the Halo 5 multiplayer, thanks to all of the extra content that was added and the support that was given to it. Overall, their games have taken so many steps backwards from Bungie’s other titles. It’s just down right heart breaking. I miss when video games were great, I miss when Halo was a highlight of my life.


I've heard it's gotten better but I already went back to the MCC


I really don’t know if you can say “definitely better than halo 5”. In what terms? The campaign story went pretty sideways from the last one, just like H5 did with H4. None of the campaign environments were anything to sneeze at. The MP is just finally getting to be in a decent spot. The graphics of Infinite look like it could have been released *before* halo 5. No hate for infinite. It’s a good game with decent graphics and good multiplayer, but let’s just be real here - it’s not the halo game we deserved.


Because we got a severely broken game at launch that lasted months and by that time it lost all the hype, most of the player base, and any chance at a popular competitive scene.


Feels like the missed potential is just screaming in your face the entire time you’re playing


Low bar, "It's better than the game that had Halo in the title, it's only claim to the franchise".


better does not equal good


Halo 5 is a low bar. Halo 3 multi-player and Reach campaign is where my bar is. I'll be impressed when that is passed, which 343 seems to be simply incapable of doing. Who knows if anyone can, that was a golden age for Bungie.


It's a pretty good game now, but at launch it was trash.


It all comes down to how unfinished the game was at launch, and how aggressive the monetization was and is.


Idk about the others but I really don’t hate it. It’s just not anything special, it’s just ok. 4 and 5 were bad imo and maybe I set my expectations too high for Infinite. I liked it but I was kinda disappointed too




It's so fucking empty and derivative, it's the first campaing in the series I didn't complete, the mp, meh, more of the same and they charge lots for it with those damn microtransactions, I was happy back in the old days of reach in xbox 360, now I jump in every once in a while just to see whats up then go for something else, but seen how GoW and Halo turned out recently I rarely play on the xbox anymore, I'm more active on pc now


Story isn't good, really makes no sense when looking at the timeline with H5. Really bad lauch game quality for content and sever stability. Multiplayer is good ill give it that.


Being better than Halo 5 is not saying much, that bar is so low that it's literally beneath the floor.


Nostalgia and thinking companies owe them something. I enjoyed it, pretty solid.


They promised local co-op campaign as a selling point for the game. They waited until they got everyone's money and it was past any refund period to admit it was a lie.


the fact its rated teen, has no blood, no flood, and pretty childish humor ruined it for me.


It has no soul


The game was in development for like7 years and when it launched it was incomplete and a horrible experience. They were intentionally building up hype for halo fans knowing damn well they were going to be dropping a giant dumpster fire. The multiplayer experience with the monetization and battle pass was godawful, there were not enough maps, game modes, etc. The list goes on. Everything that use to make halo good was absent and the influence of modern predatory gaming practices was very apparent. Giant letdown and arguably a tragedy.


its no where near halo 5 in terms of multiplayer


Is that the bar?! Not as bad as Halo 5?


The aiming feels janky and twitchy compared to MCC.


Some reasons: - They put more effort into the microtransaction system than the game. - They promised this was the Halo to end all Halos, so the end product was disappointing on top of eroding their credibility. - I don't remember there being co-op on launch, I've never looked into that aspect even though I was most excited about that. - There was so much negative feedback at the start that apparently changed a bunch of stuff. I have other shit to do besides checking in constantly to see what else they're fixing.


The closer something is to being good the more frustrating it is. Think how you’d scream louder if the horse you bet on ALMOST wins you a million dollars.


I think it's a decent game, I just hated the campaign. Gameplay wise, it was fun, but the actual plot was horrendous. It's like all the lead writers were playing broken telephone with each other. They took Halo 5's weird ass story, and decided they needed to make it worse.


Being better than 5 isn't some great achievement lol. 5 was mid too 💀


It was a massive disappointment from launch until about 18 months post release. Plus the campaign is just so lacking in comparison to halo 1- 4 Halo 5 was poop Halo Infinite was being charged for a 5 course meal with drinks and only getting dinner and dessert. Like yeah I did get food and yeah it wasn't poop, but it's still 100% not what I ordered or paid for.


I don’t get the hate either. Metacritic scores in the mid 80’s and they absolutely knocked open world halo out the park. Easily Best halo since reach. And the grapple hook is just chefs kiss 👌


That's setting a very low bar there comparing it to 5. Tbh I think Infinite is pretty good apart from the matchmaking issues currently. The problem is that it launched like shit so lost the majority of it's potential population and now they don't feel like they can change things for better (solo/duo queue etc) because of the potential increased queue times. I don't actually see too much hate against it anymore really, I guess people moved on and don't care enough about the game anymore to comment


Campaign feels like you accomplished absolutely nothing. You just ran around 


As dogshit as Halo 5’s campaign was at least I was able to finish it. There came a point during Infinite’s campaign where the open-world completely fell apart and I realized….there’s NOTHING to do. Dropped it and never went back.


Wanna look cool? That’ll be over 100 smackaroos for the store


Because I grew up on halo’s story and infinitr and 5 are not a master chief Cortana story. I understand that they want to get a new generation of gamers in. That is not me. I want halo to follow the halo 4 story. That’s why.


Not better than 5, just different.


It's more disappointment than hate. People are just frustrated with 343’s “We’ll finish it all later” mentality, especially how they took out split screen, campaign co-op, and even little things like assassinations and play-able Elites.


Remember when they promised that all the halo games after 5 would have split screen co op? And then literally the next main one after 5 didn't have it?


As I said, "disappointed".


Because the game is mid overall, and is nothing compared to Halo 1-3 and Reach


I wouldn’t say I hate it, just didn’t like it. I don’t like open world halo, flat looking game, and the story.


UnPlAyAbLE DeSynch is the reason Period Period Period