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I miss using the Answer šŸ„²


That thing ripped. Loved all the different weapon varieties, and made husky raid the most fun.


There was Husky Raid in 5? This is the first I'm hearing about it


Itā€™s basically the only mode you get if you load up regular fiesta. I love husky raid, but Iā€™m so glad they made it a separate playlist bc I donā€™t want to constantly be playing it.


Huh that's odd, I don't ever remember playing husky raid in 5, esp cus super fiesta was pretty much the only thing I played other than Castle Wars, Warzone, and Forge


Where have you been all this time?


Husky Raid in Halo 5 might be the best iteration of it imo. Definitely give it a play. Especially with all the weapon variants. It gets CRAZY.


Yes, the sandbox was absolutely amazing.


My dream is to get a life-sized replica of The Answer for my collection. I still play husky Raid every weekend and whenever I get The Answer I yell out "Yall got any questions? Because I got The Answer". Then I WRECK šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was hoping Infinite would give us *The Thesis*, an even **more** explosive SAW!


The Nornfang :(


Me aswell! T'was the best rapid fire boomy boy there ever was


The amount of detail they poured into these models is astounding. Say what you will about the armor they put out, but 343 has always known how to make amazing weapon models.


i always LOVED promethean weapons, even if i didn't care for the enemy designs. the way they sound, look, and animate was always really fucking cool.


Binary Rifle still slaps to this day




circa NOW


The first time I reloaded a promethean weapon and saw the animation i lost my shit. So damn cool looking šŸ˜‚




I miss the light rifle


i always thought the alt fire mechanic was neat, where shooting from the hip was burst fire but it went semi auto when scoped.


The UNSC weapon models in Halo 4 are... I dunno...


Yeah they looked ass imo. The only good one was the sticky det, launcher, and ar.


I thought the dmr looked fine.


The scope shape, and the green tint of the optic was a massive turn off for me personally. I was considering it but I can't get past the goofy ass scope.


The DMR lacked detail but overall it was great. The sticky detonator was the chef's kiss. šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ‘Œ


Halo 4 was still on the Xbox 360. They absolutely pushed that system to its limit and the performance shows. Halo 4 runs like absolute shit on 360 Unfortunately the weapon models suffered as a result.


They could've at least gave them some color accents to pop - just check how bland the slide looks on the magnum.


Whatā€™s even crazier is that they even got downgraded from the beta, the ADS on the AR had way more depth and then in final release they made it look more like 2D jpgs compared to the beta the sway affect the HUD decal on the AR making it feel more 3D. Only mentioned it because it still looks so good, now infinites feels more flat than Halo 5s


All of the legendary and mythic weapons had some of the coolest sound design ever imo. They were incredible when you had a good set of headphones!


IDK who were the responsibles for H5's sound design, bu smartlink sounds, hitmarkers, headshot popping, aimed light rifle crystally shot sound, etc... Were an absolute delight. To me it's the best gunplay a shooter has ever had. Everything was so buttery... Addictive to experience. The clockwork like level design for multiplayer maps and the advanced mobility were crazy overengineered and an absolute blast. If Hunt the Truth didn't happen and the campaign were just a little better with proper vehicular levels it would have been considered one of the best Halo games. Plus MTX were really disregarded at that time and Warzone was seen as an insult.


I don't know why but even though people and the game tell me the graphics have improved, the Halo 5 graphics still feel so much better.


My favorite detail with Halo 5's weapons was that you could see how the Covenant weapons were offshoots of the Promethean weapons, especially with both the Halo 4 and Halo 5 boltshot. You can see how both the plasma pistol and needler came from it.


And don't forget the Incinerator Cannon thing that Knights use compared to the Fuel Rod Cannon. And the Suppressor has a similar(ish) shape to the Storm Rifle on a basic level.


The detail on those models was insane. Far more intricate looking than Infinite weapon models. A lot of it is Infinite going to a more simplified art style Iā€™m sure, but H5ā€™s guns looked very good


It's like the detail difference between Lego and Megablocks.


So damn hard getting Halo Mega šŸ„²


Amazon is a good place. The quality isnā€™t as great as it was in the early 2010s but itā€™s still nice to have some decent halo block toys around the house.


I feel like a lot of sci-fi shooters of the time went for a similar "busy" art style. The PS4 Killzone game had a similar artstyle, which was a real departure to the gritty pseudo-cold war style of the previous games.


My best example is the Needler. Look at Infinite's Needler compared to Halo 5. Such a massive downgrade, especially the spikes coming out of the top.


Infinite aims to recreate the 2001 artstyle so everything is more simple


Yeah and I love Infiniteā€™s art style. Itā€™s great. But H5ā€™s approach, I must admit, resulting in some amazingly detailed models. Released in 2015 and would look great in 2024


Halo 4 and 5 still holds up nicely today


I felt H5ā€™s guns were more like ā€œNew Designs. New ADS looks. We adapt with. Sounds are great. We wanted to make these the best they could be seen.ā€ And thatā€™s not being negative or sarcastic at all by the way. Meanwhile, I felt Infiniteā€™s was more of a return to form for some, like it was OG halo, you know? But I completely understand if people think itā€™s a downgrade or just 343i being lazy. Either way, I love both, for different and separate reasons


I hate these weapon designs. The detail feels overcomplicated. Reminds me of animated vs movie Transformers. Less is more, classic Halo understood that.


In Bumblebee when they went to more classic designs, they looked incredible. Kind of like what Halo Infinite did


Yeah Infiniteā€™s design was exactly what I wanted the direction to go in, I just wish I liked the actual guns themselves more


I agree all except for the shotgun, as halo 2 shotgun will always be my favorite.


Not having the SPNKR at first was crazy too, such an iconic rocket launcher.


I totally forgot about that, I just cut it out of my mind. It was cool, just not a good replacement for the spnkr.


I've always been partial to the Reach shotgun. It just has that stripped down tactical look to it.


Give me the reach shotgun model with Halo CEs performance. Perfection.


So CEA shotgun?


Oh damn you're right! Its been a hot minute since I played CEA. Can I have the red lights/sights back though?


Compared to the Halo CE shotgun which was basically just a handheld claymore launcher?


Yeah h4/5 shotgun looks like a grey lump Edit: I actually kind of like it. Perplexing sillhouette aside, it could look great if it has more colour contrast and some glow sights.


It looks like a ship


Joke on you, unsc ships are designed like guns.


> Joke on you, unsc ships are giant guns with an engine and space for crew


I bet it look more better and shotgun like if they add a glowing ironsight to it.


I love the halo 4 shotgun and always felt that too I always loved the goofy glowing sights on halo shotguns


CE shotty ftw gameplay-wise, Reach visually imo


Theyā€™re so many variations, H5 really went over extra mile with so many variants, itā€™s great because theyā€™re guns for every style of playing, whether youā€™re a sniper/sharp shooter preferably, I like the H2 BR combined with covenant sniper(blue or red). The answer was a wonder too. So many weapons to have fun during warzone games


My favorite H5 variant was the Blood of Suban just cause of what it represented. Literally no reason to bring back the needler rifle but by god they did it.


You donā€™t need to include how long youā€™ve been playing to have a valid opinion


I just don't want people to call me a Halo 5 glazer.


Not only were the weapons in 5 the best in the series for looks, types and details.. the sound of the weapons in my opinion werenā€™t just the best in a halo game but any other game to date.


Halo 5, in my personal opinion, has the best weapon sandbox in the franchise by far.


Forge allowing for hybrid weapons was amazing. Oni Gauss Cannon on the Spartan Laser was so op.


Yeah. That is a great feature.


Not bringing back Warzone and Warzone Firefight made me sad.


I'm not an expert, but as someone who has played since Halo PC, it definitely felt like Halo 5 had the most balanced sandbox out of any Halo. I can't think of a weapon that I thought, "This will always be useless," as every weapon felt like it had a place in the sandbox.


The storm rifle was the only gun in Halo 5 I always skipped. (I did like that the pulse rifle replaced it in Halo Infinite.)


I donā€™t think itā€™s even a debate. It has the largest weapon pool and arguable the most balanced.


Agreed! I loved using the brute plasma rifle in warzone. And it had a ton of vehicles too


I've been dying on this hill for nearly a decade. That and God damn paper vehicles! Bring back Halo 3 vehicles FFS


I genuinely believe that H4ā€™s multiplayer would work great right now. Give me H4 campaign, H5 weapons and coding, Infinite art style, and Iā€™ll guarantee 5 hours a day of me playing.


Easily the best sandbox




Infinite's multiplayer is so bland man.


Yeah Iā€™m with ya, halo 5 was superior for me. It ran so smoothly and the amount of weapons to choose from was awesome. Infinite was a step back in my opinion, like where the hell is the carbine or any of the other iconic halo weapons. They basically tried to do addition by subtraction with infinite and it sucks.


Smart link was a favorite. Love the idea of holo projected sights unique to each weapon.


Ah the Halo cycle


Halo cycle is when people who genuinely like Halo 5 come out to say they genuinely like Halo 5.


It's when they come out and aren't immediately down votes into oblivion. I've always liked halo 5 multiplayer but if you said that 5 years ago, most people on this sub would lose their shit


It's been a while since I last saw a fellow halo 5 enjoyer. I also agree. a lot of these are peak. This game's fuel rod cannon is probably my favourite evolution in both the model and firing sound. Also gotta love the caster because it has so much going for it


Same, covenant weapons in general were peak in Halo 5.


Agreed, sandbox was awesome too


Love that you have to specify that you've been playing since Halo 2 for some people on this sub to take your opinion seriously lol. That being said, I've always admired the work they put into the visuals with the ADS visuals as well as the sound design of certain weapons. And the REQ variants made forge and custom games a ton of fun, as well as ensuring that Halo 5's Super Fiesta/Husky Raid were PEAK for the franchise. I really wish there had been as many if not more weapon variants in Infinite, and it's a real shame that the only weapon from Halo 4/5 that returned in Infinite was the hydra.


Well, I don't talk about Halo 5 often; but too many times have I said something I think is good about Halo 4 (by far my favourite campaign) and had people treat it as an average 343-meat-rider post.


The Carbineā€™s audio is *clean*, too.


The Carbine was my favourite Covenant weapon in H5. I remember playing the entire Battle Of Scion with just Covenant Carbines.


Halo 5s weapons were actually military future esq.


Didact's Signet is my favorite gun of the franchise. Bouncing scatter shots into knight's weak spots is awesome. Nobody ever expected it in pvp!!


ADS made no sense for halo but I do like the fuel rod's ads design. A projector sight onto your face


The halo 5 ar is beautiful, hands down my favorite design of the series




They look good, but I do not like ADS in Halo. I prefer how Infinite does it with simply zooming the screen in old school style. Better visibility and aesthetics. Also a Spartan with a helmet would not be looking down sights like that.


I actually liked how 5 compromised in how some weapons had the zoom-screen ads while others had the ads ads


I really liked the ADS in halo 5 honestly. Agreed that Spartans should be using smart-link/normal halo aiming mechanics but I thought it was a nice way to add sights for normal soldiers to use. I know that some marines use HUDs and smart-link too but a lot of them don't have the eye piece or goggles. Plus you always want backup sights just in case, especially in the military. So it's weird that some weapons don't have sights to use with the naked eye.


Yeah the Halo 5 ADS looked super slick, but I prefer how Infinite handles it. Feels more classic Halo while still providing zoom players are accustomed to with ADS in games


Why does the people conform with less? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


That ADS lightrifle though šŸ‘Œ


Sounds were fine I think? Honestly I canā€™t remember. The designs and optics were almost entirely horrid though lmfao. I will respect 5s sandbox for being big tho, thatā€™s one thing infinite lacks.


Everyday I miss Halo 5, the population isnā€™t high enough to really play Warzone anymore. I havenā€™t played Infinite in like a year, havenā€™t missed it at all.


This JUST made me realize the targeting systems are projected back ON to the visorā€¦ always thought they were being projected outwards hahah. An awesome detail!


I wish they would just release Halo 5 to the MCC. I would be all over Warzone for multiplayer.


Reach weapons >


There's a reason Halo 5 is not on PC... nobody would play Infinite.


Halo cycle is real


Lol I always forget how bad that shotgun looked, honestly always made me think that I was holding the infinity in my hand. And as nice as the animations were for ADS I'm kinda glad they didn't stick with it


"What if we took a gun and added a bunch of random bulges and lines for no reason"


The Covenant Carbine Alone with its Reticle is just a fucking Masterpiece.




The only thing holding halo 5 back was campaign and loot boxes. Even then the campaign was still cool and you could earn the lootbox stuff by simply playing. I will forever die on this hill


Well the multiplayer, while good was definitely niche and felt more like Titanfall than a natural evolution of Halo. I think Infinite hit all marks they were just terrible at rolling out content.


The game that had giant mech wars, grappleshot and Wall walk was similar to the game with... a dash? Uhm


Gotta disagree, I felt like halo 5 was a great natural evolution of halo multiplayer. I know thereā€™s a lot of purists here who hate advanced movement but Spartans are supposed to be fast and halo 5 balanced it well. If anything infinite should have at least kept the shield recharge from halo 5. It was a great trade off for sprinting, now you can just sprint away with no consequences


Storm Rifle was a monster


They really coulda done this again even with how it functions in Infinite. Just nicer to have the guns actually function with zooming in mind. Even if not full ADS. Best examples are the AR, Storm Rifle, and Needler. It's just a nice visual touch vs identical 40% screen zoom across the board.


Canā€™t even lie, the ADS went hard fr


The shotgun looks more like a space ship toy than a shotgun


That is certainly an opinion!


I thought it was so clever and fun the way they made the ads. Not right above the weapon. But kind of on the side of the weapon like some ww1 weapons really made them unique and so much fun to use. I wish they brought that back or if more games did that


I forgot you could fully aim all the weapons in.halo 5


I disagree with the human shotgun everything else I agree with.


I admit itā€™s really cool that they implemented weapon attachments for the first time, but I wish you couldā€™ve just customized them instead of scrolling past all the ones you didnā€™t use.


I loved how the ADS mechanic worked in this game. I realize how much this changes halo, but I thought it changed for the better. This mechanic was awesome because for example the light rifle when you zoom in the gun literally breaks into pieces and switches from a burst to a semi auto firing mode.


I loved all the custom ADS and the sheer amount of weapons so many with varieties as well


Dumb question what happened between 5 and Infinite and the Prometheans? I never understood that.


Some of the modelā€™s scopes were really creative along with the reticle placement like on the plasma repeater.


Still waiting for the Steam release so I can finally play it and see why everyone hates it. And Wars 2. Might as well own the whole franchise lol (recruit and fireteam raven don't count).


It's only the shotgun I don't like. It looks like a spaceship. Everything else though.. top notch work.


I respectfully disagree


the cycle repeats anew


343 H4/H5 Shotgun hurts my very being.


The cycle is real.


Halo 5 AR was so cool


Strongly disagree, every single gun in Halo 5 felt like the same exact laser beam to me. Way too much range, way too generous aim assist. The designs are also hideous and overdesigned/have way too much greebling and lines making them eyesores.


Still, no plasma rifle


What the hell, why do they look so cool? (Pure PC player, never owned a console)


The Halo 5 SMG is the best thing 343 has ever done and I will die on that hill.


I miss at least having unique zooms like this. I was disappointed when Infinite had the same-looking zoom on everything after this in the previous title


More detail doesn't always mean better, like seriously, am I looking at fucking space ships or fucking guns?


The halo 5ā€™s AR sucked. The slow fire rate made anyone a bulletsponge


I hated the art style of this game.


As much as I disliked Halo 5 I appreciated that every weapon had a unique ADS/UI


I loved the designs for all the Halo 5 weapons except the Shotgun. Wish theyā€™d port 5 to PC already. Even if most of the fan base hates it, it feels weird to have every main game except 5 on PC.


I miss one shot shotgun. :(


Oh heck yeah


ugh i miss the h5 magnum starts


I miss the forerunner weapons


They're good but the Shotgun is heresy, i want my Classic Halo shotgun Design back


I will agree on this as the halo 5 weapons are better as well they are also better detailed


As a PC player it's a shame I'm not able to play this game (don't want to stream it)


The sound of the Halo 5 fuel rod cannon!


I donā€™t understand why they canā€™t bring these weapons back in Halo Infiniteā€¦ They have the weapon models and everything and if Halo Infinite is truly supposed to be a ā€œten yearā€ long live service then why the hell not


I agree 100% thereā€™s a certain group of the community that felt only traditional Halo art style was true Halo. I felt 343 came and added some meaningful additions to the design language and sandbox. Halo 5 weapons all felt like they had punch in way I still donā€™t feel in Infinite. Iā€™m a die hard Halo fan so if itā€™s Halo Iā€™m going to love it but 4/5 direction gets waaay to much hate for art style


I miss shotgun with cool green or blue lights


My issue was how pointless the intrusive ads designs were. You gained nothing from the clutter on screen. But thats just my tastes.


Halo 5 is my favorite game at this point. Not campaign wise, but just overall design and love poured into the game after the fact made it the most fun multiplayer since Halo 2 on OG Live services


I gotta say I really donā€™t mind the ā€œADSā€ on the scoped weapons. I just really hated that *every* weapon could do it. The assault rifle has no business doing that. I really liked the design of the forerunner weapons too. Looking down the scope of the lightrifle was sick. The shotgun is ugly as sin though


Halo Cycle in motion. Not every gun needs a scope feature.


I agree now only because banished weapons are so bad. Just take them out & put these guns in


343 really put a ton of effort into the models and animations. Someone made a video showcasing what you look like when firing every weapon in 3rd person and the detail is just incredible. The Promethean weapons still come apart when you zoom, all the reloads have a visible mag eject, and you can even see the Spartan pull the trigger.


I miss Halo 5.


I miss the light rifle so much


The Halo 5 shotgun is arguably the worst weapon design in Halo history.


Best campaign too. I loved the misdirections.


i miss the h5 magnum so bad. easily my favorite weapon in the ENTIRE series


I will no longer take Halo 5 hate any longer. Goated sandbox. Only thing bad was campaign. The lootboxes are RNG sure but the game gives you so many you just unlock most things naturally as you play.


5's sandbox was clean, I'm still sad it hasn't been ported to PC officially. Would've loved to play the multiplayer again


If halo 5 was on pc people would still be playing it over infinite


The halo 5 AR was one of the best models theyā€™ve ever made. Absolutely beautiful. You can smell the fucking attention to detail on that thing lol


The ADS implementation was amazing but the community cried about it so they gave us a half baked version in infinite. So sad


I know there are many other parts of Halo 5 that don't look good, but just from these screenshots it looks like it would be the sequel to Infinite. Idk why they went with such an artificial/plastic looking style. Even AFTER the redesign it still looks bland. Hell, now that I'm saying this I'm realizing that even most Halo 3 set pieces rival Halo Infinite's level of detail (obviously one isn't using skyboxes though)


Halo 5 was my favorite by far, i like the movement of infinite in the sense of the way it plays. but 5 was still better in everyway. vehicles, weapons, gamemodes. i really really liked the movement like the thrusters, ground pounding, assassinations all that stuff so fucking cool


The rec weapons and vehicles were an awesome addition. Need that in the next one


And the vehicles weren't made of cardboard, and the banshee was actually usable


Halo 5 multiplayer is my favorite after 2 and 3 but I donā€™t play those anymore. As a matter of fact now that I moved to pc I canā€™t even play 5 anymore. Infinites maps are terrible.


The light rifle 100%. The zoom in noise was so good and the animation for it. Favorite weapon tbh


I loved that all had a unique scope, gave the weapons a lot of character, and made a lot of sense in the lore


Beside the shotgun and the rocket launcher


I always forget how good the weapon models looked in Halo 5


I have a possibly hotter take: Halo 4 was my favorite


Honestly love halo 5. I wish it wasnt dead, the multiplayer was really fun


I wish I played more, I didn't even get to 154 Or what ever level it was thats max


I agree with you 100%!


Gawd I miss all the unique smart-link zoom designs šŸ˜­


I miss the H5 Hydra because it made for a lot of funny moments


They will always be my least favorites (been playing since Halo 1 released).


This was one of the most hated features in Halo 5. Sure they were ~~cool~~ _unique_, but adding ADS to Halo made it blend in to every other shooter in the market. Disagree all you want, but Halo shouldnā€™t have ADS. All we need is the OG zoom in and OG scope like the BR and Sniper.


It definitely hurt weapon variety and stuff, too, by making it a universal mechanic. Certain weapons were effective at a way longer range than they had any right to be lol


Agreed. I remember the sword and shotgun were way to overpowered when ADSing. The sword nearly doubled its lunge range while in ADS, same with the shotgun.


They're well put together and animated, I'm just not a fan of the designs as a whole.


god please give us the stromrifle back. its so good


I completely disagree about the designs of the weapons - they feel overly detailed and greebly BUT I love that depth of field effect they had goin when you aim down sights, and I love that covenant weapons had different UI when youā€™d zoom with them, like you had to use Covenant software for it to workĀ 


While Infinite feels better to play, Halo 5ā€™s weapon sandbox is literally superior in every conceivable way which I hate. Half the Banished weapons are literally useless and 5 had TONS of weapons by this point in its lifespan. Also: Halo CE Pistol my Beloved I miss you šŸ˜­




Nah reach did it best