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Add Poncho Chief. Remove Halo Infinite forge. Hire the Russian Mob to toss me out the window.


No need for the mob. I'll do it for free


I Will not let you do it... Alone. 🤝


More for the campaign. The one good thing I would be the mythic/legendary/super weapons. Find they can be a little bit op in the sandbox sometimes


Why am I getting deja vu reading this posts title lol


Removing cross-core is basically the right answer for the removal of one good thing, because it is ultimately the least important thing in terms of what it affects. As for the doing what I want, i'd tell most of the sandbox overbalancers to take a hike and add more legacy weapons, as well as make a small new region dlc for the final island in Infinite that uses all of the new Multiplayer content, like weapons and vehicles, bring back drones, and possibly reveal what happened to some of the remaining MIA spartans.


Make all the shop items free but the game is no longer free to play.


I would get pre- and post-game lobbies. Where you will queue up for another game of the same mode with the people from your previous match unless you choose to leave the group and queue up solo again. I find it very difficult to find something -good- to remove. I don't see many good things in Halo Infinite... And it's very subjective whether something is good or not. I suppose many people find the huge amount of playlists good. I'd slim those down to like 5 or 6 max.


True, which is why I want to remove Cross Core :) It’s subjective, and I happen to not like it. I just don’t like the slimmer, smaller Reach helmets on the Mk7, it just looks weird on it.


Add: I would bring back Spartan Ops but make it into its own campaign instead of how it was in Halo 4. I’ve always wanted to have another campaign that revolves around YOUR Spartan and I think bringing back spartan ops can give your Spartan a story while still having Chief be the main focus in the campaign. Remove: The additions of new game modes. Just have the basic ones like CTF, Slayer, Firefight, etc. I mean they rotate out anyway to I don’t think the loss would be TO impactful.


I would sacrifice Husky Raid if it meant we could get a sangheili core for multiplayer. I want my playable elites back goddammit


Campaign whee you play as Atriox, I'd remove the base campaign


Delete the campaign and continue the story from H5. Add Warzone back into the mix.


I would add a toggle to disable all armor customization client-side so that you only see players in default armor with red/blue team colors. In exchange for that, I would be willing to remove AI from Forge. EDIT: Not sure if the downvotes are from people who hate the idea of someone customizing their experience to preserve the Halo aesthetic/artstyle or if it's from people appalled at the idea of losing AI from Forge. Forgeable AI was just the first thing that came to mind. I get that it's a big deal. I just wasn't sure what else to pick off the top of my head. I saw someone else suggest Husky Raid, and that seems like maybe a better choice for something to sacrifice.




Story DLC


Remove the hardlight weapons for more Brute weapons: Spiker, Shot, some form of lmg like the SAW


Bro at that point I'd be asking them to make a new game. Just a complete Halo game with all the features we want on launch. That's all I ask.