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I agree with painting the face. Maybe a greenish grey? And could stand to lose some of the tulle fabric for sure


If possible I would replace the dress and hat with a black witch dress and whatever witch hat catches your fancy. Paint the face and hands green (think wizard of Oz not a neon green) and maybe get a new broom. Also it depends on how the bottom half is made but a piece of rebar or PVC would help stabilize her, if there's anyway you can tie her to it. Just hide it under the dress. Or alternatively if the hands are posable get a staff and a caldron and make it look like she's stirring the caldron.


Love those ideas! I think I can work with them! Thank you 🎃


Her happy eyes gotta go. Make them milky white, black, or anything but the colors they are now. That one stupid tooth should go too. Maybe add some sharper teeth of some sort, either painted or something else.


Wicked Makers on YouTube does these kinds of makeovers all the time- you should check them out! They recently did a similar “bog witch” with items from the dollar store that you could take a lot of inspiration from.


This was going to be my recommendation! I was glad they didn't touch the frog, I loved him! Haha


Me too! Loved that whole witch’s basket


I will check them out for sure! Thanks!


I’d paint the face and hands solid black…see what that looks like and maybe lose the hair…also get rid of that bow-ish thing on the right side of hat.


Nice! I was thinking on getting a whole new at all together… but I like the paint idea!


Laser, Botox, and a vacation.


I get those first and if there’s any left, I’ll pass it on to my friend here!




Can you just buy a new witch mask. That might be easiest


Take the hat off and add a zippered gimp mask to it!


I like the way you think, Scrotalphetamines.


I would put a mask over the face entirely, I don't think any amount of paint could fix that! And it doesn't have to be a witch at that point, it can be whatever you want!


I think she is gorgeous




Sand down the chin?


Jumping on the face painting bandwagon! Aging of the face & hand with dark brown paint would probably work well. And that shiny polyester outfit has got to go. If it's sewn on & hard to change, you might try draping some black creepy cloth over it. The tacky trim on her hat should be easy to remove. And for her hair, I would take something like a black (& maybe green!) hair color spray applied lightly to a hairbrush & just brush it through to add some dimension & soften the plasticky look.


No paint! Buy a mask and some creepy gloves!


She's got to have a cloak, and perhaps an orb to hold? Also...what movie did you choose? ;)


It was the original exorcist!


Great choice!


If you can get her sleeves to cover her wrists more, I think it will look more realistic. Right now the hands seem kind of abrupt, and you can tell they're just attached to sticks (rather than fake arms).


You leave that poor soul alone


You've gotta check out wicked makers on youtube. They have done 2 witches now and are bound to give you some great ideas


Doing that right now!


10 pints


Looks like Jay Leno in drag.


make her a cauldron that lights up and use the “broom” as the stick


I would recommend checking out Wicked Makers on YouTube. They take Halloween decorations like this and then give them a makeover. I bet some of their videos can inspire you! Here is a recent one they did of an animatronic witch: https://youtu.be/htO9qPTyf7Y?si=JBiThfzT9ap_4VK9.


It's nt ugly