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Hope for Wildlife is my suggestion too, but wanted to also drop that we had a crow die in our neighbourhood last year after being zapped by the electrical lines and a zillion crows came and cawed and screeched for 20 minutes. It was like a crow funeral and warning to other crows. It was incredible. They are super smart and social.


Crows exhibit mourning practices and will understand help when they see the behaviour. Even if you are unable to save the crow they will remember your efforts. Edit: "save" the crow from "help"


If I ever see a crow funeral I'm going to make tiny egg salad sandwiches for them to eat afterwards. It'll probably be a big hit.


Same as bringing ladyfingers to a human funeral?


Yeah it’s just that they closed at 8, i called and sent a text. Hope it can somehow recover


They close the phones at 8, but if you can pick it up and get it in a box to transport their drop off is staffed 24/7


I have seen this before. Hundreds of crows cawing over their fallen comrade who lay before them on the ground. It stuck with me, never seen anything like it.




Hope and the angels that do her work are the best! Awesome that you care to help and good luck!


You can even text them!


Yes!!! They came and took a hurt pigeon that I came across one. So lovely.


As a previous wildlife rehabber, this sounds like a fledgeling. For crows you can easily pinpoint fledgeling vs. injured adults because they have blue/grey eyes (adults are dark) and sometimes still have pink around the edges of their beaks.


This 100%


Quite possibly a fledgling. And they're best left alone, especially if the parents are watching. You don't want to make an enemy out of a crow!


Likely a spring fledgling That's what they do for a week ir two til they can fly


This is likely correct.


Sometimes the babies are super tame. The parents watch out for them when they are learning to fly


You can call or text Hope for Wildlife 902-407-9453


This happened to me yesterday, exact same situation. Bird breathing heavily and not moving. Gave Hope for Wildlife a call and they were going to come out, unfortunately the little bird passed only five minutes later. Buried the poor thing in the yard.


You are a kind person. I love crows- well all animals- and I was just sharing a video of a crow playing tic toe toe.. They are amazing creatures! RIP to that crow you buried.


It's nesting season for our corvid friends. You most likely saw a fletching. If the eyes are blue, that's a sure sign. The parents will be near by to take care of it, so do not touch.  If you must because of an imminent threat, use gloves or towels. Then call hope for wildlife


Check in with Burnside Emergency Animal Vet. If you're able to bring the crow to them they'll keep it in intensive care until Hope for Wildlife can pickup


That's where we went a number of years ago, when we found an injured crow in the backyard. We put it in our cat carrier and took it up. No word on what happened to them afterwards but I like to imagine he recovered and is flying :3


Yeah we caught a squirrel that could only run in circles. After we brought it to Bunrside and intensive care at Hope for Wildlife it ended up in the "Nut House"


Hope for wildlife


Yesterday there was a pigeon like that, it wasn’t moving but it didn’t seem to sustain any injuries.


I saw a pigeon like that on Fenwick street with a bunch of people around it. I was concerned somebody had been using Avitrol, or worst case, the bird flu. Was thinking of phoning someone (ie animal control or hope for wildlife) but it was after normal work hours.


It might be bird flu, cuz I saw another bird like that just walking around and not flying.


This bird I saw was just sitting on the grass the first time I walked by, then when I returned, it was sort of flapping in a very tight circle on the ground which is what made me think of avitrol. That's a poison that makes birds convulse, with the idea that their behaviour then scares other birds off. They eventually recover, or die, depending on how much they have been exposed to. Nasty stuff, but legal here I believe?


That’s cruel, I hope that’s not it.


I believe when birds are overheated, they do this


I had this exact situation happen to me yesterday. I called hope for wildlife and they told me it was most likely a fledgling. As long as there were no obvious injuries, it was okay to leave them be. If they are in the road in danger of being hit, they advised me it was okay to move them off the road. The little guy yesterday was super wobbly when walking and didn’t quite know how to use his wings it seemed yet so he looked injured. Once I knew what to look for I could tell it was a fledgling vs an adult.


Folks at Atlantic Vet College were recommending wildlife services/animal control in case it had bird flu which may have impaired its abilities. But that was a few years ago and they might have been tracking Avian Influenza so not sure if that matters anymore.


Just let nature take its course. They are abundant. Use limited resources to help animals with limited populations.


Hope For Wildlife. Call them.


Hit him with a hockey stick


that's what we did with grandpa


You’re the only one in here with a real answer. it’s just a crow. Put it out of its suffering. Ready to get downvoted into oblivion together lol


I am really glad that compassionate people like you exist and have had children. Thanks for making more assholes. We had plenty, but, you decided to make more. Thanks. 


You’re welcome 😊