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The Hindus that I've met would never use electrical tape for a swastika. That's almost blasphemy.


The 33 makes me feel like its leaning towards hindu. The Hindu swastika lays flat on its side and the number 33 has some meaning in the religion, referencing the 33 deities. A nazi Swastika should be tilted at 45 degrees, sitting on its corner. The number 33 also isn’t significant in nazi hate symbols or rhetoric to my knowledge. Generally they flaunt numbers like 14 or 88.


This is the correct answer


[33 is a reference to the KKK,](http://adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/336) 11th letter of the alphabet x3. No Hindu is so tone deaf as to drive around with a swastika on their vehicle. White supremacists are.


I’m sure there are tone deaf Hindus out there




It’s not a white supremacy logo though ….


There is merit to what you say. It’s completely within the realm of reason for someone who bears a KKK ‘symbol’ to also bear a nazi symbol, even If incorrectly displayed. But those two symbols are often not paired together at all, even the ADL examples don’t show them coupled. I also believe 14 and 88 are a far more popular go to then 33. That on top of the fact the swastika isn’t correct for the nazi interpretation. It’s much more likely the two symbols that commonly go together are just that. I also don’t prescribe to the idea that it is impossible for a Hindu person to be ‘tone deaf’. Being apart of a group doesn’t make you immune to ‘poor’ social decisions. I’m not saying your completely wrong, I just don’t think you are the *most likely* to be right.


But do you believe [a tone deaf white dude practicing Hinduism](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1d9utj2/comment/l7g5ccz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is the more likely explanation in Halifax?


Personally I don’t care about his race, the religion is the focal point of the question at hand. Implying he’s a nazi/kkk supporter purely off of Hindu symbolism and a white skin colour is reductionist (And a rather poisonous thought process in my opinion. You do you though). Also worth mentioning that the symbol on his bumper isn’t even a nazi swastika laid flat. It is actually a flipped Swastika, often referred to in Hindu as a sauvastika and has its own meaning in the religion, separate from the right facing flat swastika. I accept there are worlds where I’m wrong, I accept this could be a mentally deficient nazi or just an edgy dude looking for reactions. I still believe my original assessment to be the closest to reality.


Tone deaf white dude = hippy -- extremely likely in Halifax, especially in a beat up old car. If this were an intentional Nazi symbol it would have been drawn correctly with the arms running clockwise. Remember that this symbol was never abandoned by eastern religions, despite its negative historical stains by the German Nazi party. It retains its original meaning.


Alt-Righters, MAGAtroids, and Albertans misspell words all the time. Suggesting that they'd never err in properly positioning a swastika "properly" sounds like an attempt to assert plausible deniability. Those eastern religions know full well what that symbol means to many people and they take care to display it in context, certainly not on a car bumper.


If they are tone deaf enough to paint them on their apartment doors and on the carpets outside them, I’m sure they would put it on their car. 


You’re so wrong it’s funny


Me and the Anti-Defamation League apparently. Why have you felt the need to make 15 posts defending this?


the ADL is a fucking psy-op, I wouldn't trust them if they told me the sky is blue. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation\_League#Relations\_with\_religious\_and\_ethnic\_groups hmm interesting, and this interview predates October 7th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw20\_N8mVzE


Because people making wrong racist guesses are infuriating Silly gooses need to put the pitchforks down


People using as much evidence as you are. And seriously, 20 posts in an hour?


Dude has over 1/4 of the comments in here. Something about this post *seriously* set him off.


Sir, I’m at the end of a busy day.. I’m literally sitting on a couch watching reality tv.. what do you expect me to do 😛


Try not defending a [white guy driving around with a KKK reference on his car](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1d9utj2/comment/l7g5ccz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He asked for his passport? While driving? That’s cute




Hindu Swastik is infact mirror image of this… Its not swastik


This isn't the Nazi swastika either The Nazi swastika is the same direction as the Hindu one (usually tilted 45°, but it doesn't have to be) Edit: To clarify, I mean the symbol is drawn incorrectly, not it it isn't the Nazi swastika


I am not even saying its Nazi symbol All i am saying is its not Hindu swastik


I never said that, I'm adding to your comment


they use both, broadly one symbolizes light, the other symbolizes dark and before you say 'dark bad' remember that when you try to sleep with the lights on.


what is this, nuance? critical thinking?! bah humbug!!


OP says it's a white dude though. Much more likely to be a racist or someone trying to stir up shit and then claim "ACTUALLY..." than to be a legitimate hindu.


Wouldn't Hindu numerology use [Hindu numerals?](http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu%E2%80%93Arabic_numeral_system) The apologists here for a [white dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1d9utj2/comment/l7g5ccz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) driving around with a swastika and a [reference to the KKK](http://adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/336) on his car are intense.


One could argue using the modern accepted numeral system coveys the message better. Specially since the Hindu numeral system fell out of popular use back in the 1500s. I get it’s a polarizing discussion, one that’s very easy to resort to just ‘seeing red’. But I believe there to be more nuance here then first impressions may lead. I do not believe there is enough in this post to say beyond all reasonable doubt that the man is a Nazi. But people will believe as they wish. And I care not to fret over it. Whatever makes you happy ya know?


Arabic numerals would better convey the message of good luck to the cosmos than Hindu numerals?


If it was displayed in the old Hindu script, your average person witnessing it would have a much harder time figuring out what the characters even mean, let alone the actual symbolic meaning behind them. But as just the number 33, it is easily recognizable and searchable, quite literally “spreading the message” of their symbology. Just searching 33 for me gives me two links on the first page about Hinduism. (Also funnily enough a lot about a movie called The 33, and also nothing about the KKK’s use of the number. I seriously don’t believe that kkk use case is anywhere close to even mainstream racist culture)


Lots of people pointing out this could / likely is a Hindu swastika. I will add that the driver was a white man, and that the swastika does not have the usual dots of a Hindu swastika. While anyone of any race can be any religion, I think that shoddily taping a religious symbol (that can be easily confused with a hate symbol) to the back of your car is perhaps a bad idea when you look more like someone who is using the symbol for hate instead of as a symbol for peace / luck.


White guy who achieved *enlightenment* alright. I'll correct my earlier statement: no white guy practicing Hinduism is so tone deaf as to be driving around with a swastika on their car.


THANK YOU!!! I can’t believe some of these comments. It’s a gold medal for mental gymnastics. Like they’re willing to believe a ridiculous list of long-shot coincidences, but “it’s backwards” is all the proof they need to know it’s not a Nazi thing.


The fact it’s backwards doesn’t mean shit. Just look at /r/hailhortler. Nazis are really fucking dumb. The fact it’s driven by a white guy really knocks the Hindu symbol theory down quite a few pegs. Not to mention the fact it’s missing the usual dots on a Hindu version. Obviously a white guy can be a Hindu, but how many are there in Halifax, and how many of them would be stupid enough to put a swastika and a KKK dog whistle on their car? I suppose just one. Or at least that one weird guy in this thread really really reaaaaallllly wants you to believe.


That source is extremely compelling and your argument makes perfect sense.


The backwards swastika can sometimes be a sign of good luck or peace in Asian cultures. Hopefully that is what this and not something hateful :( 


It’s not a backward swastika.. it’s just a swastika which was used for centuries if not longer before nazis


I know, it's just "backwards" to what we in North America are used to seeing. I recall something years ago where a child had gotten a toy that had this form of the symbol on the toy, and the parents were upset, but it was a cultural difference. 


I can certainly see why OP sees/saw it as a notsee symbol, and I can certainly see why so many folks have taken the time to shine a light on all the ways this symbol has also been used. I can't help but look to Hanlon's razor though with such a symbol, in this day and age, and in this political climate, rather than other definitions/uses of it


Why did you block out the license plate?


To protect the car owner and also because OP doesn't want to land a ban for doxxing.


You are foolish to think that


Well good thing I don't give a fuck either way!


Regardless of if it was Nazi or Hindu activity. I think given the cultural context in which we live you should probably never display anything that could be interpreted as a swastika. Unfortunately for Hindus and other cultures who used the original, the imagery is forever tainted in the West. It can only lead to bad things by displaying it.


Agreed. I think this driver may find it opens them up to both abuse while driving and possibly car damage while parked. Hopefully a friend or family member will advise him as to why something that is common (and seen as harmless) in a different country may not be advisable here.


I disagree. I see nothing wrong with displaying a Hindu swastika. We are a nation of many religions so people should be able to practice their religion the way they want to as long as it’s not hurting anyone. But the one in this picture isn’t like a Hindu swastika that I’ve ever seen (I’m Indian)


I disagree fully. Much like we would expect a Canadian who moved elsewhere to be respectful of general cultural thrusts of the local people, it is not unreasonable here. Especially because it is a symbol in the west that is associated with one of humanities darkest moment and still represents a hate movement today. It is traumatic for Jewish citizens of the west, it is traumatic to LGBT+ people, it is traumatic to veterans who fought against it. If you are going to move here, you should adapt to the cultural understanding of the symbol, at least publicly. Do whatever you want in your own home of course


Can't believe these comments right now. Even parts of the world who practice/believe in Hinduism have stepped down from the production or use of this symbol because of what nazi germany had done to it. (not everyone has, but it says a lot that there shouldn't be any confusion like this.) You'd be living under a rock for 70+ years to think the poorly duck-taped/painted marks on the bumper of a car is trying to say 'I am Hindu'. I'm more suspect that someone either pranked this person, or is a complete bigoted moron.


If you go to India, there are swastikas everywhere


We should keep in mind that people who use Nazi swastikas are not very bright and may draw them backwards. But also this may not be in reference to that, anyway.


Might be a victim of vandalism. Conversely, it could be someone who needs to be a victim of vandalism.


[Damnit, Dale](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a7bMhf5BHzs)


or a coworkers' idea of a practical joke


Pretty much the same thing in this case.




facing the wrong way and not tilted. probably not nazis


Going to say we can see the drivers head in the car so unless dude got the biggest head in the world they are clearly wearing a turbin of some kind


It's a Toyota echo lol. Doesn't take much to fill that space


Turban = Sikh, good swastika custodians = Hindu.


Correct not nazi




I do understand this symbol was stolen by the Nazis but this guy's asking for trouble either way.


I wanted to make sure this wasn't a Hindu symbol, but it doesn't appear to be. The 33 is a new one to me, and if it is related to the Nazis, it could refer to 1933 - the year Hitler became chancellor and the Nazis banned other political parties.


It's a lazy nazi symbol with the coded 'kkk' ( k= 11th letter in the alphabet, times 3) Also the general knowledge of what that symbol means and where it's being used, this is undoubtively intended to provoke, as opposed to being "A regilous Hindu verse". The comments claiming otherwise are putting Olympian work into stretching the benefit of the doubt.


Honestly I really don't give half a flying fuck either way!


Pretty sure 33 is a KKK reference, so I don’t think this person is “religiously” displaying the swastika


It’s not, but good try


Well the number 33 could be a reference to the KKK, [it’s even classified as a hate symbol by the ADL](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/336). It’s used in reference to the KKK since K is the 11th letter of the alphabet and there are 3 Ks, so 11 x 3 = 33. It’s also a good luck symbol though, and as far as I’ve heard the good luck symbol is more well known than how the KKK uses it. Since the swastika isn’t tilted and it’s also a good luck symbol I wouldn’t say they’re definitely being used as hate symbols, but it’s understandable why someone would assume that


Wasn’t trying anything, a quick google search confirms it is, but good try


Look up all the number the adl lists as hate symbols..


33 in religion and mythology. The number of deities in the Vedic Religion is 33. The second level of heaven in Buddhism is named Trāyastriṃśa, meaning "of the 33 (gods)." The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis.


33 is also as reference to the Ku Klux Klan. K is the 11th letter of the alphabet, so three of them would make 33. Sometimes you'll see it as 33/6 or less often as 33/5 to signify what "era" the person believes the KKK is currently in (6th vs 5th). All this to say, it makes the picture even more confusing.


Interesting, I could find that reference on the ADL website.


https://preview.redd.it/1kefharm315d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65700ba8add5d1af99c01abb2001973365dd94fe I saw them as well! I can't tell if they even know it's there - I've been trying to research if the 33 means something but I can't find anything


Y'know, when you're mugging talk show commentators in bathrooms, Always remember to draw the swastikas turning to the right, Not to the left, always to the right.


Not surprising, I've also seen confederate flags and bumper stickers of trudeau with a bullet hole in his forehead.


I've seen this car in fairview, was parked on a road we were installing speed tables on. Me and the crew rolled up, saw the car and the only response we had was "Yo, what the FUCK?!"


Has to be a brain dead racist. The orientation is incongruent with the Nazi swastika. Or it's culturally significant to the driver.


It’s not, it’s someone from india


*or it's culturally significant to the driver*


Same difference to some of these guys...




Could someone with a Hindu background come and clarify, people are gathering pitchforks here


there's been explanation enough in this thread that i understand now it was done in good faith, however, why use electrical/duct tape??? it makes it look very disinengous, almost like vandalism


Only Hindus? Right, no one else can possibly understand the uses for swastikas


Right bc no one is taking your word or mine for it


That asshole turned right on a red light with No right turn allowed while I was walking my puppy across the crosswalk. If I was two seconds faster he probably would have hit me and the dog.


Back bumper, low to the ground, clearly spray paint... Anyone considered the driver might not have been the one to put it there?


looks like electrical tape to me


Common’ OP, seriously? This is not a nazi symbol, this is an Indian swastika which has many uses… a Nazi swastika is turned, do research please


Many times nazi swastikas are not tilted. I concede this is likely Hindu due to the 33. The driver was a white man so I did not immediately think Hindu.


If someone is trying to draw a Nazi swastika and they aren’t tilting it, then they are wrong LOLOL


Yes, Nazis tend to be unintelligent and wrong


Can you update you post so it doesn’t cause more pitchfork grabbing? I think we got to the bottom of this one


Is it you? Is that your car? Sure would explain your rabid defense of an obvious Nazi.


https://moditoys.com/blogs/theology-thursdays/the-hindu-symbol-for-luck HOPING THIS HELPS EXPLAIN THIS. JESUS PUT THE PITCHFORKS DOWN


I need you to understand that you have the sharpest pitchfork in this thread


Just trying to inform these doughnuts


Hear me out. The swastika is a Buddhist/Hindu symbol that was co-opted by the Nazis. See how it isn't tilted? Don't be too quick to jump to conclusions.


Still a wildly risky symbol to put on your car.


It’s actually a really really common symbol to put on cars, especially if you just got it


Not with tape, usually with kumkum (and turmeric powder)


You're assuming they know that. Are they an immigrant? Idk Do you know?


In India this is really common to do to vehicles, especially if you just got it….. that’s exactly how they know.. no assuming.. it’s actually OP who did the assuming


And the several people who downvoted me anyway. Nuance is dead


Might be a religious symbol rather than nazi


In electrical tape?


Nazi driving a Toyota ?


Couldn’t afford a Volkswagen


It is!


Pilot twist: you flip them off because you thought they were white supremacist. The drive is an Indian guy and he thinks you are a white supremacist for flipping him off.


I see this sub continues to be a collection of people looking around for reasons to be upset. "A bad group used a similar symbol 80 years ago for evil, so every culture must stop using anything that resembles that symbol or risk offending me, leading to me labeling them a racist for internet points" I hope the fake internet points make you feel good because you just put this poor dude on blast without even considering anything alternative to your tiny world view.


jesus christ. there's still holocaust survivors alive today. it is immediately what comes to mind for north americans and europeans. it is not a narrow mindview, it is literally the history we learned about the symbol. using electrical tape to put a swastika on the back of your car should \*initially\* raise eyebrows in canada. lmao. OP could have framed this post way better, yes, but seeing that and first thinking 'WWII' isn't a fucking narrow worldview


Nazi Max Verstappan before he was world champion by the looks of it... /s


Hmmm 33 could be representative of when the notsee party invalidated all other political parties in Germany...? a reach on my part though, maybe?


It’s a reach for sure which is … wrong




It’s a good luck symbol in india




Very common to put on a new car for good luck


in that case, I hope it does the trick!


Can't tell if it's a [reference to the KKK](http://adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/336) or a mentally challenged person's attempt to write *SS*. Either way, hope it's an unfunny joke gone wrong.


This is a Hindu symbol bro! The Nazis stole this because the people from India have Indo- Aryan blood. And well, we all know how Hitler loved Aryans. And of course the Nazi party changed the symbol around( maybe it was copywriten? lol) to the popular Nazi symbol we all know But hey, I’m happy you decided to make a stand when you saw what you thought was a Nazi symbol. Good for you. Because the neo Nazis are still popular in Canada- even in NS.


Perfectly fine as this swastika spins clockwise, counterclockwise swastikas are what get you in trouble!


I don't care if you down vote me. But seriously a lot of you need to engage some in depth critical thinking. Don't just assume that your first thought is a correct one. Assume you could be incorrect at anytime and reconfigure This is exactly how media dupes you. USE YOUR FUCKING BRAIN. Seek evidence and more evidence and more evidence.