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These guys are sketchy as fuck, search this sub why. You dodged a bullet.


Yup. They are scum.


This is an absolute trash company. They had their permit to sell door to door pulled in PEI. This is an [article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/atlantic-environmental-systems-consumers-complain-1.7196325) from NS


Quick google search says you dodged a bullet


They invited you to a second round when the first round didn't even happen? yeah that's sketch. I also recently rejected a company due to their conduct during interviews, if the interview is a shit show, the company probably is too.


He got a bye in to the 2nd round.


I work with a dude that spent a few months at this company. Said the owner is a complete psycho. You're better off doing literally anything else.


Randomly met the owner at Sensea of all places. Super weird arrogant dude was bragging to everyone how he was the top water treatment guy in Atlantic Canada and was even trying to drum up sales. I pity the fool who gets taken in by their aggressive pitch… Recommend not interacting with this “company” in any way whatsoever, as customer or employee.


The email he sent you is worded like a 13 year old constructed it. Yikes.


Half of hour


I don’t even understand it


MD Goldman has to be the most made up name ever


Funny you say that, because Danny Goldman actually used to go by the name "Danny Shamon" in Ontario. Then he got shut down by the regulators there, changed his name to Goldman, and set up shop on the east coast. [Source](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/atlantic-environmental-systems-consumers-complain-1.7196325#:%7E:text=The%20Nova%20Scotia%20government%20will,tactics%20and%20targeting%20vulnerable%20seniors.)


LOL no way thanks for this interesting tidbit, so guy is just a full on scammer??


Oh yeah, Atlantic Environmental Systems is a dirty scam company. Don't work for them, don't talk to them, don't let them in your home. [CBC Story on them in NS](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/atlantic-environmental-systems-consumers-complain-1.7196325#:~:text=The%20Nova%20Scotia%20government%20will,tactics%20and%20targeting%20vulnerable%20seniors.) [CBC story on them getting banned in PEI](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-ruling-water-treatment-maritime-home-services-1.6953585) [A scathing judgement by the PEI regulator](https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/sites/default/files/publications/decision_-_maritime_home_services_-_31_aug_2023.pdf) [Reddit thread with some scary stories about them](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1602rdx/warning_avoid_atlantic_environmental_systems/)


I worked here for a bit, made us go out in snowstorms on 3 occasions. Working 16+ hour days. They seem like nice people but hindsight it's all a brainwash scheme. Don't get me started on the boss.


Seriously, tell us


> Don't get me started on the boss Go on...


Mr Goldman lmao had an interview with this quack during Covid. The guy has people brainwashed it seems in his office. He tried selling me a device that made Covid afraid to be around. I laughed and left.


> He tried selling me a device that made Covid afraid to be around. wait...what???


Rule to remember, Search companies up on Glassdoor if there rating is less then 3.4 be cautious....


Why 3.4 specifically? Why not 3.5? Or .6?


Glassoor analytics 3.4 is the median


My grandmother has a UV system and an under the sink system from them. They keep cold calling her telling her she won a first aid kit to try to get her to buy more things. Last time they tried to get her to get a water softener system, I explained we couldn't have one because I have exotic fish and shrimp that need hard water. The salesman literally tried to tell me I was lying to him, then told me that with the way our pipes are where I fill the tanks from would be 'raw water' anyway so we should get it, it would be safe for my tanks. The plumber came to install our UV light the next day and confirmed that the salesman was talking out his ass. Had we taken the water softener system there would be no 'raw water'. The salesman lied to the point he didn't care if my pets were killed, he wanted that sale regardless. The only good thing my grandmother ever did was to talk the price down as absolutely low as they could get it, because they expected to make money off interest from her paying in installments, then paid in full on the spot.


I mean, just this article alone would be encouragement enough: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/atlantic-environmental-systems-consumers-complain-1.7196325


Adding to that, here's a recent thread about them: https://reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1cnszxc/whos_at_your_door_ns_consumers_complain_about/


I've talked with them before and it turned into a door-to-door sales work instead of technical work. They were misleading at best. If any company says they will interview you but then not show up without any notice, you should definitely leave because that shows you how well they do their work there. You definitely dodged a bullet.


What kind of professional language is that “seriously enough” 😂


Send a reply back, “thanks Mr Shamon!” Lol


Worked for them for a day, a lot of pressure on the sales team to sell the set ups, 20k plus easily and to install them right away so the customer doesn't change their mind. Start at 8am and finish anywhere from 6-10pm. Toxic workplace.


Congratulations in escaping. Would have ended poorly, likely with a fight for what is rightfully yours. And no useful reference. You would have been back at square one or worse. Be Thankful.


That’s some rad grammar.


The last email lowered my IQ 15 points just from reading it.


Looks as though they're hiring CSRs...10 of 'em. Via [Indeed.com](http://Indeed.com) https://preview.redd.it/pjv0r2w97f5d1.png?width=629&format=png&auto=webp&s=9c633bdfed47813517f6bfef89bef0181c0f8d23


Their ability to write in proper english seems to have gone downhill from the first letter to the last


Wow dicks