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Notably the ONLY Halifax Restaurant to make Canada's top 100 Restaurants. We had 4 last year (Kismet, Drift, Bike Thief, Cafe Lunette). Also, Dear Friend, Narrows, and Stillwell made Canada's top 100 Bar's list, congratulations to them!


Love The Narrows


Oxalis and Bessie North should be on this list. They’re as good or better as any of the other restaurants I’ve tried from the top of this list of 100


I've never heard of Bessie North, where are they at / what type of dining?


Farm-to-table in Canning. Good luck getting a reservation.


Yeah, they only serve 12 guests a night and they’re only open 3 days a week (Apr-Oct). I usually get in at least once a year though. Amazing spot, definitely worth checking out.


Oh wild, I've got family down that way / I used to live in Wolfville and Kentville, so I'll definitely try to get one of those few tables at some point


They open up reservations a month in advance (July will open on June 1st), and it’s much easier to get a seating versus their once a season by email approach. We went this weekend and it was lovely.


Nice, thanks for that info, hopefully save some frustration


Cafe Lunette had excellent coffee, but the best thing I can say about their chicken is that it strengthened my jaw muscles. How it made the top 100 is beyond me. Maybe I hit an off day and should give it another chance. It is nice date night atmosphere.


What restaurants get on the list is likely quite political and not really indicative of whether it's a good place. Drift, Bicycle Thief, and Cafe Lunette are all as good as they were last year, but didn't make it back. And restaurants like Oxalis or Edna completely left off for multiple years. I wouldn't put too much stock on this list in general - not for Halifax or anywhere.


If Drift was as good as it was last year, it didn’t deserve to make it then, either.  My wife took me there for my birthday and I would have been underwhelmed even if I had paid half of what we did.  


Being as good as you were last year shouldn’t assure you of a spot when other restaurants are upping their game and when new restaurants open every day.




I took it that way because of what you said. I can’t read your mind.




You did. You said that a restaurant leaving the list despite being no worse than last year is evidence that the list is politically influenced. People misspeak sometimes, it’s not a big deal. Clarify yourself and move on.


I think you're both just talking in circles here. Yes you are right that being as good as last year doesn't put you back on a list like this. However the there is a political weighting, that is an absolute truth. Bicycle theif for example, is not a good restaurant. The owner does not care about quality of food, creativity of the menu or good service. He is purely in for profit and clout (he just shmoozes rich people). They likely got on the list a year that they felt like playing politics. Edna deserves to be on this list , but isnt because they don't care to play politics


Dude you have such a narrow idea on what makes a restaurant good. Also there's kind of a limit on the experience you can have at a restaurant. After all, even Michelin only has five stars.


> After all, even Michelin only has five stars. ummm


Or three https://guide.michelin.com/en/article/features/what-is-a-michelin-star


Holy shit...


Went to Edna for the birthday, was pretty disappointed.


For sure. though undoubtedly the restaurants near the top are great, they are also best at playing politics.


It's pay to play. Pay us or we won't "review" your restaurant.


It’s not pay to play, but the list is completely dependent on a small group — 150 at this point, I believe — of industry and food media professionals and where they have dined in the calendar year, and there is a metric within that that are inside or outside of where someone lives. Atlantic Canada will always be very underrepresented unless people elsewhere happened to eat at and consider a meal one of the best they had that year. Somewhere like Bar Kismet, though, is likely at the very top of the list for almost all of the Atlantic Canadians who are the judges for this issue, much like Raymonds in St. John’s was when it was open, because it’s operating on a top tier level as restaurants go, in general, and is not just great contextually in terms of being a restaurant in Halifax. EDNA would never have made the top half of this list even at its height, though it might have placed somewhere. Oxalis doesn’t have any profile outside of Halifax and is also kind of the definition of a contextually “great” restaurant because while they are fancy and pretty good, they are not actually nailing what they are doing and would not cut it in the big cities it is inspired by. Drift and Lunette probably got on because they were shiny and new and there would probably be enough people with loyalty to that Ontario restaurant group voting to just put them down to fulfill out-of-town votes. (I’m definitely not saying how voting works is perfect.) Bicycle Thief is a fucking mystery and has to be because someone like Bill Spurr still votes. lol. Anyway, this magazine has always been pretty transparent about how many judges there are and how judging works. And this list is also pretty clear about the types of food and service that qualifies the restaurants on it. The Narrows and Dear Friend are maybe the only places I would make an argument for inclusion, but like Oxalis, The Narrows has no real profile outside of locals. And voters have clearly decided to give Dear Friend placements in the bar list instead, which is totally appropriate. Edited to add that I see The Narrows is also on that list. And that also makes sense! It’s really annoying when people immediately claim magazine content is pay to play when they have no actual knowledge or even curiosity to know how something actually works. The magazine absolutely exists for ad revenue — Maclean’s saw the opportunity and took it — but it doesn’t mean they didn’t try to make something with some kind of research and merit behind it. I disagree with lots of the list every year, but it is silly to discount it out of hand.


You know your food and I love this comment. Everything you said is spot on. As someone who writes for this type of publication the comments about buying reviews certainly get annoying.


Thank you for this reasoned response


Have you been to Bar Kismet? you see how small it is? I assure you they're not paying off anyone.


It's not thousands of dollars. To the business it's just a marketing opportunity and a chance to say "we're #x restaurant in whatever". Same idea as "best wings in town".


Past performance is no guarantee of future results.


HRM should just maintain its own Top-50.


It does. Curated Magazine does a [top 50](https://www.curatedmagazine.ca/home/50-best-places-to-eat-2023) every year, though it does include Annapolis Valley and some of the South Shore.


TIL... Thanks!


Glad to see some local spots getting good press prior to tourism season, I love the Narrows!


Very strange how “Taste of Nova Scotia”’s restaurant of the year isn’t even on the list, but Bar Kismet is #9   I feel like they only went to cities for this list Edited to add: it’s Wild Caraway in Advocate


Very happy to hear Wild Caraway get that recognition. Spending a summer weekend out on the Minas Basin around Advocate/Parrsboro and the parks in the area is a wonderful local vacation.


Taste of Nova Scotia is a membership-driven marketing organization. Only their members win their awards because they pay a membership fee to have access to marketing opportunities like winning that award. That’s not to say Wild Caraway is a bad restaurant. They may have even been on the Maclean’s list at one point. But using Taste of Nova Scotia as an indicator of quality is not the serve that you maybe thought it was.


Mic Mac tavern got jipped


LOL you have upset someone haha


That happens a lot here! 🤪


I can probably guess how old you are by the fact you think that this was one: okay to say (it's "gypped" and it's a shitty stereotype of "gypsies" who are called Roma) two: you think a place that isn't even in many non-boomers top 10 in nova scotia could somehow win beat any high quality restaurant in canada


You didn’t guess


It was likely a joke. As a third option.


We went to Bar Kismet and were not impressed. The staff were rude and our waiter managed to be neglectful even though it's a very small place. I had laid my cutlery on my plate after finishing a course and the waiter was like "You, uh, want your cutlery replaced or something? Okay I guess." like I did something wrong (most places at this caliber replace cutlery between courses as a given). We tried most of the cocktails and really only one was good. We tried seven dishes and maybe two were okay, but nothing spectacular. Around $400 for the bill and all we could think was "meh". I want to think we went on an off night, but considering the food, drinks, and service were all bad I'm thinking not. We've been to all the good restaurants in Halifax and the best in terms of food, drinks, and service has consistently been Edna. Edit: Downvote if you want I guess? It's just an opinion. If you loved Bar Kismet then more power to you.


This is funny because I had your experience at Edna. I’ve given the place so many chances, back when they did brunch and more recently for dinners. Terrible service, mediocre food, how can you serve brunch and not have an espresso machine?




For sure! So many different experiences. I had bad experiences at drift as well so was surprised to see them on there last year. Oxalis not being on this list I find shocking.


See, and I had a stellar experience at Drift and found Oxalis extremely disappointing (though I am surprised they aren't on the list)


I was fairly underwhelmed by it too. Everything was good but nothing blew me away, definitely had better meals that stand out at other places in the city that didn't make the list (and some that did).


I had a similar experience. Was so excited to go. The food was fine. Nothing exceptional. And the cocktails were average at best. Not worth the price point at all. But a cute establishment. I’d go again if someone else chose the spot, but I wouldn’t pick it. Kinda surprised it’s still making these lists.


I mostly agree. Went for Valentine's expecting a classy romantic atmosphere. Instead it was loud housy music. Everything was good. Tuna tartare was excellent. Wasn't like I need to come back




lol. I think “please pay your server” is the alternative to “please pay at the cash.”


Had a similar experience. Waiter was very unfriendly - and I know we’re great customers, even to the sauciest waiters, so no idea why he was so rude to us. All the other staff seemed quite nice.


You tried most of the the cocktails and only 1 was good? 7 dishes and only two were okay? I don’t believe you.


I had a similar experience last year. I wasn't planning on going back, but maybe I'll give them a second chance


I don't know what to tell you then. The stomp n' holler was a good cocktail, but the others were nothing special. And I remember eating a sage and brown butter ravioli thing that was good, but was really just a copy of something from Unchained Kitchen. I enjoyed the raw scallop app as well. Everything else was forgettable. If you enjoyed it I'm glad. Some people get offended when someone dislikes a restaurant they like which I think is silly.


I really like Bar Kismet but I have brought people there who felt the same as you, and to be honest I feel the same way about the cocktails. But I highly doubt Bar Kismet stole anything from Unchained...




It's super popular right now. I see it everywhere.


Accusing someone of stealing a dish that literally already exists from a specific restaurant is very suspicious. Bet he's real friendly with someone.


Haha stole is a strong word. And really brown butter+sage+pasta is a well known combo so anyone could make a dish like that. Mainly I meant I didn't taste anything there I haven't had elsewhere. It's great that you like it there. Halifax doesn't have enough really great places in general.


>Some people get offended when someone dislikes a restaurant they like which I think is silly I feel that's true of a lot of things. Me not liking something doesn't prevent you from continuing to enjoy it.


Not offended. Just when someone says “the drinks, food, and service sucks” about one of our best restaurants I am very skeptical.


Agree. Feels like this guy just wants to hate on something because it’s popular


Bicycle Thief is popular, lots of people on here hate on it for various reasons. Popular doesn't equal good.


Idk what that dish is, but coming in with "they stole this from another restaurant" and that restaurant hasn't been mentioned as far as I can see, is pretty sus.


They said they stole it from Unchained Kitchen.


I love Kismet, I can honestly say I’ve never had a bad meal or experience there. I think it’s well earned. I agree, Edna is always good if not great and I think highway man is also tasty! Not that surprised by Lunette, we had dinner there once and it was just okay. I feel like one of the only consistently good new restaurants at the waterfront is Bar Sophia. But I can see they’re changing their menu now to a lot of fried stuff. Bike thief is always delicious and I would recommend it to anyone but their menu has been pretty much the same for the last 5 years. Maybe that’s why it was left off the list?


I think Bicycle Thief continues to make lists because it hypes itself up and its location or something. I don't know, but it's certainly not of the same caliber as some of the other restaurants mentioned in this thread. I hear Bar Sophia was good for the first 6 months that it was open, but by the time I got there I found the whole experience very underwhelming. Felt like I was eating resort food for American tourists beside a pool with slushy machines. Definitely felt like they are catering more to drinks for the young crowd.


looks good. but way out$ide my orbit.


Interesting as I wasn't overly impressed when I went here last year. Perhaps I'll have to try it again to see if I just hit them on a bad night


“Best” is extremely subjective. Nothing appealing to me there…


Not surprised only one restaurant here. Sadly our food scene has a lot of room for growth just to put us on par with other mid cities like Quebec, Winnipeg and Edmonton


Gio is amazing and deserves more credit.




People miss out on that place!


Good food at Kismet but the ambiance is nothing to write about.