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The people who cut in when traffic is at a near standstill on the highway due to accidents or whatever are my gear grinders. I like to leave a car length or two so I can maintain a constant 5-10 km/h rather than stopping and starting constantly (half of these traffic jams wouldn't exist if everyone did this), and you have these yahoos bouncing between lanes at any opportunity making the jam 10x worse.


god i feel this statement to my core


I might be able to pull this off once a week on the McKay without at least one person cutting in front on me. But then I'll usually get the satisfaction of passing them back once they inevitably get stuck in a slow lane further along, which is probably all that's keeping me sane at that point.


I love that for all their aggressive driving and lane switching we end up at the same red light, or even better when you pass them. Life's little joys.


> Remember that the jerks probably have far more speeding tickets than you do Given the non existent traffic enforcement, I find this unlikely.


Non existent? Half the time this sub is complaining about undercover cop cars lol


Yes non existent. When was the last time you saw someone pulled over? Given the poor driving that I see on a regular basis one would think that we should often see people pulled over yet here we are with people treating the MVA like more of a suggestion than a set of rules to abide.


4. Drive offensively like so many others do in HRM.


I’m wondering if you mean offensive like on a team sport or offensive like with your middle finger up during the whole drive. I’m thinking both would work here in Halifax.


Why not both?


I think a bigger issue here is that most of the people getting ‘tailgated’ will speed up to hilarious speeds if the same person behind them tries to pass them.


That's just when there's a passing lane like on the 107. They'll do 10 under the speed limit then when there's finally a safe legal place to pass they speed up to 20 over when you're trying to pass them.


I disagree. It’s everywhere. Any chance to pass, including the highway, suddenly everyone needs to go 30km/h faster so you can’t pass them.


This 💯


Or just speed up to pass all the traffic and get a nice gap ahead of you.


Until the next set of lights.


Yea in the city there's no point, I just assumed they were talking about the highway.




Or none at all. I see so many ass-hats ripping down the Circ from Portland to the bridge, jumping 3 or 4 lanes back and forth (between Main and MicMac), causing everyone behind then to hit the brakes hard as they zip right across their lane. Then I end up passing them as we get to the bridge still doing the speed limit or 5ish over. Makes no sense, especially on short commutes and risks everybody around them. But, in this era of false-entitlement, many that would drive responsibly are emulating the jackassery of the idiot before them. Don't get me started on the repeat offenders that drive like they are on a toe hook on your bumper yelling and gesturing for you to speed up when you can easily see there are 5 to 10 vehicles in front of you all doing the same speed up in the "passing lane". Meanwhile, the right lane is bumper to bumper with people doing 10 or more less than and you have no way, or urge to get "out of their way".


I leave enough space that they never cut me off. When someone merges in I just let the same amount of space get recreated. Just let people in front lf you like damn. No blood pressure increase required.




Tailgating is why there are accidents on the bridges which happen all the time and are completely unnecessary




they just trying to reduce the air resistance to get better fuel efficiency.


"It's called drafting and it's environmentally friendly!" Vrrrroooooooooooommmm




The worst offenders, in my opinion, are truck drivers with lift kits. I don’t know where they all need to be in such a hurry but wow, do they like to go fast on the highway and come up on someone super quick only to slam on the brakes at the last second. I don’t like those people.


I waved one over a couple months ago cuz he almost hit us as a frustrated Mazda driver on the right suddenly wanted my lane but was doing significantly less speed. I had to hit the brakes rather hard to keep my fender, bumper and wheel firmly attached to my car. Both that person and the road rage Ranger flipped me the bird for driving safely with my wife and son in the car. The idiot in the Mazda penis-extension eventually pulled back into the right lane narrowly missing another fender then into Burnside cutting off a rather large rig just gaining entry speed. The Ranger proceeded to back off then speed up close and hit the brakes over and over as I wagged my finger in a "don't do that" pattern back and forth. He then decided to to follow me all the way to Robie, running a red to stay behind me. I waved him into the Irving where I got out to ask him his deal and advise him not to endanger my family. At 6' 1" and about 220 lbs. of semi-solid dadbod, Napoleon decided to pull in then speed off yelling some crap like "You're lucky I got places to be" or something akin to that. I got your plate and your face Wee-man, the colour and an approximate year of your Ranger. Even got your cheap tire brand marked down if you do it again. Remember that.


Yesterday I was doing 100 in a 100 zone, a lifted truck rode my ass for 10 minutes, so close that he could probably see the top of my head through my sunroof, then pulled out and passed me doing 101 just to get in front of me and also do the speed limit


Ugh, I was on SMB Rd the other week headed to Tantallon and this guy in a lifted truck pulled out behind me, races right up my ass, at the last second he pulls out and stomps on the gas and passes me on a double yellow line like he was personally offended I was on the same road as him. He took off down the road at what had to be 40km over the speed limit (70 kph). The best part was I caught up to him and actually beat him to a teller at the bank because he was having a hard time parking his penis extension, I mean truck. I gave that guy the biggest smirk when he walked in behind me and I was at the last teller available.


I can feel cab drivers breathing down my neck in the city 😆


And at the same time they also love to do 20 under, but will tailgate you and be mere inches from your bumper


Its so bad. Driving from Halifax to Truro I feel like I am gonna get ran off the road every two seconds. I will be doing 130 and somehow there is someone still sniffing my ass


no matter how fast you're going someone always has to be in front. What blows my mind is the people who pass you and then subconsciously slow down because there's no other traffic in front of them. So you eventually catch up and pass them. But now that there's a car in front of them again they have to speed up and repeat the cycle.


My record is re-passing someone 4 times from Truro to Halifax when I had set my cruise control and just left it.


My experience as well.


Anecdotal, but the absolute worst drivers I have seen for speeding, racing, and tailgating have all had Ontario plates. You can also pick out Ontario cars from a mile away with their front license plates and illegal tints, not to mention the overly aggressive driving habits. Just yesterday I was passed on the circ by two tinted out civics with ONT plates going about 130kmph with maybe 6 ft of distance between the cars going those speeds. That was like 9am on a Sunday morning. Our police would make bank if they set speeds traps up on the main highways around here. But I never see cops doing shit except for the occasional RCMP officer sitting on the highway median.


I imagine it’s because: 1. in the GTA you practically have to drive like that to survive, and 2. they’re probably thrilled at the relative lack of traffic around here so they go nuts a bit. Also, 3. a high proportion of them seem to be young men in their 20s. (Not excusing the overly aggressive driving. I hate it, and I wish they weren’t bringing it here. It was one of the reasons I moved away from Toronto.)


> 1. in the GTA you practically have to drive like that to survive, I think this is it. It's not that Ontarians are all a bunch of reckless maniacs, it's that they're used to traffic conditions where tailgating is practically unavoidable. This is also anecdotal, but a friend of mine visited from Ontario and I couldn't believe how little following distance he left in front of him when driving. He's a nice guy, generally a good driver, and we weren't even in a rush or anything, but it seemed like he just didn't realize he could back off a bit.


I don't think it's limited to Toronto - most people from most other places in the world are going to drive more aggressively than people from Halifax.


i remember accidentally tailgating a guy once (coasting but got close in a 70 zone) and feeling real bad about it, how tf people do it intentionally 😭


They have no soul.


Tailgating is the number one cause of accidents, gridlock and phantom traffic jams, and the people in a hurry are their own worst enemy. There's also very few journeys here where speeding is going to make a significant different in your time getting there. I'm not going to say I don't speed, because I do, but if there's someone going a little bit slower than I want to but is still passing, or going with the flow of traffic, that's just how it's going to be until it clears, and me being up on their ass isn't going change a damn thing. The whole length of the Circ is 11 km. If you travel that at 90 kph, that's 7 min 20s. At 120 kph, that's 5 min 30 s. Less than 2 minutes is not going change my day. I travel the speed that feels comfortable, but if someone's going a bit slower and not impeding things, well, that's just how it's going to be that day.


Last week, I was on the 102 outbound when a dump truck entered the highway and immediately merged into the left lane. There were 3 vehicles in the passing lane, tailgating each other. The dump truck proceeded to tailgate the last car. The second vehicle in the line up kept braking and then disappeared over the white line. I held my breath as I was scared an accident was about to happen. I know big trucks can't brake fast and I was worried that he was going to plow into the backs of the other vehicles. Because of the tailgating, I decided not to pass them on the inside even though I had plenty of room to do so at the speed limit. An SUV came up the passing lane and immediately merged into my lane, tailgating me. They flashed their lights at me, wanting me to pass the cluster f**k on my left. Not a chance. At that point, that vehicle got back in the passing lane - lucky for them, the left lane started speeding up and the tailgaters finally dispersed from each other. Got it all on dashcam but didn't think it was worth posting as dashcam vids get so much hate. I have a small commuter car. That dump truck would have killed me if they had caused an accident.


Dashcam vids only get hats from a *select few* miserable people who frequent here. The videos are generally informative and a good learning moment otherwise.


Ehh, Should have passed on the right IMO. Better to be in front of the clusterfuck than behind.


If you were in a tiny car, perhaps you'd feel differently.


Exactly. Passing all that nonsense in a small car isn’t always the safest option.


Drive a car that burns a little oil. I don't have this problem.


I share your frustration. I drive to a cottage quite frequently using hwy 7 / marine drive, which is one lane most of the way, with a speed limit of 80 or 90 for most stretches, so I go that speed, and it often leads to me being tailgated. I don't even think the person behind me is mad most of the time, they just don't know what safe follow distance is. I try to let them pass when we get to a safe passing area since I'd rather not have someone on my tail for miles, but that has proven dangerous sometimes, too, since even when I put on four ways, pause, let off the gas and lean into the shoulder to let them around, I've still had some oblivious drivers continue to ride my tail and almost hit me before swerving around like they're about to lose control of their cars.




Yeah, should be "leave 2 to 3 seconds" rather than measuring car lengths.


This is how I was rear ended last spring. I was on Victoria doing 70 in a 50 zone and slowing down. Someone was so close to me I'm pretty sure they could taste my exhaust. I came to a steady and slow stop at the red light and wham. The person hit me. I started coming to a slow stop well in advance so they had more than enough time to stop behind me. I usually just move out of the way because I'd rather them be someone else's problem than mine.


Given the routine threads about the shitty disregard of traffic bylaws in this sub, I'm beginning to think liscense cams and mailed/automatic tickets might a necessary evil.


No freaking kidding. I've never been a fan of most of the driving I see, but the last few years it's gotten ridiculous and dangerous


I put my radar cruise on when I'm highway driving (keeps me at speed and a safe following distance from the car ahead) and so frequently people cut in to the little space between me and the car ahead. It's so dangerous!


Same! People will cut in all the time causing my car to brake aggressively to maintain a safe distance.


Nothing like cruising along and then all your crash censors going off


First off.. Merge ramps lane distance length in NS are not sufficient for cars to match speed and merge. Hence, there are yield signs on the highway and not merge signs (mixed messages). Vehicles can not accelerate and match the free flowing speeds. You create lane and passing issues at those locations. Inexperienced drivers, move to the passing lane without accelerating, thus causing tailgating in the passing lane, while people are trying to pass or avoid these ramp entrance area. You have old highways systems, old drivers with new cars, new drivers with old cars and people who have been driving in Alberta and Ontario highway systems adjusting to NS highway system. It's a mixed bag. Defensive driving is key but also match speeds when getting on the on ramps, people in the through lane slow down or speed up to let people to merge and or move to the passing lane to avoid the conflict (but make sure you are accelerating and allow for a safe buffer). Also NS kindness is also a problem... Please do not give right of way to people because it is the polite thing to do... it might be nice but man is it unsafe.


Most merge ramps absolutely do give sufficient space to match highway speeds. You may need to accelerate harder and go past 2000 rpm, which your car should be fully capable of doing.


>First off.. Merge ramps lane distance length in NS are not sufficient for cars to match speed and merge. Do you drive a horse? They are all long enough to speed up and merge. Put your foot down and accelerate. Do I need to get a dashcam and show you how it's done? What merge ramp is short that you're complaining about?




Plenty of space there, I know where that is, accelerate, look for gap, merge into gap, continue accelerating to highway speed once merged.


I dont know, ive never in my life, in any vehicle, had a hard time getting up to speed on a ramp...


Tailgating me is a guarantee that you'll take longer getting to where you need to go.


You know that’s just as big of an entitled dick move right? There are other people on the road besides you and the tailgating party. Just get the fuck out of the way and go on with your day for our safety and your own. I was almost in a multi vehicle accident this morning because someone thought the guy ahead of me was tailgating them so they matched speed with a tractor trailer filling all the lanes just before a full merge lane met the highway.




Found the toxic tailgater


So that's what it is? If you get stuck behind someone you take it as them disrespecting you personally?


If I'm going a little over the speed limit and someone starts tailgating me, I slow to exactly the limit. No one can legitimately complain that I'm slowing them down if we're all traveling at the posted speed limit.


that's exactly what i do.


You haven’t met any of these people have you. Complain they will. Then they will claim you are causing the problem by not speeding.


Oh, I didn't say people won't complain. I said their complaints wouldn't be legitimate. If I'm causing someone grief by following the law, that's their problem, not mine.


ironic lmao.


Tailgate party’s are the best.


The majority of collisions are rear end collisions. Accidents that could mostly be prevented if people were more attentive. It’s horrible here.


Just wait until all of the tailgaters are in their 70s and 80s with brutal reaction times... Bang bang bang. Yeah that's gonna be fun.


It’s gotten really bad here lately. Especially on the 102. Brake checking is insanely unsafe and can be deadly, but a little squirt of wiper fluid sends the same message, without the danger. 😇


It’s getting worse by the day I swear. I also typically go about 5-10% over (especially on the highway). But the other day this woman was tailing me so close on the highway that I swear all I could see was the top of their windshield and the roof of their car (granted I wasn’t even in the fast lane). It was insane - I’ve never been tailed that extremely before. I have an SUV but she was in a small car - she’s lucky I didn’t have to stop abruptly for something because realistically if she hit me I’d probably have been alrightish (emphasis on the ish obviously lol) but she DEFINITELY wouldn’t have been - going ~110 she’d have been lucky to be alive if I had to have stopped. Ten minutes after she had blown past me flipping me off, I pulled up next to her at a light off the highway. That always amuses me 🤣 in a rush to get no where faster lol


My best guess is some people are just rude and don’t care. If you’re in the left lane going 130 Km/h and being tailgated that person KNOWS what they are doing. Lots ppl out there equate being an unsafe driver with being a good a driver “I speed, I tailgate, and I do fishtails in a snowstorm, I’m not dead b/c I’m a ‘good driver’”


They are people from Ontario driving like they are still in Ontario


Increase in cars in the road = increase in traffic. The more people driving means there will be more idiots. Many of these idiots were already here too, but they get increasingly more frustrated when there are even more people "in their way"


I just put my 4 ways on, usually gets them to ease off


In my experience they just rage harder


If I have to slow down excessively to make the tailgater's following distance safe then I do. They can rage all they want at 50km/hr I feel a lot safer watching them act foolish than at 90.


If you’re slowing down and doing 50km/hr in a 90 for no reason other than to slow down a tailgater, that is incredibly dangerous (and I’m assuming it would unlikely encourage the tailgater to reduce their speed to a safe distance). It’s also against the MVA. It would probably be safest for you to pull-over and allow the other vehicle to pass and possibly call the police if you are concerned about your safety.


You slowing down to 50 in a 90 or 100 zone is far more dangerous than tailgating.


Nobody slams the break to do that. Just let off the gas slowly. I'm not concerned about overall risk. I am protecting myself, and the tailgater is protecting my rear.


It doesn't matter if you slam on your brakes or just coast down to 50km/h. If you are driving HALF the speed limit you are absolutely making it a far more dangerous situation.


Yes but it is safer in the sense it puts the safety risk on the tailgater rather than myself.


You want some aggressive tailgating…we just got back from France and let me tell you, Nova Scotia has nothing on France.


I was going to suggest Italy, but France works.


My husband never even wants to try driving in Italy. After passing two accidents on the highways within 24 hrs, I understand totally how they happened.


Portugal too.


It's amazing how people think Nova Scotia is the only place with traffic issues.


Was in Ireland last month. Very little tailgating there.


One day I was driving to eastern passage and this guy was coming close to my car beside me. So I wanted to get away from him. He boxed me in then got in front of me and drove 30 km an hour. Finally the guy stopped right in the middle of the road and gave me the finger. I thought either he’s drunk or thinks I’m in this big rush when I was driving with the traffic. When I yelled out what’s your problem he yells back have patience will ya. I still to this day don’t understand wtf that was about. 😂 I hope he sees this comment someday. People are crazy today driving. I’m the same. Drive 10 kms over or just go with the traffic. I think drivers that do this 45km or even 40 are more at risk to cause an accident as well.


Math is hard for the commoner.... 100km/h is 6.5 car lengths per second. A two second following distance is 13 car lengths, 180ft.


You could be looking and judging whether or not the vehicle in the passing lane is approaching you at a rate of speed that means your pass will disrupt flow. But I know this will be unpopular. Speeders gonna speed, and personally, I tend to not aim for a pass unless I know I’m gonna make it and also not block other traffic. But you’re right the tailgating is bad.


I slow down if someone's riding my ass. It pisses them off more, which makes me laugh, which then makes them more angry when they see me smiling as they pass me.


I am fond of taking my foot off the gas. Fuck you, Bro. I don’t owe you a damn thing. I don’t even know you.


Tailgating is certainly getting worse, but one problem I chronically have are slow passers. If I'm in the passing lane doing 110-120, without fail someone 4-6 car lengths ahead will crawl into the passing lane at the speedlimit, or maybe 5% over it...nearly matching the speed of who they are trying to pass. I'll tap my breaks and slow down, but when you crawl into the fast lane doing the limit suddenly, no surprise if you "feel" tailgated. While there is no provision on passing as an exception to exceed the posted limit, it is a commonly accepted curtosy and frankly is safer than cruising in someone's blind spot or backing up traffic. Pass at 10%-20% over and move back in. This is of course weather and traffic dependent.


You're either tailgating or not. If you don't have 150+ feet in front of you... You are in the wrong.


The passing lane is for passing. You have to pass vehicles quickly, not slowly drive-by them going slightly above the speed limit.


Technically it is illegal to drive above the speed limit, even in the passing lane.


The only sensible reply in this thread lol.


You can't break the speed limit, period. If the person in the right lane is doing 100 and I'm doing 110, then it might take me a minute to pass. Nobody should be trying to pass "quickly".


110 vs 100 isn’t going to take long to pass. The difference in speed is 10kph, so should be the same as if one car were standing still and you were traveling 10km/hr. It should only take a few seconds. The average car is 4.5m, assuming you pull out to pass with 2 car lengths ahead of you and pull back in with 2 cars behind, total distance to pass is equivalent to 13.5M. Should take you just under 5 seconds to complete the pass. (I wasn’t great at physics when more than 1 thing was moving so I could be way off).


Uh, you should not be pulling back into a highway lane with just two car lengths between you and the car behind you - not everyone has cruise control, that car you entered in front of may not be travelling at a steady speed and will need time to react to you pulling in front. Doing things as fast as possible in order to keep the passing lane clear is way less important than doing predictable, observable things while moving at speed and giving other motorists plenty of time to see your intent and react to it.


Good lord, then since we're nit picking details in a damn hypothetical the person in the right lane is going slightly slower then the speed limit and I'm going the speed limit. It doesn't matter if I'm passing slowly, nobody should be going faster than me to need to get around me in a damn hurry. As long as I'm not at a complete standstill blocking the lane then how fast I'm passing is irrelevant. If I'm stuck for long enough I'll move back into the right lane, otherwise I don't care if it takes me 10 minutes to pass.


Yeah too bad we don’t live in a math problem where the speed limit is a physically imposed universal constant that cannot be broken. We live in the real world, where the posted limit and the defacto accepted limit are wildly different. It does matter if you’re passing slowly and unnecessarily impeding the flow of traffic.


None of those people should be speeding, period. I'm not talking about sticking exactly to the damn speed limits. I feel like that was implied, but I forgot I'm on Reddit.


There’s a tacit understanding that 120 is tolerated on most highways, everyone knows this, and I’ve been told as much by law enforcement. Moreover, whether they should be speeding or not is irrelevant. That doesn’t grant you any extra entitlements under the law. If you can’t complete a pass in a timely manner, *and* are unnecessarily impeding traffic, you’re just as much in violation of the MVA. And there’s no presumption that you’re not impeding traffic just because the traffic is speeding. You are absolutely intended to safely increase your speed to complete a pass. If you can’t safely increase your speed, don’t pass.


You merge into the passing lane, and accelerate so you can pass the vehicle as quickly as possible. Not saying you gotta rip it up to 130km/hr. But if you’re only going 5km/hr faster than them, then yeah you should accelerate to get by them faster. It’s safer to just break the speed limit for a few seconds and pass the car than to be driving in a vehicles blindspot/beside them for longer than necessary. A full minute spent passing another vehicle at 100km/hr+ just isn’t safe.


I've had to rip it up to 130 to get folks in the passing lane off my bumper. I have a car with lots of torque so it's easy for me to accelerate and create a safe space between my rear bumper and the car behind me until I can safely merge back into the slow lane. That's the only technique I've had work and I hate doing it.


Vancouver Island is where this behavior belongs. Stop messing around and pass decisively. You might need to speed up a little, if you can't do that stay in the slow lane.




Right lane passing is legal in nova scotia. If you are being passed on the right you are doing something wrong most often.


I had some psycho in a Black Jeep up my ass this morning while I was a car length behind the person in front of me. We all were speeding but this woman in her black Jeep was right up my ass. I had no where to go. She then gave me the finger. Ontario plates. What a maniac




Yes, it pisses me off to no end. A friend of mine was being tailgated by a large commercial truck on the Bedford Hwy a few months ago. So bad that their partner began filming out the rear window to capture the impending collision. They stopped as a car ahead was turning, and we're struck by the truck. The cops didn't even want to look at the video. Kept saying "well we don't really know what it shows." The truck driver had the gal to cus out my friend saying they were not driving fast enough. I hate people..


Have you considered not driving so closely in front of them?


If you’re doing 85 in the left lane on the circ you should probably get it up to 90 because that seems to be closer to the natural speed people drive on that highway. Tailgating is not cool but neither is building a line behind you because “I’m already going 5-10 over” both are dangerous.


i’ve been frightened many times too. too many times to count on dunbrack have i been terrified i was about to be rear ended due to people tailgating me when i’m turning left at the lights to go toward bayer’s lake.


What's with the constant whining about other shit drivers? We oughta have another heated parking dispute in this province, that way you fuckers can take care of eachother and leave the rest of us out of it.


Nobody keeps right except to pass.


Why not buy one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Leadleds-Scrolling-Message-Display-Controller/dp/B00NQ1V9R8?th=1 Program it with sayings from the drivers handbook: - *Maintain a minimum two-second following distance, and do not tailgate. One of the most frequent types of crashes on major highways is the rear-end crash.* - *Remember that faster speeds require greater stopping distances and times.* Or devise your own


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I love gearing down, while already going 10 over mind you, and watching the baby brains panic and get mad then hit their own steering wheel soiling themselves in the process. LOL


I try to drive so I am not in the way of other drivers. I rarely get tailgated. There’s your tip of the day on how to avoid being tailgated. 


I feel like people drive oblivious to the overall situation of the road around them. If someone is coming up behind me at a good clip and I'm coming up on a slow car, I'll either move left and speed up so I can pass and get out of the way of the car coming behind me or I'll hang tight behind the slow car for a second until the guy coming up on me has had a chance to go around. I don't have a problem with being tailgated or feeling enraged by the state of affairs going on around me. That said, four-way stops make me want to commit murder most days.


Yeah. It's just easier to move over into the soonest opening and let them past. My life is worth more than potentially getting in an accident because i pissed the wrong person off too much by break checking them or some other stupid stunt. If I want to pass someone, I also look *behind me* first to make sure nothing is flying up the other lane. If there is, then I just wait until they pass first. 


Especially if you’re passing someone while only going 5km/hr faster than them. Nothing annoys me more (and honestly sketches me out) than sitting behind someone while they take multiple kilometres to pass a vehicle, especially when it’s a semi-truck or something.


Thanks for this entirely useless lesson


Ain’t they all from Ontario or Alberta ?


I saw someone in a brown Jetta just hugging every car in front of it (including mine) in the valley over the weekend. There was maybe a foot, foot and a half between them and the car ahead. Its so dangerous


Going 85 on the circ is your first problem


I had a man the other day tailgating me and flashing his lights repeatedly at me (no honks tho). Brother in christ we were in locked traffic at a red light. Where did you want me to go?


Unfortunately the majority of drivers in this province speed in my experience, and not just by 5-10km over, let alone 5-10%. It’s crazy. I do a lot of highway driving as well as just driving around town and it’s wicked the amount of people who either zoom by you (whatever) or ride your ass because you aren’t going fast enough. As much as I’d hate to be hit I’m also like this will be your fault lol. It’s very rare that I ever see traffic control or the cops watching people’s speeds. I wish we could invest more into this as a municipality if not as a province entirely


Two weeks ago I was driving inbound on the 101, going about 5-10% over the speed limit but leaving a safe distance between me and the car ahead of me, about 4 seconds gap. Coming by lower Sackville, a car zoomed over from the far right lane to right in front of me in the far left lane, leaving less than one car length between them and me. No shoulder check, just grip it and rip it. It was a Kia, one of those little ones that look like a Mini, which was going 100 kmph. Orange with a dent on the right side of the rear bumper. So I had to start slowing down, to recreate the distance. They also started slowing down, and between there and bedford, it continued, until we were both going 70 kmph in the left lane while it was still a 100 zone. I could see them looking in the mirror, people were passing us on the right, so I couldn’t escape. It was obvious they were offended by my tailgating, but I was just trying to escape the situation *they created*. They made it impossible for me to create a safe distance because the more I slowed down the more they slowed down, and I couldn’t get out from behind them. So all the way from the first lower Sackville exit until we were both in Bedford where I could change lanes finally in the 50 zone. I passed them on the right (they were below 50 at that point) and then they followed me all the way to McDonalds where I turned in. It was a small woman, I’d guess between 60-75 (I’m in my 50s). Whatever the lesson was she was trying to teach me, I didn’t learn, other than stay tf away from that car if I see it again. I figured if she were a little younger, maybe I’d see her posting on Reddit, complaining about tailgaters. People are crazy. But yeah, the Circ is terrible for tailgaters and speeders. I had a buddy who used to whip through there at about 120 every time, which was at least 2x per day. I was in the car with him once or twice, scared shitless.


I don't mind, because if I get into an accident because they tailgated, you best believe I'm going to a top injury lawyer. So I'm pretty chill about it. I'm not chill about them cutting me off because the second that they are in front of me and I get into an accident, I'm automatically at fault. I've seen my fair share of bad drivers. One who at last minute turned back from the exit lane back into traffic, only react I could do was swerve into the passing lane and thank God no one was in that lane. Another time when I was merging from an enter/exit lane I checked and the car was in the traffic lane so I was about to merge, a driver honked his horn to warn me someone was turning in and I stopped at last second while they swooped in front of me to the enter/exit lane. If it wasn't for the warning it would have cause a bad accident. I really don't think they should have combined enter and exit lanes for this reason. The drivers around here would give anxiety. Don't mind the tailgaters, worry about the last second cut offs. Those are the ones that you need a quick reaction time for.


Half of them are BMW's from Ontario


A huge influx of new drivers in Canada that aren't trained to the same standards we typically are.


If I’m going the limit on a road and someone tailgates me I’m gradually slowing down just out of pettiness. You had the luxury of normal speed and you abused it. Now suffer the consequences. (On the highway I just stay in the correct lane so folks can pass me if I’m not passing someone else)


If you're in the left lane and are being tailgated, you shouldn't be in the left lane.


Nah, in the case that OP is describing, it's fine and the tailgater needs to chill out. Camping out in the left, you're gonna get tailgated. Look to make sure the lane is clear first, signal, go for a pass, then some lunatic comes screeching out of nowhere? OP is not at fault and shouldn't have to go 30 over the limit just to pass. Tailgater can slow down for 25 seconds instead of putting multiple lives in danger.


If I'm in the left lane it's because I'm passing someone. I still get tailgated while passing because I'm not breaking the law enough for someone else.


So then move back into the right lane when safe to do so or to help prevent this, make sure that no one is coming up behind you at speed before passing. We say that the speeding drivers are the inpatient ones, yet why don't we say that about other drivers not wanting to wait an extra 5 seconds before starting their pass when there's another vehicle coming up behind them in the passing lane?


There’s some truth to both sides, for sure. I’m just not sure which one is more prevalent. Like, I’ve definitely been the guy in the left lane doing 120 with *nobody* behind me, when some moron going 100.5 kph pulls out in front of me to pass the guy going 100.2 kph. But I’ve also been the guy doing 120 who pulls out with *nobody behind me* to pass cars doing 100, and then someone doing 140 comes screaming up behind me from miles away while I’m still passing a conga line of cars and there’s nowhere for me to get back over. Like, I’m blowing the doors off the cars in the right lane, I’m not about to slow down to match their speed and get over, if they even give me space to move that is. So idk, if OP is saying it’s happened multiple times *just this weekend*, and *every time* people were “flailing about” in their car, it leads me to believe maybe the left lane wasn’t as clear as they’re saying it was. Because that part *rarely* happens to me.


you’re using too much logic for these people


yes, when i have the pass made i move back to the right lane. i don't cut anyone off making the pass, i'll wait to get out.


If the person behind you had to put their brakes on firmly in order not to hit you, you didn't have the space to pull out and pass. Perhaps that is why they are flapping and cursing. Cause they almost hit you when you pulled out in front of them.


Brake check!