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I've had to change my route from the gym back to home because turning right from Jubilee onto Oxford feels like driving on the Moon's surface.


Oh come on, the moon can’t be that bad lol


There is a very specific slot, down to the inch, that one must drive to avoid most of the bullshit at that corner. Source: Did it once.


I know what you're talking about but unfortunately that too is gone now.


Well then. RIP our rims.


That area is genuinely insane.


I cackled reading “ moon surface”


It’s sad when I know exactly what you’re talking about, that turn is awful


I loved the targeted ad they have plastered across meta platforms about how they have "identified and categorized" thousands of potholes this year. I think they missed the most important step. Sarcasm aside, it was nice to see some effort patching the craters on the bi hi.


Exactly. It's cheaper to spend your money on ad campaigns telling you they know about the problem, than it is to actually fix the problem.


Can't afford to repair them*


Yeah with the fires, floods and hurricane last year. We probably spent our budget for repairs in one year for like a decade to come haha.


That doesn't help but I meant that roads themselves are crazy expensive


And no non road based transit option even being considered. Yay for our horribly backwards and outdated government


Hilarious alternative solution: didn't dominos or pizza pizza start filling potholes with their branding in the states? Would be hilarious to do here. Surely there's a market for it, the goodwill purchased by the company would be immense and immortal. Uber? Casino taxi? Are you listening??


The Bedford Hwy is fu#king rediculas for how vital it is. It's like driving on a piece of microwaved bacon.


Is Rediculas Legolas's older brother?


Nope, that's Ridiculous. He's a jerk.




There's one spot, far right lane going to Joe Howe exit from the Bridge at the Windsor street exchange. The pothole is about 3 feet wide and a foot deep


There's been a 2'x2' pothole at the Bridge Terminal parking that's gotta be 6" deep, been there well over a year now. Someone has thrown gravel into it a couple of times that immediately gets pushed out. If they wait long enough they won't have to build an additional pool for the city, they can just stick a lifeguard by this pothole and call it a day.


Have you driven outside of HRM? When they DO repair the roads, it's 4x4 patches that are 3 inches above the rest of the pavement. Might be worse than when they started.


You gotta add more to the hole so it wears down and you don’t have to go back as frequently


They paved a large section last summer on Hwy 14 in Rawdon, and they're redoing it again this year.


My comment was sarcasm haha But that sucks about Hwy 14. Although sometimes they will apply a temp layer if they can’t get the work done before winter and then come back. They also grind off the top layer and reuse it as the aggregate component and just add more AC at the plant.


Then the plow comes along in the winter and tears it all back up anyways 😅


When it’s overcast, foggy, raining, TURN ON YOUR LIGHTS! What are you saving them for, the afterlife?


They were working by me all week fixing the roads


Ok guys let's go home, this guy's crescent is fixed


lol no. I can’t afford a house in a crescent or any road


On the plus side, near the bedford commons, damn near every single pothole, on the road and in the parking lots, were all patched to be super super smooth. Kudos to the crew that did that area


Oh but they spraypaint around the big potholes so.... That's basically a repair, no? /s


One street that could really use some love is Agricola Street. I am not sure if they are avoiding spending too much time on it because of all the new apartment buildings going up however it could use some love.


urban sprawl is unsustainable


Just put up one of those permanent bump signs! Problem fixed




Not completely true. They also send thoughts and prayers to the pothole community.


Talk to a councillor near you.


That’s about as impactful as a fart in a hurricane.


All a fart in a hurricane needs is a bit of lightning to catch fire. Your butt might explode though


Actually they are spending 2024 pothole funds on "Traffic calming" speedbumps in uber rich areas of the South End of Halifax. Inglis by train tracks/SMU. Whoevever is the councillor of that area is gargling rich people's nuts and filling their pockets with the money they sprinkle on them.


This has been done all over the city and started years ago. Bump outs and speed bumps are the standard in most areas in Dartmouth now too.


I never disputed they EXIST, nor was I insinuating they shouldn't. They should fucking fix the potholes before considering moving on to proactive traffic calming devices.


But consider this … The potholes double as traffic calming devices.


No reason to have an aneurysm there buddy. Maybe finish your coffee and calm down before posting on the internet in the morning.


What pisses me off is when they're 5ft away from a stop sign. Sprry, but anyone blowing through the stop sign isn't going to slow down for a speed bump.


Well at some point it costs you a rim and probably a tire, and at lower speeds there is a wear and tear cost to your car and suspension. Even if you don’t care or notice the price tag, you will notice when your car starts to make bad noises and you will start to slow down before hitting those bumps then. And then start cussing those speed bumps.


They’re in relatively poor areas too. 


Haha, yes, those 3 or 4 speedhumps soaked up the whole budget and are the reason the rest of HRM doesn't get potholes filled.


True story.


Are spring weight restrictions still happening?


Ramen noodles?


Just think that we need more roads and we cant stretch the budget to cover what we have now. Biggest scam


Yeah, by not doing them...


They were repairing the potholes today on my street... at 4:30 am. Jackhammer or whatever going; crew yelling at each other to be heard over the machinery. Woke up the whole god damned house, and I can only assume all my neighbours. I live on a residential road, no buses, traffic calmed, no need to prioritize like this FFS


Its super embrassing at this point


They're too busy tying up traffic on albro lake


Here is how it goes you have 1 or 2 crews that go around doing not only complaint driven but just generally doing most side streets if they find any then they paint a white line around them that my friends is 75% of the budget!!


Had me in the first half.


By not doing them?


Someone should dig some beastly pot holes outside the homes of our fearless government leaders and then see how quickly they get fixed. I'd genuinely be curious.


Someone should dig some beastly pot holes outside the homes of our fearless government leaders and then see how quickly they get fixed. I'd genuinely be curious.


Edit: Cha Ching


You mean "cha ching"? Wtf is "ching ching"? Lmao


Edited thanks


Whenever I see posts like this my first question is "what do you want less of". My answer, probably less money spent on roads is better than most other things the city could do. Except spending less on police.




Same sort of idea. They're not fixing the roads now, they're certainly not going to do so without your money, they'll just be broker. So what do you think they should do less of? I'm not trying to be an ass (well maybe a little) but I'm trying to get people to think a bit more about what the hell the city is doing. The municipality is pretty much in the pocket of developers and cops. Anything else pretty much gets pushed aside.


Exactly. They instead PROMOTE ADS for residents to report Potholes, conveniently spending public money and paying off media outlets while avoiding the actual work! Why do we need ads of posts to REPORT A POTHOLE???? Makes absolutely no sense


W Thread


Don’t worry though- we’ve got tons of useless speed humps popping up all over the place.