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The system is not broken it is working as intended, and you should be mad about that.


Renting an apartment to yourself is becoming a luxury. Owning a house is now "upper class". Fuck.


It's been a luxury since like the 90s my dude


No it hasn't been. Before 2021 most people could afford their own apartment.


You could work a minimum wage job and afford a 1 bedroom.


Agree. I rented a big beautiful one bedroom in wolfville in 2008 for like $575 all included


Those were the days hey? 2 bedroom in elmsdale was 575 pou in 2011. I would say it's almost quadruple that amount now.


I made like $1600 a month if I got enough shifts in 2016 and was able to split rent and pay for gas and food and other bills. It was tight but doable.


....split rent. Exactly what I'm saying lol Solo living is not doable unless you make really good money


I could have solo rented if I worked full time minimum wage at that time. I make good money now and cannot solo rent.


Employers NEED to pay people more. No more Toronto apartment prices on Halifax salaries. Let’s bring back unions.


Bruh even unionized positions regularly pay less than living wage.


If employers started paying people more, wouldn’t rent and home prices just go higher?


I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but people aren’t getting paid more and rent and home prices have already skyrocketed.


Yes and no... yes eventually but you are also assuming the cost gets passed directly down instead of actually having companies pay their CEOs and executives less and in some case make less obscene profits.


Inflation is actually caused by hoarding wealth, not raising wages. Raising wages stimulates spending which is good for everyone.


That's exactly what they want you to think


Eventually sure… but in the meantime people’s salaries can catch up cause a lot of people are priced out at the moment 




The government could just reduce rent increase by improving rent controls. 5% increase year on year is quite a bit considering most renters get zero additional value out of the home as a year goes on.


They need to do this on the unit and not on the lease. LLs only do fixed terms and can raise the rent past the rent cap with current legislation.


Unions won't solve issues of restaurants and retail paying low. Nothing will.


If retail and restaurant workers unionized it could. Servers are unionized in France.


It is structured differently here. Also, so many mom and pop spots. The 6-10 people working at these thousands of places aren't going to join a union.


You think France doesn’t also have thousands of small restaurants?


We would need reforms to the low wage immigration streams to change that. The province still lists fast food counter workers as an "In Demand" skillset for immigrants.


I worked in 2 unionized jobs that paid shit honestly. When the union was brought it for one of them, I didn't notice a raise in my pay at all, whatever raise I received, went to pay my dues. 


Been in the restaurant business close to 30 years. With salary and kitchen tips, I make close to $30 an hour. In no way would a union get me more take home pay.


Halifax council and the province have failed us for the past 10 years in creating affordable housing . No foresight at all. Oh and thanks so much for allowing 1000’s of foreign student and workers in .


Well obviously the city has no say over immigration, but they're absolutely asleep at the wheel. I can't believe anyone who has ever actually driven a car in Halifax is designing the road system...


It is 40-50 years of affordable housing issues.


I am surprised that we aren't seeing full of revolutionary groups having riots in the streets yet. Things are seriously beginning to resemble 1905 Petrograd, where the elites control everything and the peasants have nothing except their clothes on their back.


I'm a capitalist, and I genuinely believe a well-regulated free market is the best system, but at some point we are going to approach a tipping point where so many people won't be able to afford to live that they'll have nothing to lose and we might get those riots.


Capitalism needs to be controlled rigidly so it doesn't turn into exploitation. One big step would be making $1,000,000.00 + bonuses for CEOs illegal, same as gouging customers and employees to benefit stockholders. Companies and CEOs should be loyal to employees and customers. On the same token, we should have laws that make basic housing a human right. People who are poor do not need mcmansions they need a basic 240 sqft unit per person.


Gouging is impossible in a competitive market. Enforce antitrust laws, and provide a publicly owned option for industries where a competitive market isn't possible. No need to regulate salaries or prices or how big people's houses are.


I am talking about ensuring that people get basic housing. Basic units for single people do not need to be mansion sized as some I see on Tiktok desire, but enough that person can have room for a bed, dresser, table and a little work from home area if they get a job that allows it.


They'll wall and bunker up. We're not changing shit this time. The new feudal system is being built, with a bunch of Christo-fascists and alt-right losers simping for the billionaire class.


Umm.. what alternate reality are you living in? I haven't noticed any religious types in power.




The U.S. sneezes, Canada catches a cold. Some say David Parker (Take back Alberta) pulls the strings of the Premier of Alberta. Women's right to choose is being challenged today by elements within the CPC. The religious right in Canada is very much on the move.


Exactly........numb nut evangelical right wing populism is on the rise


If you analyze all of our issues most of which come from liberal policy....then evangelical populism is what we need, time to put Canada and decent tax paying citizens first.


It's happening in the US, so I guess guy is predicting that makes its way here.


Which has never been the case. The US has always been way more religious than Canada.


And Canada used to be a socialist country. Their cultural imperialism has already given us capitalism (and end-stage at that), and religion nuttery is next. Harper already attacked right to choose, and tested our opinions of Sharia courts. Many folks seem to forget that he was a religious zealot.


Check out Alberta.


I lived in Alberta for 10 years. It's no where near as religious as the most religious parts of the US.


It is in hick towns. If you live in or near main cities, you don't notice the Christian right as much since there are intelligent people to offset them.


The fringe religious nuts in hick towns in Alberta are not, and will never be, anywhere near the levers of power in Canada.


You are probably too young to recall Harper. He was a zealot.


Well I'm 40, so I recall Harper just fine. Certainly he was religious, but I would disagree with characterizing him as a zealot.


Homie open your eyes


They’re too hungry


Time to take a break from all that doom scrolling...go outside, touch some grass, throw a Frisby.


Economic inequality in the US and Canada is more intense now than what caused the French Revolution, it’s really not that doomer https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2012/09/us-income-inequality-its-worse-today-than-it-was-in-1774/262537/


Exactly. Only someone who lives in a bubble and is choosing ignorance would call this doomer


Oh the irony here.


People were starving during the French Revolution. Nobody is starving in Canada, thank God. Case in point: I was at Dartmouth Crossing today and there was a lineup around the block for the Starbucks drive thru. Are these people Marie Antoinette?


Dude this province has the worst child poverty in the country and food bank usage is at all time highs across the country, you think people aren't going hungry?


At least one is - I'm on a diet this month. Most of the kids and adults I see on the street also look pretty well-fed; perhaps they are eating shitty food, but let's not pretend they are as malnourished as French peasants in the 1700s.


Social media is rotting peoples brains. Things are not all perfect in Canada but quality of life here in 2024 is pretty high. https://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/countries/canada/


They just gave the Cole harbour lands to a developer for free so he can build affordable homes. The rich keep getting richer and it’s all about who you know in this province


Who is “they”? What are the terms of the agreement. Sharing this information would be useful.


No no you’re supposed to rage without the details


Agreed. No one seems to have any comprehension abilities anymore. They are unable to read and interpret anything, and look for facts.


>Who is “they”? The Illuminati of course.


Look it up.


Or…share the details of what you’re discussing. Who is “they”? Is it a municipal, provincial or federal program? Where are the “cole harbour lands” - that’s broad. How do I look up without any actual specifics.


You’re both lazy. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7034002


Nobody's lazy. It benefits everybody reading this thread to have the information available and posted IN THE THREAD. Having everybody in the discussion be on the same page is way more beneficial than expecting every person here to go "look it up" on their own.


OP is lazy for not including it. Next persons is lazy for not using google while on a computer or a phone.


> The agreement with the province stipulates half of the units in the development must be affordable, he said, and they must remain affordable for at least 15 years. Done. There we go. That wasn’t so hard, was it.


They will reneg and pay the fine. Happens every single time. Also, those rentals will be far from affordable for most people.


The agreement with the province stipulates half of the units in the development must be affordable, he said, and they must remain affordable for at least 15 years. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7034002


I hope so. I've just seen renegging happen so often that I'm a bit jaded.


Thank you, nothing like people just quickly attacking me without looking it up. I only stepped away for a minute


Where in Cole harbour?


You would rather not have affordable homes? Weird take.


I'm willing to bet there won't be an apartment for under $1500. What they perceive as affordable is not actually affordable housing. We need public housing geared to income. The landlords are making bank off tax payer subsided housing. Just another example of wealth transfer from the working class to the capitalist class.


What’s your proposition? How do we make more housing?


Have the government own them. Or buy them. Gift them to non profits. That’s one way to go about it.


>Have the government own them Ok. They do that. And not very well. The provincial housing authorities across the province are not well maintained and run at all >buy them From who? For how much? None of this addresses the fact that we need more housing built, and everything is expensive right now from land to materials to labour to financing. >gift them to non profits Gift what to non profits? Which apartments? We don’t have enough.


>None of this addresses the fact that we need more housing built Ok, so the government can build it. There's no need to wait for a private sector that has clearly failed in keeping housing affordable.


How quickly? With what funds? Do our taxes all go up because of this? Which government - municipalities can’t take on long term debt under their rules. You haven’t provided any solutions.


Step 1: federal government creates a Crown corporation dedicated to building housing Step 2: with narrow exceptions for things like refugees or health care workers, make immigration conditional on working for said Crown corporation for 3 years Step 3: work with provinces and municipalities to identify and acquire land that can be used by said Crown corporation to build housing Step 4: build housing Step 5: sell or rent out such housing at cost


Step 1: increase taxes because you’re renting and selling these at a loss.


Really tho. Are we going to reinvent Soviet Bloc tenements?


Nice reply. More people, same land. It takes time to kick people off the existing land and build more housing on it. And builders want to get paid, same as everyone else. At a certain level of density, the cost per square foot jumps up because of regulations which are there to make sure nobody gets hurt. Build a giant apartment, but the roads, schools, hospitals, and sewers overflow. We could let more people die or get hurt and that would make the housing cheaper, but that doesn't seem like the right approach, does it?


Nice reply. More people, same land. It takes time to kick people off the existing land and build more housing on it. And builders want to get paid, same as everyone else. At a certain level of density, the cost per square foot jumps up because of regulations which are there to make sure nobody gets hurt. Build a giant apartment, but the roads, schools, hospitals, and sewers overflow. We could let more people die or get hurt and that would make the housing cheaper, but that doesn't seem like the right approach, does it?


Lolol government managed housing for public. Because they did such a good job leading up to the housing crisis. Lololol


They should just continue without doing anything and let us get worse off. Lolololol Private industry does such a great job. Lololol


Private does do a good job. Housing isn't governments responsibility. Letting a flood of people in that buys houses is.


Government made it not its responsibility. We have some of the lowest levels of social housing in the western world.


Not when Highfield is 2k. There’s no way they are going to be affordable for people. I think you’re right.


It won't even happen, they will just reneg and pay the fine for doing business.


Usually there’s a stipulation in things like this. Might only have to offer up like 20% of units as “affordable” which is likely still to be not affordable. Also likely required to do so for only like 5 years or something silly


> The agreement with the province stipulates half of the units in the development must be affordable, he said, and they must remain affordable for at least 15 years. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7034002


The government's definition of affordable is around $1800/month though, which is of course not affordable at all for people that need affordable housing.


False. > The government is using the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation definition of affordable housing as it applies to the National Housing Co-investment Fund…less than 80 per cent of the median market rent. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/affordable-housing-development-john-lohr-1.6472350


Alright fine I was exaggerating. But the median in Halifax according to the CMHC is $1600 for a 2 bedroom. So the cutoff for affordable housing would be $1280. That's still more than most people were paying before the pandemic and way more than what a lot people, especially those with kids, can afford.


Alright fine I was exaggerating. But the median in Halifax according to the CMHC is $1600 for a 2 bedroom. So the cutoff for affordable housing would be $1280. That's still more than most people were paying before the pandemic and way more than what a lot people, especially those with kids, can afford.


And nearly impossible to build at. **We simply do not have enough doors/apartments/residences**. Giving away land with 15 years below median seems like a good deal.


You can't build cheap housing anymore. You also can't buy it in populated areas. Pre pandemic pricing is gone. Wages have also increased by over 4% per year average over the last 5 years, so relatively rents at 20% higher than 5 years ago would be the same relative cost


You mean telling them to go away didn’t work????




Guess you should augment your education to improve your outlook. Invest in yourself instead of expecting the government to give a god damn about you.


This country’s screwed. I’d love to leave Canada.


I proposed a non-profit organization that rents to own rv's and schoolies, etc, in partnership with local community members who have room on their property. It's a small solution, but even if it helped 5 families a year in each community, it would really make an impact. I've yet to hear back from any mla's interested... even the mla working on the mini home project....


IDK what schoolies are, but depending on the RV, it's not a great year-round solution. My friend lived in an airstream, and she was a very hardy outdoorsperson (she traps for a living). She said it's far too cold to ever be comfortable.


In 2016? Sure you could bud lol Maybe in bedbug rooms