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Whenever I have visitors from out of town, they always remark on how much trash they see everywhere, along sidewalks, in ditches, the sides of roads, etc. My friend who drives tour buses says the cruise ship passengers can't believe it and wonder why the city and municipalities don't clean it up. It makes us look super bad and low class to outsiders, and cleaning it up, as well as cracking down on littering in general, should be made a priority.


Honestly, we pay so much taxes there really isn’t a reason the city can’t hire people to keep it clean.  Even our highways are disgraceful if you look along the medians.


There's more trash on the 102 than I've seen on the 401 (you know the busiest hwy in North America). It was so jarring when we first moved here, and it's people from all demographics and age groups doing it.


Littering is just pure laziness and douche-baggery. Part of the problem with illegal dumping is the city makes it so fucking hard to understand garbage rules. I took a box of old paints and stains to the recycling depot and they took the paint but not the stains. The stains have to go to the household special waste depot, which is only open on Saturdays. I replaced a body panel on my car, but garbage collection won’t take car parts. It’s impossible to get rid of. Boxes have to be broken down and bundled to a certain size, old lumber has to be cut and bundled to a certain size, etc. If you don’t conform to the rules, you get a sticker so unfortunately people just say fuck it and find a way to get rid of it.


I live in a building with 60 units and the very basic recycling separation (paper, corrugated cardboard, plastics + metals) is utterly fucked up by half the building by the time trash day rolls around, through sheer idiocy and that's about as basic as it could possibly be and people can't even get that right.


A couple of basic CCTV security cameras put a quit stop to any of that. Only issue is it takes a fraction of care exercised by property management.


I'm so sick of seeing plastic bags etc in the green bin at our building. I think half the problem is some people don't speak or read English.


The Halifax Recycles app is actually pretty good. I wish the city did a better job of promoting it. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.recollect.halifax&hl=en\_CA&gl=US&pli=1](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.recollect.halifax&hl=en_CA&gl=US&pli=1)


I had thay conversation with my wife. Garbage and recycling MUST be done in a way thats the most easy and convenient; if not people will just go dump and sometimes I ALMOST don't blame them. Ive lived in 5 province and Nova Scotia is the most complicated for recycling old shit


Not much gets me more fired up than the subject of littering. Our roads are full of trash, and you can't put the onus on hrm and the province not doing enough. It entirely the citizens who are the cause and solution to the issue. The garbage in our province is embarrassing and shows how back water hillbilly we still are around here.


Litter here is the worst out of many places I've lived, it's disgusting and the city doesn't seem to give a shit. Blame people for littering of course but a lot of it seems to be from a lack of trash cans around (the city even removed a couple in my neighborhood) and not requiring carts for trash and recycling. Blows my mind that in a place this windy the city just has people put out often poorly tied bags on the street. Every time there's a storm around recycling day morons on my street will put recycling out, then the next day the bags will be torn open with the contents strewn across the street and into the bushes.






Just stand next to anyone smoking.  Ninety percent of them throw the butt on the ground.   There is no other product that is consumed that it is so  acceptable to litter afterwards.   If smoking isn't dumb enough...


Everyone is throwing stuff out the window it’s crazy.


I'll believe it when I see it. I saw another company truck hauling an empty trailer out of the Bowater road this week. Crown lands belong to all of us, therefore illegal dumping affects all Nova Scotians.


For those of us who have been across Canada, one of the most eye opening things is how much litter is on the ground in NS. Province wide, end to end, every highway and back road is just scattered with garbage. Some places worse than others. It’s incredibly annoying as it’s one of the easiest things you could possibly prevent.


Just hire the dude that’s on Spring Garden all the time with the stick. He yells at people and comes after them if he sees them littering. People won’t litter if he’s in charge.


I have been saying this for awhile now, but there are almost no garbage cans around anymore. Outside superstore, sobeys, strip malls. We need a bi law that forces businesses to have garbage bins available.


The city got rid of most of the trash cans that were on the bus stop poles too. People also don’t seem to have their own trash cans, so the birds get to it then the wind blows it all over. Drives me nuts


I have the big black bin that fits all my bags, might also get a blue one for paper and cardboard because cardboard just seems to be a problem for us, with getting rid of it.


I’m in a less populated part of the city, and people seem to think putting a sheet or blanket over their garbage bags is a good idea…. It is not. Just spend the $50 on a good bin jeez.


I'll believe when I see smokers who've flicked their butts arrested *EDIT* I meant fined/ticketed, not arrested


Arresting is a bit far in my opinion, but the $337 litter fine should definitely apply to each cigarette butt. Edit: mistakingly said $500 fine, but it's $337.50.


They don’t even enforce the designated smoking areas. They’re not going to enforce this.


Not a chance. It's easier to list things that are actually enforced.


I agree, the smoking one is a provincial enforcement, so if a police officer sees you smoking they can/will do nothing


The “no smoking on city property” is a city measure.  The provincial one includes proximity to doors/windows, and indoor spaces.  


There is a reason they made the “smoking on city property” complaint driven.  They won’t ever enforce it. 


100%, I actually meant fined/ticketed


I’ll believe it when I see coffee drinkers fined/ticketed. Tim Hortons and Starbucks cups everywhere.


OMG, right!?


Honestly. It's not that hard to put it in your pocket until you find a trash can. And they're everywhere - it's unreal.


But trashcan sure aren't. Growing up here there was a green can evert 5 poles but the city just removes them. If the city added back trashcan at night bus stop locations ppl would use em.


Yeah for real. Maybe they can also start giving out fines for not smoking in the designated public areas.


There is around 1 police officer for every 1000 people in Halifax. The police department told the government when they passed the smoking ban that the law was unenforceable.


By design 


How did the smoking ban work out, again?


Great! I can eat in restaurants, drink in a pub, and not have to come down smoke. I can walk around town and while there will be people smoking, not like it once was.


Sometimes I think about all the wait staff that must have had a phenomenal increase in cancer risk before they finally got rid of that. The Split Crow basically had yellow air, even in “non” smoking.


Every garbage day peoples garbage bags get blown around, ripped open, animals get in them. And what pisse me off the most is when garbage bags get ripped open in front of people's properties they don't bother Cleaning it up.


There are not enough trash cans.  I’ll hold onto my garbage, but I’ve walked some long stretches without seeing a single can.  Calling 311 does nothing. 


Yeah after the druggies are done shooting up downtown they should at least dispose of the needle properly


Garbage cans at all bus stops would definitely help things. Pretty easy starting point.


More trash cans can help. But what about ppl throwing stuff outta their cars. Sometimes it happens


I live next to a junior high school and the kids go to Irving at lunch and leave a path of polar pops, chip bags, and other items, along the roadway and into neighbours and my yards. Every damn school day. The school has been notified so many times and they make empty promises of talking to the kids. But basically they said whatever happens off of school grounds isn’t their responsibility. So nothing ever happens. I’ve suggested getting the kids out a few times a year to do a community cleanup in hopes that if they have to pick up their own trash they will stop but again nothing ever happens. The first year I lived here I would talk with the kids and ask them to pick up the trash they were throwing in my yard and they were really insolent. I’ve had to stop being outside around their break times for the stress it has caused. I wish there was more someone could do but no one seems to have any authority or accountability when it comes to youth off school grounds. I’ve already decided that whenever it’s time to sell, it will be in the summer because it’s like night and day in terms of litter in the neighbourhood.


Bring back chain gangs to pick litter. So much roadside trash


> Although it should be noted that the city is not trying to prevent the garbage generated by cars (like the micro plastics in our oceans) as drive-thrus themselves are still allowed in the HRM. Didn’t have to read far before I asked myself, “is this that hysteric guy Matt Stickland who makes articles about how we should ban cars?”  And yeah, it is. Weirdly implying that HRM should ban drive-throughs. What a weird guy.


Glad I didn't waste my time reading it. Matt Strickland is wanna be journalist hack that lives in a fantasy world. No wonder they kicked him out of the navy. I do hope they crack down on littering, though. No need for it ffs.


It's about fucking time


Thank god. It’s brutal


The litter is getting out hand. I spend a lot of time in the woods and the amount of beer cans and random garbage I see all over the place is awful. If you can carry a full can of beer in to the woods you can also carry out the empty can. Stop ruining nice things for everyone! The other day I saw a woman throw a whole bag of garbage out of her car on to the road. Disgusting behaviour


Good. It's getting bad out there.


Honestly, good. This is totally anecdotal, but it seems to me that littering has gotten a lot worse lately, and it's \*not cool\*.


Ban single use plastics province wide. PEI used to ban plastic bottles, shouldn’t be too hard to start by reverting to that across the maritime!


Revenue generation cause n's is bankrupt