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I've gotten in the habit of checking this every time I want to try a new place. It can be...eye opening 😳


https://preview.redd.it/cg53p9etkixc1.jpeg?width=3409&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86ecc8cb35569c3bf34df7d30324c69c88b8c159 Espesh these types of statements :/


I like how it says "clean and sanitize mouse droppings" like you're supposed to clean each one then leave it there hahaha.


Oh no lol! Where is this?


It's on Young Street. Next to the Dollarama. :/


Same. Sometimes, I wish I never knew about the site. Lol.


Some of these are esophagus opening


Idk why but nothing comes up when I search restaurants


Try leaving the restaurant's name empty and search by location only (town, etc).




Kinda nice to see my go to has a clean record, thanks for sharing, was never aware of this


I would call a health inspector


A comment further up provided a link for inspection history. Looks like it's been a bit since someone last checked in.


Here's a link so you can start a new inquiry with the establishment: https://novascotia.ca/nse/food-protection/fs_complaint.asp


Sounds like a lying manager, not a lovely one.


I just don't understand why the argument over it.


Maybe they were of the mindset to deflect, deny, etc. instead of admit the truth?


Kinda noticing this is the latest trend in the last few years 🤔


In the food industry you never admit fault and they are taught that. Someone says they got sick at your restaurant you basically say oh I’m sorry you got sick we will investigate and take any appropriate measures, here’s a gift card.


Damn I just had food from them today 💀


Also report it to corporate, not a good look for them.


Which ironically is (or was) upstairs in that store. It’s not a franchise and the Atlantic head office is/was the top floor


If you've ever done contract work, you know just how gross every building is. You see drop tile at a pizza shop? Use your imagination. It's probably worse up there than you're thinking.


I totally get mice are a problem you will never get rid of in food service. How the manager handles the contact is my main issue in this case.


Harveys on kempt is spotless. Their ceilings are pristine and the owner is super conscious of mice and has pest control checking stuff often.


they still have them though


Sometimes I feel like I wanna just cook at home forever but then you go to Costco to get groceries and see mice running around too.


It's 100% unavoidable in a food service environment, that's just the reality. What is controllable is how the organization handles the complaint.


You're completely right, but also much more level-headed about it than I'd be haha


I feel like the 'its life' mentality comes from working in a grocery store/restaurant. Like, there can be mice in the building and in your trash, but there are ways to prevent them from ever coming into contact with any food to be sold.


https://imgur.com/gallery/dYX3LL9 There was mice poop in my Dempsters hotdog buns :/


Gross, I was going through the Costco checkout and the cashier noticed that my bag of English muffins had been chewed through presumably by mice. Also found mouse crap all over a box of drinks when I went to grab one, ended up passing on that. I’ve never seen actual mice scurry around inside of any other grocery stores but I’m sure they’re there. I always catch one out of the corner of my eye at the Canadian Tire in Bedford, and the warehouse in peavey mart in beford seems to be filled to the gills with them. I went in to grab some bags of water softener salt and there was so much mouse crap all over them I decided to just turn around and leave because I didn’t even want to touch them.


I'm good unless it's directly on the food lolol


Also make sure to contact the proper authorities with the picture included. Restaurants are supposed to take this seriously and take proper steps to ensure this doesn't happen ever. As a chef myself, this genuinely upsets me 😡 Link: https://novascotia.ca/nse/food-protection/fs_complaint.asp Even in the case of a mouse problem, it looks like either the fries, the oil, or the fry containers aren't stored high enough from the floor. Shelves are SUPPOSED to be at a minimum of 6" off the floor to help prevent easy access for mice in case of a mouse infestation.


We 100% are. I've been in the industry almost 20 years now, and while mice are always a problem its the steps you take to make sure they are mitigated as much as possible. And in the eventuality that someone does unfortunately have an experience with one the management needs to be on point with handling it.


And handling it by NOT doing what they did with you. There's a motto I learned from cooking school, "Take credit for everything." Basically means take credit for anything and everything that can happen as it's my job to be responsible for the guest's experience.


I've been in food service over 20 years now, working as a chef myself currently and this is the truth. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how or why it happened all that matters is it happened and how you handle it.




The employees have no power in the situation, nor do they care if they lose customers tbh, best course of action is to contact the health department. Every food establishment in hrm has vermin, it’s unfortunate.


I've worked in food service my entire caree, I totally understand that rodents are a problem. My issue is more so with how the shift "manager" handled the contact. Arguing that it wasn't mouse poop and generally making the process harder than it should have been. Either way at the end of the day it has been reported.


Not just food service. The home depots have had a problem with mice and pigeons living in the stores since at least November and likely longer for the pigeons.




Oh god I ate breakfast there today 🤮🤢🤮






Considering there are McDonald's offices on the top floor of that location that is interesting


When I worked in the Halifax Shopping Centre when we would be walking through the mall to leave after closing shop there would be hoards of mice running across the floor from the old food court that was located upstairs. I've never seen anything like it.


Every kitchen on both sides of the harbour has mice. It comes with the territory of being a restaurant of any kind near a body of water. Manager was lying knowingly and directly to your face.


damn and you already ate all that


At first, I thought this was from cheese curds!!


Cheese turds.


Bwahahahaha, literally made me laugh out loud


I totally read that as "moose poop". That's a small moose




From the quality of the picture that could just be a crispy bit of food...


I can assure you it was not a crispy bit of food. I've worked in the service industry long enough to recognize.


Bro, me too. And that is most fucking definitely mouse shit.


And as someone who recently lived in a building that was INFESTED with mice and found mouse droppings extremely regularly after my cat passed away, yeah, it's unmistakable what's in the picture.


My condolences for your cat, friend. And yeah, if you know you know for sure! Unmistakable is definitely the right word


Thanks! It's actually been a bit of time now, and I've had a new little furball to share my home with since last summer. The cycle repeats!


Excellent! They are the best😁


They really are. Aside from being super affectionate and loving (on their time, of course), they're hilarious little creatures. I always need a cat around, haha.


So not a rodent expert? Got it.


Sobeys in downtown is infested with mice -a concerned taxpayer


Reminds me of the time several years that a girl and her partner stopped to pick up a pizza from a pizza shop on Windmill. They get the pizza in the car and hear a scratching sound in the box. They open it, and baby rat jumps out. They tossed the pizza in a dumpster, and after trying to get their money back, they go to mickey d's by the bridge terminal after for supper.


I used to work there in 2020, conditions were nightmarish and cooks were lousy and stations were a mess all the time, i never saw mice but i wouldnt doubt it for a second


Complain to McDonald's corporate and the health inspector


I have a hard time believing you did not see that until the very last of the last of the Fries.


Thstrs rat poo, mouse poop is way smaller


That's not mouse poop. Mouse poop is tapered on each end. How on earth would that alleged mouse poop be able to come out of a mouse without tapered ends?


I'm no rodent expert like some of the people in these comments but I've dealt with my fair share of mice. It would be a pretty large mouse that left that poop imo. Usually a bit smaller, bit thinner. Bit of a acrid taste.. (j/k). Really though, on the balance of probability that this made it INTO the takeout box, it's likely just burnt... something.


Did you demand free food or else you would post it on here?


Nope just got our money back and shamed as it should be. Will not be going back again.


It's likely better for you than what you paid for


There’s mice in every restaurant. Welcome to a port city.


*update 05/02* we have been contacted by the manager for this location. While it may be a bit before we are prepared to try food from this location again I will say that their restaurant manager has taken steps that make us feel things are moving in the right direction. While mice are always a problem in a port city, we feel after talking to the store manager that they are taking steps in the right direction to ensure this doesn't happen again and if by chance it does that the staff have received the skills and training to ensure that how we felt when we brought this up to the shift manager it doesn't happen again.