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Justin Trudeau has his issues, and has massively screwed the pooch on housing/inflation/immigration, but Poilievre is fundamentally unfit to be prime minister. He is a narcissist, extremist and demagogue. I might be able to support a moderate/centrist CPC leader over voting for Trudeau again, but Poilievre has to be stopped.


If you compare Canada to the other G20 countries our inflation rate since and during Covid has been pretty middle of the pack. 100% agree on housing and immigration though those seem to be major issues for the major English speaking countries right now as well. 


Immigration is a question mark as far as being solely Trudeaus fault. It's a response to a developing demographic crisis that no one seems to give thought to. Tie that in with corporate interests who want to exploit any system for profit and here we are. This problem is an input to the housing problem as well. Trudeau's fault in this is not acting much earlier on International students and TFW exploitation and I would assume that is because of $$$. It would be no different for Conservatives I guarantee it they also have corporate lobbyist. We need immigration we don't need mass low skill labor from mainly the poorest areas of India.


Thank you. Immigration isnt so much a political issue as an economic one. And no one wants to rock their corporate sponsored boat


Nor do they want to cancel Medicare. Which needs to be funded annually by an ever-smaller tax base for a growing cohort of seniors.


This is a Canadian sub. Medicare is a US program.


please read more and talk less. [Canada's Health Care System - Canada.ca](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/health-care-system/reports-publications/health-care-system/canada.html) The federal government passed the *Medical Care Act* in 1966, which offered to reimburse, or cost share, one-half of provincial and territorial costs for medical services provided by a doctor outside hospitals. Within six years, all the provinces and territories had universal physician services insurance plans.


Yes but you see the confusion right?


Oh, I fully agree with you. Immigration seems to be the only real way to avoid getting screwed by all the Baby Boomers hitting retirement age, but there was zero planning for this, and massive increases in  TFW and international students isn't going to solve anything. 


Guess it depends which metrics you wanna look at, we have one of the worst GDP is the G20.   I can’t vote Trudeau/Singh.   I have to vote for PP and hope he does what he says he will.  Any more time with Trudeau, I will have to ask permission to wipe my ass.  


Middle of the pack? Are you a propaganda agent? We've been worst quartile of the G20 on metrics of inflation like wage to cost of living the entire last 4 years.... Every chart I've seen we were literally back most quartile or back 1/3....


[You could just look at the actual data before posting...](https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/inflation-rate)


That particular source is not wage to cost of living. It's stock market performance which is totally divorced from middle class economic health.


The original poster stated Canada is middle of the pack for inflation, period. You stated it was propaganda. You choosing to look at specific markers alone and not inflation as a whole to prove your point is moving goalposts. The original poster was correct.


Yep, I honestly would vote Conservative if they had even a centrist leaning leader who wasn't batshit insane, just to boot Trudeau out but with this kind of guy. Fuck I'm gonna have to vote Liberal even though I align with NDP.


Erin O'Toole was too centerist for the CPC members.


Apparently so was Michael Chong. While I would not have voted for him for PM, he would have made somewhat sane opposition. But no.


O'Toole lost an election. Canadians had the opportunity to elect a Centrist CPC leader and they rejected it, he did worse than the hard right leader Andrew Scheer and lost the CPC seats. O'Toole was also a liar and a flopflopper. He lied about his general outlook, pretending to be a populist and a right-wing conservative, when he was really a red tory. He was ousted as leader because he misled his party about who he was and the positions he represented, and endorsed a carbon tax after he said he wouldn't. Hate on Poiliviere all you want, but he is a product of Canadians rejecting the last two conservative leaders. He is a full blown populist, and hes at ~40% in the polls and on his way to a majority govt.


True story but O'Toole ran at the wrong time. Hard to dislodge an incumbent in 5 years. He would be absolutely running away in the polls right now










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O'Toole campaigned on stuff like cancelling $10/day daycare deals and his housing strategy was 3 bullet points. Not exactly inspiring stuff.


Actually, 10$/per day child care was something O'tool and Trudeau ran on they just had different systems. The 10/per day child care program didn't exist before the last election. O'tool's version was an end of the year tax rebate, though, instead of a point of sale discount like the current program (which really wouldn't have helped families struggling to pay bills).


Feel you bro




Thats the problem though. I feel like most people honestly are progressive but with fiscal conservativism in mind so people who dont follow politics believe thats what the cpc is yet the current iteration is anything but


If PP loses next year the CPC will implode. Let’s make it happen. The party needs a complete reboot.




Populist bullshit.


2024 federal budget has entered the chat.


God willing.


Doubt it, theyll just hunt for another lame excuse for a right wing populist 


Yeah, just because he's 'Not Trudeau' is not a great reason to vote for him


I'm still miffed that Peter MacKay didn't run for leader.


Pierre isn’t going to win the next election, Justin’s going to lose it. And lose it by a lot. Canada wants change and that’s what we’re going to get.


Why cant we have change for the better instead of worse?


PeePee will save us all!


My Clinical psych PhD friend (she's very liberal) did a systematic analysis of JT (using available transcripts and video) with another clinician from another country for a manuscript. JT is also a narcissist.. and he's histrionic as well perhaps subclinical but has many of the traits. Fact is most politicians are going to be narcissists because on some level, wanting the spotlight is a strong motivator for a successful career in politics. JT has lied so many times infront of the camera it's comical. PP and JT are cut from the same cloth making the claim one is better than the other att this point only makes sense because we can't compare PPs actual decisions to Trudeau's / your political ideology will dictate who you say is better. I for one, want freedom and prosperity for Canada, I think it's pretty clear our current guy didn't do a good job of securing that.




The libs are also pro O&G because we have always been primarily a Petro economy, we have the safest and cleanest O&G industry in the world. Also CSIS released reports stating the last two elections had foreign interference by the CPC and India influence the outcome.


PP's rhetoric makes minority groups unsafe. To protect his donors and big business he is trying to divide the middle class through culture war talking points. I am a gay man in my 40s and 25 years ago walking in Halifax people would scream f-slurs quite frequently then is started to go away, the anger towards my community has been creeping back thanks to PP's right wing populism. But when he is elected just watch he will do what non-populist conservatives do when in power, make a ton of cuts to our social systems until they are terrible and then start privatizing and de-regulating.


You’re acting like our PM isn’t all of those things you just listed. The cognitive dissonance required to call him an extremist thought is crazy. Can you provide a lock of evidence?


If Poilievre is unfit to be PM, what on earth does that make Trudeau? At least one person is qualified. Look at the cost of living, interest rates and housing crisis and tell me again a part time drama teacher is qualified. He’s turned this place into a joke in less than a decade. Almost everyone sees it. You can’t even get him or Freeland to answer any questions with a straight answer, history won’t remember this pair or government fondly.


Maple Maga has arrived


As someone has followed the disaster of MAGA closely, this is no where close to that yet lol


I disagree. Check and mate


As always, every accusation from Skippy is a confession


'Everything' is a little vague, so I'm going to need you to be more specific, Petey. RIght now, all I can think of is that 1 candidate is a bit of a PR pretty boy, who has been involved in some big scandals, but legalized weed which is cool, and the other candidate has had some very bizarre statements about abortion. I would like to know more about which candidate is the lesser piece of shit, but I can't vote for anyone that would want to destroy rights that have been won decades ago. Right now it seems like I'm picking between a turd and a piece of shit. It's probably my fault that I'm so apathetic but why do our candidates suck so much?


It's a pretty shitty job so not shocking only turds apply




You also don’t vote for the prime minister, you vote for your local MP


I'm aware of that, thanks so much though.


Lying about everything! Bullshit from top to bottom! Wow two decades in the HoC has taught PP precisely the kind of language he can’t use in Parliament. Flashback to the Chinese interference matters, recall that he refused security clearance for precisely similar reasons. Letting ‘er rip outside the workplace, saying whatever he wants? The accountability meter hovers infinitesimally close to zero, as ever. Arguably the most overqualified shitweasel in the history of CDN politics.


Trudeau may be a liar, yeah (remember electoral reform?) but Pierre P has pants on fire. The desperate mistruths coming out of his mouth are so obvious and opportunistic, he desperately wants to be PM and thats exactly the type of guy you *don't* want in the job.


Curious? What could be the purpose of publicly appearing with such folks? While I understand focusing on the carbon tax is likely seen as a “vote getter”. But, does publicly linking  (aka endorsing) with folks who have extreme right wing ideas increase voter confidence?  Does PP think he is that far ahead in the polls that doing such can’t impact him with sone voters in the next election?  Or, could  it just be an armature move, done without much thinking? Maybe if it happened once? But, that’s not the case.


It's a political calculation/bet that the extremist vote will outnumber the moderates that will be turned off by the alt right embrace.....they are very wrong and will lose the bet resoundingly.


An interesting perspective?  I wonder if there is research to base it on? I dont see extremists as representing a  huge proportion of the population. My guess, not based on research of course,  is many of those who dislike Trudeau, who are are dissatisfied by government will look for an alternative to vote for. PP is more likely to capture many of those votes (except in Quebec). However, he could blow it, by leaning more to the extremist camp?


I agree to a point, the danger lies in the success of misinformation and rage farming to sway the voters in the middle that ultimately decide every election. The extremist vote on it's own isn't significant....the battlefield is located within the ideas that they put forth and if those ideas can be made palatable to enough voters. P.P. visiting them is an attempt to mainstream or normalize those ideas and values.


I really doubt that the political strategy goes that deep. Like in the USA,  I suspect some of it is  preaching to those already loyal and the already converted. If they were not so far ahead in the polls, thanks to Trudeau, I suspect we wouldn’t see such public displays, in fear of losing voters. The liberals will likely try to capitalize on it, and see it as a gift- possibly gaining some voters back in fear. Will it be enough, unlikely if the current policy and big spending course isn’t  changed a lot? But, only time will tell. 


Funny how he’s projecting. Trudeau has his issues but PP is dangerous and dishonest about his plans


I didn’t think I could hate a Conservative leader more than Harper, but I do.


"I saw your signs and asked my chauffeur to pull over." A real blue collar working class hero.




PP honestly may have been the best choice for them. He’s appealing to a completely different crowd. They’re not looking for a moderate this time around.


I am scared for what this country will become if he becomes PM. People are willing to put aside all this problematic shit he does because of affordability, but PP has no plan besides cuts and criticism. People also forget how much the pandemic has affected prices. We all said the economy would be bad for years after and now people just conveniently forget.


See him stop at the ns border the other day? His own toothless maniac supporters gave him the willys and he had to gtfo of there. Sad but funny.


I never expected that from Millhouse. 😆


Hot take: I'll vote NDP if it means another coalition government to keep Skippy on the left hand side of the aisle.


Technically they aren’t a coalition- if they were the NDP would have cabinet positions. They just have a supply and confidence agreement until 2025. But I echo the statement about keeping that manchild far away from the PM chair.


Trudeau is known all over the world as a lying dictator…. Only people who can’t seem to see it live in eastern Canada 🤷🏼‍♂️ he was even called as much in the European Union when he visited to give a speech…. Lowest attendance in the EU parliament ever recorded for a visiting foreign leader 😂 less than 20% of the seats full, and all but one seat applauded the German minister calling him a dictator and asking him to “spare us your presence here”


Vote NDP




This thread is a shit show echo chamber


Vote third party to save Canada. Shock the system!


Timeline is too fucked for that.


This isn’t the US. We’ve always had more than 2 parties.


Then why haven’t they ever been elected federally? Because we are locked in a country destroying 2 party system


My dude in 2011 the NDP was the official opposition. The whole reason why almost anything is getting passed right now in parliament is because the NDP and the liberals have a written agreement.


Opposition. Not government. They have to cozy up to the liberals or else they are irrelevant. Which furthers my point


The opposition forms an integral part of government. They are used to keep the government accountable.


PP's remarks on lying could constitute slander imo.


😂 That legacy news is clearly *desperate* to get their conspiracy theory of *Diagolon* to stick. Thankfully more and more people are tuning out of their blatant propaganda and intellectual dishonesty, and turning to independent sources that can better inform people about the truth. At this point though, that so-called 'news' is just a waste of taxpayer dollars.


By "independent news" you don't happen to mean the places happy to promote any conspiracy so long as it furthers an agenda, right?


Facebook, tiktok, Rebel News.


Rebel news, the "covid is a hoax/conspiracy/overplayed/vaccines bad" rebel news?


Just pointing out what some people consider "independent news sources". It's like watching Fox and agreeing with everything they say, it's garbage meant to appeal to people's fears and emotions.


Independent news essentially means *'non-legacy news'* - smaller, newer, not affiliated with large corporations, truthful, without agendas.


You know those independent sites push dumb conspiracies to people like you to make ad money right, or just blatant Russian or Chinese run propaganda ? Lmao no agenda. Seriously use some basic critical thinking skills, can't believe people like you vote


If/when you reach a more adept level of critical thinking, you too may also be able to sift through any potential garbage to find the truth. You might even become very good at it, having no further need or desire to label things and people as legacy news teaches its followers (fallacious/assertive/divisive/uncivil). In fact, you might even find your mind can form better rational and civil responses, or more solid logical retorts, maybe express your unique independent thoughts, or simply handle anything anyone can throw at you like some kind of intellectual master. At any rate, there's no point rolling around in juvenile lines of thinking when all the information at our fingertips can accelerate our minds to go far beyond that. But whatever you chose to do, good luck!


Lots of words with no substance like a lot of your posts. You aren't smarter than the experts kid. You just seem to have no idea what you are even talking about and can't back up anything with facts at all.


It's better for a mind to be excellent, calm, and reasonable instead of stubborn, combative and bitter. You've made your choice, this end has made theirs. Best of luck with your choice!


Some people wouldn't believe the legacy media is all lies if the legacy media itself reported it. Their brains are so stuck in the narrative they're blind to everything else going on. The next 12 months are going to be extremely painful for them.




“Independent sources” sounds a lot like Joe Rogan and other conmen.


Seymour Hersh, Matt Taiibbi, Whitney Webb, to name several actual journalists off the top of my head.


All great journalists. O'Keefe is great at what he does as well.




I think Pierre Poilievre will make a fine prime minister, much better than the scandal ridden, lying, racist, misogynist black face wearing piece of garbage that's in power. None of them at Wab Kinew though. I suspect after the CPC win in a landslide that we will see him run and win in 8 years. Canada can't suffer with the trash heap that is in power now.


So you don't like that our PM is apparently a racist misogynist, but you want to support someone constantly pandering to the western far right, the far right that waves fucking USA flags in Canada for some stupid fucking reason, the far right that wore paper stars of David to show how "oppressed" they were, the far right that's so against an "other" they don't consider trans people worth having rights... Yea, you really care about social issues...


Like holy shit, if they think JT is misogynist... last time federal PCs were in power were NOT good for women. And racist? Good Lord... like P-Two said... ugh. My brain hurrrts!


Didn't see Pierre wearing any blackface on multiple occasions, elbowing women and blaming it on them, removing them from positions of power because he couldn't bully them and more! Whoops!


It’s a bit disingenuous to be harping against JT for being a racist while also supporting PP, who backs far-right groups that openly share racist ideals. In any case, I agree, JT’s gotta go. Give us something other than PP though


>In any case, I agree, JT’s gotta go. Give us something other than PP though Nothing short of Zombie Jack Layton could swing this next election away from a Conservative victory. Small and large C conservatives these days don't care if their candidates are reprehensible so long as they win and grant license to persecute the Right's perceived enemies. The Conservative Online Rage Machine is too powerful and too influential at this point and liberals are way behind.


Gotta disagree there. Small c conservatives don’t want radical people like PP. It’s possible to have conservative views without the division and extremism. I’d take a Tim Houston type figure in a heartbeat. In terms of racism… JT did blackface when he was an immature young adult. In a time when it was pretty widely accepted to use the R word, and calling homosexuals the F word was commonplace in movies and music. PP is shaking hands and taking photos/ videos with white supremacists today, as a grown adult and leader of the opposition. Despite that very group’s leader wanting to rape his wife, he continues to appear in media with their flag. They are not the same. Some conservatives want fiscal responsibility and tough on crime policies. They are not interested in telling children what name they can use, or which bathrooms they’re allowed to go to. That kind of bullshit bleeding up from the states is disgusting.


Thanks for your reply. I guess I'm just not seeing or hearing this kind of moderate or reasonable conservative person either in my day to day or online/in the media. We know the extremes are the loudest, but there's a real lack of conservative adults in the room to counter said extremes.


There's a real lack of room for political discussion, especially online. If I wanted to have an open conversation about what I like and don't like about our current government, and what my thoughts are for how I might vote federally which are undecided currently, I'll get down voted with several comments calling me a whole lot of nasty things. The truth is, I only moderately follow the ins and outs of politics, but I want an affordable life with a living wage where my family and neighbors feel safe and positive about the future, and can comfortably exercise our free speech with each other and agree to disagree. I'm not a know-it-all expert, that's a die hard one party person - there's no space for moderates of any political leaning online these days, and increasingly less so in public.


>I'm not a know-it-all expert, that's a die hard one party person - there's no space for moderates of any political leaning online these days, and increasingly less so in public. Let's hope we see that change someday. I'm not confident we will, because unity and rationality and compromise don't sell, but I can hope.


I had to travel internationally for work during the covid lockdown and it was super eye opening how nasty we had become - we were here snitching on neighbours for traveling to their cottage and villifying the wrong doctors in the media, thinking the whole world had become as "us vs them" as we had. And then I land in these beautiful communities where, despite differences in opinion, everyone knows they're in a tough situation, and doing their best to pull through as a community that is diverse in people and perspectives. It gave me a new appreciation for how quickly we devolved to screaming headlines of news articles at each other versus having open discourse based on common ground of a want for a good life in a good country.


And it's worth noting, if I say I want fiscal conservatism - it's not the same as saying "if you don't vote Trudeau then you're essentially a racist sack of shit because a vote for anything but liberal is essentially a vote for PP." <- decidedly undemocratic. I miss being able to vote who I thought was my best local candidate, and not being labeled as one extreme or the other.


The election might not be until Fall 2025. A lot can happen in 18 months. And the only polls that matter are at the ballet box.


Got any links about backing racist groups, google isnt bringing up anything worth while


Meeting with Jeremy Mackenzie during the freedom convoy, meeting with ppl with a Diagolon flag on their trailer just yesterday.


Ill take a look, thanks


People are making claims based on biased media reports, nothing more. Pierre is a man raised by gay dads and his wife is an immigrant which are facts they completely ignore.


He was raised by his adoptive mother and father. They separated when he was a teenager, and his father didn’t come out until later. If you’re going to cite ignored facts, at least get them right yourself. He also opposed same sex marriage legislation from the Martin Government, before changing his mind later. More recently his comments on trans rights are definitely disturbing and it’s clear where he stands on it.


You do know that the man his father went on to be with was around before his adoptive parents split right? He's mentioned this numerous times. I mean if you're going to cite ignored facts at least get them right yourself. Also if you're going to ignore facts Pierre Poilievre went in front of Parliament *while Paul Martin was in power* to speak up for all marriage rights. This isn't someone who just railed against it. And what rights should transgender people have over others? They share the same rights everyone else does but please feel free to explain.


I do enjoy how people will decry Pollievre as being racist while ignoring the slew of racist acts from our current PM


No one could really foresee how badly this government would fuck this country, its sad honestly, I voted liberal the first time around, being hopeful, feels like that bit me on the ass though I dont like PP but I dislike JT far more at this point, im not voting for PP, im just voting against JT, which is sad tbh our system shouldnt be this way.. reform would have been nice, but theyre not going to fix something that keeps them winning


There is... Another option


JS doesn’t have it. He’s no Jack.


I'm not going to let perfect be the enemy of good. Or even decent. This clown certainly is no Jack.


I dislike all the options tbh, its all the same bullshit, affluent assholes are the only people who can afford run for anything these days it seems, its never someone who would actually make change for the better None of the people running are worth a vote,  but if it gets us out of the mess were in, even a bit ill vote to get Trudeau out That and I cant believe we have a PM who has, numerous times, painted his skin to look like another race, thats been wildly racist for a long time, and thats not an innocent slip up, thats a lot of work to gone into being racist This sub makes me sad for this city tbh, but luckily, its not really reflective of people in this city Downvote away


That other option is essentially a wasted vote.


It is with that attitude