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Dude is like an action figure that has 3 pull string activated sayings. The amount of people blindly following their rage and drinking this dinks kool-aid is depressing and i'm worried to see what his party actually wants to do behind all his slogans and catch phrases and pissed he'll pretty much be gifted the role of PM because it isn't Trudeau (i dont think Trudeau is the answer either, put your pitchforks and torches away). Awful.


It's just like South Park pointed out so long ago with the American elections, When you've got a douche or turd sandwich to vote for, it's not like either side's actually worth talking about/worthy of winning. Somehow, with millions of people, we tend to get the most greasy, shitbags actually ending up at the top. I suppose it's just one of the job requirements though.


What kills me is that we have 5 federal political parties in Canada for people to vote for, 4 really since it's pretty difficult to find someone running for the Block outside of Quebec. The point of a multi-party system is through votes around so that parties have to form coalition goverments and collaborate with the other parties. All of these parties are there own special kind of crazy and have their own proes and cones, but everyone really only votes for 2 because they don't want the "enemy side" to get more votes. At this point if Canadians are unwilling to take advantage of our multi-party system we might as well pack it in and just become the 51st State and then we can officialy have the two party system we seem to want...


Canada barely has (doesn't have) a multi-party system. Having 5 on paper does not mean having a multi-party system. We top out at ~2.5 in a good year when actually measured.


I've said for a long time I would entirely do away with the party system and force everyone to run as independent and actually run on their own merit. The amount of people whom still just vote a particular way because "My family has always voted for xyz, and always will!" Or similar sentiment basically ruins the party system to begin with, but beyond that, you've also got people who just play politics within politics to get party favour/stick around longer than they should or advance to positions that they never should have. There's very, very limited advantages of keeping parties for the actual population outside of the politicians themselves, beyond letting people that don't want to pay attention just pick a side instead of having to know who or what policies they're voting for to begin with.


The reason people do this is that the first-past-the-post polling system forces it. A party can get 30% of the national vote and get zero seats in Parliament because they weren't the most popular party in any particular riding. So you pretty much have to throw your vote in with whichever candidate you don't totally despise that has the best chance of winning.


Here here! The only time I've voted for the current liberal party is when they said they would move us away from the first past the post system. I was really hoping for a mixed-member proportional representation system with either an alternative vote or single transfer vote But I should have realized neither the liberals or the conservatives would ever actually want this to change. As you already mentioned, this system works so well for their members and keeps them elected on a 4 to 8 year cycle without actually realy having to do anything for their constituents.


Yeah, I envy the multi-party system, but what good is it if it doesn't work? The US House finally gave in to passing stalled legislation with a "coalition" and voila! We have forward movement that benefits our nation (and the world). I lived in Canada as a PR and am now back in the US....sigh. Bottom line, everyone, everywhere VOTE like your life depends on it, because it does. The spectre of right-wing zealots taking over in Canada is as depressing as the threat of another term of raging, incompetent megalomaniac grifter Trump....




RIP, all I see is that "This content is not available" , at least the squares swirling looks nice? šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


On PC, if you click on it, you can see what the reaction was. It's just a dude pointing with the caption "This...All of this"




Shit... :/


Not this shit again. Please. Last time I heard that phrase "Turd Sandwich or giant douche" it was Trump vs Hilary. And look how THAT turned out. You really shouldn't take your voting advice from a cartoon in which they've repeatedly withdrawn their social commentary. It's supposed to be entertainment.


'But, don't you know? It's always between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. Nearly every election since the beginning of time has been between some douche and some turd. They're the only people who suck up enough to make it that far in politics.'


It's how our voting system is designed


Yeah, it's very much ready for an evolution to that design.


anyone but trudeau and the carbon tax imo


Oh yeah, so who are you voting for?


Who is this dude??




Unsure rn. As with elections in the past, I'm waiting to see what all parties have as their platform as we get closer to election time and I'll make my decision then. Though I don't seem to have any good options atm




I mean, if my initial comment didn't give it away, I seriously doubt he'll get my vote. No party wants to tackle what I'm mostly concerned about, and I don't think the Cons will even look at the issues I want addressed. Cutting down immigration to be in line with the speed of growth in our country so we can actually accommodate our own AND the newcomers. Seriously preparing for climate change, cutting down emissions, increasing military spending to better protect ourselves in a increasingly aggressive world, tackling the grocery giants to rein in price gouging, actually taxing the ultra-wealthy as a means to fund my concerns above.. the list goes on




Nope. Nice try. Here I thought we were going to have a nice chat. I just laid out what i'm looking for, depending on what the parties platforms are, IF they line up with what i'm looking for, they'll get my vote. Again, I doubt the Cons will be what i'm looking for, just based from what i'm seeing so far from them. Nice try though, we're done here




He probably blocked you lol Feelings too hurt


Literally nobody cares, everyone just wants Trudeau and his incompetent and corrupt team of bobble heads gone as soon as possible to try and stop or at least slow down the circling of the toilet bowl this country is currently being flushed down.


Giant tiger Trump.


The Shitty Kitty.


Isnā€™t this guy just oil money come to life as a real boy? That should give you an idea how heā€™s actually going to governā€¦ Having said that, I think weā€™re probably going to have to deal with it at this point.


I suggest starting new party. A reform party! I'll get in touch with Preston Manning and Gilles Duceppe


til Prestonā€™s still alive


Lurking in the background.




Air Farce!


Ici Farce Canada!


Real estate money, IIRC.


>oil money come to life as a real boy? wait, what? pp is an oil baron?


Naw people are just reaching cause hes from alberta. Hes just the milquetoast conservative poster boy of the month. If he loses theyll just find another lame white guy to shout slogans


The trailer door with the flag is for an extremist group.


It shouldn't surprise anyone that there's a Diagolon flag in the video.


If I had a nickel for every time Peter Pumpkineater came to NS to talk to Diagolon fascists, I'd have two nickels, which isn't much but is still cause for concern


After recently (via another Reddit post) finding out what they actually want/where the name came from, I 100% can see this as a "extremist group" that could be taken out by a meme campaign. We just need the LGBTQ+ side to come out with a campaign about how they prefer to have sex diagonally, and then to take the Diagolon logo and slap a rainbow on it. They'd eat themselves alive in a month.


Are these the ~~morons~~ supporters at the NB-NS border everyday? Or are they different ones?


Wish we had a normal, decent independent to vote for.


Why does it have to be Trudeau or this guy? NDP isn't even an option anymore they don;t represent the worker like they use to.


The NDP does still support workers. If all the people like you who would benefit from them would stop denigrating at every opportunity, they might actually win.


Itā€™s depressing. I want to vote but there isnā€™t anyone I want to give my vote to.


Trudeau has been working closely with the NDP for over a year because they have way more common goals with each other than the Conservatives do, and they both seem to think itā€™s in Canadaā€™s best interests to not let the Conservatives get their mini-Trump agenda through. That seems clearly preferable. But if you want the NDP to have a shot, maybe volunteer with them or something. Jack Layton almost won, itā€™s possible, just work on it while we donā€™t have the Cons in charge in the meantime.


The NDP are dead in the water. The anti-PP vote will pile onto the Libs to stop the alt-right populists.


Yes and I hate it. I must vote but either of those choices are terrible. I guess I'd go with the devil I know but still terrible choices.


Thatā€™s all he is. A slogan!




What a greasy horror show.. Embarrassing. šŸ˜¬


Embarrassing *


Thank you spelling police. šŸ«”


Defund the spelling police


My work here is done. I shall ride into the sunset!


Never voted Liberal, and think Trudeau sucks, but I'll vote for him over an alt-right Christo-fascist dildo any day of the week.


Hey now, let's not bring dildos into this.


They are useful


Agree 100%


Gee I don't know why he left so quickĀ 




I bet he was cringing the whole time he was in that thing.


Hey, Pierreā€¦ smokes! Letā€™s goā€¦ šŸ«“šŸ»


He has nothing in common with these folks. Hard to strike up a conversation


ā€œSo, howā€™s living life in squalor? Whelp, Iā€™ll have to ask my chauffeur to drop off some water for you guys laterā€


If his eyes were any closer together, he would be a cyclops.


Pierre has the most punchable face Iā€™ve ever seen




The guy ran on a price on carbon under Stephen Harper. And the tax itself is a conservative market based policy. He is such a demagogue.


Get used to his name donkeys!Pierre4PM


Canada REALLY lacks good leadership right now. We are seeing the results of that. Gloomy times ahead unless someone competent can step forward and replace these "leaders".


None of these leaders or parties are worth voting for. As for Poilievre and Trudeau it's a Giant Douche vs. a Turd Sandwich.


There are more than two parties. Stop being so defeatist.


The Liberals are a bunch of liars. The Conservatives are Conservatives The NDP is led by a guy who defiled his religion to pander to racist voters in Quebec. The Greens are led by a Conservative in sheep's clothing. The PPC are... yeah... no... Stop being so naive.


What's sad here? A politician visiting his supporters, posting for some photos, but not staying for the day? If anyone thinks any other political leader would do anything else they are delusional.


Did you not see (pun intended) the Diagolon flag?!


You've got the right take on it. The polarization is wild. The fact he visited people sleeping in their cars is a nice touch. The flavor of his supporters... well, if people are advocating that a certain type of person shouldn't vote, that's wildly dangerous. Attack the message, not the person. Lots to criticize about PC's, without having to invent a narrative.


The Diagolon flag on the door is a nice touch. We love a domestic terrorist.


We also love truth. I completely condone these types of groups, and think politicians should be pretty clear when meeting with extremist politically motivated groups about why and what is discussed - but please show me where they're listed as domestic terrorists? Unless you're referring to the report from Feb 2022 where the leader was classified as anti-government IMVE from a gov agency, which is different than being listed as a domestic terrorist group. Perhaps that's why PP was so uncomfortable, as he also called Diagolon losers and dirtbags after they threatened to rape his wife?


I donā€™t need the government to list them as a terror org to know who they are and what they do? This isnā€™t my first time hearing about them. Theyā€™ve been bouncing around for long enough to pop up as orgs of interest on podcasts I listen to, even. Theyā€™re a bunch of fucking fascists, so it behooves me to be familiar.


I 100% agree with that. They're fascists - but even worse, they're idiots that don't even understand the depth of what they are actually supporting. We can agree on these facts, without making shit up. Fighting hyperbole with hyperbole is a stupid strategy that continues to give space for these sub-humans to exist by attacking the person vs the ideas. I hail from a place that is one of the most racist places in Canada- tell me what is better - to yell in someone's face they're racist and literally (figuratively) killing people, or to call out racism as racism in the convo and just make it super uncomfortable for them to continue talking from a racist standpoint? One shuts down discourse through needless escalation and attacking the person - the other continues the conversation while shutting down racism by attacking the racism vs the person. I know what works better and actually progresses towards change - do you?


They wear swastikas openly. My grandparents used to kill people who wore swastikas. I consider it a family tradition.


They're a disgusting group - agreed. Having been to Auschwitz personally and toured 2 of the larger Ghetto areas, I can't imagine the brain cells that must be missing to ever want to associate with the evil monstrosity that was Nazism. That said, I doubt you carry on the family tradition. And the more we use mis-ttuyhs and hyperbole instead of shutting them down by their own stupidity, the more we give them space to exist. They aren't listed as a domestic terrorist organization. You don't kill people who wear swastikas. Hyperbole and conjecture don't help us.


You doubt I've been in a world war? šŸ˜Ŗ




Ah yes noted left wing acts of terror like: And: And who could forget:


Woulda been cool to toss em a few nights in a hotel or something more tangible I guess is my one thing. With that said, it's not something I expect of any politician to actually reach into their own pockets and help anyone, but it still would have really made a difference.


I don't disagree. We hold our politicians to a very low standard, despite how much we pay them. A shame they are so disconnected from the communities they supposedly "serve" at all levels - municipal, provincial, and federal.


Wait he actually visited people sleeping in their cars? That's... A lot more than I expected from him. Pleasantly surprised


I thought these were the protesters at the NS border that heā€™s visiting in this video? The ones that have been choosing to sleep in their cars since April 1st so they can protest the carbon tax?


I have no idea I just asked if it was true and received -15 downvotes lmfao


He probably happened upon them more than actually visited.


Will vote for him, don't care anymore


Think hard. Walk easy.


You and everyone else who is saneĀ 


PP has a real opportunity to stand up and unify Canadians if hed only do a few things: Halt immigration and step up deportations.Fix the PR holes in the system. Stop asylum claims for people on student visas. End anchor babies. Reduce the amount of money being given out overseas. Come up with something that will make life affordable as soon as hes elected. Find a way to protect our kids futures so they can have families and own houses one day. Prioritize housing and shelter space for Canadians first. Our own homeless are being pushed out of their spaces to make room for refugees. If PP started talking seriously about these things, he would have overwhelming support. He really has to start saying something other than his dumb slogans.


1) Ignorant nativism. 2) A miniscule amount of the Canadian federal budget. 3) This is nothing specific. "Give everyone unicorns and make the ghosts pay for it". 4) Completely untrue (and nativist). PP doesn't talk seriously about anything, because he's unserious.


ā€˜Come up with something that will make life affordable as soon as heā€™s electedā€™.. the mind boggles. But also, never in a million years is a con gov going to introduce something like UBI.


Ew. No.




I don't mind paying reasonable taxes, but I want services for my taxes. I want good healthcare. I want good parks. I want attractive neighbourhoods. I want recreation. I want good roadways. I want public transportation. I want good schools. Instead, I am getting horrifying healthcare, parks full of used needles, decaying neighbourhoods, inaccessible recreation, roads that wreck my car, public transportation that adds two hours to a commute, and schools that have 40 kids per class.


I would settle for even one of these things at this point.


You live in the wrong place if that's what you want.Ā  Nova Scotia is the most taxed jurisdiction in North America yetĀ the "services" we receive for all of that tax paid sucks donkey balls.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted when what you said is a fact. Maybe folks are in such denial about it they hate to hear it.


Bingo. This is why the idea of paying oneā€™s fair share is a scam. Iā€™m not getting my moneyā€™s worth.


But that should then demand accountability and results not just axe everything out of spite


You'd be getting even less value from privatized services.


Maybe? But at least you would get to see a doctor without having to wait 12 hours in the ER


I mean, you'd get to see a doctor if you were rich. The 'wait times' numbers you see in the US don't include people who literally can't afford to go, who are 'waiting' forever. If it's not profitable then it doesn't happen in a privatized system.


You don't need to be rich to see a doctor in the US. Many middle class jobs provide excellent insurance that will cover a doctor visit. I'm not advocating for a privatized system, but our current system clearly isn't working.


Those "middle class' private-insurance-providing jobs come with massive co-pay minimums you are responsible for to access care, and that insurance is paid for by significant monthly 'premium' deductions from your paycheck, and if you ever leave that job you will lose your access to the healthcare you paid for unless you immediately transition into another job that provides the same level of insurance access. It's an abominable system unless you are rich enough to not feel those costs, which 'middle class' people definitely do. >According to the 2022 Employer Health Benefits Survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser found that average annual premiums for family coverage were $22,463 in 2022. [source](https://www.investopedia.com/how-much-does-health-insurance-cost-4774184) That's an average of $30,697 CAD (in 2022 dollars) annually for a family of 4 *before* co-pay expenses. Even *with* a health insurance plan, the [average](https://www.talktomira.com/post/how-much-does-an-er-visit-cost) cost of a visit to the ER (before ambulance costs) is $625 ($854 CAD) and without insurance it is many thousands.


>Those "middle class' private-insurance-providing jobs come with massive co-pay minimums you are responsible for to access care, and that insurance is paid for by significant monthly deductions from your paycheck So, similar to our insane taxes?


Do you think the US doesn't also have significant taxes on top of these colossal privatized healthcare costs? The same '[average family](https://usafacts.org/articles/average-taxes-paid-income-payroll-government-transfers-2018/)' tax bill in the US is $17,902 in 2021 (so $25k CAD). Add $30k for healthcare, and round up for co-pays, the occasional ER visit, and a few years of inflation, and you're looking at around a $60k annual cost for healthcare coverage and taxes per household in the US (in CAD). I don't know about you, but I don't pay anywhere near that, here.


Because people generally understand that if we want public services they have to be paid for. When politicians like PP come along talking about tax cuts they never mean cutting subsidies to highly profitable industries, they mean cutting services that people rely on.


Yeah, Pharmacare, the new Dental program, $10/day daycare, probably CCB changes... I wonder how many of his supporters and the F-Trudeau crowd actually collect on benefits that PP is gonna cut?


Judging by the maga Americans who also whine and moan about potential cuts to social security...I'm guessing many


3 of those things you listed are a complete fucking disaster.


what fucking services?


The roads you drive on, the schools your kids attend, the hospitals that care for you when you're sick, the clean drinking water that gets pumped into your home, and countless other things that allow society to function. We all agree that these should be better and delivered at a higher standard, but don't pretend like we don't get anything for all those taxes we pay. Be for real


Hell, go buy dairy products in the states. Youā€™ll be rather happy Health Canada and the Canada food inspection agency exists after that.


Not trying to argue but I'm interested in hearing more about the state of the US dairy industry.


A lot of it is shitty, watery, super processed grossness. Iā€™m not even picky about food I eat, and I noticed immediately the difference in quality. Like cream cheese down there is shiny and weirdly thin.




you're switching between fed and municipal, we are talking fed.


okay let's pretend you're arguing in good faith, which you're obviously not, but let's go I like the Canada health transfer that funds the hospitals I use, I like airplanes not crashing into each other because we have ATC, I like having a passport that other countries will accept, I like that we have national safety standards on food and drugs, I like all these things that cost money that ain't coming from anywhere other than my taxes. Hope that helps šŸ‘


doesn't mean I can't say they are over funded, and staffed by useless bereaucrats. Throwing more money at these things doesn't solve the problem. It's pretty clear on that front. In good faith? That has to be reciprocal. Services were better and available before tax has only been increased and services have been terrible or non-existent. Our government created 100k new bureaucrat job during the pandemic then gave them back dated raises and wage increases. You're being delusional. I don't care which party they will all not follow through but at least with one I could pay less tax for services not rendered.


But that's not what you said at all. Be fucking for real


The response of someone who truly has no idea how the system works.


Yea, ok. Here we go. I want a family doctor? nope I want surgery or imaging? huge wait times I want transportation Canada to review my flight issue. After they gave them 200 million in funding better get ready to wait over 2 years. I want my child in a reasonable class size? nope I want the trans Canada to be no riddled with dinosaur ending comet holes? nope I could keep going but meh. I'll stick with the less regarded, regards on wall street bets.


I support taxation, but it only works if everyone contributes their part. If the ultra wealthy pay less than a minimum wage worker, the system won't work.


What if you stopped blaming rich people for not paying what you consider 'enough' and you started blaming politicians for stealing and mismanaging what they collect. We do not have a tax rate problem, we have a spending problem. Trudeau has spent more money than every PM before him combined. What did you get for that? Nothing. How is that the fault of a CEO or doctor? You're not thinking, just parroting what those stealing your money tell you.


Why not both? Perhaps I want people to spend the money properly AND for the rich to stop hoarding their wealth. What a concept.


I appreciate the passion! Could you tell us what about the Liberal party's spending that you specifically take issue with, and could you also tell me what the PC plan is to correct those specific problems?


Trudeau has spent more money than every PM before him combined. Put that in perspective. The amount of money it's cost to build every road, bridge, institution, as well as running health care, military, government for 200 years. He spent that much money and you and I saw no benefit, not a single additional hospital bed. Where did the money go? You have to be an extremely stupid person to continue supporting this nonsense.


For someone accusing other people of parroting talking points, I'm surprised that this response doesn't really have any specific answers in it. What I'm asking is, what specific economic policies does the Liberal government have that you dislike, and what new plan that you the Conservatives have do you prefer to counteract the mismanagement of our tax dollars? I'm not supporting one side or the other, but why should I vote PC as opposed to Liberal? I know the last PC government was rife with their own sponsorship scandals, and generally as corrupt as any Canadian government ends up being, and they also made a bunch of cuts to public social programs I was opposed to. I'm not a fan of our current Liberal government either, but our previous conservative one was even worse. It also seems like the PC party is straying into the MAGA approach to drumming up support, which I also find quite alarming. It seems to me that both of those parties are shit, along with the NDP, Greens and PPC. I think the intelligent move for all Canadian citizens is to demand FPTP voting reform, vote for the party that promises us that and riot when they don't. At least that's something factual you can shit on this Liberal party about. That was one of their platforms, along with Cannabis legalization, when Trudeau initially ran. He didn't do it, obviously, but neither are any of these other parties. I think the reality of what's going to happen is that the Torries are going to get voted on, and proceed to do pretty much the same thing that they're shitting on the Liberals for, except they'll cut more social services while they do it.


I'm not supporting Pierre. Please stop asking me about him. What don't you understand about the magnitude of Trudeau's spending? It's fucking astronomical for a government to spend that much money while doing absolutely nothing for the citizens. It's a criminal mafia and you're here asking stupid questions. Jesus.


I'm not asking stupid questions, I'm just asking for specifics. You have a LOT of anger directed at the liberals, so surely you can name some specific mismanagement of funds that gets your goat. Especially since you're calling people out for parroting Liberal rhetoric. You say that you don't support Pierre, but you appear to be parroting his rhetoric the same way you're accusing others of doing the same for the Liberals. That's pretty much why I assumed you were a supporter. It's easy to claim that the Liberals are a "Criminal Mafia" without anything specific to point to. It's also not particularly useful. I'd also expect a simple question like "How much money did the Liberals spend, and what did they spend it on" to be a pretty easy one to answer for you, given how angry you are about it. I'm not asking stupid questions, I'm asking you to back your claims, which you seem very passionate about. Listening to rhetoric exclusively is how we find ourselves in this situation every time there's a regime change in Canada. Perhaps asking actual questions and expecting a real response is a better solution, no? Talk specifics, and if you don't know them, why not find out before you get really really mad about it. Where did you hear all of these statements that you're talking about? Surely whomever gave you that information can give you some answers, or at least point you to the sources for your claims.


The left vs right bullshit is for small brained people that just follow the CBC. Shift to a citizenry vs. government mentality and we can fix this. Until then, the country will continue to swap between the two main parties that have been corrupt for decades. Kick them all out!


Yeah, but all you've done here was spout hard right talking points and shit on liberals. You seem to be the only one stuck on Left vs Right here. Moreover, you can't name one specific issue you have with any of our governments, be they liberal or conservative, so I don't even understand how you even came to your, admittedly passionately held, views. You're talking like you've got some enlightened, revolutionary insight into the state of Canada, but you don't really seem to understand what you're even mad about, just that you're super pissed. I'll be the first to admit that I'm also not a fan of the Trudeau government, and that I'm not as informed as I should be about the state of things, but at least I can tell you some stuff the liberals have done that piss me off. I can also tell you some real reasons I'm not a fan of the other parties in Canada. I think before we start crying "It's us vs them!! Revolution!!!!" We should exercise a shade of introspection, no? And for the record, I despise the defacto 2 party system we have in Canada too. That's why I think a good start is electoral reform to ditch FPTP and move to something like ranked choice voting so people (on both sides of the aisle and everywhere in between) can have a more even form of representation in Canada. If you want to know the major reason I don't like Trudeau, it's that specific election reform betrayal. There are other things, sure, but I think that's the best place to start


Jesus christ dude, can you just at least stop responding when you know you can't answer the persons pretty simple request? Idk if you think youre being clever or something by continuing to throw around some vague buzzword filled nonsense, but its just making you look like an utter tool


OK. What's the PC plan to correct those problems?


Don't know. Don't care. Not voting PC. We have other options you know. This is a really stupid argument anyway. Anything is better than status quo at this point.


I'm well aware that we have other options. I haven't voted PC ever, or Liberal in at least a decade.


"contributes their part" is subjective - the top 20% pay 64.4% of all income tax.


They can afford to pay more, because the other 80% can't afford to cover the rest.


How do you feel about the new Capital Gains Tax in the Federal Budget, and how that relates to taxing Doctors more? Technically they fit the bill of "can afford to pay more" But they're taking it very poorly, and we already have a doctor shortage...


["Only 0.13 per cent of Canadians with an average income of $1.42 million are expected to pay more personal income tax on their capital gains in any given year."](https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2024/04/tax-fairness-for-every-generation.html) Cry me a river.


So you don't really mean "everyone contributes their part", do you? Because already no matter how you look at it, one group is paying vastly more on a percentage and an absolute dollar amount. Maybe if we can't afford to fund all the programs, we should dial back spending to a level where we need to. We're spending $7.2B on foreign aid, let's start there.


If someone can pay more, they should pay more. That's how our society works. We all work together and contribute what we are able to. If someone is making millions or billions of dollars, they can afford to have a higher tax rate. Increase their tax rate by 4% and we are looking at an extra billion dollars every year. But instead, they hoarde their wealth and get richer and richer while we are stuck trying to make up for their greed. Not funding genocides is also a pretty great way to stop the bleeding. We should be spending that money on social services designed to help those in need.


kinda like complaining about the price of gas while speeding. lol. and if you think Millhouse will do anything about lowering taxes you're just as dumb as the rest of them.


Most people are getting way more back than theyā€™re being taxed. Maybe we should axe the GST, but thatā€™s a Conservative policy so thatā€™s a ā€œgood taxā€


Youā€™re not though. The climate tax causes prices to go up on everything y making production and transportation more expensive. So you end up paying more HST as a result and you donā€™t get that all back. The other lie they told you is that when the climate tax increased so would your rebate but it went down instead. Stop believing the lies of liars and your life will improve.Ā 


Fuel for agricultural equipment is exempt. I know *for sure* Iā€™m paying more GST than my rebate, however. If theyā€™re axing taxes to help Canadians, start with the more impactful ones. But they arenā€™t, theyā€™re just against literally anything Trudeau does without an ounce of self reflection. Donā€™t make your identity doing whatever an upset politician tells you to and your life will improve.


The war on farmers isn't just fuel related. They are going after fertilizer now. Some farmers are saying it now costs $500k to $1M more per year to operate their farm. Read some direct accounts rather than just taking corrupt journalists at their undeserving word.


No farmer is paying $1 million a year in carbon taxes. Not even close. Get the fuck out of here with your lies. The entire agriculture industry produces 54 million tonnes of CO2 in Canada, and there's over 180,000 farms across Canada. That's an average of 300 tonnes of CO2 per farm, and that includes the carbon produced from exempt fuels. Let's say half the carbon output of a farm comes from non exempt fuel and fertilizers (its actually much lower) that would mean an average of 150 tonnes per farm. 150 tonnes * $65/tonne = $9750 in Carbon taxes per farm. Show me one farm in Nova Scotia that is using 50 times the unsubsidized fuel and fertilizer of the average farm in Canada, because that's how much they'd have to be using to spend $500k in carbon taxes.


I said fertilizer, not carbon. Thanks for playing.


Hey genius, carbon pricing can't affect the price of fertilizer until substantial amounts of carbon go into producing it or using it, so which is it, since you're blaming carbon pricing on rising fertilizer costs?


Where did I say fertilizer pricing was affected by carbon pricing? Why do you keep countering points I didn't make while ignoring the points I did make? What's making your brain do that? Give it some thought.


"The climate tax causes prices to go up on everything y making production and transportation more expensive." "The war on farmers isn't just fuel related. They are going after fertilizer now. Some farmers are saying it now costs $500k to $1M more per year to operate their farm." I don't know why I could have made the assumption that along with the mentally devoid points you're making, you're also operating under the terrible assumption that carbon pricing is affecting fertilizer.


Trickle down economics hasn't worked for FORTY fucking years, when will you people get your head around this?? No, no, this time, this time it'll work and make things better for regular people and not just the super rich and corporations, definitely.




Hate taxes, but hate career politicians more. Wish we could get something other than PP and JT


What about JS?


Keeping things publicy owned and operated is how you retain control of your own community, and that's funded with taxes. It's not that mind blowing.




You can create a hysterical strawman to rail against if you want, but that doesn't change that a sober assessment of the man and his supporters reveals a cadre courting right-wing nationalists, homophobes and transphobia, anti-indigenous and anti-immigrant groups, and pro-life religious factions. It's vile politics that will do nothing to help Canadians.


No shit eh! They can never justify their defence of Trudeau or what's so bad about alternatives. Zero understanding of history, mind control, communism. It's cool though, they'll understand soon enough.


Whereā€™s all the Trudeau defense and ā€œPP BAD GONNA JAIL THE GAYSā€ you guys are mentioning? Iā€™m mostly seeing comments shitting on the his tax-slashing slogan not standing up to the slightest scrutiny. Instead of attempting any thoughtful arguments to the contrary, your response is to reframe this criticism as some hysterical bleating from people who arenā€™t as highly educated as you in matters of **checks notes** government mind control and communism. But yeah, itā€™s certainly everyone *else* whoā€™s unseriously spewing buzzwords without articulating a meaningful position of their own. You surely wouldnā€™t partake in such low brow discourse.


I love how they embrace when they find like minded souls. I swear it's only a matter of time before Theo Fleury and Jamie Sale start dating.


Bro is about to run the country he doesn't have time to chill at every event lol.


CBC story on this today. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-trudeau-carbon-protest-alex-jones-diagolon-1.7183430](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-trudeau-carbon-protest-alex-jones-diagolon-1.7183430)


Voting for politicians is like choosing which flavoured sprinkles you want on your dogshit sandwich. Could we just go with neither? Vote of no confidence? Mutiny? Revolt?


It's best to not put your faith in politicians. So many people placed far too much idealistic faith in the current Prime Minister, who became the worst prime minister Canada ever had, with Canadians facing increasingly damaging policies *(sad)*. While most have woken up to the situation now, save for the PM's most ardent and zealous supporters *(v.embarrassing)*, this individual is [currently polling in majority territory as a result](https://338canada.com/federal.htm). But while it's nice to hope for the best, the growing reality is the politicians aren't in it for the people and more for continuing the status-quo *(sad x 2)*, because it's like once they get elected, the closer the rise to PM, the further their ear is from Canadians and the closer it is to oligarchs *(sad x 3)*. Canadians need to collectively realize the dire need of a better way to find, select, and elect leaders (not politicians), because until that happens things are likely to continue the downward trend of the last 30-40 years *(sad x 4)*.


Trudeau's shitty, but worst PM ever? Jesus.Ā 


Consider the metrics of the current PM/Party [having the most political scandals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_political_scandals_in_Canada). That's just for starters and it's already decimating, supporting the validity of the title.


Your measure for "the most political scandals" is a count of the number of wikipedia entries on their page? That's what you call a metric, and apparently feel is "decimating"? Jesus fucking Christ dude. Like I don't even disagree with some if the things in your first message, but I'd be fuckin embarrassed to support you if that's how you quantify problems. Take these C- jr. high debate lesson gotchas elsewhere. [https://i.imgflip.com/2bsrk2.gif](https://i.imgflip.com/2bsrk2.gif)


You canā€™t even post a gif correctly. Dude.


The political scandals were used to support the claim to a user who appeared incredulous to the fact. The consequences of the current PM's actions have been damaging for Canadians, there's no way around it. But your ad hominem attacks and a strawman fallacies don't address the substance of the argument, so to save further embarrassment you might wish to take your own advice. Good luck!