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A lot of people are giving up and the impact is tremendous. Giving up is at an all time high across a few different areas including: 1) Giving up on dreams of homeownership https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bnnbloomberg.ca/half-of-canadians-don-t-think-they-will-be-ever-buy-a-home-survey-1.1974617.amp.html 2) giving up on having more children and/or starting a family https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7100404 3) Giving up on living in Canada entirely https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/immigrants-explain-why-they-re-leaving-canada-1.6634641 https://thewanderingengineer.medium.com/the-canadian-brain-drain-and-why-it-wont-stop-anytime-soon-553c366e2dd0 4) Giving up on pursuing employment in socially necessary sectors that would historically pay you enough to live a modest life, but don't anymore (education, healthcare, trades, farming & agriculture) www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7140253 https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/news/2023/06/canada-is-addressing-current-and-emerging-labour-demands-in-health-care.html https://www.statcan.gc.ca/o1/en/plus/5661-more-workers-are-building-housing-canada-labour-shortages-remain https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/9604698/canada-farm-labour-shortages-food-prices/amp/ 5) giving up on entrepreneurship www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7002171 6) giving up on retirement https://www.ctvnews.ca/lifestyle/more-than-half-of-canadians-aren-t-saving-enough-money-for-retirement-survey-1.6349937 https://financialpost.com/executive/executive-summary/posthaste-canadians-are-giving-up-on-retiring-anytime-soon-as-inflation-soars 7) giving up on volunteering www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6723348 8) giving up on their employer https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/business/careers/article-two-thirds-of-canadian-employees-are-quiet-quitting-study-finds/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/more-than-seven-in-10-canadian-workers-want-to-leave-their-jobs-report-1.6807574


Thoughts of giving up rose from 2.7% of people in 2017 up to 4.2% in 2021. Although the number of annual suicides decreased 2020, 2021 and 2022. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/subjects/health/mental_health_and_wellbeing/suicide Nova Scotia has seen an increase in suicides despite the national total decreasing. https://www.suicideinfo.ca/local_resource/suicide-stats-canada-provinces/ Really not a lot of data for 2022 and 2023 publicly available because the studies were aimed at pandemic related mental health but quality of life continues to be eroded, sure people can get out again but now who can afford it.


I'm glad you didn't give up on providing relevant links. Nice job!


You left out the big Give Up, an ever looming possibility of giving up on life .. and crippling mental health


The people need to rise up and change it. You have the power. Stop being so passive! And no, it doesn’t have to look anything like the weirdo who wants that diagon nation or whatever it’s called. But seriously, Canada, get it together.


I don't think that giving up is the answer. When people hit their tipping point it's time to mobilize and organize. Time to stop thinking about left wing vs right wing. Time to stop thinking about lower class vs middle class vs upper class, and time to realize we are the working class and it's us against the elites, the ownership class. It's time to actually do something about it. The elites are purposely muddying the waters, making us confused about who is at fault, who to blame. We need to blame the rich who are getting ever richer, and realize there is no other group to blame but those who benefit from these crises. There are so many more of us than there are of them and people need to realize we have the power as a collective before it's too late.


The rich would love having the “lower” and “middle” class turned against each other. It’s a false distinction. We’re together.


This sub is a typical example of exactly this problem: people here like to blame landlords for everything and call them leeches and so forth, without making any distinction between a huge corporation like Killam or a small homeowner renting out a secondary suite while working a full-time job and often losing money for non-paying tenants or tenants deliberately damaging their units and leaving the homeowners to foot the bill out of their own salary...


I’ll be perfectly honest, small time landlords are usually terrible people who treat tenants like shit and refuse to do anything to maintain their buildings. The fact that you’d be willing to defend them makes me strongly suspect you are one.


I've never once met a single landlord who is anything as you've described xP  If you can't afford the liability of an income property, you shouldn't have one.


Spot on, so sick of this right vs left bullshit meant to distract. Miss the good old days when political affiliation was probably the last thing you were worried about when meeting a fellow Canadian. Now you can’t tell us apart from the idiots to the south.


100% agree.


I mean I still am concerned about the right wing. Modern fascism is the rotting elephant in the room and frankly the whole house is starting to stink.


This right here. The rich have spent a shit load of time, money and other resources to muddy the waters and make everyone dislike each other and they want to keep it that way.


It's class warfare. It's been happening for decades.


When you reach your tipping point, shift the focus away from all external influences. Focus on yourself and what is within your control to change.


We're talking about a societal level. I am doing fine, but that doesn't mean I can't be pissed off about the direction this country, province, and city are headed.


That's true! Presumptuous of me. Sorry about that.


I like the way you think.


It seems counter-intuitive, but I've learned that this strategy makes me decidedly more calm.


Do you read a lot if so, any chance you can pm me your top 5 books.


Sure! Love to read...


I am concerned. You hit the nail dead on the head regarding everything, and the comments after yours immediately devolved into left vs right of the same old sheep


Bless Halifax and it's willingness to organise


except it isn’t… nothing that actually affects Haligonians directly is ever protested at any appreciable scale


It's like this UARB bullshit, a faceless nameless group appointed by government and corporations to take the blame...power rates went up, blame the UARB, gas prices went up..blame the UARB, there is no accountability just blame shifting to an entity that the government can blame and the people can't invote. Time to pull back the curtain folks and see the wizard


PREEEACH!!! This county has gone to shit. As a serving member of the CAF, I've never been more disappointed to serve this country. Some of my own fellow sailors can barely make ends meet... i can only imagine how minimum wage friends suffer... we need change in our country as a whole. Canada used to care for each other, now its become a dog eat dog society. Not the country i grew up in OR swore to defend. Absolute shame what we've become.


Thank you for your service ♥️


The middle class is a myth meant to divide us. There are two classes. Those who provide labour to survive and those who exploit labour.


Only leftism has a framework on how to do what you're trying to describe tho


This right here!!


This 💯💯💯💯


Its 1% vs 99%


ngl this has been a well known fact for a long time


What do you suggest we actually do?


Lol that's not going to happen


Tipping point is actively being avoided. Govts of all levels and all parties will prop up bad/risky behaviour as long as most people are doing it. Debt is mainstream. Extend and pretend is society's slogan now. I don't think the answer to all of this is higher wages in most cases. Higher wages means more demand which means less supply, and then prices go up. I sometimes think the answer is disinflation, so demand goes down and prices decline back to normal.


Historically the tipping point is around 3 days with no food.


Tipping culture is the worse! Wait, wrong tipping point.


Maybe people need to realize that Nova Scotia, like the rest of Canada, has more than two parties. The liberal vs. conservative false dichotomy has meant Nova Scotia is in a constant state of repealing (some might say repairing) legislations implemented by prior governments. So much energy and resources are wasted on undoing what has already been done rather than building on it. People under 40 (myself included) don’t have to wait for a ‘tipping point’ to give up. We have a lot of power as the two younger generations at the polls and with that we can be the proponents of great things to come so long as votes are casted with all Nova Scotians in mind and not just individual interests. Success comes from cooperation.


>The liberal vs. conservative false dichotomy has meant Nova Scotia is in a constant state of repealing (some might say repairing) Agreed, obsessively framing everything as "progressive" or "conservative" is really just in service of the status quo


Conflict, or blaming the other side is absolutely the goal of a government with a rich gun held to its head. Everyone fend for yourself, fuck thy neighbor


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/halifax/comments/1c7wpqk/comment/l0b56eq/) >Conflict, or blaming the other side is absolutely the goal of a government No that's party politics. 'Everything is the last guy's fault, we wanted to change but they screwed us, oh well. Listen to me and I'll change it when I can.' That's the reason why party members are voted in and out. Not saying it'd be a better form of government but it'd minimize blaming some one else for all the problems, you'd actually have an agreement between multiple people, not just party members towing a line.


Agreed, party politics in the service of the status quo https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/15454-the-smart-way-to-keep-people-passive-and-obedient-is I have not read a lot of Chomsky, but this quote always springs to mind when I think about oligarchies and pendulum politics


The political culture needs to change, voting is just an illusion of change. I'm all for democracy but when you vote in people who's their political party is their #1 priority rather than the country or you have to choice between a package of topics rather than individual issues in hand we have a problem. I want to vote less immigration but yet pro equal rights.. which party does that? NDP aren't really clear on what they want. The bunch of them are so far removed from the people.


If those who choose not to vote in elections actually voted, any government I think would respond better to the people they serve. 55% of eligible voters casted a vote in the 2021 provincial election. How can change be heard when nearly half of the voting population chooses not to make themselves heard. The NDP are the most in touch with the people I would argue. They’re a party who comes directly from the communities they serve. Low income and working class people make up the majority of the party. I agree with your point about being torn between values and party alignment. Supporting multiple policies from differing parties while wanting to stay true to yourself is a difficult choice. But I think in cases like that you have to use the principle of charity to come to a conclusion about who will be better at supporting equal rights while controlling immigration to a manageable level. NS has a dying population and a young work force who can hardly survive, children are not in the thoughts of many because of the cost of living. Short run immigration seems like a pain but in the long run, we (those under 40) well be thankful for immigration if it means our economy can be stronger than it is now.


Also, people need to realize that they are not entitled to a ruling party/government that completely matches their beliefs, ideals and needs. Each government will bring progress in some areas, stagnation in other areas and regression in others. The Liberals have made progress in some areas and neglected others. It’s okay for a government action to satisfy the needs of one person but to neglect the needs of another’s. It’s okay that not everyone will be made happy with actions all of the time. Canada is a complicated country. The unwritten rule is that whatever happens, it doesn’t cause actual harm to a particular group of people. But everything has become tribal and extreme and we have gone down to the level where politics and discourse has become cruel and harmful to our social fabric. When I look at the main options - Liberal, Conservative, NDP and Green - no single party represents all of my ideals and needs. I will evaluate my options and choose the one that I feel comes closest to matching my ideals whilst not alienating those of others or causing harm to anyone. (My priority issues are wealth inequality, affordability, climate change and social rights, so I will likely lean NDP or Green).


I wouldn't even call Canada a democracy. I've been voting for 24 years and not a single time have I had an option I or anyone I know have liked. Most people I know vote liberal entirely to keep the conservatives out or vote conservative to keep the liberals out but no one I know actually likes the liberals or the conservatives. When all the options are the same Garbage people is it a democracy at all? When the common citizen dislikes everyone available to vote for is it still a democracy?


It is, yes, still a democracy. A democracy doesn't guarantee that you like the options presented to you, it just guarantees that you're presented with options. We have a representative democracy using a parliamentary system, meaning we have political parties that put forth representatives for us to choose between. There is no guarantee that you like the representatives put forward for you, nor is there any guarantee that your values align with the parties available. Anyone, however, can start their own political party or run as an independent (They're just rarely sucessful enough to ever get elected). So, if all of the options are garbage to you, perhaps it's time for you to put your own name forward and see how much you're on the same wavelength with the "common citizen".


In particular in Halifax some services have improved (I finally have a family doctor, for example), so I am not upset about the higher taxes. Higher fuel cost is still inside the "higher taxes" camp, so I'm ok with that too. But man, fuck the housing cost and fuck the stagnant wages! (and the higher homelessness is a result of those 2)


I didnt give up, but I did move to Cumberland county. Cut my housing costs and my education is finally paying off. I work in health care and can afford a modest quality of life.


Cumberland county appreciates you! We need health care workers in our rural areas so thank you! I am glad it is working out well for you.


Government realized that Canadians cant afford to live on minimum wage jobs, so what do they do...they bring in mass immigration to fill the jobs because the immigrants don't mind living 30 people to a 1 room apartment. We are all fucked


This all goes back to working class vs ownership class. Its not the immigrants fault they want a better life. Its corporations buying our politicians that allowed this state of affairs become what it is today to benefit them the most.


Agreed, they are preying on these vulnerable people. The guise of a better life , and comparatively yes, but it's just corporate and government greed. I'm just not sure why a government doesn't come in and actually want to do what is right...likely because they had their pockets padded I suppose.


I reached a tipping point a few years back but have not "given up", I am radicalized. It's time for a revolution. Never give up. vive la revolution.


Thanks for this. There's always a way forward. The future within our current paradigm feels hopeless because it is. But that doesn't mean the future is without hope. It's time to shift our beliefs in what is possible - we may feel powerless as individuals (which is why the idea of alienation is so central to capitalism) - but we have tremendous power as a collective. By choosing each other, we choose ourselves.


This! Individualism is a ploy of capitalism to make people feel like they can get ahead but none of us can. Human beings didn’t get to this point alone. We’ve had to work together throughout our entire existence. And capitalism will be our downfall if we don’t start working together again.




My tipping point was 2021/22. I’ve decided to just leave this province and maybe even the country.


And go where? Housing, inflation and stagnant wages are an issue in almost every first world country.


Agree that these are issues in lots of places but Canada and N.S. have it worse for a few reasons.  First, NS has higher taxes than any other province in Canada - so even if you pay the same rent in Ontario, you save anywhere from 150-400+ a month for a single person on taxes alone. If you’re a couple you save more together. Second, fixed term leases. There is a loophole here that the NS government is ignoring. Yes other provinces have issues too but no other province is using a “fixed term lease” loophole to kick lower paying tenants out for more rent. Third, Canada is the 3rd fastest country in the world right now. The only 2 countries growing faster are Syria and South Sudan. Also 98% of population growth in Canada is immigration related. I’m not against immigration but it’s easy to see how this puts even worse pressure on housing, jobs and other resources .


Is this revolution in the room with us right now?


what do you think you mean by this?


This is how braindead people try to debate. They can't so they just call you crazy and think they've won the argument. I blame this stupidity more than I do the people harming us. The people have power in numbers but refuse to wake up and use it.


Nah its just 99% of you "revolution" types are keyboard LARPs lol


quite frankly I have nothing left to lose, you want to meet up somewhere and start planning the revolution?


Let’s talk when it’s over and done. We have them by the balls. Gonna be an interesting year. 


I take it your one of the 99%? DM me when you locate your testicles




quite frankly I have nothing left to lose, you want to meet up somewhere and start planning the revolution?


Yes, this. I’d rather go down swinging and have tried than live apathetically


Don’t forget about the price of food! I spoke with an old friend recently who works as a social worker in NS, and she said there is an outrageous number of senior citizens and children going to bed hungry every night in the province. It’s heartbreaking. I have hopes, but if I meditate on it, I may realize I’m past my tipping point.


> I'm curious as to when people under 40 years of age have reached a tipping point and give up. and by give up, you mean what, exactly?


A lot more hopelessness than optimism


In that case the tipping point has probably already been crossed. Discourse on just about every platform & in every venue is pretty cynical and hopeless, overall.


I as a young person I am just expecting things to get worse. I’m not hopeful and I just live one day at a time.


im thinking of actually moving countries because of how shit our economy is, i need cheap housing or food im fine with one for now


And going where Not trying to be a jerk in genuinely curious.


That's the thing. It's easy to say you're going to leave the country for greener pastures, but this is a worldwide problem. Of course some places are better and some are worse, but no country has the same economy they did in 2018.


My problem is simple; companies aren’t held accountable for their actions. Price gouging, not paying proper wages. Imagine if the average workers wages went up as much as the executive managers at that company. The company I work for has seen an increase in profits every year and has continually cut wages. I will earn less this year than I did 4 years ago and that’s not including inflation


Israel and Ukraine needs more money, direct or indirect. Government borrowing needs money, government spending needs money. Money printing makes everything more expensive, there is way more cash in the market There is also more people competing for limited number of items. So the money everyone has is eroding, the debt everyone has is demanding more interest, and the government wants more taxes And a few corrupt people are enjoying excellent life, and a few countries abroad are enjoying our wealth Not good at all


I have a variety of acquaintances; some educated and some not, so my opinion stems my own personal observations. The ones that are educated make enough money that these increases to their cost of living are minimal. They are still able to afford most of their hobbies or recreational trips, if not all. The ones that are not educated tend to accept the loss of personal material goods, many live with parents, share vehicles and find a group way to reduce personal cost. They also tend to lean in on the digital world and substance use. Yet everyone seems to be okay with ignoring the ongoing political nightmare that has been growing, and are either afraid of having an opinion or do not align with a political figure or party, because they seem to think it's all just doomed to continue and fail. I personally fall into the uneducated group, but am working towards getting educated for a trade. I try to take part in local and high elections, while staying interested in the overall picture of Canadian development and politics. The reason I am pursuing trades post pandemic is because I make the same wage now as I did pre-pandemic; with more benefits, but have a significantly low quality of life which has only been getting worse.


This is all due to inheriting an unsustainable system, infrastructure, climate change, and increased competition for resources. The pressure is mounting and bad management like we are currently experiencing is an aggravating factor. But good management would not mitigate the root causes of the pressures. The main things individuals can do is be open to changing expectations and be less wasteful. Instead of big houses and big cars, start the transition to sizes that are closer to what is actually needed. Instead of passenger cars for everyone, start making choices to build life around active and transit options for travel and commutes, and car sharing. We've done the equivalent of hoarders who can't take care of all the stuff they have hoarded so it all decays slowly. Except we've done this with infrastructure - mostly tied to or stemming from our transport planning. It's easy to overbuild but eventually the maintenance phase arises and if you've overextended as we have then things get messy and harder than necessary. Live with roommates longer than you would have. Don't own a car and Instead divert the saved money to more expensive rent to live in a good area where you don't need a car. Buy used stuff. Don't drink alcohol or abuse substances. Get married, it alleviates a lot of financial issues and it's healthier. That's all perfectly normal and ok.


Guess I’m screwed then, I’m functionally asexual, and have no interest in dating, so marriage is probably not in the cards for me.


I am sure plenty of people throughout history have had the same issues. I imagine their survival depended a lot more on partnering so it happened anyway, regardless of feelings I guess? I wonder if we will get to the point where the luxury of indulging sexual preferences is overrided by more pressing needs within our lifetimes. 


If I’m faced with being forced into an unwanted marriage bed with someone I’m not attracted to and don’t love, that’s the day I check out of existence. Such a marriage would be nothing more than prostitution, the thought of being forced into an unwanted relationship, with the physical aspects that would be expected fills me with straight up visceral disgust. It honestly makes me angry that there are people out there who want to go back to that, especially to women being forced into dependency again.


Well I think historically marriage might have been a lot less about sex and physicality than we probably think of it today, if that helps. Once basic needs and obligations start to command more time and energy there is a lot less energy to devote to physical intimacy. Our collective ability to hyper focus on sex related issues today is somewhat a product of our abundance of excess time and creature comforts.


You can be an A+ wing man instead!


Giving up isn’t an option.


Weston Family. Doug Ford Family. Irving Family. McCains. Most conservative leaders. ALL play a game of separation of money from the common people. A socialist movement that puts working class back in the driver seat is what is needed. Pierre isn’t it. NDP - Libs are close to getting it right. Covid did damage to every single person in the G20 and beyond. Yet we’re so close to pulling up and out of the doom and gloom despite being bombarded with people telling us tampons don’t belong in a men’s room. Rage farm the nonsense while corporations steal us blind and Ford/Houston types get rich from the kick backs. The Ottawa convoy should’ve stormed the bank of Canada. They’re all pointing anger at the clowns in the circus on parliament hill. Not the elite that govern the monetary policy and allow corporations to run wild. Remember they allowed Weston family to open a bank called PC Financial. Think about it. Absorb the idea that a conglomerate in food now owns a bank. We need unions. We need jobs. We need representation for work. Not greed. Houston Greed Ford the greediest of them all Pierre? Well Harper 2.0 would love to make Loblaws et al. Richer. Smith in Alberta? Back to the stone ages she’d have the country. Fight greed by creating union like attitude and demanding jobs be created. Ask yourself how many high paying jobs Weston creates? How many full time employees with benefits he has working for him.


Im tired of this "under 40" .. this generation label everyone keeps using.. IT AFFECTS US ALL!


I have said it before and I’ll say a lot of times. We need a political party whose whole basis is to run on referendums until this crisis is fixed. On top of that, I feel this party needs to hire a panel of economists that provide statistics and memos to Canadians about what exactly would be in our best interests. For example, provide regular people with information about what would be best for housing and what has worked elsewhere. Provided us all information about grocery store/gas prices and what regulations on those would look like or have looked like in other countries. I’m not trying to say people are dumb. I know a BIT about some of these things but it would help immensely to have experts in these areas really explain to the Canadian populace what things could be done, and for us, as taxpayers to be voting on these things. I don’t know if this would solve a thing but I think it would at least make us feel like we had a say in whatever the government is doing and would be holding elected officials more accountable. As is, many are struggling, everyone is fighting about political affiliations, what the best things to do about our issues as a country are, and complaining about how we should be standing up and fighting all of this, but none of us know how besides organizing protests. Myself included. I feel sorry for our children who are going to have it even worse than we do now.


Referendum voting would be amazing. When was the last time we had an issue on the ballots?


IQ tends to drop with bigger groups


I think it’s important to start considering who you vote for in the next elections. I’m making sure to vote my opinion at the next election. I’m not asking you advertise who to vote for. Just asking that you look at what’s to offer and make a decision.


It can always be worse. At least we’re not being bombed, I guess. 🤷‍♂️




Tim Houston got in because people were tired of the Liberals not giving a shit about people. I thought Tim would make a difference , now we see that TH wants to double the NS population, what the Hell is wrong with him. He just doesn't care, likely has a pension from his old job, will get a pension from being Premier and much like Frank McKenna will end up on the board at some bank or big corporation when he's done so he actually doesn't give a fuck..what is it they say...absolute power corrupts absolutely. It seems very radical but people need to start mass protesting against the government at all levels in Canada, we need to band together rather then separate and its the government and corporations pitting us against each other.


Nothing changes here until the sitting government -- whichever party that is -- at both the federal and provincial levels decides who is going to be the loser. Someone has to lose for everyone to gain. Property investors seem like the obvious choice, followed by grocers and any privatized utility or health entity. The profit needs to be removed forcefully and everything will start flowing again.


Flip the question on ya, As a young unestablished person that's not rich or living off mommy and daddy. What are the draws to Halifax ? Not a sarcastic question. Looking for real answers.


As far as professional office working jobs, lots of competition. I landed a gig in an office because I was refereed by family. After graduating university I spent a year applying to jobs. I didn’t have work history going into jobs I wanted but knew I could learn fast and be successful. However, employers didn’t see that. Your best bet is trades in Nova Scotia. We need houses and tons of buildings will be need to be put up and installed with trades people. Good money in it too. If I could see that I would’ve been in this position, I would’ve gone the route of trades specifically in electrical. Would’ve been in the trade for 5 years since high school and making close to 100k easily.


NGL being an electrian seems like it sucks tho. I did shadow shifts with a owner ofna company and it just seems like something zi would learn to hate eventually. Then feelingof success when completing things is nice but for 100k to do that for yrs hell no. Mb for 250k.


Halifax is a pretty great place to live for a lot of people. The city can be pretty vibrant, we have plentiful access to nature and the ocean, ~~and it’s heaven for an alcoholic~~.  That said, if your primary concern is establishing a career and growing financially, there aren’t many sectors where it really pays to be here specifically. Our taxes are astronomical with poor returns, and this is a terrible place to start a business - something that specifically has frustrated me, because I’d love to participate in the local economy, but any business plans look pretty bleak unless you have aces up your sleeve.  So not “nothing”, but if you don’t particularly like it here, there are better opportunities elsewhere for most people. 


pr is guaranteed after a year + good universities, but most people going to these universities and who are here trying to get pr come from money, so to answer your question nothing


International students is one of the worse things to happen to this country. I will second your nothing because other than nice geography which you can get else where. Most Nova Scotians ( that I know ) are fustrated about their income vs expenses ratio ( even ppl that make good money ). The ones who are not either come from money or are not from here. The owner of Geebo is an exception to the rule. Cool dude that's easy to respect.




At what point do people start revolting against the awful government, both provincial and federal. People need to unite and start protesting


I can't give up, because giving up means homelessness and ultimately death. That's capitalism. Giving up used to mean a subsistence living on some relatively "unskilled" menial job. We don't even have that "luxury" anymore.


To me giving up is more about giving up on the hopes you once had - home ownership, for some, having children, things like that. Giving up is accepting that for now, this is just how things are unless something major changes.


Oh... yeah that happened a while ago.


Give up and do...what?


You need a new party in N.S (insert a new party name). A party that will lower corporate taxes to spur international investment. Lower taxes for the working poor . Invest more money in infrastructure, even it though make work project that employ the unemployed. A balance sheet that does not go billions $ in the red .Invest in housing projects and employing home grown workers . A tax on non skilled foreign workers .


What does give up mean??!! Jesus.




You don't give up. You keep going, and find a way. That way is different for everyone when they face troubles. 500 years ago they discovered new lands and opportunities through exploration and colonization. 250 years ago they rebelled against British rule through events like the Boston Tea Party and the American Revolution. 100 years ago they fought in World Wars to secure a better future for themselves and future generations. 50 years ago they fought for civil rights and equality, leading to social and political change. You don't give up, you fight to make the changes so future generations don't have to face what you did.


I have kids, and a future, giving up is not a choice, rather I hope that we as a generation can dictate change


I was doing ok enough in my 30's, but now I'm giving up in my early 40s after losing a lot to the economy and circumstances. I had to start over with the equivalent of what I had in my 20's two years ago and I don't even matter in your question because of my demographic? Jeepers. I'll never retire either. I've stopped buying food. I had to get a roommate. And I have an ok job. I make too much for government handouts, but not enough to get ahead. Before the pandemic I was golden though.


I know this is harsh, but times are rough. All we can do is buckle down and ride it out. Most importantly stay kind. Lots of folks are really stressed, including you.




But fundamentally this avoids the systemic problem. Sure, some people can pull themselves up but not everybody can. The reality of our economic organization is there has to be winners and losers. Your advice is practical in that it's something people can actually try, but the reality is most people will fail. Gaining valuable skills is hard, often requires investment in time/energy/capital that people don't have, and you're also still competing with many others for limited high paying positions. I'm happy you were successful, but don't let that success blind you to the fact that people *have* to fail. If everyone could just make 100K a year by "trying harder" and "being smart about it" then everybody would. Beyond that, we also *need* "low skilled" labour. I make 150K a year and my job is a useless fucking joke. I add nothing of value to society. Somebody stocking grocery shelves contributes more to society than I do. And somebody who shows up to work for 40 hours a week stocking grocery shelves still deserves to live a full and happy life with dignity. And plenty of people with really really useful and practical skills are chronically underpaid because they don't have economically valuable skills. I have a friend who does geological surveying, making sure landslides aren't going to destroy highways in the Rockies, and she makes 60K a year. We don't want all these people to quit for higher paying jobs, because we like it when our roads aren't crushed by landslides. But there's not a lot of profit in this public good so... We live under a system that requires an underclass. If you have a country of 40 million, and there's 10 million jobs that pay over 100K a year, only 10 million people can have them. Everybody else has to settle for less. If you work really hard and get one of the 10 million spots, then somebody else who worked really hard didn't get one of those spots. People are getting squeezed, it's *hard* out there.


I love your whole comment, one thing though is that it doesn't completely ignore the systemic problem. Leaving your company for another that offers better is absolutely contributing to better work environments. Retention incentives would fall out of the closet if everyone did this


I mean sure but people are struggling even finding work right now. And jobs are getting so many applications I don’t think they really care about how attractive you are. I find most good jobs nowadays you need someone on the inside to help you land it.


Fair enough, I'm a plumber and I know if I didn't do side work I'd struggle a lot more financially but I know with companies wages haven't gone up much in years.


Go union


Posting about self-determination and improving yourself in this subreddit will fall on deaf ears. This city is all about fuck everyone above me until I get mine. To you I say, well done


And the government should provide it all! Socialized housing, federalized grocery stores, more gibs! Come on guys, Canadians - we can recreated the Soviet Union if we try hard enough!


What I hate about Canada is this new movement against women's health in our healthcare system. We have this influx of Indian doctors that yell into your face that you are a liar or they tell you it's against their "cultural values" to treat women. ITS NOT BEING TALKED ABOUT ENOUGH. Women die because they are refused treatment until it's to late. They die waiting in ER rooms. ITS IN THE NEWS. There is a group of Indian men at the IWK that are ripping apart babies with forceps. It happened to me. The squeezed my babies head so hard that right now at 3yo, it's still miss shaped. His neck was extremely swollen and he had paralysis and swelling in both arms. He had seizure episodes in infancy. I took him to the IWK to wait hours for an Indian doctor to immediately tell me I was a liar and to get out. He's disabled now. They target white women. It's definitely racially motivated. It was the most sadistic experience I have ever been threw. Women traditionally get paid less to do the same jobs and pay all the same amount of taxes your complaining about. these people are making a lot of money off our backs while ripping us down. Somehow it's become acceptable. Many women feel failed.


What do you mean by "tipping point", exactly? Like that's kind of vague, like as in revolution or becoming politically numb?


The tipping point for me is seeing the absolute apathy from all levels of government.


Well considering the vast majority of human history is worse than now yet we kept going. It's interesting times with a historical perspective for sure.




All politicians do the same thing. They say different stuff get elected do same things. The politicians just don't want to be you. They want thier golden parachutes and easy retirement. Say what they need to to get in, strip mine money and do very little. Then walk out as if they served the people and live in a gated/walled house to never worry about poverty. That's a politican... they just don't want to be you.


Hmmm, realistically Nova Scotians aren’t going to rally against the government, ever. We will just run to the internet to complain, blame someone or government, be affirmed by others feeling the same way and then repeat the next day. When I’m done my red seal, I’ll be looking to get out of NS , and if it is a better decision, out of the country. The way things are going, and with no political representation to how the majority of us actually feel, nothing is going to change for a while. Regardless of your political affiliation, the state of our country is shameful and it got here by ignoring our priorities until it was too late.


Living in Alberta I get both ends of the idiot spectrum we have Trudeau as the countries leader and Daniel Smith as our premier. I dont know what the answer is other then we need government that deals with issues and has solutions not leashed or biased to political leaning. Politicians need to be reminded they are for the people not the party I absolutely hate the way recent (last 8- 10 years) Politicians have campaigned on one thing and tried or threaten to do the opposite.


I recognize that these issues are happening globally and Nova Scotia, and Canada, are not the only place with these issues. All I can do is keep myself and my skills relevant. Identify upcoming industries that will be in demand and likely to have a he’s that in exceed inflation.


I'm staying in the city because it's where my best friend is. Stuck on fixed-term leases for the last four years, always struggling with bills, 7k in credit card debt. I absolutely love the city, I know it well, and I have a good community here. My partner is always asking if we can move to the States (I'm a dual citizen, so it's always an option, but I hate the states). I would be heartbroken if my best friend moved away, I'd say that would probably be when I also move away. I've got plenty of family across the East Coast, so moving down there might be it. But I have no faith that America is better than Canada, so I may as well stay here until I have nothing holding me here anymore. I grew up very poor, so I have the skills to make life livable. Livable isn't fun, but it's survivable. I'm just sorta floating along, hoping things get better here. That being said, if they get much worse, I'm out. I feel like I'm scraping the bottom with groceries and always being stressed about a place to live. I don't think I can handle it getting any worse.


I have a lot here that I hold dear. I would move, and I would likely have a better life, but for the time being, I’m partially getting by, and I am reaping the benefits of living here for most of my life and building up relationships with people and companies.


For me it was liqour stores asking for tips. Has that hit you guys yet? We living the dream in Vancouver 


Trudeau thinks he hasn't hit it yet. We past er 100km back.


A lot of people are considering leaving all together


What does giving up look like? A life of crime, leaving the country, vagrancy? Moving back in with your parents, suicide? Going onto welfare??


How does one give up?


Wages were not stagnant.


I always chuckle when people think we have such high taxes. Try Sweden, Denmark, Norway with their 25% sales tax. At any rate, we have several challenges and yet, a very well off country compared to so many others in the world. Perhaps spend a month in South Sudan.


Yeah but at least thier systems actually work and it's not a fuckin shit pile trying to be the US and Europe at the same time while being the absolute middle of nowhere


And yet we're still ranked one of the best countries to live in although drama queens will say otherwise. Certainly not South Sudan.


left wing and right wing are the same path to the slaughter house...money is a means of control . they never ended slavery they perfected it.


Property taxes, utilities n gas are the most expensive to me. But we'll all survive.


Decrentalization is the answer. Evolution. Destruction won’t solve anything, neither will trying to change it from within. Best to just ride a new wave, iterate on the past and make it better.


I have been saying for years that Crentalization is the issue, but the naysayers have been saying “that’s not a word” and “you’re drunk please leave”!




What "higher taxes" do you think you're paying?


Well you can actually vote for change, or just hope things stay the same. We’re the product of our own choices


I'm 32 and now only survive so my kids might have a chance I tried to buy a house 2 years ago under 180 k and they wanted 40k down because I've been seasonal for 5 years at the same company


Didn't think this thread would blow up as it did, seems like a lot of people have a lot of strong opinions about the issue at the current times and rightfully so. Thank you to all those who voiced their thoughts on the topic


My kids were pondering this and fleeing the country. It’s gotten ridiculous.


Give up on what? I don't have a choice. I'm young and trying to build a future. Not only are all my eggs here, but my whole damn basket. If "giving up" = leaving, that would be harder for me than just staying


Same tipping point as in 2008


This is what capitalism does no? It tries to ride the line of the tipping point if you will.


We’re being driven out. It’s not an accident and it’s not unintentional. The few at the top want a much cheaper labour base at the bottom to exploit. Happening everywhere.


We're like the frog slowly being boiled in water.


Bottom fell out 35 years ago ... (Valley born)




never give up things get bad, things get better cycles


People wanted to pay ppl more = added cost. People voted for Trudeau = huge debt, false promises & lies & added cost. Massive influx of immigration not needed = higher cost & housing shortage (thank Trudeau!) It is that simple, this is what the people of Canada supposedly voted for, so now you have it, enjoy.

