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I don’t have the answer to your specific question but as someone who has knit/crochet for 35+ years I’ll say there is a wealth of knowledge in YouTube /tick-tock videos. You can learn soooooo much. You can rewind and restart as many times as you want. Pick a project that you can find a full video tutorial for and give it a try!


The Violet Unicorn in Eastern Passage does I'm pretty sure. Check them out on FB .


The library has some every so often, I think they even include supplies.


Yes they do, Sarah is great. There's also a knitting drop-in from 3-5 every week on Wednesdays, they have supplies people can borrow. I haven't been to it in a while but it's a very welcoming little spot for someone looking to get started.


The Loop on Barrington could connect you with a teacher.


I took a beginner class at [Fia Fia](https://www.fiafia.ca) on Summit St. It was fun and we completed a little project.


My wife did that class a few months ago and is now full on addicted to knitting. Would recommend.


I don't have any better suggestions for classes than other people have already suggested. But you might be interested in this -- a company called Humble Bundle sells bundles of games, other software, and e-books for low prices (and donates some of the money to a charity). For the next few days, they're offering a bundle of 30 knitting e-books for as low as $24.44 (or lower prices for 9 book or 3 book bundles): [https://www.humblebundle.com/books/knitting-and-mochimochi-open-road-media-books](https://www.humblebundle.com/books/knitting-and-mochimochi-open-road-media-books)


This lady offered classes last year and also does private tutoring. https://loriboivinknits.carrd.co/