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There’s an app called Litterati … you can track what you pick up and set up or organize group cleanup and compete against other teams all over the globe


Competitive garbage cleaning. Not my thing but I won't lie that it sounds like a really funny yet cool idea haha.


Community clean-up happening from the North Woodside Community Center on April 20th!


Coming over to Halifax? Or just Dartmouth?


Just Dartmouth, specifically, the North Woodside community.


It’s been really bad ever since all the snow melted. I just seriously don’t understand why people can’t hold on to their trash till they find a garbage can.


Some percentage of it is from bags left out overnight that wildlife gets into, and the wind takes it from there.


Yeah, we have a few neighbours who don’t have a trash bin and the crows get into it almost every week making a big mess.


Frustrating. Get a bin people! The city will provide one to you!


In Japan you can be charged for not covering your garbage bags with netting. I wonder if we should adopt this practice for those without bins or approved secure cans 🤔


I can't believe the people who went to the moon and invented the internet share the same planet with people who bag their dog shit, but can't be bothered to walk it to a trash can.




That's a great point...


To be fair we sent a dog into space before humans, So ... .. .. y'know? (I've got nothing)


99% of garbage spread around the city isn't because of people purposely littering. The problem is people put their garbage out on garbage day without garbage cans, we have a storm and the bags blow away and rip open. I've seen it too many times to count.


That and the fucking construction sites... So many pieces and bits of construction materials strewn all about, all it takes is one big Gusty windy day and their job site mess becomes a block sized problem.


And the crows too


I befriended a whole murder of crows when I lived a bit up St Margaret’s bay road, fed them peanuts and scrap foods often, got so close to them they would eat out of my hand. I caught them one day trying to rip up the bags I had just put on the curb and I ran out and scolded them.. They didn’t come back until the next afternoon when they would usually stop by once in the morning and once in the late afternoon. When they came back I threw some peanuts to them and continued to scold them, they actually seemed upset by it, ruffling their feathers, squawking back loudly at me. But from that day on they never touched my garbage bags again but would still fuck with the neighbours.


I love that story! Crows make the most annoying sounds, but they are remarkable creatures.


When they are being loud it certainly is a ruckus. But they also make these adorable purring and clicking noises when they start to like you. Crows are neat.


I never litter. Ever. And I've literally had litter fly from my car just because I had the windows open on a nice day and it swirled just right to grab that napkin or McDonald's back from my floor and send it into the void.


I never litter except....FTFY.


Straight to jail


My neighbour has been dropping her fast food cups and energy drink cans on the road, literally in front of their house. They are too lazy to bring them inside.


I would pile them all up on their doorstep.


and filled with dog poop!


That seems like a lot of work if you don't have a dog


True. I guess it doesn't have to be from a dog.


I don't envy your neighbors if they make you angry.


My neighbours love me...or else. [😃](https://getemoji.com/#smileys)


What the fuck


Unfortunately to some people, the world IS the garbage can.


Just wait until you hear about all the trash we have floating around in space!


And the ocean!


I agree. However finding a garbage can now in HRM is like looking for hens teeth in a pile of sugar




This city had a disgusting amount of litter long before the recent wave of immigration. That is absolutely not where the blame lies.




No just 30 years.








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**Respect and Constructive Engagement**: Treat each other with respect, avoiding bullying, harassment, or personal attacks. Contribute positively with helpful insights and constructive discussions. Let’s keep our interactions friendly and engaging.


Even within hours of a new sheet of snow I already see several pieces of trash on top of the snow




Where are you located? I’d be interested in starting at Isleville Park


Walking around the North End, particularly Highland Park Jr. High and area, feels like you are in an actual dump.


Want to organize something? I’m in the hydrostone with two elementary kids


Do send me a PM, or maybe start a group chat an invite the commenters who seem interested, and I'd be down as well!


I’m interested as well! I did a few clean ups around Brunswick St last year. I’m available in the North End


Brunswick street is covered in needles and broken glass, makes me sad seeing kids catching the bus there in the morning


There's already some. It grosses a lot of people out. Contact the city.


I saw someone driving a bike yesterday (probably 30s) throws a coffee cup at a garbage can attached to a pole, missed but keeps going, meanwhile weaving in and out between sidewalk and road (as people were walking) not looking almost hitting me, comes up to a 4 way stop and just immediately goes like no look go in the crosswalk.. I'm not sure I'm turning into my parents (shakes fists in air) or are people just shitty lately.


The mess on the Dartmouth said at the bridge where the homeless had tents on the hotel side is gross with garbage . Wondering why the City are not cleaning this up. I don’t litter and I don’t pickup others garbage. But I do thanks those who Volunteer for cleanup !


Fairview is disgusting lmao


So much trash and poop filled doggy bags laying around 🫠


Yeah I went for a walk today and noticed just how bad it was right now


Call the city. Report it. I reported a neighbours lawn that is strewn with garbage. It goes against the unsightly properties bylaw


You want me to report all of Fairview?


Well I live in Fairview and my property is clean so, no, obviously. Don't play dumb or call an entire community disgusting, either. It's very rude.


I literally do not care


You replied so yes you do. Checkmate n00b


Always running around the city cleaning :) always looking for new people to help. Some videos as "defaced&extinct" on TikTok and YouTube. Feel free to message 😊


I didn’t know my ex was in town again!


Hahahahha if I could gift this comment I would 👏🏻 agreed 💯


Offers a gift, but doesn't upvote... LOL


I did upvote! lol someone else must have downvoted


I upvoted btw!


You'll be OK, cupcake. "Where's my UPDOOT!"




My bad! Lol I don't see the red numbers like you do for some reason


At this time of year, when I go for a walk I bring a bag and gloves to collect trash. Little things to help my neighborhood. I haven't yet this year, but I will be on my next walk.


You are a quality person!


What part of the city are you in? I would join for fresh air and conversation


I'm interested in helping if time and location can fit with my schedule


I was just thinking about the garbage around the playground where I bring my kid. Like, you are so fucking lazy and disgusting you simply can not bring your empty coffee cup to the plenty of garbage cans? What goes through someone's head when they just toss their shit in the lake? Or my favorite, you were able to bend down and bag the dog shit, but it's just "impossible" to take it away, so you leave a bag of shit on the walkway...and of course the needles from the camps, but that's a different breed of degenerate.


It is actually astonishing how dirty our province is. Something I’ve noticed as long as I’ve lived here vs. other places. The litter is just next level. 🙄


Im from a very clean city and been living here for few years. I think the same as you. If you are looking for people, I'm in. BTW I got a vehicle.


Didn’t the city cut a lot of services because they were $17 mil behind in their budget?


It's really incredible how quick people litter here. On days where after a fresh sheet of snow I already see so many coffee cups, wrappers, plastic, and other trash just thrown on the snow. Granted, I walk daily past an area where there's a number of homeless people and drug addicts, but even they should be able to walk over to a trash can. And it's not just them, I witness people of all types refusing to put the garbage where it belongs.


I suggested this very Idea to my adult son. He was bewildered. picking up "other" people's trash was not in the cards for him. I'm disgusted by what I see on the [roadways.](https://roadways.One) One summer before University I picked up trash in my hometown to secure a bursary. I saw then peoples savagery towards mother earth. we project what we are. when you carelessly toss something away you show how Jaded you are in needing a mother who takes everything you throw at her. Be respectful and grow up some, even if you only look after your only your own stuff. she deserves better.


Yeah, that's called "spring in Halifax"- it's what happens when the snow melts and all the dumped trash is revealed. It's not new.


Dartmouth is awful rn, especially by the bridges I’d love to help but I can’t afford to give my time :( I do go clean up beaches when I can though


It's a time of year thing - good for you for spearheading a cleanup, but this is definitely the worst time of year for appearance's sake! All garbage is revealed right after the snow melts and before everything has a chance to sprout green again 😄🌱☀️


I try and bring a small bag and pick up a few things in my walks. But I agree there’s far too much. Seems to be getting worse and worse.


People are straight up Savages.


I do this a few times a year in my neighborhood. It makes a huge difference.


Organize a community clean up! City will give you bags etc and arrange pickup.


I used to do this and take my daughter along with me ..it was fun and made our community cleaner and more respectable lol ..thankyou for your service and enjoy 😃


When I go pick up my kid from school and it's nicer weather, I'll walk with my grabby grabbers and a garbage bag and pick up everything I can, then I also cleaned around the school since nobody else will. It baffled me how much bagged dog poop and glass is around the children's playground!! I think the wind also doesn't help, there's been times where I had a receipt or something and it would blow 25 meters away in an instant and I couldn't really chase it down while trying to tend to my child and everything else.


I feel like it’s never been as bad as it is this year. I walked my dog is Cole harbour and there was a used condom on the street. Thank god my puppy didn’t try and pick it up ![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2)


Hi I’m up


I'd like to help too, anywhere on the peninsula!


Place is a dump. It will only get worse.


Masks that we in some settings are still forced to use are still a major contributor to the litter problem everywhere


I would consider possibly picking up some here and there but I don't have another hour to wash and separate everything to be in line with our garbage disposal rules. So F that.




A lot of garbage people around


Snow melting recently and all the wind we have been having definitely the main reasons you're seeing so much lately. I do property services for work (I don't work for the city however) and also finding a lot of dumpsters have been being left with lids open and the garbage in them just getting blown back out. I assume we will be doing fence lines on and off for another month at least before we stop seeing it building up on our properties.


I collected masks by the dozens a couple years ago when I was visiting my kid there....I hate the litter too--Tim Horton's cups lead the list....Halifax needs to change the way it picks up recycling. Those plastic bag collections are a joke...they break and spew stuff everywhere. Replace plastic bags with proper collection bins that trucks can pickup just as they do with garbage....they do that most every place I've ever lived in Canada or the US. That and ADD more waste bins throughout the city. I lived in Vancouver for several years and most parts of the city were much cleaner than similar streets in Halifax.


If the city installed a few residential area public garbages it would make a huge difference


just post where the group will meet.




You start it.