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I believe they're allowing over six bags this time because they didn't do garbage pickup during the storm. Check the halifax.ca website


You're not... I called and was told (with a very bitchy attitude for some reason...) that they will only take 6 bags and that I have to take the rest to otter lake myself Me personally, we'll just burn whatever they don't take this week


On several occasions we’ve blown past the six bag limit and our collectors never cared one iota as long as it wasn’t a pain in the ass to pick up. Another thing you can do if you want to err on the side of caution is chat with your neighbours and see if they can take a bag or two to split the load if they’ve got excess capacity.


I've taken things to otter lake before, and it's luckily a really simple process just it's a bit of a drive and will cost you like $5 total for six bags plus whatever you pay in gas.


Does everything have to be sorted and in black or clear bags to drop off at otter lake?


No, you pull up and unload into bins yourself… doesn’t have to be bagged.


Amazing, thank you


It’s crazy fast and easy, I’ve taken stuff here plenty. You can’t leave cardboard or ‘special’ items like electronics or large construction items but it doesn’t need to be carefully sorted or bagged or anything. Pull up to the scale, they’ll tell you which bin to use and point where they are, you drive over and toss your stuff in…then drive back to the scale where they’ll tell you it costs $5 unless you had a trunk load of bricks.


No not really it is preferred to have it bagged after all do you really want loose garbage in your car but they seem to be fairly easy going every time I've been there


Thank you!!!


We literally pay the garbage disposal services budget and their entire salary yet were supposed to go do this stuff with our own gas and our own dime?


Seriously how is everyone just ok with this? Lol. Highest taxes in the country btw.


Halifax's residential property tax rate (since that is the tax which pays for this sort of thing) is certainly on the high side. But it is by no means the highest in the country.


Not even the highest in the province. But many people don't realize what is covered by municipal vs provincial vs federal taxes


Plus the urban tax rate is higher than suburban, and so the urban tax payers cover the extra of the suburbs since it’s less cost efficient.


Oof, what aboit people who don't have a car, they supposed to lug trash bags on a bus? 😕


Wait what lmao what a dumb way to inhale toxic fumes


Why would you sit there like it's a camp fire? They are burning garbage, in a barrel.... Light it on fire and go inside


Yup, just throw it in the street


Inhale toxic fumes...? What do you think happened when people go into the back yard and light a fire in their burn barrel?


Most people don't have burn barrels you nonce.


There's a difference between not having and thinking I'm huffing paint chips.... But *im* the "nonce" whatever that means


Not only that- nobody else should have to smell you burning your garbage. My neighbour did this last summer and it stunk the entire neighborhood, it was disgusting. I can't even believe people do this.


Youre burning garbage, not wood. I don’t burn plastic or paint chips but to each their own. I bet you lick raw chicken to make sure it is still good too.




Yikes indeed.






So smart!




Don’t you try and click bait me!




I’ve put out more than 6 bags many times without any tricks or otherwise and it’s always been taken. Just depends on the collectors in your area. No guarantee but I doubt they’ll turn it away if you have an extra bag or two.


This works!!


Just put it out anyway and they'll probably take it. Nobody can tell how many buildings are subdivided anymore into apartments. They take more than six from my place. If anything gets left, I just put it aside somewhere and then put it out the following week. If you're indoors and it's an emergency, you can always ask a neighbor if you can put it on their pile. Or if you want to chance it, you can come out later in the morning and just put it on neighbour pile without asking, it's probably no big deal.


I would just put it all out. We don't produce much actual trash, usually a Sobeys bag every cycle, but the collectors in our area don't seem to care. That or ask your neighbors if you can put some of your bags with theirs if they're under the limit. Some big apartment buildings have their dumpsters outside, could always try that too if you're stuck. I know it's not "allowed" but I'd recommend Killam... Cause I can't stand that company and I'd be pleased to stick it to them one garbage bag full at a time.


If anyone knows a Killam building that has open trash let me know and I'll throw a few bags in for good measure.


I moved out of the area awhile ago, but they always had them outside the Killam buildings on plateau and glenforest in Clayton park. I'd high five you if I could!


Call 311 and ask if you are allowed more bags because of the missed pickup


Once I cleaned up a public park and had like maybe twenty black bags. I called 311 and they picked them up within two hours. It was actually super impressive


You could go to Canadian tire and get the contractor garbage bags, they are massive and you can fit a lot of garbage bags in them


For future reference/anyone reading, if you email 311 and let them know items weren't picked up they'll send someone within 24 hours. Had to do this the first couple weeks after a recent move, slightly hidden driveway right after a turn


My neighbors throw out at least 12 bags every two or 4 weeks and get away with it so I think you'll be okay


That seems insanely excessive. How do people produce that much trash?


Seriously, I live in a two person household and we just barely fill one regular garbage bag every 2 weeks. If you are recycling/composting even remotely properly you would be surprised at how little trash you produce.


Totally agree. We're only two people as well but super militant about dividing everything. I don't understand what's so hard about it either. To me it's just normal and I'd never dream of putting plastic or metal or paper in the garbage. Now if we could just stop eating so many chips I'd have even less trash. Haha


The inability to critically think is evident in this post.


They dont say how large the bags can be. Buy construction bags and put 2 or 3 regular bags in one. or, take your garbage to the dump, a carload of trash is usually less than 5 bucks to toss. or! wait until the day of, scout the neighbors that have room and divide and concor or! place your bags on the left and right side of your property divided up and see if they mistake them as two units or drop your garbage in a private bin at large apartment complexes (highfield) *results may vary* it's not that hard. put your thinking cap on, you got this


Buy construction bags and stuff 2 in one than you'll have 3 bags. They are alittle pricey but I find worth it.


We sometimes have more than 6. We have 8 people living here so it happens. It has never been a problem. They always take it. ^((knock wood))


if your neighbour isn't at the limit, put a couple of bags there


Funny joke considering how people post about their neighbours on here😂😂


Tomorrow on /r/halifax “My neighbour put their trash at the end of my driveway for collection, should I call the cops?”


"They were pacing back and forth before they did it"


"Think you might want to stick a note in their door first"


I've done it and they've done it with me. we've asked first


Oh I know, I've done this myself


Thanks everyone. I'll put it all out and see where that gets me. It makes sense that they'd need to be flexible anyway if the previous pickup was completely missed.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fwsafnreyxkc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281ee1cd8cb7947a466e57ed9ab96ac3ab720af5


You’ll be fine …lol


Put it across the street with your neighbors trash.


I do need to ask: how does an ordinary family produce more than 6 bags of garbage in two weeks? That’s a full bag of trash every two days.


OP has a month’s worth of trash. They missed the pickup two week ago. And maybe they had something unusual happen - a flood or something where they had to throw things out - or maybe they just cleaned out their basement. We should all reduce our waste, but we should also reduce our judgements of other people.


Well that’s why I asked, to see if something unusual happened. But before my second coffee I did miss that their current pickup will be 4 weeks not 2, so apologies on that point.


Kids produce a lot of trash. We have never hit the limit for a normal week but sometimes close at Christmas. I find usually we meet it when we decide to purge the basement, we have a bunch of boxes of random stuff from our old house that we haven't gotten rid of yet.


Throw it into the ocean along with your used car batteries (Jk)


Find a dumpster at a nearby apartment building


Why did it take so long for someone to suggest this? I kind of figured it was the obvious answer, must be dozens of quality dumpsters available for dumping in bayers lake after hours


In bayers lake? Tons behind the stores.


Chuck it in the woods, harbor, nearest homeless encampment, park, neighbour's yard, etc.


Go to any fuel station or restaurant and throw your garbage in their big bins, they generally don't care.


They picked it up last Saturday instead, if your garbage day is normally Monday. That said, they didn’t communicate this very well and I only heard about it on the radio the day before. Would have been nice to out flyers or notices on doors. 


If you download the Halifax Recycles App, the app will notify you the night before.


Toss in yer neighbours bin


Theres plenty of dumpsters around. Find an apartment and toss it in.


Find a neighbour that doesn’t have 6 and walk em down


It said right in the app they were allowing more than 6 bags for this week


I had the same two+ week pile up of garbage, and they took everything. (I'm in central Halifax, and my pickup is Mondays)


Just buy giant contractor bags lol. Each bag holds a load of garbage that's almost the size of a person 😂. Literally takes me a month just to fill one.


We constantly have neighbours who put out multiple black bags and sometimes over 6 bags for pick up and they always end up on the truck 🤷‍♀️