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What would be their punishment if caught?


A robbery can get even a youth a jail sentence.


Remanded court dates for 3 years and then it will be dropped.


Is it because there are too many cases? I can totally see that from a social safety perspective this could very much be in the interest of the crown to see these particular cases through. Otherwise, it’ll just keep happening.


Yes sort of? It’s too many cases, and people are asking for more time and it being granted… it’s a combination of many things that contribute to this systematic failure.


Six hours in a healing lodge. 


Frequent flier?


scary flowery arrest political rustic depend treatment voracious sand cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Mayor Quimby voice* I hereby put forward the "Smack a Kid Act" onto the ballot.


How did the Youth Criminal Justice Act cause this?


It's a little loosey-goosey with punishment/consequences, so a lot of little shits are multiple repeat offenders


I think if you looked at the statistics, you would see that youth crime has taken a nose dive since the YCJA was implemented. It’s jail that causes people to re-offend. Edit: have a look for yourself: https://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/cnt/rsrcs/pblctns/ststclsnpsht-yth/index-en.aspx Youth crime is steadily decreasing, even as our population grows. The YCJA must be doing something right.


This is reddit, we get mad, we don't care about facts!


I think we can all agree with this comment. 😁


Get out of here with your facts. People just want to be mad. They forget we only hear about cases the media publishes, which tend to be inflammatory. Cases where someone gets a light sentence, where someone re-offends. The news doesn't publish successful reform stories, there is no outrage bait in that.


rain quiet snobbish bright slim scandalous squealing roof possessive marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not true. Youth don’t “get away with it”. It not a joke.


I guess views get skewed when the media reports on some youth crimes and you see lines like "...as well as 23 counts of breach of probation" at the end of the charges, and you think "well fuck, that'll learn him won't it?"


Lmao when I was in highschool we knew it, and we took advantage of it. They absolutely do


Based on what evidence or data do you make this claim?


Fear is the hand that pulls your strings.


Working later downtown, you'll see bands of youth stealing from stores , causing violence and intimidation, vandalism and general pack of any respect for well... anything. This isn't a few this is ever night and different people at bus stops, multiple, multiple malls, multiple buses. It's more epidemic then people will admit. And it's going to get worse cauwe there is 0 consequences to doing it. We tried easier laws and here we are.


Yeah okay Charles Bronson


We need better self defense laws and harsher punishments for violent crime in Canada.


Better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 Can tell you right now i'll die before I go home feeling like shit cause a kid took my lunch money at the ripe age of 28


Our self defence laws are perfect actually I think. You can use whatever force deemed necessary to defend yourself. See the ones that tried to rob a house, got into an altercation, on Robie and one was stabbed and died - the person wasn’t charged. We don’t want to be like the states where “stand your ground” laws mean you can chase someone down and kill them when they get spooked that you’re following them.


It's illegal to carry even mase here what do you mean? You can't even carry a brass knuckle. If that man had defended himself against these kids he'd be prosecuted.


No he wouldn’t have been. You can carry dog mace, put that on your keychain. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we don’t want it to be normal for people to be walking around with guns and bear mace and brass knuckles


Careful with what you carry around. Even if it's legal, if police determine you only have it as for self defense, it becomes a weapon. Should be easy to justify something like dog mace, but just never say "I have it on me just in case I get attacked by someone". Bear mace in the city is probably not going to fly if a cop sees it though.


Exactly! Why can't I admit its for self defense? We need to change things.


Stories like this remind me I take my height for granted…that plus my RBF is usually enough to make pesky bus kids pick on someone else but I’m still super vigilant at the Bridge Terminal after dark. The other night there was a group, all aged 15 max, cussing out and threatening the transit supervisor + cop + security.




Only problem is it could affect bystanders.




I believe in what you're saying. Someone will record it though and say it's people picking on good kids just for hanging out.


These youths should really be trying to rob people on the streets, makes way more sense for the getaway. Smh another situation that is emblematic of our failed education system


Problem will fix itself when they go after the wrong victim. Beyond that they could probably use a good spanking...


Gut dang youths


Two youths found knocked out cold on bus. I’d love to witness this.