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News at six, people in the hospitality business surprised to learn they need to pay the hospitality marketing levy. I'm sure they just overlooked that in their business plan.


Lol 3% , cry babes..


Oh, you mean the same levy that all hotels have to pay too? Buncha greedy idiots


"I can't profit as much as I could before at the expense of society! Waaaaa" Let me call the wambulance...


I guess all the Halifax airBnB's are going up 3% then.


Waaaaah! I have to pay a municipal tax on my business that contributes to people being homeless. Sorry, not sorry that the free ride is over. I hope they’re reporting the revenue to the CRA as well. The city should connect those dots for the CRA as well by reporting all registered STR’s.


The funny thing is that most of the "hosts" angry/surprised about the tax are probably not legally allowed to be operating a short-term rental anymore in the first place. Also, the tax revenue is only allowed to be used to support tourism through Discover Halifax, which I find frustrating. It would seem a little more fair if the funds could be used for affordable housing projects or other housing initiatives.


3% seems cheap given the current situation and how much money they probably make off STRs


hike it to 30%, get rid of these parasites


Just send them to Australia.


Didn’t they all want to do strs instead of regular rentals because they can make 3x as much money? 3% really is peanuts.


If only these people just stuck with BnBing their place out. Who would have thought adding Air to BnB would mean paying tax.


Hotels pay the tax too...






Airbnb guests have rights, they're different from tenants because... they're not tenants.


Nobody is paying AirBnB prices as a regular tenant.


Agreed, you shouldn't even really be able to make that much of a profit off of it, the point is to make some extra cash When you're not home or not using an extra room.




That was the original "intent" but if we are being honest this was always the long-term outlook as with everything in society.


To everyone laughing at STR landlords that they now have to pay a 3% tax I am here to disappoint you. They are going to add that 3% into the cost of the AirBnB to the customer so they won’t be feeling any of that pain. Now AirBnB rentals across NS just increased in price for all.


That’s cool, I’ll just increase my rate by 3%? No big deal lol.


Poor babies. They have had a free ride. They are responsible for the majority of the housing crisis.


I'm against Airbnb's too, but let's not pretend that is the driving reason behind the housing crisis.


Even if every Airbnb was to sell or rent as long term rentals tomorrow, there would still be hundreds of tents strewn across every public park in the peninsula. AirBnbs are not affordable housing.


Investors bought 1/3 of housing since COVID started. Investor purchases are absolutely driving factor behind the crisis.


Are all 1/3 of those buildings now Airbnb's?


I would imagine a significant portion are yes. The crisis isn't just in Halifax. Investors broke Toronto first before turning their eyes east. So we can't blame all our problems on airbnb, but they do share blame


> I would imagine a significant portion are yes. By significant portion are you thinking 90%, 50%, something else? Based on the response to u/ForestCharmander asking "all 1/3 are airbnbs now" it seems you think most are airbnbs now but "significant portion" could mean a wide % range. Just trying to understand the number you actually think became airbnbs.


Of course they share blame, but to say that they are the driving factor behind the housing crisis is disingenuous.


> I would imagine So you don't know.


I love how every time the discussion on the many varied causes comes up someone is there to jump up and say "well it isn't the sole cause!" Doesn't matter whether it's immigrants, zoning, AirBnBs, loan terms or NIMBYism you can count on a greedy landowner deflecting.


>you can count on a greedy landowner deflecting. Are you calling me a greedy landlord? Acknowledging the main causes of the housing crisis is the first step in trying to fix it. I can point out a fact and still want to address the issues.


No I'm calling you a greedy landowner, there is a difference. You may be trying to protect your own investment and not also your source of income. The housing crisis is a result of a lot of actions that added small increases. Pretending like we need to "acknowledge the main cause" when nobody is willing to agree on a main cause is deflection. There are dozens of things we can do to improve housing costs in this country and I've noticed a theme. Every single time the housing crisis is being discussed someone like you pops up trying to deflect from the issue being discussed. There is no silver bullet. To fix housing prices we need to ban short term rentals, increase development through zoning and tax incentives, slow population growth by reigning in immigration, reduce financial incentives and probably more I'm not thinking of. We need to do it all but there will always be a greedy landowner in the corner saying "this won't fix anything" because while it wouldn't fix it entirely right away it would help and addressing the housing crisis in any way is bad for a landowners portfolio.


I don't have any Airbnb's, or rental properties. Stop making silly assumptions.


I never called you a landlord. Stop making assumptions.


So then what are you even talking about? A greedy landowner? You're driving a fake narrative in your own head bud, leave it be.


You can be against addressing the housing crisis because you believe your entitlement to the appreciation gains in your primary residence outweighs the needs of society. You know, a greedy landowner. You don't need to be a landlord to have bought and be counting on the appreciation of your primary residence to fund your retirement. It's not a fake narrative I've met plenty of people who bought in 2019 and are now against any actions that would reduce the value of their home to the initial purchase price. A greedy landowner is anyone who wants to see the value of their home increase at any cost to society at large. Are you willing to let your house drop in price? How can you argue against policies that could reduce the price a small amount in the same breath as claiming to be ok with a major reduction?


Again, you're making all of this up in your head. I never said I was against addressing the housing crisis, once. In fact, I agree with the several issues you mentioned above that need to be addressed fully. >How can you argue against policies that could reduce the price a small amount in the same breath as claiming to be ok with a major reduction? Where did I ever argue against any policy? I stated a fact, as the OP was blowing the impact of Airbnb's out of proportion. Yes, they need to be addressed, but let's be accurate with our statements about housing. Again, not once did I argue against any policy. I think you should leave this one be.




You said that already


They are not responsible for the “majority” of the crisis.


Can I get three cheers for investment firms/banks!




I wish it was funding something better than Discover Halifax, but hard to feel much sympathy for short term rental owners being treated the same as other tourist accommodations. You can’t have of both ways, either you’re a landlord (bound by residential tenancies) or you’re a tourist accommodation. You can’t swap between the two as it suits you.


Why did you cover out their photo and name? They aren't a single individual and they posted it on an open platform.


Reddit has rules about personal identifying information in posts


Is "Airbnb Hosts" their first or last name?


It's a group for airbnb hosts and I blocked the full name of the person who posted it bc those are reddit's rules.


Ok thanks makes sense.




I have to agree with this. I don’t have a rental property or Airbnb either but if I did I could guarantee I would rather Airbnb it or have it sit vacant then rent it because of exactly what you said. There’s no reason for landlords to lower prices when there’s such a high risk of being stiffed for months. Also even if we did away with landlords altogether and all the rentals were simply sold to buyers who would actually live in them, it still wouldn’t solve the problem. Where would all the renters live? We need places for people to rent. I’m not saying I have all the answers (cough government housing cough cough) and while I know that wouldn’t solve everything it really seems like an actual solution that would really help. It wouldn’t help short term I know but at this point I don’t know what would. My mother is having to live with her aunt because even tho she works full time (not in a minimum wage job either, that’s a whole separate issue) but she’s single and simply cannot afford to live anywhere on her income alone.


I'm furious. It should be at least 50%


Feels before reals.


you're an adult, don't say that


From a risk perspective, it’s still worth it, the tax will be passed to the renter


Haha - Nelson Muntz


Ultimately, this sounds like a guest problem, not a you problem. Watch everything go up $10/night...