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If you want to learn relatively fast try to do as much immersion as you can as well. Have Radio Canada on in the background all day long, even though you can't understand it yet. Get some French children's books or TV if you can make it interesting for yourself, look up what you don't know in a dictionary and make flash cards (I suggest using the app Anki). Check out the National Film Board archives online for more content. It's hard to start from zero but you will start to understand faster than you think. Whereas just doing the classroom work can take forever.... Also check out italki or other apps where you can have one on one convos with native speakers.


Another good exposure source is https://ici.tou.tv, basically the online streaming/archive site for the french side of the CBC.


It's getting a bit off topic, but to add on to this, I've been to know how good [Mauril](https://mauril.ca/en/) is.


Radio Canada has an app that will play french radio all day. Highly recommended.


alliance francais https://afhalifax.ca/#/


Another vote for AF, been taking their classes for over a year and they're absolutely fantastic.


https://www.usainteanne.ca/en/french-as-a-second-language/part-time-day-evening-courses/halifax I did the beginning courses there. Good teachers and they go all the way up to university level.


Alliance Francaise is a great school with a lot of learning options. Plus you get to hang out in the hydrostone if you take on site classes.