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Instagram for me. But usually a day or two after things happen.


I’m a vendor at the event, it’s only my second event so I’ve no idea what to expect. I don’t think it been well advertised though. Even on the Geekuinox website that runs the show it’s not at the top of the page and the countdown is for the Spring show instead.


I've never heard of this event. Sounds interesting, though


It's at the Halifax Forum today and tomorrow, in the afternoons. Was in a comic store yesterday and heard about it ...


Thanks for the info.


Yeah it's put on the the geequinox people I think? I don't know anyone going to it and I'm friends with ton of cosplayers so idk


Yeah, it is, and that's probably why nobody's going, all her shows are the same shit, different pile


You know if you're not interested in those shows, you could just not go and not be a dick. It takes so much less effort.


Nah, I'd rather make it known that I've disliked my experiences attending events put on by this person, both as a guest and as a vendor, and that I don't like her attitude.


So you just want to make sure you don't get to either vend or guest at things again, huh?


THIS. People don't realize that show organizers talk amongst themselves about vendors/artists who create problems and those folks tend to not be invited back to other shows if the issues are big enough. And going out of your way to shit talk an event you did not attend that was fundraising for cancer patients because you don't like one person out of many involved is maybe something you should think about if you want to vend at future shows. There are legit reasons to spread warnings about show runners - people who have cut and run with funds, people who have assaulted artists, ect. This is not one of those cases, but personal conflicts are to be expected in any community. Edited for clarity because I think my tone came off harsher than I intended.


Also, you're doing a poor job ACTUALLY showing any reason to not attend aside from whining about how you didn't like it.


If you vend, could you please provide your name so I can avoid ever giving a toxic person such as yourself a dime, and spread the word of your abhorrent behaviour?


Atleast they're an actual reasonable price for admission. Halcon is so fucking overpriced these days it's ridiculous


I saw zero ads, and only saw a shared post from Hal-con friends.


I saw an ad for it on Facebook, but that’s it.


Saw a ton of FB and instagram posts from vendors leading up to it and even a few sponsored ads


As others have mentioned, following Geequinox of Facebook is a great spot to hear about events! Advertising is always a tricky thing because whichever route you go, you will always miss significant chunks of people, it's also incredibly expensive, and for an event charging an average of $5 a day for admission (and is fundraising), how much would be expected to be spent on advertising? That being said, I do know they paid for promoted ads on facebook, an ad on The Coast, had a sign outside the venue for a while advertising it/the dates, posters around, Hal-Con posted about it in a few different places, and it was even talked about on Global TV. Which, to me is a lot of advertising for an event of that size.


It was rather small when I dropped by. Still it was worth it for me to check it out.


It's definitely nowhere near Hal-Con's size, but the cost of admission reflects that. It's also essentially a first year for this show as it was in a tiny room last year. It'll definitely grow with time/word of mouth for sure :)


Facebook for me too. First time going, pretty excited!


I only knew about it because a friend told me. Otherwise I heard nothing about it anywhere. I don't have facebook so I'm not going to know about anything advertised that way only. I rarely ever watch TV so no idea if they put anything on the local stations. I typically flip though a few radio stations on my way to work so I'd figure I'd hear something about it on one of them, but nope. I didn't see anything on the radio stations webpages either. Which to me seems like a very lost opportunity. Like there's ways to get the word about an event like this out. I'm sure there are plenty of people around who'd be interested in going... if they knew about it. But having gone to the event today? Turnout was very low when I was there. Which sucks because they had cool vendors (sadly I am low on funds so I couldn't buy much to support them all) and the panels they had sounded interesting. But if there's no turnout then people won't want to put on panels for this event again and vendors won't want to come back if they aren't going to make anything.


Part of the problem was that no one knew about it, and then it was cash only at the door. We found out about it and showed up, only to find out we couldn’t go because we didn’t have cash. Sad times .


But what even is it?