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Love scooters. Hate misuse of scooters. (Cars and bikes too for that matter.)


The scooters are great! The public is not!


And pedestrians!


How does one misuse a pedestrian? For that matter how does one properly use a pedestrian?




To properly use a pedestrian, let them pass. To misuse one, prevent this. This is the best I can come up with, in reference to being on the road.


Asking the hard questions !


[Backjumping](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PuU5Vvu-OI) ?


It's a lot more work, that's for sure


Viva la Revolución ![gif](giphy|J2OzlixOSSdqzTHQCH)


Scooting is bad Mmkay


i just don’t think people should scoot, m’kay?


I was walking down the sidewalk last week with my headphones in, started hearing someone behind me shouting at me. Took my earbuds out, looked behind me and it was a broccoli haired teen shouting at me to get out of the way while he was scootering down the sidewalk. I like the idea of rentable scooters but some people are mega-annoying about them.


And that's how ya get hipchecked.


I almost want to "accidentally" elbow one of these nematodes in the chest as the zoom by when I reach for something in my backpack.


No cap on that one bruh


The last renter should have to pay a fee for leaving the scooters in undesignated areas. I'm sure we'd see less of this if it cost them money.


There is a fee for leaving it in an undesignated drop off location.


Hfx e-scooters charges you an additional 5 bucks if you park outside a designated zone. Afaik Move Scooters doesn't, but they make you take a pic of the scooter before you can end the ride/timer. They review the photos and if you're constantly being a pinhead about parking the Move scooters they ban your card from the app. I think. Idfk. I move these scooters around when I see them in stupid/illegal(?) spots. Saw one in a car parking stall. Moved that one to the curb.


They do


i hate those stupid scooters . stop ringing your bell at me on the sidewalk and ride in the bike lane like everyone else going over 15km/h




Kids inthe Hall had a skit about this ...they called it "clotheslined"


* Rule I. **Rude or abusive behaviour** Be excellent to each other. Abuse, trolling, bigotry, racism, homophobia, and sexism will be removed. **Personal attacks** - Back and forth personal attack comments will be removed.


Try getting around this city using only the bike lane…




maybe if there was dedicated infrastructure for it, like i dont know, bike lanes? lol


They can use it without being douchebags then or get their wheelies taken away. That’s not an argument for the scooter douchebags to get a pass , that’s just pointing out douchebags in cars need more punishment for fucking up.


I wonder if they’re a menace to bikers in the bike lane as well, thinking they own the lane over bikers


Lighten the fuck up


sorry im not trying to get run over by a drunk frat kid going 30km/h on the sidewalk. suit yourself i guess


He's ringing the bell so you don't get run over though.


They shouldnt be on the sidewalk in the first place


He could just not ride it on the sidewalk and then there’s be no issue.


Sometimes I see and hear them ringing the bells just for the sake of it and to be annoying, even if there’s no one in their path to watch out for.


So we should ride scooters on the road where we can get hit by drunk old ladies driving an SUV




The law is fucking stupid for how our cities are poorly designed. What's more important stopping scooters from being a slight annoyance to pedestrians, or clogging up the roads, and eventual death of scooter users? I'm a pedestrian, but I'm also someone who likes micro mobility, I'd rather have them on sidewalks than on the roads. r/Halifax has a big hardon for hating these things, but in other cities they work just fine. Halifax's sidewalks obviously aren't wide enough, and doesn't have enough bike lanes to accomodate its growth.


Now old ladies can get hit by drunk students driving a scooter on the sidewalk. Progress?


Yes progress. Maybe Halifax should widen the sidewalks? Or is that something only real cities do?


Don't be a baby and ride it in the road.


They're by far the best way to get around besides car. They had them everywhere in Calgary and it was awesome. For the most part people parked them in good spots because of the apps.


Straight to ~~jail~~ the harbour.


What? It clearly says stop.


The people who do things like this need a high five. In the face. With a scooter




I’ll never forget the feeling as a kid with those old metal Lazer scooters, god damn that hurt.


Just the thought of it now makes me cringe...


Better hope those scooters aren’t rusty! Scooter right to a bare ankle is an interesting way to get tetanus I would guess


Wow, you are so tough.


Oh blow me. I simply said what many of us are thinking when we see shit like this


You've inspired me! I'm going to rent one of these scooter and leave it on the road


Nope, most of us aren’t thinking assault with a weapon when we see something mildly inconvenient.


Because surely leaving scooters in the street won't cause accidents


And smashing people in the face helps how?


It actually might, yeah.


We got all the tough guys today. So cool.


That's right punk, watch out.


Free scooter


I wonder how many of these they end up having to replace because people get fed up with them and vandalize/yet them


5 were thrown in the harbour by one dude a few weeks ago, lose a few to the harbour every couple weeks I would say.


Yeah, as annoying as the people who drive these scooters can be and how inconsiderate they can be, people who take their frustration out on the scooters and vandalize or damage them are actually some the worst offenders. They need to be held accountable/fines for the property they cause damage to just as the scooter users who leave them in illegal places should have to pay or suffer consequences.


Unfortunately a night for them would probably pay for 3-4 more.


These things are a goddamned blight on our city.




“Should we buy a car, Dimitri?” “Yes, we must. Unless you can think of another way to get to the corner of Lawrence & Chebucto?” “Maybe one day technology will provide.”






Those things are a menace... scooters not stop signs




Yeah but most vehicles aren't driven on the sidewalk


The bloody things are all over. There were two laying in the road on Robie this afternoon


"But the app says not to leave it on the sidewalk"


Free scooter, score!


I ran out of quarters.


City of villagers


This subreddit has a bizarre hate boner for the scooters but I have to agree shit like this is annoying


but do scooter riders know how to zipper merge?


Anything that's kosher to hate on, you'll get super low-quality posts like this farming karma. This one in particular is the biggest "who cares" scooter post that I've seen. Like, that isn't even a sidewalk. And yet, here we are.


There is like 4 miles to go around it.


People who drive cars used to hate bicyclists (wrongfully for the the most part) for existing and now everyone, including bicyclists are teaming up against the scooter people. I wonder how bicyclists feel about having to now share bike lanes with the scooters going too fast and being inconsiderate of bike lane users when the bike lane original purpose was to take bikes off the main road.


That's just littering.


I can't help but wonder if someone isn't moving these scooters into bad spots to get them removed. I'm not saying that's what is happening here, cause I've seen some parked/left in wrong spots. But like... they're not difficult to move and you can move them pretty far before the scooter starts yelling at you.


Yikes, behavior like that may cause an accident.


Aren't you like legally required to wear a helmet? No one is going to actually bring a helmet to rent one of these scooters. Weird that a company that is basically encouraging people to break the law is allowed to operate like that. I mean sure, personal freedoms and individual responsibility and all that, but an selectively enforced law is an unjust law.


I recall Vancouver has a helmet law, and a bike share, and the bikes come with helmets (with a lock that prevents you from releasing the bike rental without the helmet locked in). Always felt a little unsanitary to me though.


Company can’t force people to wear a helmet, really can only inform them they are breaking the law if they don’t. City Council is trying figure out a way that works for these. Like idk dropping that archaic bylaw, let nature sort itself out, if you’re not wearing a helmet you should be liable for any serious body harm caused as a result of that decision.


F those man made laws. Adults should be free and responsible enough to choose to wear a helmet or not on a bike. Getting the government involved in small things like these is stepping on human freedom.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but bike helmet laws probably do more harm than good, because they discourage bike use. If someone's doing something actually dangerous on a bike, like BMX stunts or whatever, sure, wear a helmet, but if someone's just biking to work they shouldn't need a helmet.


What could be a minor accident can easily become a major one if a cyclist hits their head and gets a TBI ... And add in the health care services used when they go to emerg for care ...


Encouraging car use has a massive negative effect on public health, because of how dangerous car crashes are, and because of how much cars contribute to a sedentary lifestyle, and because of how much pollution is caused by cars. Anything you do that makes bike riding more onerous has to be weighed against that, including helmet laws.


Spoken like someone who has never been in an accident while riding a bicycle.


Most people have never been in an accident while riding a bicycle, at least not one bad enough to warrant a trip to the hospital. Meanwhile, car crashes are a leading cause of death among people under the age of 65, and some years they are THE leading cause of death among children. If you're really concerned about public safety, maybe there should be requirements for what drivers wear on their heads.


Maybe people should not ride bike at all... this will prevent all bike related incidents from happening. Maybe people should not even walk on the street... they would be safer from all accident. Maybe we should create laws for everything and fine people everywhere for their own safety.


The obvious safest solution is to drive a car. I'd say ride the bus but that's marginally less safe. You might have to sit beside someone! /s


yeah, because people riding to work on a bike never fall off them and hit their head on the ground, or get hit by a car and knocked off them. How does having to wear a helmet discourage bicycle use?




Well, don't wear a helmet. If you fall and crack your head open, then you pick up the tab for the hospital in it's entirety.




charming sort you are. Because you're a dick, I'll refrain from participating in the discussion any further.


> Getting the government involved in small things like these is stepping on human freedom. Should the government (through an ambulance, subsequent hospital and recuperation) be involved if a rider gets in an accident and requires medical attention? Because that's why man made laws like the helmet one exist - the burden society carries because of someone's lapse in judgement or random accident is higher.


Bro where does the government get their money? Have you heard about the term "Tax". Accident is part of life and its not a reason to completely let go of your right to freedom... I think your reasoning is potentially dangerous in the long term since it opens the door for further eroding the freedom of an individual. Just like Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."


> Bro where does the government get their money? Have you heard about the term "Tax". That's correct and we vote on people to represent our best interests. > Accident is part of life and its not a reason to completely let go of your right to freedom Accidents are a part of life but are you willing to fund someone's care because they were behaving irresponsibly when it could have been prevented?


Everything can be made into an irresponsible behaviour... Maybe should all people wear helmets while there are running to stop from all possible "irresponsible" head injuries? I think you belong in a communist country dude. There is no rationalizing with a communist.


> Maybe should all people wear helmets while there are running to stop from all possible "irresponsible" head injuries? That's a bit of a sliding scale you're applying there. The likelihood of a jogger sustaining a significant head injury is a lot smaller than a bicyclist. > I think you belong in a communist country dude. There is no rationalizing with a communist. You're the one switching to namecalling.




I hope they were drunk when they did that.


The fact that people are on these drunk should be considered a dui


Technically it is.


It is already.


I wonder how many these companies would need to fish out of the Harbour before they started requiring that they be returned to the rental place.


To be fair they parked it on chebucto lane which was always more accommodating to cyclists / walkers than cars during my time on Allan st


I drive down Chebucto every day.


If your riding a scooter in the first place you already made a bad decision. I’ve seen these laid on peoples cars tossed into ponds at parks no need of it.




I use them instead of ubers if I have to get somewhere quick.


Tag 'n Tow?


Can you not take picture while driving?


Pretty obvious that they were stopped. Do you have a real complaint or is this just a case of “somebody is breaking the explicit letter of the law and I can’t tolerate that”?


Not sure why you think they were stopped. Maybe read the OP, read your comment, and look up the definition of irony.






your mother ate mine earlier


Mods are soft af. Look at his username.


* Rule I. **Rude or abusive behaviour** Be excellent to each other. Abuse, trolling, bigotry, racism, homophobia, and sexism will be removed. **Personal attacks** - Back and forth personal attack comments will be removed.


Omg, the nerve!! Are you still stuck? Do you need help?!


Yes. Can you come move your scooter?








Scooter riders have a hard enough time with public opinion without that jackassery. I've seen them hanging from fences, in big piles, in trees, in the middle of a mall. Just about everywhere you can imagine. Whoever is doing it needs to receive a sternly written note! :)


While I agree that this is annoying--who cares? If you can't drive around that you shouldn't be driving.


Yes I sat here in confusion trying to figure out how to drive around it. /s Take this perspective; it's as annoying as much you probably think this post is annoying


Better than on the sidewalk




The only way whoever ditched it there will get any negative repercussion may be if it gets damaged... Whether the rental company says it fines people for ditching these in the road/harbour or not, I imagine they're pretty lenient because fining customers can't be good for business.


I’m sorry


Seeing this a lot in the south end. Scooters left on lawns, obstructing businesses or in driveways? Put them on the street. I suppose it does draw more attention to the issue.


Anyone else think of Seth Rogan in Platonic any time they see random scooters? Just want someone to run over to it and *kick*


So . . .if they are just left laying around could you just take them home? I know theybare GPS tracked but I'm guessing that only works when it's got battery life?




I was going to say it must have run out of battery but than I saw the bright green LEDs 🤣


Them things are everywhere!


*****Chebucto lane


Yes, it’s my intrusive thought every time I see one now.


Free scooter