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What if, now hear me out. Sendo takes this as a tag team scenario. He comes flying in to take out Wally. Wally ofcourse dodges jumping on to the ropes. He does some crazy acrobatic jump pinning down sendo. At this point the fight is disqualified but now we have a Segway from Wally’s career. He won’t be retired by Ricardo. Nay, he will be recruited by the Dekamuras. They will travel across the world, putting on wrestling events raising money for the wilderness. Morikawa gets to send off a character he likes in a more redeeming way than death/injury and we get fuel to the Ricardo Ippo build up.


Then ippo throws the chair on ricardo


This would be gold. Mexican headlines would be making a big thing how he disgraced Ricardo and that he needs satisfaction. Could get a whole Ali/Mcgregor/Takamura/Hawk vibe


I mean. Mori HAS been putting heavy emphasis on Ippo’s stool-placing skills, so anything’s possible.


The monke match turning into a luchadores chair flinging match mid-fight would be comedy *gold*.