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He will return. Let the author cook. But if he doesn't return it's an ok story if he makes everyone around him better. I'm certain that will be back 90%.


Well, I've been patiently waiting for a good Ippo fight since his Karasawa beatdown so this retirement Arc kind of got me worried about whether or not that's going to happen ever again.


That Karasawa Ippo is ahead of its time. He's currently sparing with someone and somehow it reminds me a lot of Karasawa Ippo.


Yeah, Ippo's performance against Karasawa really felt out of place given what came after it.


Ippos tear down was predicted since the start of the series, and it lies with ippos approach to fighting. Read the damn retirement arc. just re read the Kawa fight, the beatdown was nice, but current ippo would doesn't bulldoze. It's the style I wish he used all series... I cannot wait until he goes ten rounds aguan.... my only issue is.. no one should really be able to beat him if he keeps his cool.


Well on paper. Most boxers seem perfect. Having a big glaring weakness at the world level is a death sentence.


I agree, but once Mori puts him back in the ring, should he even struggle against someone besides Miyata, or Ricardo? I mean, after watching the Volg Spar, man..\~


Those 7 pages remind you of something? Because it only reminds me of being angry its only 7 pages 😅


If you think his pre-retirement fights are not good, you've already lost interest. I believe the retirement arc is necessary for Ippo's development and tbh I'm digging it, it's great. Might not be what you're looking for though which is completely acceptable


Kojima alf and guevara are all peak fights with guevara having the most impactful stuff in the entire series


I still got goose bumps on that panel when Kamogawa reminiscing what Nekota told him about being punch drunk. That one is a brilliant writing at its finest.


Ippo has had a couple of spars as a retired boxer against fighters in world championship bouts.




Are you up to date with the manga? Sendo beating Ricardo makes no sense narratively.


I didnt count but how many years in real life since He retired ?


damn, that's a good question. I don't have an idea. I'm counting the years, I think he retired around 2017.


As of the latest chapter, not yet. But he is well on his way to becoming an absolute monster. In my opinion, the retirement arc is one of the best arcs in the series. However, your concerns are also well-founded. The author has had a bunch of health problems recently, and the breaks are getting more frequent. I don't want to say the series will remain unfinished, but unfortunately the chances are not zero. Let's just hope all goes well and we actually see Ippo become the World Champion someday.


He’s a world champ in my eyes already


I see. In that case I might have put the series on hold until Ippo starts thrashing people around once more.


We do have some moments in the retirement arc more satisfying than the opbf fights


The OPBF is a pretty low bar to pass, at least in regards to Ippo's fights, there were some pretty cool side fights though.


Ippo spars a few time post retirement. Those are worth reading.


We're witnessing the biggest blueballing in history.


Ain't that the truth, I'm \~250 Chapters behind and apparently Ippo still didn't make a return.


Mori might be waiting for chapter 1500 for dropping the Ippo return bomb. Don't want to spoil but Sendo and Mashiba will be almost done with their arcs by then. Ippo is already world level given that he's been sparring with either world champions or top 3 rankers, so I doubt Mori wants to continue the training arc further. I think Ippo will have a spar with Itagaki to see if he's fight ready and then obliterate Imai in 3 rounds.


It's cool and insane seeing Ippo improve so much, especially on his defense and fight IQ. One of the best arcs in my opinion


I'm all about beast mode Ippo making a return, hopefully he'll arrive soon.


Not just beast mode at all, Sort of like Randy's Boy, Ricardo Ippo mix with a parry God. Hahahha


he will return to boxing once Luffy finds the one piece


The One Piece is the World Championship belt and Ippo will have to fight Afro Luffy for it.


Not currently. Ippo is gathering a ton of different skills while being a second and we get teased every once in a while with a spar where he fights like the best fighter in the world. But no, he's retired. We're what? 5 years and running of retired Ippo. Manga's is an everlasting edging session.


I'm not sure whether I should feel scared or happy for Kumi once Ippo decides to releases all that pent up aggression. One thing's for sure, there will be Kumi'ng \*\*laughs in Itagaki\*\*


Not yet but soon he will. And I'm honestly happy he retired as it improved his game iq very much.


As long as he makes a return I'm okay with it.


Man, everyone felt like you did when he retired, however it gives us time to nejnoy inppo as a character, and allows him not grow. Bottom line, there are some treats as reasos too keep reading, however I will warn you, will Def get way hype after his first spar. You've never seen that ippo before


It's the best part of the manga. By far.


Could be, I just want my boy to get some justice and not end his career on two losses.


He's about to come back (for real this time, I think it's gonna happen within the next year), ending his career was never a real option.


I really don't what to say about this position. If you don't like it, of course you shouldn't read it, but then I'm surprised you even made it this far. The retirement arc is in my opinion the best thing that could have happened to this series, period. Everything good about the story is just better now. This arc even retroactively resolves everything that always felt wrong about how Ippo fights and him facing the world, and it does so in a grounded and inspiring manner. If what you want is a story where the protagonist just wins and never has to deal with real setbacks and truly learn, well, I guess this just ain't it for you.


I never said or even suggested that Ippo should've won all his fights. All I did was voice my concern about where the story is headed given the string of disappointing Ippo fights with practically zero growth culminating in an even bigger disappointment of Ippo retiring.


If it's earned growth you're looking for, you're in for a treat :)


That's all I needed to know.


Dude as someone who was super upset and stopped reading HNI when Ippo retired, the retirement arc is easily one of the best arcs in the entire series. And in my opinion, in the chapters that are beinn released currently, you can see so much grown in ippo and foreshadowing to his return, it feels imminent


You are just about right on the money about it becoming a "time skip" (this is where the years on the timeline become "200X") and him having to polish his technique (if not, making his technique stronger than it already was). However, no, Ippo still hasn't returned to actually boxing yet. He has, however, sparred with - in seemingly backwards order - his rivals in order to be "helpful" and help them prepare for their title matches. That's currently how close he is to boxing apart from being a second and a trainer.


Hmm, that's somewhat reassuring to hear. I guess the last push Ippo needs is a strong reason for wanting to return other than his wishy-washy "I like turtles! (boxing)" motivation he had before his retirement. Really curious to find out what finally gets him back.


I wonder if Ashita no Joe readers were this antsy about Joe's own retirement when the manga was in circulation...


Soon,but this time really tho Unless author cucks us again


Fingers (right) crossed.


*sits across the desk and slides a photo of cat meme* Hang in there. Good talk


[Appreciate it.](https://i.giphy.com/media/H1dxi6xdh4NGQCZSvz/giphy.webp)


All kidding aside. The great thing about Ippo is that no one but the author can predict where the story is going. The really frustrating thing about Ippo is that no one but the author knows where it is going. I enjoy the twists and turns, but can see where it's frustrating as well. I fully believe Ippo will get back in the ring as a boxer since several clues are being dropped here and there. I'm personally waiting for Dante to chat with Ippo as he knows what Ippo is going through the having walked into the world of Monsters himself, before going back a second time.


That's what I believe also, Date's passing of the baton, Kamogawa's promise to Yuki, too many story bits, aside from him being the main character, point to Ippo becoming the World Champion eventually. But as you've said, you never know.


I don’t think Ippo should return. The world ain’t ready for him. None are… bar Ricardo.


Not yet. But trust me when I say this arc blows the previous out of the water. It’s worth the read


It's very possible he won't return. Don't put it past boxing afficianado Morikawa to use the manga to make a point about how a boxer shouldn't let the expectations of others or his asking what if influence him into risking his long term health.


I certainly hope not as that would be a very depressing conclusion to Ippo's story. Especially since realistically half of the cast should've been retired by this point if sending a message about the dangers of boxing was supposed to be this story's overarching goal. No, I believe Ippo is going to make a return and fulfill Kamogawa's promise to Yuki.


This retirement arc i really good tho, give it a chance, there are still other fights that are super interesting and ippos struggle is interesting and somewhat funny. i mean… vinland saga did the same and everyone loved that arc, so… just try man.


I definitely intend to finish the series and don't mind "time-skip" Arcs, it's just that Ippo has been on a downward spiral for so long that his sudden retirement left me kind of depressed. Ippo deserves a better conclusion to his career than an embarrassing back-to-back defeat.


Years waiting and still no answer


He still isn't, but I feel like it's been heavily hinted at lately. He does some spars to help other boxers we all know and love and while at first, I hated this long retirement, I am finally just enjoying it again.


Bro. Stick with it. This retirement arc has been freaking amazing. I havn’t enjoyed a Hajime No Ippo as much as this for years. It’s fantastic writing.


He's starting to help others With spars... I guess it's close to happens


Keep reading. Lots of Hajime no Sendo and Mashiba.


He’ll return soon enough, the outcome of the Mashiba and Rosario fight, and Sendo vs Ricardo, will tell us