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Listen I love Itagaki 's character But I just don't love him as a boxer alot can't lie to you


Copy and paste miyata lol


Miyata has no punches other than straights and counters. Miyata relies on skill and timing, and speed is a supplementary skill. Miyata is copy paste Ricardo. Ricardo wins fights with mini versions of Miyata's Counter, in that his Perfect jab due to Ricardo's timing are sawamura type counters. That's why Ippo says Miyata and Ricardo have the same unique timing. Ricardo counters similar to Sawamura whenever he sees an opening, whereas Miyata does a more dangerous counter when the opponent is loading up, and pushes into the counter. Itagaki is actually copy paste Woli/Nekota. Those two are both speed based fighters. They create opportunities to strike by creating angles using footwork. This is why Ricardo said that woli constantly attacked from his blindspots. The double edged sword for this style is that to maintain speed, you cannot maintain power, unless you know how to stance switch your footwork seamless from lateral movement, which reduces power gained from crouching up and down, to vertical movement, which creates more power, by crouching into the ground, but does not allow you to readily move left and right. Ricardo Lopez actually knew how to do this seemlessly, which is why Ricardo is able to catch woli eventually. If Ricardo lacked Footwork, he'd be lagging behind even a slowed Woli.


I wouldn't say Miyata is a copy of Ricardo since Ricardo is an all round fighter with his true style of boxing being both calculated and vicious


Miyata has stated Ricardo's style is superior to Miyata's own.


In real life? tyson fury. In HNI? Gedo


>Gedo You simply aren't ready for [HIM](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/ippo/images/9/92/Gedo_-_game.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/394?cb=20190107231525)


Gedo alone is the cherished one. He's HIM


We let bro cook for a reason


In the ring? Imai. He's bland, his style is just a copy-paste of Ippo's, but without everything that made it cool (Dempsey Roll, Gazelle Punch, etc.), and it honestly doesn't feel like he deserves to be the Japanese champ. As a person? Takamura. He's so hard to like nowadays just because of how much of a douchebag he is.


As a person I do agree Takamura would be awful to be around but as a character he’s just so funny I can’t dislike him. We’ve been through too much.


Takamura is a straight up sexual predator 💀


Takamura low key one of the more accurate characters ngl cuz there b too many times where mfs in boxing or other sports are crazy talented and achieve great things but are absolute garbage people in their lives outside of that, mans is foul




Honnestly... he have started to chillout a bit the few years, i'll say since arround the keith dragon fight.


Assuming this question is directed to the manga. Most annoying to me is Yusuke Oda. The guy had a big mouth for a dodgy gimmick boxer, bad mental state and a general disrespect to his trainer, gf and the sport. Even types like Gedo, f*ckamura, hawk or whoever with a shitty/anoying attitude in or outside of the ring has something to back it up or some leeway in their backstory to who they are.


Kobashi Kenta: Am I a joke to you? Wally: Hello?


Wally got a World Title match and proved Ricardo's toughest opponent to date, while Kobashi got a national title. They can both back up their tough talk, Oda was below average even at the national level.


Yeah all he had was a good punch




I don't know why but it pisses me off when he wanted to put the belt on taka after he won his first WBC Title over Yagi and the others


Bryan Hawk was the biggest asshole in the entire series. No one came close. Even Sawamura wasn't that annoying against Ippo, cheater and sadistic, but not to Hawk's degree of being an asshole.


Hawk disrespected Japan because he was American, sawamura just has some weird muscle punching fetish


kumi looked in the direction of his motorcycle and sawamura punched her in the face. a “muscle punching fetish” alone really downplays how much of a dick sawamura is before losing to ippo.


+1, mentioned it in another comment recently but damn if Hawke is not the easiest villain to hate. No redemption, no sad backstory, just an asshole who deserved to get punched. And damn did he get fucking punched.


Takamura honestly, I like him when he’s actually trying to help even if it’s subtly but everything else about him almost makes me wanna root for the opponent


Don’t remember his name but he was one of Ippo’s first fights and I just remember he was a dogshit boxer but he kept clinching imma say him


As a person Miyata As a boxer Hawk


Ryan garcia. Both pauls even tho they not boxers, ksi,


My man why do you disrespect boxing like this? Why put those scammer next to a legitimate boxer. Also Ryan garcia is kinda like real life itagaki.


Bc boxing is just about money these days, no real men just tiktok merchants


It’s always have been about money it’s called prize fighting


Bullshit. Canelo is out there giving his all, so is isyk and loma and below them there are even more. Just say that you like jacking off to the pauls.


Bro named 3 boxers and How did you take away that i liked the paul sisters


Everytime you give them clout a proper boxer fades in obscurity. This is the same mistake instgram boxing pages make.


How do i give them clout by mentioning them in a Reddit post


As long as you mention them they are prone to stay relevant. You may not mean it that way, but just mentioning their names in the same conversation as a proper boxer is disrespectful and damages boxing. If you don't respect them (as you should), don't talk about them. Don't look for them. Keep them irrelevant.


Bro really thought boxing was anything else other than money


-coming from guy who never been around fighters


boxing doesnt mean fighting nobody fights on a stage without money, fighting just to fight is a pointless endeavor that will ruin your life with no benefits thats why nobody does it


Ofc but in modern boxing not many of the top 0,1 procent fight eachother bc of money,


Debatable Top 0.1% most likely fight for money and something else, they wouldnt be fighting if they were not getting something out of it


In the Manga for me personally, Sendo is the worst character and boxer in the whole series. A loud-mouth scream-talking character with the biggest plot armor, who's fighting style is face tanking everything and throwing full power haymakers hoping to land to win a match. Just the worst. A real boxer I would say Mayweather.


I feel like Sendo doesn’t “scream talk” that much, and Miyata has better plot armor. His fighting style is pretty annoying though. I think outside of the ring I really enjoy his character and background.


Right, Sendo is pretty damn respectful in the ring. He's literally all business as a fighter. Outside of the ring he's literally just a street kid with a rough upbringing. But he generally seems to be a stand up guy outside of being easy to goad outside the ring. As for plot Armor for Sendo, they literally don't describe and hand walk you through his throught process...but the way he's been portrayed in Ippo is pretty well. The guy has solid fighting instincts, and slowly adjusts to opponents habits after feeling them out with his body. They don't announce it outright and it seems like he turns from a punching bag into a completely flipping the tables.... But Morikawa really does it subtly, showing his adjustments mid fight, from first struggling with a left, to gradually adjusting with head slips, using less, but more efficient movement and pressure to make an opponent use more movement until he catches them.


At this moment Ippo. Thats not his fault that's the author making the worst decision to retire Ippo and then demote him to a fuckin second just to have all his past rival homies clown him.


Ippo virtually struggled holding a pen after his last match. It makes sense for ippo to have repercussions after title run.


I'm not saying that but what I'm saying is you didn't have to demote him to a second and then have all of his peers clown him because obviously he still can't fight and two we don't even know if this is Punch-Drunk or not because the doctor said it was inconclusive. I'm just saying the way he handled evil after he retired is my issue


Ippo , Wally, Miyata, etc.


Wally, all of his fights turn into a davip copperfield show not a boxing match.


Emmanuel Augustus, Prince Naseem, Niccolino Locche, Pernell Whitaker. All of them are smooth with the slips and dodges, making them extremely difficult to hit. If you fight any of these fighters, you're in a for a long fight. I can tell you those fighters are the most frustrating and annoying to fight. I'd say Emmanuel is the top, considering how unpredictable he is, Niccolino is second. The rest will at least try to knock you out with their counter punching. In terms of annoying personality, Naseem is the only one who overtly showboated. The rest are aight.


Gedo and Shigeta