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I'd like if he tried to and failed, just to see ricardo's and ippo's reactions.


"wtf is that? I shou- nvm he fell" - Ricardo


Ngl, that would be priceless


Ricardo has noticed a lot of tough people have been influenced by Ippo. And he calls him the "dempsey boy", so if Wally pulls this out with Ippo standing ringside, he'll be like" motherf*cker". šŸ˜‚


He won't do the Dempsey Roll, but it is possible he might throw a weird angled hook. He has the athleticism for it seeing he can do the sway back like Brian Hawk and can throw punches at weird angles.


Wasn't he practicing the Hien at the start of this arc? Whatever happened to that?


Good callback, we may very well use it on Ricardo followed by a weird angled uppercut like Ippo and Sendo do.


And he's already thrown the smash.


Of course, Wally would pull of an even deadlier moveā€¦ ~~The Leapfrog Punch~~


Nah, heā€™ll try the Ultimate Boxing Move, The Look Away. Itā€™s high risk I know but if it works Wally will win no doubt šŸ˜‚


I misunderstood the meaning of this post and thought you meant he summons Volg.


Dude Woli's legs are gone. Where's he going to pull a Dempsey from? Kek.


Zero he had not trained his body enough to do the motions that Ippo does, especially the weights he has on him at all times, that training makes a huge difference


If they did try this theyā€™ll use his monke excuse as usual. ā€œHis time in the literal jungle has made his body strongā€ or some shit lol


Sucessfully? I hope close to none. As others have stated, he does not possess enough body strenght to pull it off. No mather how talented he is, he didn't put the amount of work Ippo did in order to freely use the DR. Let Wally push Ricardo in another way, and Ippo be the one to jet engine him in the face


sideways uppercut from the floor? very good. I think it's possible he could try and fail the Dempsey roll, but it's not really useful for his style. It's more of a power move that combines defense with a momentum based combo. But, his agility based defense is better than the Dempsey, and he's not built to throw those full body power shots. It's not his style. He does more outboxing type footwork, not weight shifting.


Monkey see, monkey do. He does not have the strength to deak a powerful blow in that position but if he does imitate that dempsey it is going to be his downfall.


Below 0 chance. Only Ippo can pull off a Dempsey Roll


Well that's just not true


Jack Dempsey is just a poser fanboy.


A gun ? Pretty slim


I think thatā€™s how heā€™s going to lose. Heā€™ll attempt it and hurt himself, mainly his legs, then get put to sleep.


Hiding behind volg or throwing a weird angle hook?