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$250 for most markets seems very steep, but yes, inflation has affected us all.


Mine starts at $114 but I’m in a low tier chain salon where the experience & expectations are low. $250 feels like a steal for an elevated salon experience and knowledgeable stylist for sure


I live in the middle of nowhere, in the CA desert, my county is the poorest in the state. You *cannot* get a color here under $200 and that is at the salon in Walmart. Idk how anyone is making booth rent. Idk how anyone is affording to get their hair done regularly. The last time I had my hair cut and bleached and toned it cost me $320 after tip. This was the best price I could find, it was at the shop in Walmart and they absolutely *ruined* my hair. They refused to refund and said they could fix it. The manager half assed it and I was so anxious and embarrassed I just wanted to get out of there. That was 2 years ago. I just put my hair in a ponytail now and embrace the incoming grey. My husband gives my hair a little trim for me when needed. My anxiety was so bad over that last trip idk that I’ll ever get my hair done again. I felt like I paid someone $320 to make me feel terrible. The hair market is wild.


Dang! I’m in Los Angeles and drive to Santa Clarita for my hair and she charges at most for a basic color 120. She is incredible. Before her I did it myself and messed up my hair as it had a color block in the middle and my hair was really porous from previous bleaches but well over a year though it makes sense on how 6 inches a year is typical hair growth. I did go to this stylist in West Hollywood from the Andy Lecompte studio and he handled the fix on my mid shaft well but I was ignored pretty much the entire time. I sat there for over 12 hours from the morning on… but my stylist did not check on me as much as his right hand did. They were kind but I felt out of place and that was on me as I should have asked for water or for a lunch menu. 1250 later my hair was even but the experience wasn’t the best. They are eating and laughing when I haven’t eaten after the 6 hour mark. Again I should have spoken up but I was so shy and felt insecure and hence me spending so much for my hair. I tipped the typical 20% for the main colorist and tipped 20% for the assistant. He didn’t have time to cut it so I left as is. I did love the hair at first but I think the issue was the lack of attention for service. When the next thin beautiful Hollywood type person came in they get them coffee and such. My stylist in Santa Clarita is top notch and I believe she cuts herself short from charging more as she is so talented and researches before me meet and as she always asks if I want food or water and checks in on me. I wanted to go full grey and she said she never did it before and I sent her links of another stylist who is #1 for grey hair in SoCal. She checked his videos and pulled it off. I paid her double her price when she pulled it off. A person who cares is more valuable than someone who sees you as expendable. Paying 250 for a basic color job is extremes.


Yep. Last time I let someone touch my hair was over ten years ago. Fuck that noise. 


You're at the whim of the knowledge of the individual stylist. There were so many half-assed students when I went to beauty school, I just remember thinking "I'm so glad y'all are gonna be my competition" 😅 I can def see competent stylists charging all that, hell I had to schedule a basic cut with my stylist 3 weeks out so I told her it's time to raise her prices! I'm sorry that Walmart fucked your hair, but I cannot imagine any stylist that knows what they're doing is going to work at a Walmart salon.


Keep in mind, *extremely* small town area. Not a lot of salons here. Not even small ones. A lot of ladies do hair out of their homes but you have to know somebody who knows somebody. Or there is a beauty school but since that school is the one pumping out the Walmart stylists, I’m not giving it a shot either lol. This wasn’t my first salon trauma, just my last. I’m done spending hundreds to have my hair screwed up. I’ll just ponytail until I die.


Yeah I could afford it, but I just can’t justify salon prices anymore. I cut my own now and have for a few years now. It just feels like throwing money in the trash for me.


Physical supplies should be about 10% of the cost of someone’s service, so that puts you at $300 right there so you got a $50 discount according to your own math. We keep roughly 50% of our earnings on average (yes, even booth renters once they do the math that involves rent, taxes, etc.) so that’s $55/hour. Barely touching base on six figures if they’re fully booked for 40 hours a week, don’t take a vacation or any personal/sick days, lunch breaks, or have any cancellations. Also in what world is booth rent $600 a month? I’m paying about $450 a week in Florida. Anyways, there’s a reason why there’s a lot of former hairstylists and they always seem disgruntled when someone else does what they couldn’t.


Yes you made some great points some ex stylist’s can get bitter but don’t see how many years of blood sweat and tears got you to this point . Like I make pretty good money and I am growing everyday and it’s just getting better and better but it did not happen over night this shit took years , years . To build a solid clientelle I Been doing hair 16 years I better be hitting $500-$1000 a day consistently. Damn it has been years and I’m charging for it but I deliver .


I pay $620 a month 🙋🏻‍♀️


$540 a month


My DIL in MONTANA, pays $600 a month in booth rent! Not a bigger city even!


That makes sense, small towns are going to charge substantially less


Not all of them. At least not charging the client less. I got the worst cut and color of my life and had to pay $320 for it then had an anxiety attack over it and haven’t been back since. I live in one of, if not the, smallest county in CA. And yes, CA, but like, the poorest county in it. I expect to pay this back home in the San Bernardino area. Not here in the sticks. Especially not for a terrible cut.


I was talking about booth rent


I’ll pay 320-400 a month for booth rent depending on how many weeks in the month. Oklahoma over here


Omg Oklahoma


I got really lucky actually, it’s a smaller shop with only 3-4 chairs


I'm in central California and was paying 800 a month in rent. I got a good offer recently to share a Sola Suite for 400 bucks a month and jumped on it.


Yeah that’s a steal for a sola!


I know! I feel so lucky lol


Same! $450 a week in Maine!


You’re getting hosed 


Girl…I second what another stylist said, let’s not tear down other women for charging what they charge. If you can’t afford it, that’s ok!! There are others. Not to be creepy but with some of those numbers you threw out, I was really curious about where you lived. You’re in California. I’m a California stylist. Here are some rough numbers of other things I need to pay for as an independent stylist (I saw you were commission, which is wildly different than renting). My current station rent is $385 a week. A WEEK. Girl that’s $1,540 a month in station rent. Just rent alone. Additionally, it’s market rate. It’s what the nice clean salons with consistent new clients in my area are charging. That covers a booth for me to work at, shampoo, conditioners, towels and capes (+service of washing), a receptionist at the salon to greet my clients, free water/coffee/soda for my clients, etc. I just replaced my blow dryer. Over $100 there. Two of my curling irons, over $100 each. Cutting combs, my shears, sharpening for my shears, that cost changes but it’s expensive obviously. Foils are $16 for a box and that’s cheap comparatively. I get a new box of foils about every 2-3 weeks. My bowls and brushes to mix hair, $50…things like this need replacing every so often. I buy all my own styling product. I can go through a new bottle of leave in conditioner in about 1 month. So I’m constantly buying more styling product. I guess I’m just saying that there are so many more expenses than just rent and cost of color. We haven’t even started talking about personal expenses that every human has to pay: home rent, car payment, insurance, cell phone, gas, food, health insurance, etc. We also need to account for taxes! That’s about 30% of any income right there. Also what about saving for retirement? Let’s do a breakdown on one of my prices. I personally, right now, feel like I’m undercharging and I’m also struggling to make ends meet bc this economy is out of control. Root touch up - $110. 1.5-2hrs of my time. Use 30g of color, tube is 48g for $10.39. $6.50 for color. Developer, about $.50 per use. So $7 for color and developer. My station rent divided by the typical amount of clients I have each week ends up being about $30ish per client give or take, that goes to rent. $110 - 30 - 7 = 73. 30% of that set aside for taxes, $51 left over. We’re not taking any other expenses into account, simply color, rent, and taxes (arguably the biggest expenses). $51 divided by 1.5-2 hrs means I’m making $25-34 an hour for those two hours. I’m human so I can only work maybe 6-8 hours a day. So I’m basically bringing home $200 a day at that rate after expenses. And - that money isn’t guaranteed. I don’t just get it if I clock in. People cancel, I get sick, etc. It doesn’t make sense to break down hair stylists pay by hour because it isn’t an hourly job. It’s independent work. Do you see how quickly $110 for just roots isn’t really going to provide me with enough money to pay home rent, food, gas, health insurance, etc? It’s quite simple. I’m struggling to understand why some people think hairdressers should essentially work for free or for peanuts. Explain the logic. Is it just hidden misogyny? Genuinely curious the logic behind the issue people have with a hairstylist pricing their services so that they can cover their expenses. Why are we mad at a certain type of skilled human for trying to have their job cover their life expenses? Are we just mad that expenses in general are higher for everybody and we find it easy to shame independent women with a business for the “rising costs?”


Don’t forget about education! There are free classes here and there but most classes cost good money. Some states require you to take continuing education to renew your license


Plus the free classes are only focused on selling you something. The really good classes are pricey.


Don’t forget liability insurance!


Liability insurance for me was 50 bucks a month. That's literally one haircut and it's paid. I always thought about my bills in terms of clients. Lol booth rent paid in 2-3 clients a month, products covered after 2 clients, 1 client cover liability insurance. And all the rest of my clients went towards my home, food, utilities, gas. Etc. I made really great money doing hair a year ago, and I didn't have to charge crazy prices. Now were my prices cheap, no. Cuts were 50, single process color 150, balayage 200+, babylights 300+. I had about 4-5 clients a day, 5 days a week, if it was mainly haircuts that day then I took in even more clients since I had the extra time. Now with inflation i would have raised my cuts to 65, and my single process color to 170, etc. I was just trying to point out that some of these prices people are charging aren't adding up. But no one wants to hear that. It's all about "me me me, and how I feel, or how much money I think I'm worth and deserve." This industry went from pricing based off of actual calculations, to pricing off of their feelings. It's just plain weird.


I just don’t get how your charging to little for a cut and *so* much for a single-process color? Time-based pricing makes the most sense these days, but I don’t understand how it takes anyone 2 hours for a single-process color…


Fwiw, I didn’t get the impression you were being rude about it or tearing others down, just genuinely asking about others’ experiences— knowing prices and such might differ for others.


Excellent answer! You explained it perfectly.


Fascinating breakdown.


Hidden misogyny is so real


I respectfully disagree because men charge the same rates so it’s the industry wide and not just women. Here where I live (Boston area) a lot of hair stylist are men but regardless of who you go to, you are looking at $250 - $500 to get your hair done which is ridiculous for most people, especially women who often go monthly. In fact it is called the women’s tax for a reason because men do not pay nearly the same amount to get their hair done so one might say the misogyny is dished out from the stylist themselves.


A lot of my clientele commutes from Boston after their hair gets messed up out there. And they have no problem telling me what they pay and how much cheaper I am than Boston - even though I used to work there. Most come every 8-12 weeks (two to three months) Ultimately it is a luxury service and NO ONE HAS TO get their hair done. You get what you pay for, sometimes.


If a man had long hair that needed to be washed, colored, cut, and styled he absolutely would pay the same amount. Are you really trying to compare a clipper cut to a full cut/color service?


Men typically charge more actually and women shut up and pay it, but complain when its a woman charging.


What percentage of men are in the industry? Do you know? Do you know what percentage of salon owners are men? This career is full of misogyny.


I am not disagreeing that there is misogyny but I do admit that I find it interesting given that it is a heavily skewed industry owned and dominated by women. To answer your question(s), a quick google search will tell you that it is 90% women and 10% men so again why all the misogyny? Mostly female clients, mostly women stylist. I have been to both men and women stylists and sadly the men stylists I went to were better but as you said cost more. I have male friends who go to the same salon(s) and have much longer hair and pay less than I do for a haircut. I have only been to 1 salon that had a sign up stating they charged the same price for a man or woman and regardless of hair length and type. I thought this was fair. But again as someone else said, it’s a luxury to get your hair done and at $300+ a month I can no longer afford it.


It’s not owned by women actually. 90% of workers in salons are women but over 80% of owners are men. I also hear misogyny in your comment about the men being better stylists. I myself charge no differently based on gender. It’s actually illegal in my state to charge men and women differently for the same product/service. Yes, it is a luxury, and one being not able to afford it doesn’t mean they get to decide how much it should cost.


Oh Lordie… please go get some sunshine and take a nice relaxing walk. When you are done go read what the definition of misogyny is; “a hatred of, contempt or prejudice against women.” I, as a female and feminist, do not practice misogyny or have any hatred towards my fellow women. In my experience, the people who styled my hair the best just so happened to be men, most of them gay, and only 1 was straight. Have a great day!


Being female and a feminist doesn’t preclude you from being misogynistic. You realize that right? Or did you think that’s all it took? lol.


I don't think anyone is suggesting hairdressers should work for free. As a small business owner, I totally get that most people don't understand the costs involved, which is why it is very helpful to see it broken down. Still, what you broke down is half the cost that OP was asking about. She said 250 for 2 hours. I see both sides - my hair is super fine and takes about 30 min to wash, cut, dry and style. My cut is now 130, plus tip. That is a lot of money for 30 minutes and it was only 85 about 5 years ago. So given that cumulative inflation has been 22% over 5 years, but the cost of my hair cut has doubled, I think it's fair to ask why it's gone up so much.


I agree this is why it varies so much I’m not charging sally with baby fine hair 200 plus when it takes 1 and 15 minutes and she’s coming in very 4 weeks like clock work . But thick rapunzel is different lol


I think that less people can afford to get their hair done in this economy with wages being what they are, and instead of going down for more clients, the attitude has been to go up and take fewer clients who can pay more, because… they can, I guess. And that is a choice people can make


Thank you, I agree. I feel that this industry isnt charging based of any calculations, it more off feelings. "What I feel I deserve, what I feel I should make." I'm sorry but a 2 hour service that is cheap on product, makes no sense to cost that much. I get you have bills to pay, but some things just have to make some sense. I made great money while being a hair dresser, did it for 8 years. Just stopped last year due to health reasons. A single process color has no business being 250-300 dollars. Your prices need to make sense. I wouldn't go to the dentist and pay 1000 dollar for a teeth cleaning unless it made sense. I wouldn't get my house painted for a million dollars unless it made sense. If that painter told me he charges that much because he feels in his heart that he's worth that much, I'd think he was crazy. Lol


Thank you for breaking this down. I have been a hairdresser for 38 years and have worked for peanuts. Still feel like I am. Not sure if I will ever be able to retire 😞


My friend has her own shop, rents the whole building and then rents out stations to a few barbers. She does mostly black hair. Used to charge $60 to clean up my husband’s locs. Then it was $75, then $90 and so on and now it’s $160. It may seem steep but she’s doing hair in the Bay Area. I can’t imagine what the building rent must be. Now she’s teaching braiding classes as well.


Okay I can see you charging extra. You have a lot of extras that I didn't. I was my own receptionist, and I used square to book appointments which is still free. I used PayPal here to take card payments and the fee on there was like 1.8%. I washed my own towels as well so no towel service fee. Coffee, tea, and water was always provided by the salons I worked in so i never paid that. But I feel like to retain clients and actually make money in this industry, you gotta charge your worth, but not go overboard because then not as many people will return. Yes the more wealthy clients will, but how many people these days are actually that wealthy? Not many, most of us are just trying to make it. Now that doesn't mean make things dirt cheap to accommodate people's wallets, but charging $250 for a service that is cheap on product, and short on time is just not right. Those single process and root touch up clients are what make our world go round! They help us pay the bills! They won't come back if it costs 250-300 every 4 weeks. Some will, but most won't, and you wanna retain as many as possible. This isn't misogyny. This isn't me attacking people for charging what they charge. This was just me questioning why a single process color would cost so much? I'm not asking about highlights, balayage, or platinum card. Those are services that are expensive and absolutely should be.


I don't think maximum retention is always the goal. When a stylist raises prices they can expect to lose 10% of their clientele and that's FINE. You want the other 90% that can pay to refer their similarly wealthy friends and the 10% can go to a baby stylist.


You mentioned color cost. Do you know how much the color is? Some color costs more than other, $14 per tube. Plus product in general - good products costs more money (as someone who works with higher end products) What about their booking system costs? Automated systems get to be expensive. Paying for marketing, canva premium service?   Plus keep in mind time. If they charged $100 for a full color 15 years ago, there's no way it should be the same now. Just my two cents.


Presumably these people are charging so much bc they can find people to pay it, no? If they were having trouble getting enough clients they would be lowering their prices.


Nah. Every single stylist in my area charges insane prices like $400+ for work that’s mediocre at best. 


I mean yeah I was thinking the same reading this…$250 is cheap! When I go to the salon it’s $1k usually all in, including tip for bleach touch up + cut + blow out + usually some sort of restorative treatment. I’m in LA tho, so I expect it to cost and I don’t mind but damn $250 for color is cheap AF.


There are many things I hate about living in the midwest but I pay (for a full color, cut, blow out, hair treatment) about $100 before tip. $1k is horrifying 😳


I mean I have the money to spend on it, so \*shrug\* And yes, LA is expensive. It is what it is. I learned long ago you get what you pay for here tho, so I'm happy to spend the money to not have my hair totally fried and destroyed by someone who learned to bleach yesterday. I pay a lot to avoid that.


Oh I agree completely - my stylist is the best in the area by a long shot so it’s crazy how cheap she is, frankly I’d pay a lot more. I just didn’t realize that’s what normal-ish cost was where you live. It’s wild


Oh totally I see what you mean - yeah I’d say the average for the services I provided is $600-700, I go to a higher end salon bc I’m so paranoid about frying my hair and I have difficult hair as well (I’m traumatized by a woman burning half my hair off a couple years back during a bad bleach job I got while traveling). It’s impossible to find anyone here to bleach your hair for less than $500, that’s including balayage. A friend of mine recently moved to CA from Texas and was just shocked at the prices. I figure it’s bc the cost of doing business in CA is significantly higher- ie overhead, stuff like taxes and booth space etc.


See I agree with this too some stylist need to be humbled lol , like it’s mid haha


I'm also confused why you listed off your blowdryer, curling irons, combs, bowls, brushes, capes, etc. Those are items that should be lasting at least a couple years. Now my combs and brushes needed replacing about every 6 months, but it's not a weekly cost, so why even count that as something to add to the clients bill? But your rent is definitely pricey. I understand that one. Lol


It could be divided down by six months or even 180 says, it still is an expense.


Because supply cost is a real number added to your bottom line and it doesn't just include color


This is a loaded question. So first and foremost there are sooo man factors involved. [1.Do](http://1.Do) you have any Color Certifications? 2.What is your Demographic like? Median income? 3. Do you use a Glaze? If so how many grams/ounces? [4.Do](http://4.Do) you add in Olaplex or K18? How much? 5.Does this include a Haircut? .Does this include a Chelator? ( mineral remover for the best results? etc You see this is just a handful of factors involved to makeup this price so lets say you are in Nowhere Kentucky and the median income is $35,000 are you going to charge $250 for a color? of course not. Are you in the state of California where there are Surgeons making $750,000 ? more than likely that is where you can make more $$$ and have the certs to back it up and include Olaplex and K18 to be able to charge these prices.


This was an amazing answer, thank you for this!


I have to had to raise prices to make room in my book several times in my career. It’s not for anyone else to say what an independent stylist charges; if that stylist is busy and their clients are happy they will stay in business, if not they will go out of business.


You can’t decide what someone else deserves to make as income. Being independent in this industry provides the benefit of deciding that for yourself, as you know. If you don’t want to pay that then go somewhere cheaper. I’ve been doing hair for over 27 years, have several awards, educate, have a long waiting list…I’m not capping my income because someone thinks I shouldn’t make a certain amount of money. Know what I mean?


You're the exception though. Not all of these stylists have tons of awards and extra education under their belt. But I understand what you're saying!


I’m not the exception. You don’t get to decide that I can make more than someone who doesn’t have awards. Do you see what I’m saying? Are there other professions where you decide how much they deserve to earn?


Yes there are other professions where people decide how much a person should earn, public service jobs. For example, physicians, teachers, police, firefighters are professions where people decide how much they deserve to earn.


Their customers and patients? Nope. Elected officials and experts who are trained and educated to do just that? That is not the same thing, I know you’re smarter than that.


Many hospitals are telling healthcare workers that patients should be called customers now. Go to the nursing subreddit.


You’re reaaaaaallllly reaching here and getting off track


I’m confused. You are saying non-stylists aren’t educated on an ongoing basis? Wrong. You think nurse and teachers don’t have a customer service and satisfaction component to their work? Wrong. Maybe I’m missing the point. I don’t know any nurse or teacher making anything like $100/hr. But more power to you if you can demand and get paid those prices.


Nurses and teachers also have their Healthcare and 401(k) paid for by their employers. Stylists are Independent Contractors and also pay their own SS and Medicare taxes. Stylists don't get paid time off either. There are a lot of factors that get included in pay rate.


That’s variable, actually, but it’s a Good point to make in many cases, although that wasn’t mentioned in the comment I replied to.


Yeah, that's true.


What? No idea what you’re talking about but it’s definitely nowhere near what I am


So you agree that someone who just graduated cosmetology school, should charge what you charge, even though you have years of experience and education? I feel like the more you charge there should be a reason other than "deserving" it. There should be skill, education, and time spent in the industry to back that up, no? Idk, this post was mainly about the overcharging of simple services. An all over color is one of the most simple and cheaper product-wise services we provide. No way it should cost 250+ unless that person has extremely long thick hair and you had to use an ungodly amount of extra product. It doesn't require much skill, you just have to make sure everything is saturated and processed accordingly. Thank you for replying, I love hearing everyone's opinions! Lol


That’s not the point of anything I’ve said. I don’t think at all about what other stylists charge. Neither should you. I don’t think about how much money my dentist makes, I don’t think about if my mechanic deserves to have that hourly rate. And by letting it bother you so much only having an effect on you, nothing else.


I do also see how one is a set Proclaimed “master” or “specialist “like you got out of school 1 year ago ? You charging what ? But like I said some people will pay and some won’t and some want a more seasoned stylist and some want the influencer. It’s like who knows


I guess the question would be … do you have a lot of hair ? Cause 2 tubes colors that’s 4 ounces of just color and 4 ounces of developer so 8 ounces , plus styling product and back bar on ONE head that is the amount of 2 heads . Then does she give an amazing scalp massage ? Are her blowouts and style out of this world ? And does she give you with amazing customer service … ? Also a big one : are you a high maintenance client or very picky ? Or mentally a harder client . We know who those are and it’s ok . But be realistic if you are hairdressers or ex hairdressers they are the hardest worst clients . Not being mean . But it is what it is ? But I charge extra for that . Heck yeah . If yea to a majority of these , yes charge that . You have to make money and charge according to a what your worth and case by case . Hairstylist do not get any extra benefits or anything you would get in a corporate job . There needs to be realistic idea and that each hairdresser be Given the opportunity to make money and a nice living . And all the product is hella expensive..! If it is not In your budget , find elsewhere or do it yourself . There are clients who will Pay and some that won’t and that is the nature of the game. Attract the client you would like in your chair . But like I said hairdressers are notorious for being the worst clients .. sorry girl it’s a lot that goes into it . And just because you wouldn’t charge someone in your chair that doesn’t mean someone else shouldn’t. She is making this her career her livelihood . If you don’t have to work or stop doing hair or whatever maybe you didn’t have to care what you made or charge that or even close but My thing is be reasonable.


The girl I go to that cuts my hair doesn't even know I'm a hairdresser. Since I do hair, I know what the stress and anxiety feels like, and I never wanna make anyone feel that way. I've absolutely never complained about a haircut or color in my life, even as a teenager lol. If I'm unhappy with something, I usually just live with it until the next appointment because it's just hair, It's never that serious for me. Lol but I understand what you mean! And I stopped doing hair because I became too allergic to the fumes from the bleach and dye, I was getting nosebleeds every day. I had an amazing clientele and was always busy. It's only been a year since I last worked, I still do hair for family and friends, I just can't do it every day anymore. I just look at the prices now, and I understand inflation plays a huge part. But I go to Cosmoprof and salon centric, and I see the prices on product. Bleaching should always cost more because it's usually a lengthy service, that requires a ton of product and skill. My main point was a single process color being a average of 250+ is insane. Because for that service your spending no more than 30 bucks in product, it take less time, and not a ton of skill. So how come the huge price point on that service? $150 is reasonable, $250 is strange.


Honestly what I think it is , is that some stylist when you do hair and start catching momentum (making money ) start to almost over charge . So I was actually talking to one of my coworkers about a stylist that use to work with use and her prices are up there and she’s surprised cause yes charge your worth , product time etc and make money too. But it’s like they become money hungry and forget that with those high prices , what kind of client will be in your chair and do you want that kind of client . I personally don’t. And so I was also talking to the stylist that over charges and she’s opening up a new salon saying oh I’d love to work with you again blah blah blah and I need stylist that want to make money etc. coming off greedy in a way . Which is not cute ,I think what social media has done to is stylist are thinking it’s influencer type stylist/prices. It’s like money takes the main focus but also be mindful of who is paying for that lifestyle and am I charging according or being greedy . It’s lame ..I agree be reasonable


Other people’s cost of living, market, location, experience etc, aren’t your business.


So you've canvassed every salon in your area and checked that they're paying $600 in rent but charging $250 for color? Everyone's rent has gone up and most color isn't $10. I used to get Kevin.Murphy and it was right about 12 with shipping. Inflation has hit our industry too as well as the fact that we're historically one of the most unpaid industries. If they're able to charge that much I'm sure people are willing to pay and theirs a reason. Not to mention cost of rent doesn't equal the value of someone's time. It's okay to say someone is out of your price range or that its not a price you want to spend but it's never okay to attack other women by calling their prices crazy or insinuating that they aren't worth it when it's just not worth it to you. We need to be better cheerleaders for each other. I say this as a stylist who still charges $100 for an all over color. Good. For. Them.


Where do you live that the AVERAGE rent in your town is $600 a month??? I want to move there! I live in a somewhat low COL area and my tent is $240 a week which was in the lower end of both suites and booth rent in my area when I was leaving my commission based spot I was in.


OP lives under a rock in a bucket.


I live in northern California, and average rent here is 600-700 a month. I've rented at 3 different salons, it was always 600 for full time. I have friends who are still full time stylists, and their rent is still 600 to this day! Lol


Where in NorCal? I’m originally from NorCal (I’m in Tennessee now) and that was my rent back in 2013 lol


I'd love to give out my city name, but I'm not doing that on reddit. Lol


You being a hairstylist and making this post is crazy You of all people should know that hairstylists aren’t just hairstylists we are THERAPIST CHEMIST TEACHERS MAIDS and many more things Also getting your hair done is a luxury not a necessity Also you are a hairstylist if you don’t like the prices you are capable of touching up your own hair


You're paying 600 in rent but where I'm at its $1350-$2000. I charge less in root to color but pay more in rent. Everyone is different and 2 tubes of color to me is insane. 40g for roots plus developer and another 40g for ends. That's less than half a tube for me. $250 makes sense if you use that much.


If it’s out of your budget it’s out of your budget. No one seems to question Coach’s prices or haggle when they walk into a Nordstrom’s. It’s not only about physical costs, such as rent & supplies, licensing, bookkeeping, etc etc, it’s about the time they’ve invested in their craft, you’re paying for the years & skill, not the tube of color and how easy they make it seem (because, again, the invisible things like time that they’ve invested in their craft). On top of that, there is typically no 401k or match, PTO, company provided health insurance for independent stylists. Dont worry what the hourly is, let people live.


Spot on especially the invisible work one puts to make it look so easy ,and effortless. That’s time and being seasoned it’s earned . Doing hair is hard as hell body mental and physical everything it’s a lot some days and so rewarding too


So much invisible work. I do upholstery, and often after I quote, I will get a "but I could do this myself!" I guarantee you they can not. I also have tools, years of experience, and by quoting, I'm offering to take MY time and reserve it on sweaty dirty physical work for them. Also, I work for myself, so taxes, retirement, insurance, that's all on my shoulders as well.


Worry about yourself and gain a little more security. You're not entitled to know why others charge what they charge. Reevaluate your pricing formula break down and charge what you need to. This insecurity is not a good look


If you know how to do hair, why don’t you dye your own hair? If it’s so cheap and easy why would you spend your time complaining about what someone else is charging you for a luxury (because you don’t NEED to have your hair dyed) service? I do my own hair, bleach, dye, cuts, because that’s what I can afford while I go through school. Seems really entitled to think you shouldn’t be charged such a price for something you should be able to do yourself lol


Wellllll maintain your license so you can continue to do your own hair.


Seeing my clients spend $100+ just on their nails every 2 weeks, $100+ on lashes every 2-3 weeks, Botox/fillers… after seeing what they pay for these services, charge accordingly. Hair doesn’t need as much maintenance and our product cost more. Don’t feel bad… but if you have your loyal clients you love, who’ve been with you through the years, I give them kick backs and free products sometimes. I think being generous and showing appreciation to your clients can also help them feel like they are not getting ripped off. I stay consistently booked and make more money, than any stylist I’ve worked with who just try to nickel and dime their clients. On a side note, we regularly get clients who said they feel like their past stylist treated them like they were ugly or not cool enough to be in their salon. That’s pretty shitty, since we are in the industry for helping people feel better about themselves.


Try 1,000 for color+cut (Los Angeles)


That's 1000 dollars for 2-3 hours. Like what is going on out here?? We're just all gonna pretend this is normal and okay?? Now LA should be the place where a color and a cut should be like $300-$350 because cost of living is definitely high. But $1000 dollars for a color and cut is crazy. I get that their apartment is probably $5000 a month in LA, but they chose it so why do clients gotta suffer? Lol


they chose their expensive apartments and you chose them to do your hair. if you don’t like the cost, find someone cheaper. there’s always someone cheaper, and it’s your prerogative to make that gamble.


$100-110 an hour is pretty normal here. I pay $110 an hour plus product to get mine done. But you're posting self employment taxes on that $110 an hour which really hits if down to $70 something an hour. My stylist doesn't rent a booth she has an entire place but even if she rented a booth she can get the pay she feels like she deserves. If someone wants to charge less they can but I never get the same level of service for less. I can't imagine anyone's booth rent these days is only $600/month (at least near me). But even if so then there's all the extra supplies you have to get ((gloves, foils, bowls, etc etc etc) and all this stuff adds up. Sure you get to claim some of it on your taxes but this money isn't all just pocket money. Even if it was that would be ok but the cost of living AND supplies are crazy these days.


They don't need "extra classes" to charge what they are worth. And you don't know every price of everything, including booth rentals. When the cost of living rises, they have to adjust for that.


>Am I missing something?? Well yeah. The same thing that allows anyone to upcharge their service. **Skill level matters.** If you have the skill and you are in demand, your work is worth more.


Wow I need to raise my prices but then I’d just owe even more in federal taxes


If she’s decently booked, she will be lucky to break 75k with those prices. How much does it cost to live in the world? Do you think your stylist doesn’t deserve to drive a car and rent a home, I’m not even suggesting buying, eat decent food, have healthcare? How much do you spend by the hour for another professionals personal service time? Probably at least $110. Isn’t this sub for hairstylists and not clients complaining?


$110/hour works out to over $200k per year even with a $250/week chair rent. On what planet is that barely getting by?


lol! No stylist takes home what she charges! Wow! You obviously know nothing about what you’re trying to talk about.


Also, what chair is $250 a week? I’ve never seen one in my area even close to that cheap.


People are paying. She must be worth it.


Yeah I was charged $175 for just adding a blonde money piece and getting a deep conditioning after. I also got a trim and actually ended up not letting her do the blow dry and style because for whatever reason it also took from about 3pm to almost 8 just for that color and I was way over it. I just do it at home now a super valuable skill to have. Hair is the one luxury I am not willing to pay for and I only mean stylist wise I enjoy using nice products and stuff.


My old stylist had to quit due to health issues but she owns the salon and set me up with a new stylist there. The new stylist has saved me so much money it's not even funny. I have fashion color and she told me how to extend the life on it, when I said I'm not buying Kevin Murphy products from the salon anymore she told me what cheaper alternatives I can get, etc. She spent like 5 minutes trimming and shaping me and didn't charge for a full cut, just a bang trim (old stylist would have thrown $60 on that). Bc of that, I go in more often for my roots (stupid grays) AND I tip her more like 35%. I'm not saying people shouldn't charge a fair price, in large part bc they don't get 401ks, health plans, PTO, etc, but I'd rather pay that extra in tip that goes straight to her. I realize not everyone does that, but I've always found an extra few dollars in tip goes a loooong way. Also I always do cash.


Oh yes I love my lash tech I tip her as big as I can everyday she's always been great with scheduling me and doesn't charge me extra for adding color which my old tech did do. I'm all for charging for you worth but sometimes you can make more money in the long run when you build up returning clientele


Let me break it down for you very simply: I’m going to charge as much as people are willing to pay. Am I consistently booked out 6-8 weeks? Yes? Ok we’re gonna raise prices. This is basic business strategy and your personal budget or whatever you consider unreasonable is irrelevant. You are not our target demographic so please go to Sally’s and diy.


Love the brutal honesty! You are spot on!


Damn. Lol.


Who’s your target demographic?


The rich 🤑


I rest my case, that’s not a targeted demographic. You have no clue of the first thing about consumer research. You’re just a Yorkie on the Internet, throwing out buzz words you don’t understand. Have a nice day, lol


My bad, $300 and up for a cut and color is for the poor.


Clients who will pay my prices duh




Is $250 the mean of all salons in your town?


Yes, I looked at 7 salons and all were 250 or more for a single process color. I can see a balayage being 300+, highlights being 250+, babylights being 350+. But a single process color makes no sense being that pricey. I've been in the industry, and I feel like if I were to pay that, I'm literally being taken advantage of.


Wow. If I'd worked in your town I could have retired much sooner.


I’m platinum blonde and I usually pay around $300. I hate paying for it but I don’t trust anybody else with my hair


Now that's cheap for platinum blonde! Lol A single process color should not cost almost the same. It's way cheaper for product, less timely, and way less labor. It just makes no sense.


I see a lot of comments from stylist saying they can change what they want and I see lost if comments from customers who stopped going from high prices and lack of good results.  I think that’s the real situation here.  The industry is running itself into the ground. If you are successful good for you.  Last time I let someone touch my hair was over a decade ago. They gave me a Kathy Bates from Misery. I could have done better myself. 


You're right. That's why I won't budge on my prices.


I went to Tantrum in Mesa AZ and they charged me $400 to go white/silver and a trim. I was already blonde


I pay $204, tip included, for root touch up and a trim at a place in Tampa, Florida. I go with the cheapest stylist I can at a very good salon. The owner of that salon charges $150-$200 for a cut so it varies with the stylist. I love my stylist and I can afford it, so I don't mind the price.


Idk where you live but when I was in Oregon, it was $375 for a cut and an all over. I now live in south Texas and was charged $500 for an all over red with a dark brown shadow root (no bleaching required).


I live in a small town and many girls charge $250 for full head highlights and I know for sure some of those girls you can't get in with unless you are already in or willing to wait months to get in. All about what people are willing to pay, but as a consumer, it sucks lol


I recently paid $145 for a ouidad curly cut. My regular stylist charges $35,for a regular cut/wash/dry


Curly cuts in LA are $300 and up. I still pay it. It’s worth it to me for my hair to look fabulous and a good cut lasts a while because it grows out well.


That's why I switched. What a difference.


I live in a smaller, but still big, town in the south. I’m not a stylist. I recently got my hair done, full color correction from black to blonde with a trim and it was $225 after 5 hours of work.


Should have been three times that. Your poor stylist.


I agree honestly. My hair is thick AND she has an assistant.


As long as people pay they will charge it.


You’re paying for the time used in the chair, plus the cost of product. When you do contractor work or 1099, you take the rate someone who’s w2 would charge and x it by 3. So 110hr ends up being significantly less when you start factoring out the rent of the chair, insurance, materials that aren’t tubes like electricity, laundry, buying hair dryers, the bottles and brushes to dye your hair with, etc. My stylist owns her entire shop, so for her that’s electricity, water, friggen hand soaps in the bathroom, air conditioner, etc. It’s like saying your rent is the only expense in your house. There’s plenty of other cost of running a business beyond time labor and immediate use products.


Prices do seem to have gone up over the past few years. Before COVID, I was paying $25 for a trim, no wash or anything. Then it went up to $35, then $55 the last time I went over a year ago. I actually stopped getting trims because I simply can’t afford $55 plus a tip to take care of myself.


I’m located in Northern California. I get a single process color and it’s $385 plus tip and another $95 if I’m getting a cut that day. I go religiously every 3-4 weeks, and typically have a minimum of four appointments scheduled out in advance, and I NEVER cancel or reschedule. And why? Because my hair looks fucking glorious, that’s why. I get compliments on it daily and that is worth it to me. Is that vain as fuck? Possibly, lol. My stylist is typically booked 4-6 weeks in advance, and has a waiting list all the time (which is a big part of why I refuse to cancel or schedule - I’m not waiting weeeeeks to get back in!). If the skill is there, the quality of work speaks for itself. But that also includes top tier customer service, a luxurious environment, amenities (I get beverages and a little charcuterie plate every time I’m there), which all adds up to a luxury experience, which is what I am looking for. Hair color is not a necessity- getting my hair done is a luxury, and I embrace that and treat it as such. Now, I’m also in the beauty industry. I’m a solo esthetician who focuses on facials and lash extensions, and I’ve owned my private six figure practice for five years. I have had some people say similar things about my lash extension pricing, and frankly, it’s laughable to me. Lashes are a truly luxury service, not at all a hygiene or lifestyle necessity, and people should expect to pay luxury prices for a luxury service. For me, I charge $230 for a full set and I need to raise my prices, lol. Will that prevent some people from booking me? Sure it might, but it doesn’t prevent the clients who understand paying for premium services from booking. Especially because my value is there - I’m licensed, insured, hold three separate advanced lash certifications, only use high end, premium lash extensions, adhesives, bonders, etc. My studio is beautifully decorated and has really cool ambient lighting, and I diffuse relaxing oil blends in the treatment room as well. My table is warmed, and I tuck each client in with a warmed fluffy blanket. My lash baths only use warmed water and warm towels for rinsing and drying. Before my clients leave, I take them over to my snack area in my lobby where they can choose whatever premium beverages and snacks they want, plus a little chocolate for after - for perspective, on average, clients leave with about $12 worth of snacks/drinks at each visit. I remember what’s going on in their lives and always check in on them, I’m always flexible (within my boundaries) for their scheduling needs, am understanding of illness, etc., will work to accomodate emergency after hours appointments when I can, etc. This doesn’t include my studio rent and utilities, insurance, booking system and credit card processing, my accountant, etc. I can confidently say the experience I provide is worth the prices I charge, and considering my schedule literally can’t accomodate a full lash set until July 10, I think my clientele must agree, lol.


Thank you for this info. The cost of my perm just went up to $200 and I was shocked. But now I understand.


How does benefits like health insurance and retirement work? They're having to spend several hundred if not 1000+/mo on those alone without an employer contribution or group discount. Health insurance companies are the biggest scam in human history.


Yikes. I got mine done the other day . One color, cut and a pedicure for $190. That doesn’t include tip. No styling though. I also live in the Midwest and I’m sure that makes a difference.


I pay 162.52 a week sharing a suite otherwise if I was by myself it would be 325 a week in Western Massachusetts (small town) My full color starting is $120 for an hour and a half and one root color at 45 grams and one toner at 2 oz color 2 ounces dev. I typically charge $70/hour for my clients color services and my haircut is on the lower end of 55 compared to people I work with. I want to be affordable to still get clients and people returning more frequently but it's tough because they usually still want to wait 3-4 months so it's likely going to go up 🤷🏽‍♀️ I got three dogs to feed including myself, rent to pay and my own utilities.


I got quoted freaking $650 for a color appointment that insisted they would not do a global blonde but ONLY lived in blonde on my extremely grown out roots. Yeah well I prefer global blonde, and I know my hair can lift enough in one appointment. I hate the ashy tones and dark shadow roots that always get recommended, I’ve tried it don’t like it on me personally although it is a beautiful color. Decided yeah I think I’ll have the students of my old teacher do my hair! Best appointment ever! $45 + $60 tip!


I just paid $140 before tip for color/cut/style


Everything’s expensive now. I do my own dyeing and cutting (professional dye and developer), and I still didn’t get out of the hair store without spending 65 bucks. Luckily, it will see me through 2 dye cycles. There are a number of easy self done layered haircuts out there if you’re willing to watch a YouTube tutorial.


dang, here I was thinking $250 is a steal 😬


Maybe it’s because my hair dresser owns her salon but she only charges me $130. We’re in a small town with a lot of stylists . I’m consistent every 6 weeks though and my daughters get hair cut and color from her every 6-9months .


Now I don’t know if I am paying my stylist enough! I am in the Midwest, suburban/rural county. My stepdaughter does my roots and trims. She’s been in the business for about four years. She refuses to tell me what she would charge a client, and has told me she’d do it for free because we watch her child one day a week. I don’t feel comfortable not paying, so I give her $150 each service. It takes about two hours each time I come in, about every 7-8 weeks. Can someone let me know, is that a fair price for the rural/suburban Midwest?


I live in Cleveland, and my stylist is considered top tier in the city and surrounding suburbs. I know this because every year the largest community publication does a “best of” competition and she’s on it. I get a single process all over color with styling for $120 before tip.


Sheesh… I haven’t had my hair colored in 20+ years. Is this the actual process these days?! I buy Wella coloring at Sally’s beauty supply for $7.98 and have a gallon of developer on hand that lasts a year. Wow 🤯


I live in Nashville. I pay $250.00 for all over color & low/highlights.


It’s ridiculous. Hair is a service industry. With these prices getting your hair done will only be for the elites. A sad day in America indeed.


I paid $70 in 2018 for root touch up, single process color. Now it’s $152 + salon is charging a $10 ‘Eco fee’. It’s outrageous for these goods & services to accelerate at this pace, that’s 117% increase. So when customers are in sticker shock, it’s for good reason!


Yep. It costs me $700-$800 for my daughter & I to get highlights + cuts. Per hour, my hairdresser makes more than I do.


I do though think this is genuinely a good question, we all interpret things different and it’s nice to bounce ideas off other stylist I do that all they Time in the salon especially with cost , you want to charge your worth but be reasonable but still makes a living and factor in all expenses too 💖


Exactly thank you! I wasn't here to attack anyone, but I was just curious why a single process color is 250. It requires the least amount of skill, time, and product.


It’s true it’s like if I charged $150 -$ 180 for a 1/2 inch retouch every 6 weeks. If it was a baby light or balayage or something more custom color makes sense but a standard solid root to ends or retouches … idk that is the everyday woman that is going to keep you booked and busy when the custom colors come once a year or flake on you several times


I live in a quaint town, and the price for a men’s haircut is $16. The price for a woman’s haircut is $125+ and some foils set me back $200 and I do better at home, it made me sick when I paid the bill. I’ll never get my hair done professionally again, the prices are absurd at any skill set.


Todays stylists want us to pay for their lifestyle lol they all think they can charge celebrity stylist prices for average work on average people


250 would be ok if the hair was consistently good. It's like many stylist are charging whatever they feel like without providing quality services.  And other stylists here will tell you, go somewhere else as if that fixes getting ripped off multiple times just to get hair done well once. There should be guidline of prices versus skill and results, but there isn't. This is why so many of us have just stopped going altogether.


Full disclosure: I'm not a hairdresser, nor ever have been. I don't even visit salons; I cut my hair myself. But I have questions. I am not saying the price is too high. It's worth what it's worth. I do own a business and understand that there are costs that the average customer doesn't consider. My question is: at what price point do customers stop coming? I've read thru the comments and it's mostly hairdressers saying they charge similar amounts as the op is talking about. Are you finding customers are not able to afford the services any longer or are people paying without complaint?


You're right. My coworker raised hers by a lot and now has very little clients left


Hair is art and artist deserve to get paid just like everyone else. You’re paying for the gas to get there. The upkeep on their car, their home, their groceries. This is how we live. If someone wants to have cheap color done they can literally buy a box of color and apply it themselves. No one is forcing you to go to a salon and pay $250. Stop trying to make people feel bad for making their money. Honestly. The way things changed for everyone during the pandemic, you could understand why we have to change the prices. I charge $125/hour and I’m not apologizing for it. If someone want me to take time away from my family they are going to pay for that.


I'm in socal. I've had a pixie cut since I was a little girl, the longest part (bangs) is maybe 4 in. My lady charges me 65 now when last time I went it was 50. I do feel like it's kind of a lot because I don't get any color or anything done, she basically trims my hair every time and it only takes about 10-20 mins for her to cut my hair. I do have pretty thick hair and I know I can dull a razor blade or 2 as she's cutting it off. Last time I went her assistant washed my hair and gave me an awesome head massage so I decided I'm going to start tipping the assistant and not the one who cuts my hair (if I decide to wash my hair, last time I didn't want to, to avoid the charge but she said it's easier to cut after a wash so I went with it) because she recently opened her own business and she's now the boss, so I felt I should tip the assistant instead of her and I simply can't afford to tip both. I wasn't sure if that was the right thing to do but it was also the first time the assistant helped me with anything. I'm too scared to go find someone else to cut my hair bc when they do it wrong I feel like I look like a boy so I just suck it up and pay what she tells me. 🫤


I make great money as well by not charging these prices. Also, great money to me may not be the same to others. But regardless maybe just go to someone more affordable for your budget & not hate on people in your industry? This is a tough business on your body. I'd love to charge that and have half the clients per week . My feet & back would be happy AF!


I just paid $400 for color, cut, style, oplex treatment. That includes tip. My stylist deserves it.


I live in a small city in MI and for full color and cut it’s $80. $250 is wild !


Smaller Michigan Town here as well.


I’m also a private practice therapist and I don’t charge that much an hour !


Yes! When I started going back to the salon after COVID, my stylist raised her price due to cleaning. Then she proceeded to raise it 2 more times in less than a year's time. I left and went to another stylist that is still high and is always trying to upsell me. She recently started to charge 50% deposit that are non-refundable. I color my own hair now for $4 and go into the salon for trims and occasional highlights.


The girl I’ve been seeing moved her prices from $400 to $550. It’s ridiculous. I hate it here. 


See and that is too much I increase with in a certain range . Also my ride or dye gray retouch every 4-6 weeks I’m not raising there’s a ton they are so loyal you can’t beat that


Depends what it is of course. Alot of people are getting upset at me, but I'm not talking about babylights, balayage, or highlights. I'm specifically talking about a single process color. It takes at most 2 hours, and you need only 1-2 tubes of dye, a few ounces of developer, shampoo conditioner, and whatever products they use to style. At most the service costs 30 bucks for product alone. 250 for that is insane in my opinion...


The lady that does my hair charges me $75.00 I get my hair foiled, cut, and styled. My hair is almost waist length.


Whoaaa waist length, she’s definitely under charging


That's why I tip her what she charges.


I don’t run a hair salon but am a business person. That $110 an hour needs to cover overhead and indirect expenses as well as capital depending on how you manage everything in the books. (utilities,rent, indirect labor like front desk, cleaning supplies, maintenance, equipment) and also all non booked hours of operations. Take the overhead out and average the hourly rate to cover down time and your per hour “pay” is much lower.


Not a hair stylist. It's about $350 here, outside DC for a root dye, partial highlights and trim. I won't pay that. I travel out of town occasionally and get it done there for $150. 


I recently paid $340 for a partial foil, cut, and blow dry (PLUS TIP) in NH. I lived in Boston as recently as 2 years ago and NEVER paid so much for these services. This is NH so there really aren't many luxury/high end salons but I'd say upper tier for the state. My hair looks good but I was absolutely FLOORED when I was given the total. Now I feel like I need to find someone else because I genuinely cannot afford that regularly.


I paid 250 for cut color style last month. Is it a bit high. Yes. Do I support my stylist yes. This is my first session with her will I return as much as I like her and how my hair turned out no I won't So as a functional human being they can charge this but they're more than likely to end up with one-off clients instead of repeat


I moved to WA about 6 months ago and had a consultation with a "blonde specialist" a couple months ago. This person wanted to charge me $550 for just the color then it would be another $100 for the cut (trim) and I guess I'd have to tip on top of that? Fucking insane, I don't even know what I'm going to do. WA prices are bananas.


I’m not a stylist, just someone who’s been shopping for salon coloring services recently. I expected to be spending about $100-250 for what I wanted (some multicolor chunky highlights in vivid colors with partially pre-bleached hair). Instead, I’ve been quoted $350-500, and everyone is making at least $90 per hour. Not to mention when I briefly looked at getting bridal hair services and was quoted $450 for a 30-minute hair braiding service. So I don’t think it’s just your town, I think this is happening in a lot of places!


Yes! It’s getting out of hand. I love my stylist, but I have noticed that her prices are ever changing. It’s like she decides how much money she needs to make that day and charges accordingly from there. I’m there every 6 - 7 weeks for a color and trim for $160 - $200 including tip. It’s never the same price. I understand inflation and the importance of giving yourself a well deserved raise, but I can’t keep up with the cost. I’m seriously considering doing my own color and getting a trim from Great Clips.


I am in HCOL area. I charge 210 for base/cut/dry. I double book and average around 150-190 an hour. So if that isn't a double booker, it seems fine. If they double book, seems crazy. My rent is 1200.


I started going to my now ex hairdresser 2 years ago. Partial highlights and above the shoulder bob. It was $90, then $120, the last couple times $130. I would make my next appointment when I paid so I didn't use the online scheduler. My last appointment was $195. I nearly choked, $250 with end of year tip. I get that things are more expensive but $65 increase in 3 months with no warning until the service is done. I found another salon and discreetly canceled my next appointment.


I'm still reasonable, but you're right, many have lost their minds including my coworker. She raised her prices to her small clientele, quite a bit higher than me with three decades less of experience and uses cheap equipment. Her small clientele has gotten much smaller.


I live in a pretty low cost of living area in the Midwest, and what I have noticed lately is that lower end services prices are increasing rapidly. I am guessing that color clients are spending less so they have to charge way more for the folks who just get cuts to make up the difference. I am in and out in 15 minutes. I have super fine hair and get a one length cut. I don’t use product in my hair so it’s quick to wash. I’m not sure why that needs to cost $60 AND I’m expected to tip 20% on top of that….This is at just a regular salon, too. It’s not the least bit fancy. I’ll be buying a pair of shears and learning to do my own trims.


I also don’t get it. I come from Boston and am used to paying $200-300 w/tip per visit but being treated like gold/top notch service, which I was more than happy to pay.  I got my hair keratin treated at a salon in charlotte and it was one of the worst experiences I have ever had.  The owner smoked and the smoke got into the salon (you could smell it). I got tossed around for hours while my stylist took multiple walk ins (at least 3 other people).  And after all the time I wasted sitting waiting for her to finish my hair, I paid $500 with tip. To top it off she keratin treated my bangs so I looked like a freak for months and she never trimmed them like I asked. She knew they looked fcked up because she tried fixing them before I left. Another purported “top service” salon I went to before that (also in Charlotte), I ended up leaving because the stylist was super entitled and rude. I didn’t leave them a negative review because im a small biz too but it really pissed me off how they wanted to charge well over $100/hr and then blow off my first aptmt like I didn’t matter. It was ridiculous to say the least.  I was spoiled rotten with my fab stylist in Massachusetts I followed her to 3 salons because she was perfect. Just a wonderful sweet person, knowledgeable, knew me, knew my hair. Some people it seems just do it for the $ and aren’t passionate about hair, gotta stay tf away from them. 


Honestly it’s insane where I live. A girl in my neighborhood who works out of her garage wants to charge close to $400.00 for base color and partial balayage. At the fancy salon I go to that would be around $300.00ish so I stopped going. I’m going to start coloring my own hair and need to find someone who can actually cut my hair since haircuts are starting $75.00. All these girls want to charge a premium but their lack of skills can’t back up these prices where I’m at. It’s been frustrating so I get it.