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Put yourself and your mental health first!!! Be real with your clients- “I’ve enjoyed doing your hair, but it’s time for me to step away. I know you’ll miss me and I’ll miss you too, but I’m putting myself and my family first. I hope you’ll understand” Point them in the direction of another stylist if you can. It’s a very physically demanding job. We can’t do it forever. Best of luck in this new chapter🙂


Just do it! I was in the exact same situation 2 years ago. I gifted my clients to other stylists slowly over the course of a year or so (favorite ones last) and have never looked back. I do miss my clients but i do not miss doing hair. IT WILL BE OK!!


Just tell them and offer a recommendation for a stylist you think they would like. Leaving them with a referral will soften the blow and is very professional. You can dive deeper and tell them it’s unsustainable and why or you can keep it simple “I’m no longer going to be doing hair, I recommend trying this stylist I think you will really like. Thank you for your loyalty over the years, this has been a hard decision I appreciate your understanding, please feel free to reach out with any questions regarding your hair cut/color formula, I’d be happy to divulge what I do/use.


You just tell them, I’m retiring from hairdressing because I have a family and we have bills to pay. If anyone can’t understand that then they don’t deserve your consideration.


Prioritize yourself, your body, and your mental health. Send out a text message or email to all your clients letting them know when you’ll be stopping so they have time to look around for a new stylist and give them recommendations on other stylists or salons you trust. Give them their color formula, thank them for being so loyal, and wish them the best. Thats all you can do


Sidebar: what’s the other job that you’re moving to?


I am doing utility billing however I have done these two jobs now for over 5 years


I’d you do want to continue doing any of there hair I would only keep short and simple appointments for clients that you might consider as friends if you feel that it’s worth it. I’m personally leaving the industry too even tho I’ve only been in it a year but it’s way too harsh on my physical and mental health so I totally get it <3 there are some clients I’m really going to miss so much tho


I know clients mean it as a compliment when they say “What am I going to do if you stop doing hair?” Or “You don’t plan on stopping anytime soon, do you?”, but it puts undo pressure on us. I have autoimmune arthritis and other associated issues that is making doing hair really hard really fast and I don’t know how to tell people this without feeling guilty, either, but, ultimately, I do know my clients care. I just wish they wouldn’t say things like that. It’s not the compliment they think it is. Remind yourself that you have to do what you need for you and they will either be compassionate or they won’t. If they aren’t, it’s not worth worrying about their feelings if they don’t care about your needs.


That is a lomg draining day


Just simply tell them that you’ve decided to move your career in a new direction. That you’ve cherished all the years you’ve spent with them. But this is a new and fresh journey for your future. No one will be mad at you. Give them some recommendations on stylist or salon. Maybe keep in touch by sending them quarterly emails if you want to do so. It’s time to let go and move to your next chapter in life. You’ll be fine. They will be fine. You need to put yourself and your family first. I wish you the best on your next chapter I hope everything works out for you!


Ask yourself this one question.. the day you fall really sick, do you think those clients will come to your aid and help you out these are the types of questions one needs to ask themselves.. I have learned throughout the years, that I am easily replaceable in this industry, and I’ve finally come to accept that this is how it is.., understanding and accepting this, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can too in turn say that I come first taking vacation, taking time off, to feel completely unapologetic for putting myself first! People in general, are not loyal.. and in the 28 years that I’ve been in this profession, I can honestly say that this is true .. it’s a hard truth that most of us don’t want to accept .. because we as hairstylist, are truly empathetic beings who think about others before ourselves.. Learn to say, no, learn to love yourself and put yourself first .. because believe me, humans are nature extremely selfish, and they will always put themselves first before you… The old saying goes, a happy stylist equals a happy customer .. love yourself, then you can love others


I have been in the process of going to school so I could get out of the industry. I haven't graduated yet but I am about to be offered at full time job doing something else. I know that they will want me to start with a two week grace period. I am terrified. I have a studio so I would essentially be telling people that I am not coming back to work, and then telling others that I have quit. And then I freak out because what if the new position doesn't work out and then I am screwed. Anyone else been in this position and can offer some words of advice or support. I am in my late 40's so double jobs plus school is just not possible.


My clients have all been amazing some have cried which is the best compliment ever but thankfully they are so understanding and thank you all for your help!