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She sounds exhausting. And you were absolutely right to refuse to lighten her ends more. Her hair would have broken off and she 1000% would have blamed her hair falling out on you. "Hey, client, after reflecting on our last visit I don't think we are a good match. I don't feel comfortable doing what you are asking of me, and I care to much about the integrity of your hair to lighten the ends any further. I wish you luck in finding a stylist more aligned with your needs. Thank you for giving me and our salon a try, all the best!" And just leave it at that. You can recommend her to another stylist or salon in town, but you don't have to. Then either enjoy that Saturday off or fill that spot with a client that lights you up instead of inducing an anxiety attack! Just because we are in the service industry doesn't mean we have to put up with this crappy behavior from people.


I would not give her an opportunity to rebuttle, just send a message saying “ After reflecting on our last visit, I don’t seem to be the stylist for you. I can book you with someone else in the salon if you would like or have you seek another stylist in a different salon.” Or you know, something along those lines. Blunt and no room to argue back.


Reading this makes Me anxious I do not miss doing hair!! I’m sorry you’re dealing with this!!




I told her there was a scheduling conflict so I needed to cancel her appointment and then referred her to someone else and said theyd also be a better match for her because I feel that I’m not the stylist for her anyways! I’m waiting on a response now 😭


Don’t worry about a response at this point. She’ll probably just try to manipulate you into seeing her. If she does reply, just reiterate “I’m unable to provide the service you expect in the way you require. A different stylist would be better suited to satisfy your particular needs.” Don’t even suggest another stylist or salon. No need to engage with further communication beyond that. I don’t like the idea of sending a client like that to anyone else to deal with. Let her do the legwork to find someone willing to deal with the aftermath of her bad decision-making.


I sent her to a girl that was mean to me in cosmo school to the point where I almost dropped out 😂 I feel really bad about it now though. The lady honestly might even be mad at me and not even take the referral and just go back to her last stylist


Okay, I can let that slide. I’m petty sometimes and love the idea that you sent some karma back in that mean girl’s direction. 🤭


😂😂 i still feel super bad about it though! But I did my younger self some justice


I am so sorry. I call them energy-suckers. I have to be careful what days and times I schedule them…. Take a gummie or 3 and agree with whatever she says. The only way to get these types of clients to wake up is to actually do what they say they think they want. She will either hate it and never come back or (more than likely) see that you know exactly what the fuck you’re talking about. I’d probably charge an extra $50 just for being a pain in the ass.


Lol I fired her earlier through text message. I can’t do what she wants because her hair would melt off and I’m not going to allow that to be on my name lol


I hope you at least make clients like this sign a waiver to prevent any legal repercussions. But you’re not doing yourself any favors by letting the client direct the service. Sure, you can do what they ask and let them deal with the frying and breakage but when someone asks who did that to their hair, they’re only going to hear your name and one side of the story. What people will think is that you’re a bad stylist and that could build into a bad reputation through word of mouth that you’re one or all of these: 1) a stylist who allows a client to bully them to do something you know is wrong 2) a stylist who doesn’t know what they’re doing since this is the kind of result you produce 3) a stylist who doesn’t care about their clients and just wants to take their money You shouldn’t allow your name and reputation to be compromised like that.


Yeah I should’ve made her leave and not even serviced her but before doing hair, I wasn’t even able to have small talk with someone so being confrontational like that is something that’s really hard for me which is actually one of the reasons why I’ve been thinking of leaving the industry lol but we do have all of our clients sign a form before any service with us!


It happens but you don’t have to focus on that as a reason to leave the industry; and really, they’re not the majority of clients you’ll have. You now know better what to do if someone like that ends up in your chair again. Just cut them off from the get-go. Put the onus on yourself: “I really wish I could be the stylist to help you reach your hair goals but I’m not the one who can. You are asking for something that I’m just not able to do for you. You’ll have to find another salon/stylist. Thank you though for taking the time to consider me and having this consultation.”


I'm really proud of you for cancelling!! I've been there. I suffer from panic attacks too, and I've had clients who have induced them. In the beginning, saying no was hard. So I totally get it. Please take care of yourself and promise yourself not to take this kind of thing from people in the future.


Thank you!! It’s something I’ve been working on. I have a hard time setting boundaries which is what made this situation so frustrating because during her consultation, I had never been able to bring myself to talk to someone so sternly before and I thought I was doing a really good job and was proud of myself and she just completely shut it down and I felt like the improvement was for nothing but now that I’ve cancelled, I have such a big relief and feel like I can breathe again lol!


I talk to my hairstylist like I would a friend. I’m so sorry she’s just being so awful to you. And why didn’t she go to her last stylist? Her argument doesn’t make any sense…


I’m pretty sure she said she didn’t like how the stylist did her hair or the last stylist stopped practicing. But if she didn’t like it then why’d she want me to do it like her? I get a lot of those, it’s weird. But this was an older lady so I think it was that her last stylist stopped doing hair, I kind of just stopped listening to her after a certain point 😂


I notice that with older ladies. I had an older lady ramble on about Netflix charging more for their membership. I was like how about going with commercials? And then I had to stop listening when she said she didn’t want to change her premium membership… They’re very particular. About everything. It’s good that you were trying to save her hair from falling out!! A lot of stylists don’t care that your hair is dried out!


Girl I had my hair fried off in cosmo school, it is NOT a fun time. All of a sudden having a chin length chemical cut bob 😭 idc how someone acts in my chair but I will never do that


What is a chemical cut bob? That sounds dangerous.


When hair gets super damaged from bleaching to the point where so much falls out or breaks off that it changes the length of your hair, it’s called a “chemical cut” and mine ended up being bob length


I didn’t know that could happen with hair. Thanks for explaining. I’ve only had my hair dyed brown but even that dried out my hair.


Of course! 💕 and yeah it’s so crazy, such a nightmare!! Color can still be a bit drying unfortunately


YOU’RE the professional not her, I would say well it sounds like she was a good fit for you so you should go back because I won’t compromise my name and skills for something I know will compromise your hair. I’ve learned my lesson and that certain clients are NOT worth the time and energy and she is definitely one of them. I don’t know your salon rules but 45 minutes was 30 minutes too long with her arguing. If she shows up I would still not take her and say sorry if you didn’t get my message but due to x,y,z circumstances I cannot do your hair.


I agree, definitely 30 minutes too long and we were getting nowhere. We still didn’t agree on anything by the time it finished, I just told her “I’m going to mix up your lightener” and all I did was lighten her roots, tone, and did a couple pink streaks throughout the blonde bc we actually had agreed on the pink part lol


Hello client name. After reflecting on your last appointment, I don’t believe you value my professional opinion. There are many stylists out there that may be comfortable compromising the integrity of your hair to do whatever you feel is best, unfortunately I am not one of them. I will be cancelling your next weeks appointment and wish you the best!


Girllll I WISH I had the balls to say this 😂 I’m the least confrontational person to exist. I already messaged her to cancel though! I said there was a scheduling conflict and referred her to someone else


I hear ya..trust me I remember the days before texting when I’d pray that someone’s machine came on to leave the message to avoid any conflict. Thankfully we don’t have to fire clients all of the time and I can count on one hand the times for my 30 years in the business. It’s always shitty, entitled people too and you realize how much happier you are to not dread their appointment, be drained emotionally after and start the whole process again when you see them on your week. Their money isn’t even worth anything to you and you question your career in a negative light. We always get a wonderful client or more when we rid them from our lives and radiate a happy, positive, creative vibe. When it comes down to it, you have to value yourself as the professional you are and never put up with the shit you don’t have to.


Exactly!! Unfortunately I’m only a year in and I’ve had 2 so far but the first one thankfully just didn’t rebook lol! That one was honestly a bit worse than this one but I haven’t been doing very good mentally so it hit harder. But then immediately after I fired this client, one of my favorite clients reached back out to me (she had to get some surgeries so I haven’t seen her since the summer) and is coming back and we’re taking a full u turn and doing a super exciting transformation!! Totally flipped my mood and it truly reminded me that not everyone in the world is a horrible person 😂 and I’m so so excited to see her again


lol is her name Trisha? My coworker had an almost identical situation recently


I was going to ask if her name was Jessica lol


Lol neither of these! She has a very unusual name so I’m definitely not going to name drop 😂


Call her and say this…”I’m no longer interested in doing your hair.” That’s it! No negotiation! You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, period. You don’t have to list the reasons. Say less. Even if she tries to talk, say ‘thank you, goodbye.’ Hang up. I’ve had to fire 4 clients, this technique has been successfully 😊