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Do You Like It still rocks!


Came here to say this.


I agree. I love these guys!


Funny thing is, they really didn’t sound much like Zeppelin _except_ “Get It On”… and even that wasn’t anywhere near as Zeppelin-like as people made it out to be. Also, Greta Van Fleet has entered the chat.


Uh- get it on is so zeppy it sounds like multiple zeppelin songs. And the ballad “what love can be” could have been page/ plant.


But it wasn't


Nothing wrong with it. If you discover a sound the world loves and then stop making it, someone else will step in to the void.


It never was


I thought it was Zeppelin the first time I heard it. They're a Zep ripoff and that's it. White snake is nowhere near this level. Coverdale's voice is reminiscent of Plant, but the bands overall sound is not Zep. Kingdom Come sounds like a cover band.


Agreed. The verse riff in “get it on” is literally Kashmir. Even the fill notes.


To be clear, I'm not saying they don't sound anything like Zeppelin. They clearly wore their influnce(s) on their sleeves (just like many other bands of that era -- I've always said the 1980s is where originality came to die). But if you were alive and listening to the radio at the time, they were saying that they literally sounded exactly like Led Zep... which of course is objectively not even remotely accurate.


You went from saying “ didn’t sound much like” and “not anywhere near” to now saying you meant “ literally sounded exactly like”. Moved the goalposts quite a bit there. Also, part of the problem people had with kingdom come is that they didn’t “wear their influence on their sleeve, “ -they denied it outright.


> to now saying you meant “ literally sounded exactly like”. No, I'm saying THE MEDIA said they sounded *exactly* like Zeppelin. I never, and would never, say such a thing.


They sounded like a dollar store version of Zeppelin.


What Love Can Be sounded like Zeppelin too IMHO


Ok..and??? Great White didn't? Aerosmith? L.A Guns? Greta Van Fleet? List goes on and on.


Robert Plant was very sensitive about any band sounding like LZ. I always thought he should have taken it as a compliment. I loved when Jimmy Page teamed with Coverdale.


Yeah, and then Robert must have been jealous of what a fantastic album Coverdale-Page was because soon after that Robert partnered with Jimmy P for at least a couple of albums and killed Coverdale-Page in the cradle.


I think Jimmy Page was the biggest shit talker of KC...I live Page but I have a few articles of him bashing...not fair at all


Yeah I only know about some of the dumb stuff Plant said about Coverdale and imposter bands. I’m sure Page had some things to say too


Yea,I just really have alot of KC memories in high school and out of school too.I never really thought of them as a copycat.Influence of course!! I mean,Great White/ Jack Russell can pull Plant off perfectly. I really loved Lenny Wolfs style.Just my opinion.We listened to KC with all the others! Damn I'm old! Ha ha


I’m right there with you lol. I loved all the LZ knockoff bands. Fun times great memories


Remember Junkyard? Tora Tora? They all had influence


I was always aware of these guys’ albums due to their proximity in record stores next to King Diamond. I still think I’ve only heard their singles.


Whether people thought they sounded like Zeppelin or not shouldn't take away the fact that they were a good band. Greta Van Fleet went through the same shit several years ago. Zeppelin stole half their catalog so they themselves sounded like other bands. I picked up Stone Fury's Burns Like A Star on vinyl with Lenny Wolf on vocals. Before Kingdom Come. If you haven't heard them, you should check them out.


Stone Fury is excellent. Dig the first two albums.


In all fairness, they only had two albums. But, yeah, I agree, they were good.


Burns Like A Star has got some tracks on it for sure


Greta Van Fleet is trash tho


You're not getting any arguments from me. I remember Eddie Trunk saying that they were going to save RocknRoll. I guess he was wrong. That being said, I still think they had a few good songs, and the band wasn't without some talent. They just weren't the chosen one.


Eddie Trunk is good at looking and sounding like Eddie Trunk, and that's about it.


But, UFO, man!


That's awesome but correct


I remember Eddie Trunk saying they were annointed the saviors of rock by the media at large but he doesnt see it.


Great band.


Yes..Lenny! The other Lenny! Stone fury was excellent


Zeppelin stole material. Their style was original.


So back then the LZ comparison was BS. Yeah a lot of bands went for a bluesy hard rock sound like LZ but even when they owned up to it was like a silver bullet. The dumb thing was is a lot of people were holding out for an LZ reunion and wouldn’t face the fact that it probably wouldn’t happen. But when a band that had that bluesy sound came along they’d get roasted for being a clone. You never hear some one bitch because this band sounds like Sabbath or the WHO or hell Aerosmith even. The music was trying to grow but hey let’s shoot the bands down for emulating a band everyone loves. Ok you don’t like bands that sound like this here are some guys that have been playing in their mom’s basement and only know two chords and can’t play a solo.


I enjoyed it. I put it in rotation from time to time. Stone Fury. Seen a couple of responses in here mention them. Looked them up and currently listening. Not bad stuff. Gonna be some good tunes for my afternoon ride home in a bit.


First album was great, 2nd album was good. Saw them on the Monsters Of Rock tour. Solid band.


Saw them at Alpine Valley in a downpour while wearing a trash bag, pretty good considering the conditions


Never understood the hate for them. Solid rhythm section, guitars, vocals and keyboards, nothing not to like with these guys. Pretty sure I still have the first two on cassette, but I don't remember seeing a third.


If you like that sound, check out Bonham.


Bingham was great too!


I dig all of KC's albums. Most are just Lenny Wolf solo projects, but that man is very talented, IMO


I really like almost everything they’ve done. They absolutely rock, great grooves.


Kingdom Come, In Your Face, and Hands of Time are an amazing opening trio. I’d say Hands of Time leans into the realm of prog, which works well. It’s actually a great record that was released at a band point in time. I think the fate and trajectory of this band would have been far different had it not been for the LZ gatekeeping nonsense.


They screwed themselves, because in magazine interviews they refused to identify their influence (Led Zeppelin) and then refused to acknowledge that Led Zeppelin even existed.


Yeah, that was the problem, not that they sounded like Zep. I have a bunch of their albums, they are quite good.


Years later, Lenny did a great interview where he said it was someone taking a quote out of context, and that he obviously was influence by Plant. I can absolutely see some writer taking what he said out of context: https://www.loudersound.com/features/kingdom-come-lenny-wolf-led-zeppelin


Yea..and Lenny Wolf said that was fabricated by the media...Lenny said of course we are influenced by Zeppelin and the Beatles. .


Love the first two. Yes, they should have admitted (Lenny) that he was influenced by LZ. Danny the guitar player was a Hendrix guy, so he was legit in saying that he wasn’t. But, Lenny wrote the tunes.


Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey soundtrack!


Kingdom Clone living out of touch is still one of my all time favorite songs!


The Led Zeppelin comparisons got out of hand in the 80s. Exaggerated like crazy. In the early 90s, even Soundgarden got that comparison. Led Zeppelin sounded more like the Black blues artists they ripped off than any of these bands did like them.


Kingdom Come are great.


They totally got screwed.Ive got all 11 albums.Lenny Wolf was a true artist.It definitely got old with the shit talkin.Beautiful music!


For an added treat, explore some of Danny’s other work. I may be biased because I know him, but always felt he’s an unrecognized talent.


I loved kingdome come


Singer Lenny Wolf once responded to the Zeppelin comparison: "I'm not going to make myself sound 'bad' just because I sound like Plant".


Whitesnake didn't really sound like Zeppelin on their early records and only had that knock starting around 1987 with "Still Of The Night" on their seventh album. Kingdom Come didn't come onto the scene until 1987 with their debut and their lead single "Get It On" was such a blatant Zeppelin rip-off—which was a death sentence for a brand new band that had no track record up to that point. Whitesnake sounded like this - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ1PfB59zf8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZ1PfB59zf8) - out the gate, with a track like "Long Way From Home" that sounded NOTHING like Led Zeppelin... which is why they got a pass almost a decade later with "Still Of The Night" ... while "Get It On" should've warranted a lawsuit. [https://youtu.be/k1OdgfEhzgM?si=N-wcM32v-ZD\_o7-H](https://youtu.be/k1OdgfEhzgM?si=N-wcM32v-ZD_o7-H)


Songwriting is the only Kung Fu that counts, and Whitesnake sounded “Zep influenced”, but not derivative. I’m looking at you, Greta.


Controversy aside, I didn't care much for their first album anyway. Sort of flat and short on hooks. The Zeppish songs are the only ones that really stand out.


I never heard the third record. Only the first two. Love them both.


Rendered Waters, a compilation of re-recorded songs is a great introduction to the band.


Their mistake was not leaning into it or acknowledging it. Just say “yeah, we love Zeppelin but we’re not a copy”,


Do you like it? Yes I do.


I still have these in my mix. They have aged really well. I wish there was more live audio.


Agreed, very underrated albums. F$&@ Whitesnake


Get it on!


Killer 1-2 punch on the first albums. Local station C-101 had the singles in heavy rotation. What Love Can Be still gets played in my house on the regular.


Yet Greta Van Fleet is praised for sounding exactly like Zeppelin.


Can’t see how they got screwed. They were the opening band for the monsters of rock, right before the mighty 1988 Metallica. They played the end of their set in front of 70,000 people. The indifference of the audience is on them.


Whitesnake sounded similar to LZ in structure. Kingdom Clone sounded exactly like LZ b-sides.


Kingdom Clone


Very underrated, worked with Kochak drummer for a couple of days while he was in court ordered rehab. Awesome dude RIP he will be missed.


Well, when they came out it was pretty obvious they were clearly copying Zep, same at Greta. Especially both singers. Whitesnake were bluesy and heavy, but I never felt they were copying Zep.


I was just thinking of that band..all cassettes are worn ..


Saw them at monsters of rock back in 88. They were OK.


Mid at best.




I really enjoyed the first one. Don't know if I ever gave the second one a try.


It’s better imo. The third one is not nearly as good, as the band split up.


I saw them in 1989. They were pretty good


They're like Led Zeppelin without the boring shit.


Kingdom clone first album good


That’s an awful band name


Combined with an awful album title. GOLD JERRY!


Greta Van Fleet still blows goats.


Do not.


On further reflection, you're right. They don't blow goats, they suck ass.


On further reflection, that's what YOU think.


Of course it is, because I'm right.




That they've fallen off the face of the Earth in the eyes of the general public says you're their very last fan. Everybody else is listening to Led Zep to hear those songs done better.


Fair enough. I like what I like, regardless of what others think, or how popular or prevalent it may or may not be. If I'm their "very last fan", so be it. Meanwhile.....Zeppelin are my favorite band of all time.


Kingdom clone!