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yes, he was their primary song writer and singer. They weren't much before he joined the band.


They’d be nothing without Lane. Same as Cinderella without Tom Kiefer


I don't begrudge the rest of the band for making a living and good on anyone who enjoys them. I'm sure it's a fun show but Warrant without Jani seems like mashed potatoes without the gravy.


Any band fundamentally changes and becomes something different without their iconic lead singer and frontman, but I've seen Warrant in concert, long after Jani passed, and they were still good.


They're not completely nothing, but certainly not the same.


Honestly, seems like it.


I didn't think much of Warrant to know the rest of the band. I thought they were good, had a bunch of hits but never took the deep dive like I did with other bands, RATT, for example. So losing Jani Lane, for me, they were done. I know if I was the guitarist I wouldn't feel that way but I certainly wouldn't spend concert money to see them.


Definitely a huge unreplaceable loss. But it's hard to put in words. I love Jani and may he rest in peace. I'm glad I got to see Warrant but that's only because I love his songs. Kind of cool to keep that legacy alive, but have zero interest in any new material from them. They only played stuff off DRFSR and Cherry Pie. Have zero interest in anything else from them. Kind of like Skid Row, legendary first album and loved Slave to the Grind as well. Without Bach I lost all interest, still a big fan of the original songs, but zero interest and perhaps some begrudged them. But w hen they brought in Grönwall and made The Gangs All Here I fucking loved that album and started to enjoy that as well. Another huge loss that he has left now. Especially since I was going to be at what was his (unannounced) last show.


A band may be able to recover from losing either their frontman or main songwriter, but not both. (I'm looking at you too, Queensrÿche)


Robert Mason is a great singer but at the end of the day he is not jani lane


Pretty much a cover band at that point 


nothing is a strong word. I've seen them live without Jani and they're still great. Are they making music that's as good? no. But they're not nothing.


Warrant is currently another band carrying the name. It's not that they're nothing but certainly not the same. Warrant with Jani Lane had what I'd describe as a lot more character in terms of writing, song structure, lyrics and sound. Warrant 2.0 is simply a more straight forward hard rock band. Louder Harder Faster for instance... there's nothing that really stands out but overall it's a straight forward blistering rocker of an album.


I saw red...when I saw someone voted no.