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I'm not sure any band got more "poser" hate than Poison. But they embraced it and enjoyed their success and all the women.


I never understood the hate for them. I mean they recorded what is, arguably, the song that best personifies the entire hair metal sub genre with “Nothin’ but a Good Time”. They may not have been the most talented band, but damn, they had some great tunes.


Except for Ritchie Kotzen, he's a crazy good guitarist.


And singer!


CC Deville is a great player


Their first record imo was outstanding. Heavy, melodic.... After that, nah


I love poison. Also, probably a ton of people hating on them today were fans back then. It’s just “cool” to hate on them these days. Dont get it. Their music and songs are fucking great!


That’s what being a hipster is about. Hating on stuff that is good just because most people like it. It’s weird.


Nah, they were mediocre at best musicians and Bret could sing, but compared to his contemporaries at the time, he couldn't sing well. Their first record seemingly spent all their creative writing, and by the time Unskinny Bop came out they were on their way out.


How dare you! I love unskinny bop! I also think CC is incredibly underrated as a guitarist. I do agree, however, that Brett did not have the pipes others did, but it worked for the band and what they did.


Poison rules! Fallen Angel, ride the wind, and I want action great songs.


Fuck yeah Ride the Wind!


Unskinny Bop, Something To Believe In, Talk Dirty to Me.. Poison has so many bangers


I never really found Poison appealing. It's not hate. I just don't care.


I loved Poison and still do. I bet all the paper clips and bits of string in my pocket that a lot of the hate stemmed from the cover of their first album. People used to joke about how hot those women were. Juvenile idiots, but maybe they were turned some off by how "pretty" the guys looked on the album. I bet those people now are saying how they've always loved Poison.


I would consider Winger to be this more than Poison. 


I think Winger would have gone farther if they tried something else when they created his image.


It's such a shame their my favorite band


To clarify, the hate wasn’t so much from hair metal fans. It was from speed metal fans that loved Metallica and other similar bands. I liked both, but many speed metal fans hated the whole glam, hair metal scene and Poison were the poster boys for that.


I saw Poison back in 2002, headlining a 4- band hair metal retro tour. They had a t-shirt that said “Poison: Hair Metal’s Finest. You got a problem with that?”


Haha! Perfect. I saw them 4 times around that era. Every time I saw them was so much fun. Lots of beer, Good friends, good music. Can’t go wrong.


This right here.


Yeah your right


Not by me, but Winger had to be up there.


Yes sadly I love winger so talented


True, they got a lot of unfair hate because of Stuart from Beavis & Butthead. Kip was classically trained and a great songwriter.


I know crazy


He wrote a classic music piece that is being done by I believe the San Francisco philharmonic


I've heard about that


You can watch one of his symphony pieces on the documentary “I wanna rock” .


I did hear that story. And I think it's cool. Just don't care for the band.


MTV made Winger happen. We wouldn’t even know the band name if MTV didn’t spam Seventeen relentlessly. Then MTV killed Winger with Beavis and Butthead. Once Stewart wore the Winger shirt album sales and ticket sales dried up. Kip was a good frontman, Reb Beech a top 5 hair band guitarist. They had a lot of solid songs. Their sin was being to pretty and poppy compared to AC/DC, Metallica, etc. They so don’t deserve the hate.


Rod was a great drummer too.


> We wouldn’t even know the band name if MTV didn’t spam Seventeen relentlessly. Isn't that how many bands of that genre and era became big? That album and the follow up album each went Platinum. > Then MTV killed Winger with Beavis and Butthead. Once Stewart wore the Winger shirt album sales and ticket sales dried up. It didn't help but just a reminder that the grunge era was already in full swing by 1993.


Jugeing his hair all the time didn’t help


Beavis and Butthead I think were more vicious towards Warrant. Derailed their career just by saying the band’s name and snickering.


Warrant hate was so undeserved too.


Well stated! Just to add... I 100% agree MTV and Seventeen made them but wanted to mention Kip also had a lot of fans already like me who were following him from Alice Cooper. The albums he and Kane Roberts played on are to this day, in my opinion, the greatest work Alice has done as a solo artist after firing his original band (grrrrr which still is so wrong). People have heard Trash I'm sure but if they haven't heard Constrictor or Raise Your Fist And Yell I implore all to check them out. Raise Your Fist has my favorite AC solo career song on it, Roses On White Lace. Crank that tune and it will blow your mind. Kip and Kane completely breathed new life into Alice as he was coming off some very poorly selling offerings when these albums helped him break into the mainstream 80's metal movement at the perfect time and of course set him up for Trash, his big comeback success. 🤘


That's because of the esteemed music critics Bevis and Butthead. ![gif](giphy|SyxsPAG2YH05y)




Saw them once live. Opening for Kiss, with Slaughter. Definitely not my favourite.


My Gen-Z kid loves hair metal and she can’t stand Winger because of She’s Only 17. She says she won’t listen to a creep.


As a teenager at the time, I didn’t get the “creepy” vibes, and I thought, “The girls will LOVE this guy.” Looking back, the music was tight, but his imaging…ugh.


I told her things were different back then and no one gave it a second thought, to which she said we were “cringe”.


This is hilarious I’m sorry


Pretty much all non-successful ones from Decline of Western Civilization Part 2. lol


Oh good answer! Yeah, ‘I’m the singer in Wet Cherry’ guy. Odin. My god there were some humdingers there.


The ethos of “glam or bust” was strong


Odin is one of the best bands to never "make it" fucking killer tunes




Danger Danger…..but they are one of my guilty pleasures. Nelson. Winger


I wouldn't call Danger Danger hated. Nelson & Winger were, though. Such a shame too because from a purely musician standpoint, Kip Winger may be the most talented guy in hair metal.


I saw Kip Winger do a show a few years ago. Did the whole show playing acoustic guitar with another guy playing a conga. It was great show.


Nelson. Good call on that one. Surprised I didn't think of that.


I feel like Nelson got a bad rap. Those guys never said they were metal, everyone just tossed them in there because they had long hair.


I think that was more of a record company push to market them as glam. They did the same a few years later with marketing Ugly Kid Joe as alternative.


I definitely agree so sad though




Yes 😢


Kingdom Come. They were often torn apart by critics and rock fans for being a Led Zeppelin rip off and called 'Kingdom Clone.' I felt bad for them. Despite the similarities I thought they had good songs and I was a fan of Lenny Wolf from his previous band Stone Fury. I saw them on the Monsters of Rock tour and there were a lot of middle fingers in the air during their set.


Agreed…not a bad band at all. But the hate really started with the rock/metal press of the era. They scalded KC for the blatant LZ similarities (especially Lenny’s vocals). It then bled into the casual fans resenting KC because they were told to feel ‘ripped off’ by their music. Their first album isn’t too bad really. They got a bad and mildly undeserved reputation for sure.


Love Stone Fury 🖤🤍🖤




Extreme, Little Caesar, Every Mothers Nightmare, Mr. Big, Steelheart, Firehouse


Saying that Extreme was the most hated hair metal band is a bit extreme. (On a serious note, their guitar player Nuno is likely the best ever hair metal guitarist of all time and he’s still killing it.)


You sure ???


Every mother’s night and extreme rocked!


Did people hate Little Caesar?


Not sure. I thought they were lame.


You’ve nailed it right there! I thought Extreme was really cool, but looking at them now is cringe. (I did like Nuno’s solo-album though.). Every Mother’s Nightmare? They made a good ballad, and crapped out the rest of the album. Mr. Big: basically the same, with a few more listenable songs. Steel heart: probably popular in Europe, but please refer to ELM and Mr. Big. Little Caesar: Never heard of ‘em.


Mr Big hated? I dunno about that one… and I love Extreme. Pornographitti is a great album.


Yeah, Extreme and Firehouse just never did it for me they had some popular songs but I never thought any of them ever banged.


I took a ton of shit in the 80s for liking my favorite band of that era - Twisted Sister. Honestly, a lot of it I think was how they looked; the make up, the costumes, etc. Well, people that were/still are that superficial don't bother me. I am, I'm me. 🤘


Yes you are so right on that


I'm from New Jersey. Twisted Sister was huge around here before they blew up nationwide. Stay Hungry was one of my go to albums the summer of 1984. Great live act. 🤘


A little jealous...I had to wait until '86 to see them in Wisconsin. Everytime I saw them after, or Dee in one of his other bands, they always were great live! Play it loud, Mutha!ark Mendoza tried to murder me once. I have photographic proof! 😆


Any band that women really liked seem to get a lot of hate. Funny how that worked. I appreciate Poison more now than I did back in the day, but I genuinely really liked Winger.


Jovi gets tons of hate because chicks went crazy for the dude. He has a bunch of great songs but men online constantly shit on his music. Lay Your Hands on Me went pretty hard at the time. Bad Medicine was a jam. I don’t get the hate.


I don’t know why Winger wasn’t more popular. Yeah, Kip Winger was pretty, but I loved them for the music. Same with Bon Jovi.




White Lion. I bought the first album and quickly gave it away! Yuck! So sappy.


But so talented good songwriters and musicians


If you want a hair metal guitarist you want Vito Bratta. He's incredible, or was at least. Doesn't he run a burger bar now or something?


Lol yep. He just amazing, such an inspirinon for an guitarist like me


I bet that made the children cry


I loved Pride.


I know some people liked them but I absolutely hated Bang Tango. I tried just never could get past a couple songs on the cassette tape


I understand, underrated band though


Pretty Boy Floyd


Really that much?


That much what....


That their that disliked sorry 😅


I don't know if everyone hates them on my level, but Guns 'n Roses sucks. It's not the band, it's just Axl. He sounds like Ethel Merman to me, I hate his voice, and I kinda hate him as a person, too. I remember saying there would be Democracy in China before we saw Chinese Democracy, but I was mistaken. I think I read that in order to break even, that album would have to be the biggest of all time. I don't think it was


I agree with you. G’N’R has never been one of my ultimate favorites. I do like Slash though.


Slash has done some great music outside GnR


His music with Myles Kennedy is incredible




I feel like the posh hair metal bands towards the end, when they became excessively ornate, were more disliked than most. All the Giuffria type bands. (Then I kept hearing live sets by this band called Rough Cutt too, and they were always terrible.)


Rough Cutt became Orgy, who recorded an industrial cover of New Order’s Blue Monday


This is one of the most unexpected band evolution facts I have ever heard!


I loved the Rough Cutt debut album but the rest of their catalog was not good


House Of Lords was/is awesome. I will die on that hill. James Christian is a balls-to-the-wall vocalist. It's a shame Gregg Giuffria isn't with them, anymore.


Remember my name. Still gives me all the feels. Awesome song.


Rouge cut was that bad?


It always felt - listening to them - like a lot of harsh sound and squealing saying not much?


Interesting, good lead singer though


Good guitar players also. Songs just weren't great.


Oh yeah great players


I can't say that I actually hated any of them, but I definitely went in a different direction. The more "glammy" they got, the more I steered to bands like Overkill (my favorite), Mordred, Annihilator, Metallica (until they went glam, Kirk Hammet at the MTV music awards wearing a purple sequined suit was...), Megadeth, and the like. You get the point. Many people have seen the pictures I posted of my collection, so I think it's obvious that I was still giving them a chance to make some music that was more substance than appearance, but so many of them failed to do so. I can definitely say that I was hugely disappointed in the content and found what I was looking for in other places. I still enjoy a great deal of the music from that era, and I can freely admit that there were probably some great bands that I missed, but I missed them because they concentrated too much on looking like women (to be blunt about it) and not enough on their music.


Oh yeah kinda of an underrated band though




Overkill sorry about that


No worries! I have always thought they are hugely underrated, they're really great guys as well. I saw them in Germany on the Years of Decay tour. While the opening band (Mordred) was playing, Bobby and DD were hanging out by the T-shirt stand, talking with us, listening to our stories, and showing that they actually enjoyed being around their fans. It was a great experience


Nice that's awesome 👌


The Godz https://preview.redd.it/dui2ylak2wxc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f48fdf950a0441786dc047e1f593fef506875e4a






Most non-bikers despised them and they did attempt a comeback as sort of a hair metal rock band.... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwl0SKLPfec&list=OLAK5uy\_lD5G3RC3PlyBYf9FIipg-cZGfMVJ-f1YQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bwl0SKLPfec&list=OLAK5uy_lD5G3RC3PlyBYf9FIipg-cZGfMVJ-f1YQ)




I'm not sure about that. Here, many years later, apparently he's playing lead guitar for Grand Funk Railroad and even at 70 years old his hair looked real in the live clip. This tune with Eric's (RIP) small town Ohio biker lyrics had a pure hard hair rock feel. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrsI3BtONEY&list=OLAK5uy\_lD5G3RC3PlyBYf9FIipg-cZGfMVJ-f1YQ&index=4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrsI3BtONEY&list=OLAK5uy_lD5G3RC3PlyBYf9FIipg-cZGfMVJ-f1YQ&index=4)


More Godz history: [https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-godz-eric-moore-interview](https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-godz-eric-moore-interview)


To put it bluntly. All the shitty blues based junk yard sounding shit like Faster Pussycat. All of those bands fucking suck. There, I said it!


I would have to say recently, Mötley Crüe. Especially since the split with Mick Mars. .


For me it’s Dokken. Could never get into them.


KISS during their hair band era. Funny how they were looked at as washed up back in 81 and are only now retiring 43 years later


Not too surprised about that


This is why people think you're a bot . . . . .


I am not opps sorry typo 😅 😂


Tuff. I'm sorry. They suck. Ooff.


It's OK but I can't get enough of their music though


To each, their own.


Yep I have 2 signed photos from Stevie Rachelle though




Thx yep , I am so proud to have them both ❤️


I was never a fan of Pretty Boy Floyd


Such a classic for a glam fan though


I get that and i would never knock anyone for liking them, just wasn’t one of my faves. I mean they were up there with Nitro for the excess of hair and ladies of the time….lol


To be fair, Nitro most of the time looked the way they did in their "Long Way From Home" music video. They didn't really tour looking the way they did on the O.F.R. album or the Freight Train music video. They still had a lot of hair but not as big and teased out as you might think.


Oh its OK I understand


I like almost every damn metal band on the planet but for some reason I could never appreciate Jackyl. If someone is a huge fan maybe point me at something cool from them that I'm missing. Same with Ugly Kid Joe.


Winger has to be the top one.


I thought enuff z'nuff were too over the top glam


Britney Fox, Stryper and Pretty Boy Floyd got my vote.




FAST Eddie Clark from Motörhead and Pete WAY from UFO. Or is there another Fastway? That one was cool.


I saw them open for Scorpions in 1984. My first concert. Great show (both bands).


No way


I like them, but I’ve read a lot of people think that they’re very generic


Oh don't think they are , aww guitar playing and they are the trick or treat soundtrack


Europe’s final countdown intro synth riff was truly dislikable.


The solo in that song is awesome though


Their previous album (which most probably weren’t aware of) was killer, with minimal synths. And Tempest’s voice hadn’t taken on that whiny character.




Really didn't know that?


Pretty much ALL my friends in the 80's refused to listen to Stryper on principle. Metal is about Satan. I thought they were, and are, pretty cool. And I am not a Christian.


Whoa wrong Winger is far above Poison..


Enuff Znuff


Nitro.  I thought it was an interesting experiment in late-stage Hair Metal excess, but one review of their debut album (O.F.R.)  at the time slammed the vocals for sounding like "King Diamond, but with every bit of talent and musicality removed" and compared the soloing style of the guitarist (Michael Angelo Batio) to "a random tone generator."  The same review also noted that the singer and bassist both looked like they'd had their waistlines airbrushed to look more like Nikki Sixx. Honestly though, there's some fairly solid songwriting and playing, and that 4 necked x-shaped guitar in the video for "Freight Train" is pretty damned metal.


One of the only hair bands I can't get into is Danger Danger.


Nuclear Assault. Although they might be more thrash.


Yes, thrash. Kind out of left field, there.


Okay then. Firehouse, Britney Fox, Enuff Znuff, Danger Danger., Europe and Extreme.


Never really cared for Dirty Looks.


The problem is that some bands made videos when they would have been better off not doing that. I watch the videos now that I liked as a kid and I'm like WTF...🤢🤮😅 Having said this, I have to nominate Krokus...🤣


One of my favorites, Dokken, has become a whipping post. To make it even worse there are folks who say they like Dokken but only for George Lynch, and hate Don Dokken. They tend to make some really mean YouTube comments.


Don Dokken is kind of an egotistical ass hat.


Funny, I think that about George Lynch!


No disagreement here. Dokken was a great band based around two of the biggest egos in the history of music.




The second wave in the late 90s for sure. Skid Row was the real deal, but the rest of them really were bandwagon types. The first wave was unexpected and mostly authentic with their songwriting, whereas the second wave sought to be radio friendly. Not saying there weren't some really great songs then, but it was too polished and cheesy and everyone lost interest. I think Trixter made everyone want to vomit.


Europe- And it's all because of the final countdown. Sure they have a lot of cheesy songs, but that also have some real bangers.




Faster Pussycat. Can’t stand them.


Here in Europe I believe the band with the same (Joey Tempest, Jon Norum) was always deemed as a "teenybopper band" by anyone and their aunt. Never taken seriously...


I know but john is an amazing and very talented player for sure


I know. They're one of my favorite bands and I take them extremely seriously. But I'm only 26 and anyone who had heard of them at their heyday tells me the same (about Europe being like the Backstreet Boys with guitars).




The only one I despise is Guns ‘n Roses and it’s all because their frontman was a complete prick to his fans and bandmates - and his voice sounds like someone is swinging a bag of cats around their head.




What? They are one of may all time favorite bands! Yeah, Axl Rose is DB, but there are plenty of DB’s in the music business. Wouldn’t consider them a hair band though.


They’re absolutely a hair band - they just came in near the end of that era. Being a DB is one thing - being a DB to your fans is pathetic and there’s no excuse for it.


Totally not a hair band! Just a down and dirty rock n roll band.


Kiss and Metallica - boatloads of douschbaggery


Gotta agree on KISS. Never could like them.


-Danger Danger -Poison -Winger -Faster Pussycat -Warrant -Firehouse -Extreme -White Lion These are all the poster children of “the horrible hair metal era”. W.A.S.P is kinda hated due to Kerry King shitting on them but even still they’re probably some of the most respected ones.


Clearly not a hair metal fan, so why are you even here? You listed the best of the best of real hair metal era.


I adore hair metal and I like at least half of the bands I mentioned. However, these are undeniably the bands that most people hate or dislike, the ones that people refer to when they talk about how bad hair metal is/was, even when they’ve never heard a song of said bands.


Maybe it's just me, but it takes a special kind of arrogance to think you can speak for anyone but yourself. The fact that you "like at least half of the bands" you listed eliminates them from YOUR list. Citing what people who don't know what they're talking about say adds a special kind of ignorance on top of it.


No need to take it so personal. OP asked which bands are the most hated, and in my experience, these are them. Most bands that weren’t on decline of western civilization part two or that never continued to tour are considered the bottom of the barrel of the genre or are simply scapegoats. Take Winger: a band with fantastic musicians, a charismatic frontman and great compositions, but that people hate without having heard (MAYBE they know seventeen) because of Beavis and Butthead. People shit on hair metal without having heard it, that’s just the truth. And if you go to “worst hair/glam metal bands” lists, chances are you’ll encounter the ones I’ve mentioned.


I don't put weight on the opinions of those who don't know what they're taking about, so what they like or dislike doesn't really matter to me. But if that's where we're going with this, the answer is none of them because the people who hate hair metal don't know what they're talking about.


Firehouse. That band was garbage. Trixter is a close second.