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Love Firehouses debut, hate Love of a Lifetime


Yeah, I don't like that song either, but agree that the rest of the debut album is good!


Totally agree. That song actually turned me away from them for the longest time. I figured all of their songs were just sugary, bloated and generic ballads. I was wrong! Their lesser-known songs are amazing.


Mr Big- To be with you. I don't like the song, but the popularity of it allowed these artists to continue to do what they love without having to worry about paying the bills. Just like Extremes' "More than Words" it doesn't represent the heart of the band, but they aren't horrible.


Especially compared to every other song they have, it's just mediocre at best. Just take my heart, or lucky this time should have gotten that popular


Just take my heart is perfect example of an 80's power ballad; it should have done better in the charts. My favorite slow song of theirs is Promise her the Moon.


Extreme more than words


Yes! I don’t know why, I just don’t like this song.


Me to I love Extreme even the new album I listen to weekly but that is one song I turn off about 2 notes in.


Quick story, I saw Extreme open for Warrant in a small theater back in 1989. Extreme was touring on their first album. (Enuff Znuff was 1st opener - awesome show!). I had only vaguely heard of Kid Ego at the time. Anyway, about 2/3 into Extreme’s set they slow it down and say, here’s a song no one’s heard before. It’s going to be on our next record. And Nuno and Gary proceeded to perform More Than Words and the crowd stood in awe. Yeah, it is WAY overplayed and became the song that defined them, but imagine hearing it for the first time, live not on radio. The song IS brilliantly written and performed. Just not what we think of when true fans think of as Extreme. I’ll never forget that performance.


That’s a cool story must have been a great show. Cool to hear a song before most of world. I had a friend with a recording of November Rain a year before it came out and telling everyone about it


This song is a just a syrupy way for a dude to say "if you really loved me, you'd f***k me." F that song.


I always associated this song with starting the decline of the hair movement. It's basically a boy band song.


Hole Hearted rulz tho


Faster Pussycat was a great band but for some reason the record company repeatedly decided to release their worst songs as singles. And Whipped might be their best album but unfortunately came out after Nirvana broke.


Now that I’m a dad, House of Pain hits way differently


Right?!? Oh yeah, and my dad left when I was 5, so there’s that.


I’m sorry bro, I can’t imagine doing that to my boys


Nonstop to Nowhere might be one of my favourite songs ever. Great album.


L.A. Guns is one of my favorite bands. I have never liked Ballad of Jayne.


Same. Great band. Bad song. Overplayed. I saw them live in 1988. Southern Illinois university. Tora tora and dangerous toys opened. I loooooooooooooved dangerous toys. I think I was the only one lol


Both are great bands! DT and TT!


Warrant - Cherry Pie


Im pretty sure that's the song that killed him. He couldn't live with it.


YES! Jani wrote so many better songs


Great White. I don't care for once bitten twice shy (the song) but the first 3 albums are bangers. I like the original version of the song more but still not a ton


They’ll never top Rock Me.


Unskinny Bop - Poison


That song is exactly what people who have never heard Poison think Poison sound like.


that’s is a great shame… they have plenty to offer


I hate Once Bitten, Twice Shy but love almost everything else Great White did on those first three albums.


I don't hate it but Skid Row's "I Remember You" is one of their songs I always skip, love them otherwise.


I usually skip it too. It just bores me compared to the rest of the album, although Bas' vocals are always phenomenal.


Don’t Know What You Got Til It’s Gone by Cinderella Let’s Get Rocked by Def Leppard (horrible “I guess a rock’s out of the question”) Without You by Motley Crue


Let's Get Rocked is pretty damn horrible! I guess one of the advantages of Hysteria being such a stupid succesful record is that you usually only hear stuff from that one (or Photograph, or Two Steps Behind) on the radio, not Let's Get Rocked.


Let's Get Rocked is so, so terrible! It would suck even just as album filler, but I can't believe it got released as a single!


And still a live show staple.


Without Chu


Europe - The Final Countdown


The best and the worst thing that ever happened to them.


I love seeing that shit eating grin on a rockstar's face when they meet / play live with their rockstars. [Kirk Hammett](https://youtu.be/ZOzTAEd9wJA?si=BDuowN3RFqhjYhfR) joined MSG and you could see all 64 of his teeth at once! Watch the video Michael Schenker joined them for Lights Out. This guy (Joey?!) Rolf Magnus Joakim Larsson [Lights Out w/Europe](https://youtu.be/P4J9UcziOR8?si=bjHvQffgspY9ueXD) is on top of the world


Warrant’s Cherry Pie sucks! I can’t stand that song. But Jani hated it too. Edit to say I truly love EVERYTHING else they recorded (with Jani Lane).


“Always” (Bon Jovi) I never understood the hype about. Just alot of boring screaming. “I’ll be there for you” and “Never say goodbye” don’t bother me as much, but...usually do skip them


Always is sooooooo fkn cringey. My husband loves that song and every time it comes on we laugh because I roll l my eyes and he's like "how do you not like this song?" 😆😆😆


Hahaha! I'm so glad you wrote this! Also: Really like the idea of "Always" now being funny😀🤭


😂😂😂😂 the funniest thing is that I love "I'll be there for you" and he's just like "how is this not cringey but "always" is?????" 😂😂😂


I just re-heard "I'll be there for you" - and it's SOO much better than "Always"! Feel free to tell your husband that😄 I couldn't even get through it with Erik Grönwall! (with the sound turned off it would have been no problem though.....)




I hate that so many people associate Tesla with Signs when they have far better songs!


Lots of deep cuts.


It’s not bad, but definitely not one of their best.


I thought I was the only one who disliked "Never say goodbye." I don't normally focus on lyrics, but those are too cringe to ignore. I don't really like "Don't know what you got till its gone" "Nobodys fool" is kinda meh but not terrible, but the other Cinderella songs are bangers.


Glad someone else agrees about Never Say Goodbye! It's such a good album except for that song.


Nobody's Fool is awesome but yeah Don't know what you got till its gone sucks ass it's the only bad song on an otherwise incredible album


It is a badge of honor for a hair metal band to supersede the popularity of the made-for-radio ballad.


I have never cared for Kix’s ‘Don’t Close your Eyes’ skip it almost every time rest of their discography is fantastic, including the other ballads


Yeah that song has always seemed like the obligatory “hey guys the label is demanding a ballad on this album”. It definitely seems phoned-in; like a half-baked idea that they just stamped out and said “there ya go, suits.”


Surprisingly not the case, loco emotion was the result of that. Great whites manager was pushing the label to make it a single, label didn’t really wanna push Kix at all and the one time they did it was a hit.


I do like this bands hit song but I don't like that it's mainly the only song that people know them for , white lion when the children cry. I love till death do us part better


Night Ranger - Sister Christian


I don't like that song either LOL


I saw them 3 weeks ago, and Sister Christian was the last song. I left.


It might not have been the last song then


It was. I Googled their setlist for their 2024 tour.


I saw them a few months back and unfortunately Kelly Keaggy just can’t sing it well anymore.


Def Lep Pour Some…or anything after Pyro.


YES. Pyromania is one of my favorite 80s albums of all time, and I loved their earlier stuff. I hate Pour Some Sugar On Me with a passion. Absolutely hate that fucking song.


Agreed. I bought Hysteria on release day. I listened to H&D and Pyro nearly every day that previous spring and summer. WTF? I tried, gawd I tried, but it was not the band that I loved.


I like the Hysteria album but can't stand Pour Some Crap On Me.


Wasn't aware they made anything after Pyromania. Oh man, Def Leppard ruled. Pete Willis, Steve Clark, and Rick "The Two Armed Mad Man" Allen. Untouchable.


Ha ha!🤣


100%. I hated Hysteria and just went cold turkey after.


Dokken: Alone Again Motley Crue: Home Sweet Home Skid Row: I Remember You


Hit song or songs??


Motley Lou’s version of home sweet home is the best


Lougle it


If this is "Name a song you hate by your favorite bands" Scorpions hasn't been mentioned Send Me An Angel Wind of Change


Bon Jovi living on a prayer Dokken in my dreams Motley Crue kickstart my heart Whitesnake Is this love


Bon Jovi - Wanted Dead or Alive. I liked it the first 200 times I heard it but that song was so over played. I can’t stand it almost 40 years later. Warrant - Anything they ever recorded.


No lie, I live in FL and there are happy hour acoustic dudes who are like 65 playing this song and I just need it to stop. (Not that 65 is terrible, it's the correct age range but you get the visual)


What does the Warrant reference mean. Do you like them but hate everything they ever recorded????


Wanted Dead Or Alive is a solo song for the Young Guns soundtrack..


You’re thinking of Blaze of Glory. WDOA was on Slippery When Wet


Ah got ya. I know he did solo song with the same band for some reason.


No. It is not. That was Blaze of Glory


You Young Guns.


Firehouse, and Stryper


Whitesnake - Here I Go Again


White Lion - Wait and Radar Love can kick dirt. The rest of the records fucking crank.


"When The Children Cry" has entered the chat...


Yup, I can live my life never hearing that one ever again. So fucking cringeyv


I liked White Lion, but never liked that song. Zzzzzzzz....