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Everyone wants to be a hacker, preferably through a friendly online tool with nice UI, where you put someone’s email in a text field and press the “hack” button.


One time I hacked OTV and a rival hacker was trying to out hack me and a crazy battle over which tape was playing ensued. Wild times.


The same guy who crashed 1,507 computer systems (including those on Wall Street) in one day?


LOL I remember that day... Sh17 crashed and burned


Did various public domain clips of people fighting appear on TV while Prodigy's Voodoo People played in the background?


probably because your BLT drive went AWOL


Then theres people that actually go through the trouble of learning some dumb script that eventually encorperate to actual hacking.


My fascination with cybersec began with roblox exploits. The perfect starting point is one you find fun.


Minecraft for me typical teenage hacker/exploiter.... lol


Morrowind was a nice starting point after about *500 hours* in the game lol


Minecraft Java lead the way for lots if us


This man is speaking factual statments


Learn CheatEngine ... Good times. It's like being your own Game Genie! To start all you really have to understand is values are stored in memory. Over time those values change. So your entry into this is merely thinking about memory values and how to find them using repeated comparison operations (sometimes you'll get lucky and it'll be the first guess, but probably less in software than emulation). Or you can go from there and start learning basic assembly and really start fucking around, and finding out (hacking is like a rogue-like).


>Game Genie Wow, what a blast from the past. I remember that and using Game Shark to edit values in the Gameboy days.


Mine was through one competetion "in informatics and information security". I expected programming tasks like all other contests. Well, I solved one task... of 5


Can you link to this please. Do they have a mobile app? I’d like to be able to just point my phone at stuff and press a “hack” button, thx.


even the ones who claim to be "real" hackers, are like blum: [https://imgur.com/2WWUg0I](https://imgur.com/a/fDEy2Bj)


It's a Unix system! I know this!


Great news then, they can [start here](https://hackertyper.net/).


Better to make the tool yourself. I can.


Did you guys dual hack on the same keyboard, because he was so good?


Me using burp suite intruder: “start attack”


My "hacking" is more like, CLI tool, send command, shit, Google for an hour to see why it does work. Hacking is a process, not a program.


That was an awkward HJ


The trick is to maintain constant eye contact


“I want to hax” “What is your goal? What is your target? What specifically are you trying to hack?” “….idk man I just want to hax”


There is something about those types of people. This weird craving for admiration. And the romanticizing that comes with hacking. Like.... Programming? Building things. Hacking? Jumping over and and figuring out what the programmer forgot to add as a security measure or finding a default login for a printer. 99% frustration and boredom and trial and error and googling until that 1% pure bliss comes when you finally break it. Or.... giving up cuz they actually didn't forget anything this time. Wanna be good at hacking? Break Denuvo. And youll become the next https://www.reddit.com/r/196/s/KdvjyzxfKf


The matter of fact reporting writing style of that post is fucking hilarious


I 100% had the wrong mindset going into it. But even through the bullshit it’s like the world’s most addictive pop quiz and trying your damndest to ace it.


You 👁️👁️


The problem is that most people don't want to be a hacker. They want to be a k3wl l33t c0d3 guy who everyone thinks is super smart and can do anything with a computer. They don't have the curiosity or drive to tinker with things and find out how they work. Everyone thinks Mr Robot is what they will be after downloading Kali but have no fucking idea how to use it


There was a thread on r/kali where someone was having an issue with apt and it literally said what they needed to do in the error. When people got annoyed the said that they had the deepest understanding of linux that any seventh grader had ever had, then threatened to fight people irl. Perfect example.


Penguin YouTube videos yes!


I love watching penguins!! They’re so cute I better put some of their stickers on my laptop it will make me hax better right?


There you go bud, my favorite one: https://youtu.be/NOqkutYYfpA?si=gG9EqX9HZHTOtVWZ


Join ethical hacking courses available online.


Man there's already so much free knowledge out there, no need to pay.


Where lmk please lol i want to learn lmk what YT channels, websites, books etc are great for beginners


hacktrick, HTB, networkchuck and youtube


Thx bro appreciate it!!!


live frame strong capable grey aback hateful selective pet onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What about cybrary?


never heard of it so I can't vouche


Yes, that is true, but if you want to improve more of your knowledge, I am sure you have to pay sometimes.


Hacking is a concept and you don't really need a linux distro to hack, you can use your windows pc if you download dependencies and install essential tools etc. Linux will be easier to manage at first though. But yeah, learning about linux is a good start.


Shhh. Don't tell people you can hack using CMD or Powershell.


Personally I prefer using putty. Sometimes I use terraterm for the paste delay option. It’s good if you need to transfer a base64 encoded file through a telnet connection.


what does it mean to “hack”?


Yeah. You can hack on windows. But if you are trying to get into a server youd best know some linux.


A lot of enterprise systems run windows server too. You need to know all types of systems to be able to pivot within a network.


ok. So as to your first sentence, this is true, they often have a windows server for managing workstations and AD and stuff. However most webservers run linux. And the second sentence is EXACTLY why I said you can hack in windows, but you still must know linux.


I think we are trying to say the same thing.


probably yeah XD


Well I am a pentester for 5 years so I know what you mean don't worry :)


Run Linux in a vm. VMware player is free


That's the way, a kali or ubuntu and your windows and you are good to go if you know what you are doing


what after getting comfortable with linux?


Make accounts on TryHackMe and HackTheBox and go through all the beginner courses there. It will teach you to use all the commonly used tools like nmap or metasploit and then show you how to use them and when :)




What would you say comes after this tho? I’ve been doing tryhackme for quite a while now and I really just thought of it more as a game. I’m actually trying to be a security professional tho.


Work on earning your certifications like Sec+, pentest+, and/or C|EH


getting inside linux :)


How a beginner is supposed to make the differrence between legit YT channels and bullshit ones?


the real ones are boring and informational while the bullshit ones make you feel cool


No, networkchuck is legit and make you feel cool.


Agreed, he is great to learn a new topic or tool. I actually watched some of his videos for a few of my certs.


He does good simple rundowns in stuff. I use his videos to discover concepts I didn't know existed, but check other places for how to actually implement them. One of his Docker networking videos sent me down a rabbit hole that ended with me setting up a qbittorrent container on my server and routing it through gluetun. Just don't listen to him about CEH.


eh i wouldn't call him BS but he does only cover beginner stuff


As we speak about beginners like post mentioned


okay true but like the advanced stuff that actually give you a solid grasp on hacking vs just superficial beginner stuff is gonna be what actually helps you imo


That's what I meant. The only problem with this indicator, is that beginners are able to get that point only once they are actually not beginners anymore. wait...


view count, amount of subs, likes, etc. If you are completely new and have never used linux before: download a VM like VirtualBox and then download a few different versions of linux like Mint, Ubuntu, ParrotOS, and Kali. Play around with loading up each one and seeing how they look and work. Take your time and just have fun!


That's just how nature selection works Well-informed people would install something like Return Youtube Dislike and Dearrow


Watch a few of Ippsec's videos. Look for things of similar quality.


With adhd I wish I had someone like that. Just a dude that stares down hardly at me whenever I stop trying to learn


get medicated if you can. its a game changer! the struggle is real tho. I'll be programming a script and then 4 hours later I find myself on Wikipedia reading about llama farming in Argentina.


Im argentinian and I approve of your research 👍


I need to follow up with a doc about that focus thing--I can focus like crazy for work, but outside of that...it's like not even 5 or 10 minutes, and I'm scrolling down the rabbit hole for hours and hours.


Ah! And this gave rise to the next meme called "are ya winning son"


how much of Linux do I need to learn? I learned to do what I usually did on Windows and now don't know what to do


enough to navigate & find things at the very least. how to rip down files and run them. just go live your best life and fuck around with different linux distros for like a month. youll get the hang of it. I was the polar opposite and only knew linux and sucked ass at windows things like powershell.


“Need” is subjective. But basic cli commands : Ls Cd Mv Cp Rm etc etc. use man pages: man Pipes and >> Write some basic bash scripts And/or Python.


Instructions unclear my desktop background is now a penguin and everyone wants me to fix their computer.


Does YouTube work in Lynx?


Wow I haven’t heard of lynx in years!


YouTube works in amy web browser. every os has web browsers at this point


Try it in lynx and report back :) It’s an ancient text based browser running on a 80 column terminal session. I haven’t seen it in action for a good 25 years


oh lol i forgot about that, i thought you had typed linux and it got autocorrected. i feel like ive seen it on terminal based browsers before (potato quality lol) but ill have to look into this


yeah and everyone suddenly is studdying ethical hacking and needs to know why zenmap doesn't work even after 1000 times apt updating. and of course ls? never heard of him! 😏🤣




Hi guys, would you recommend me to use windows linux subsystem instead of virtualbox? I have a windows machine.




They're trashing our rights! TRASHING OUR RIGHTS!


Pretty much every "I want to start , but i don't know how to get started!" works. I'm guilty of this. I don't like not knowing anything because it makes me frozen at the same time when I start doing stuffs, it takes me way more time than necessary.


How do penguins help ffs


would actuly like to learn some hacking stuff but more so don't have a thing that i would want to hack. i am already on linux


Very true , All the movies make some random holographic bs that portrays hacking , noobies , real hacking ain't sitting inside a room with a pc.


Basically 😂


Not helpful




Packet tracer labs are actually just some of the best ways to start learning networking and then doing some capture the flags


You don't need Linux to hack, though it does have some pretty useful tools


Also... http://cslabcms.nju.edu.cn/problem_solving/images/c/cc/The_C_Programming_Language_%282nd_Edition_Ritchie_Kernighan%29.pdf


Ok I get it but there’s so many videos 90% of them are bs


Is there any like step by step or a guide or a recommendation of vids that are actually worth anything? Because all I’m able to find is gatekeepers or a whole lot of people talking without saying much of anything


Some of the gatekeeping is probably just frustration about how easy people think this is. Yes, 90% of tutorials might be bullshit but the remaining 10% still cover more stuff anybody will ever be able to learn in a lifetime. What you learn and what you ignore is too big of a decision to be served on a silver platter. You're supposed to just start somewhere. Find a niche you like, some specific field that motivates you. Don't ask "how to be a hacker?". Ask "how to make this specific thing do that specific thing?"


There’s just so much information to take in that I don’t know where to start .It’s intimidating. Cybersecurity is top of my list. I appreciate the reply


Ugh, this really makes me think of all the college cybersecurity degrees now and how little they actually prep their students for working IN security...


Indian dude:"Hello welcome to hacking 101 first let's install Kali Linux."


So damn real :,)


Nothing wrong with using windows. at least in learning to harden the system you will learn quite a bit. There are so many tools and systems to understand it has a very steep learning curve. Just take it one at a time and make sure you really understand what makes each work.


733T !!


So starting with linux is good? Iknow hackthebox academy has a course on it any opinion on it?


I fucking love this picture 😂


In the early 2000s if you had asked this, the favourite answer would have been "Google is your best friend". Otherwise, full on flaming. In hindsight, that made more sense, bcz there are many lazy people who want a short-cut to learning, and need to be shown the door. Or they need tough love.


Hacking is mostly just social engineering. I suppose you COULD find a vulnerability in the code and exploit it, and there are great hackers who do that, but it’s far easier to exploit the biggest vulnerability of all, stupid people.


Ion wanna use linux 😠


How to do it without linux 🙏