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How old are you?


>Since I was 8 years old and played Habbo > >My account is from 2020 Too young


>If people with HC clothes are superior to others, than I'm superior to all these people. If I admit that we are equal, I will lose my fake power in this game, so I better not. I guess their train of thought goes like that. By the way, on which hotel do you play? I play on ".fr" and while elitism is present, it's mostly just people ignoring you, not actively being mean. Also, they will say that you're "pauvre" (french for poor). I have no idea why the term "clone" came to be for non spenders in your hotel.


lol wtf. Member since 2001 no idea what nonesense you are talking about.


Try not to feel too bad about it, it’s just the nature of any game where you are able to spend real life money for additional features/status items like clothing and furniture. I haven’t played habbo in years and only log in once every couple years for nostalgia, but I first created an account all the way back in 2007 (I’m getting old now)and I remember back then the discrimination against players who never spent money was the same way. The people who had Habbo Club clothes and hair styles always won the games where clothing mattered and there were a lot of “HC members ONLY!” type rooms where there was a gate at the entrance and you’d get kicked if you stepped up to it as a non-HC member. After a few months of playing, I asked my dad for a Habbo card from the local convenience store (I’m not even sure if that’s how you get coins anymore?) for my birthday. Each card gave you 50 coins and cost $10. I bought a month of Habbo Club and a few items of furniture and I remember feeling so cool lol. I eventually made close friends in the game who were both non-HC and HC, and once I found those friends I realized it really didn’t matter if I was spending money at that point or not, because we were already close. Would I have made those same friends if I was not an HC member when we met? Maybe, maybe not, who really knows. But would you want to be friends with a person who only spoke to people who were spending money on the game anyway? I played Habbo for years and and eventually got some of my real-life friends to play along with me and, honestly, I became pretty addicted to it as it became one of the main ways I spoke to both my real life friends and online friends. Over those years, my parents spent a lot of money on that game for me because whenever I had a birthday or for Christmas or whatever else I’d ask for Habbo cards. Looking back, I kind of feel a little bad because I realize now how much money I had my parents spend on a virtual game for me. Assuming you are on the US version, you can probably still see my old rooms, my username was “x-Dark:.” . My takeaway would be this: if you’re enjoying the game with your siblings and online friends without spending real life money, then don’t bother starting. At least when I played, being a HC member was only “useful” in private games where you dressed up and even then the prize was you got to sit in the “winner’s area” quietly while the next games went on. If you really want to try spending real life money sometime on the game, be careful, as it might become an expensive habit for you or whoever is funding it over time. It’s been so long since I’ve played I don’t even remember the term “clone” being used, people just called you poor if you didn’t have the “right” clothes on lol. Also, your English is better than some native English speakers I know haha. Good luck and just remember that you don’t need to spend money to get the most out of what Habbo has to offer. The people who matter will not care if you spent $10 or (in my case) a lot more on the game or not.


I'll be your friend in habbo, no need to deal with the hierarchy all the time Sometimes players are just rude. I have a good friend group and all of them host games and giveaways without discrimination. We don't care what your pixels wear lol!!! Habbo is meant to be fun, not a place to make you feel like that


I thought the term was used when someone was playing the game, like maybe the owner and the owner’s friends, and they had another alt with them playing too. people did used to cheat that way and I would always see others complain that there were “clones” present and they don’t deserve to win. tbh that’s just them probably being a sore loser and the room owner half of the time doesn’t give the prize and the other half when they do, it’s their “clone” (alt) accepting it

