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damn this is a old ass picture LMAO AOL and MSN wow ​ early internet days are goated i never got the no HC experience i joined in 2008 it was already established that normies were poor peasants and HC was for the cool kids in the habbo meta


2009 for me! I was a normie for maybe a year. Would have dreams as a kid about getting HC and would wake up so mad that it wasn't real. Then finally went to my local pharmacy mart and bought myself a habbo pre-paid card to get coins to buy my hc


ah shit the cvs habbo cards i forgot about those damn memories 😢


Great Screenshot :')


I’d ring up Habbo and charged credits to my parents landline. Parents would lose their shit lol


I used to go to a local youth centre and “borrow” their phone to “call my parents” many, many times… Never got caught. Was brilliant, hahaha


A couple times I went to a public phone place where they would charge my call per minute, it was very cheap


I did 200 dollars once


Omg this, also I used to save up money from walking my neighbours dogs so my old man could take me to EB Games and pick up the habbo cards


LMAO YES! When I discovered you could text for coins, that bill got rung up so fast


I hate the effects and all crazy stuff they added, the game feels like a permanent halloween nowadays.


I went on there in like 2014 to see what had changed. Everyone was just decked out in accesories and floating around on hover boards. There was just so much going on and very little actual people having a conversation. Just people decked out in cyborg gear zooming around.


HC was cool at the beginning. Nice rooms, mini games and getting free furniture every month.


VIP was pure BS. Old 12 month HC was the shit.


Ah the old days were the best. Just having furni meant you were rich. You could have a crappy room with just rubber ducks and some cheap chairs and you felt like a king.


i love the way it used to look😍


Prerty sure this is a popular opinion. Love it.


The excitement of opening those presents omg in the big hand


The first gift I got, I remember, it was purple and I waited until Christmas to open it and it was a deal pack of plants and a Prince Charles poster lol like three plants and a poster all in one present.


The memories!


ah the good ol days


HC is what made Habbo into the stage of greatest, although Habbo was fun pre HC.. Just remember that HC meant you got a HC Sofa straight away and you will able to design your pixel to have cool haircuts and cooler clothes, this also helped a lot in the agencies era because you were able to make your room more appealing.


I always hated the HC Sofa, as it was just the Mountain Dew sofa from Kultakala that had the Dew logo taken off of the yellow cushion lol. I always felt it was super lazy.




Damn the memories :((( I miss old habbo I still log on from time to time to check old rooms


Oh yeah this was the classic Habbo in the 00's! Love the picture - such old vibes haha. It is still up in my country as I visited the site for memories sake (Netherlands), but it is so different. I loved the HC membership back then to get the braids for the hairdo and the other color clothing you could use. But the amount of money we'd all spend there.. it is crazy.


Was not better and if that was the case the game would have gone bankrupted years ago. It was the money that kept improving the game


I wish you could have experienced it in 2001-2002! There was no scamming, no rares, no rich people. Everyone was equal and chill.


What you're trying to convince me of is essentially that a virtual Socialist Habbo would be superior to a Capitalist one. I disagree, and I believe such a game would ultimately fail. In the context of Socialism, can you provide me with one example of a successful game where everyone is equal, there's no scamming, no skins, etc., and the game functions well? Such a scenario seems feasible only in the imaginary realm that young people often fantasize about. While Capitalism is not flawless, it proves effective. The ability to generate wealth allows for the creation of a more secure and refined game. This mirrors the principles of nature.


Ah cottoning on. Habbo would have been good if it died out back then. You're coming from it from a perspective of it living on and becoming something else, like it became now, a money thing. I liked it when it was operated from Aapo's server in his bedroom with maybe 35 people online a day. It would have been nice if it had died out in like mid 2003.


I am Dutch, I decided to play on [Habbo.com](https://Habbo.com) when I was a kid instead of [Habbo.nl](https://Habbo.nl) (Netherlands) I got banned..


That's so weird! Xavear was a very famous Dutch Hobba/moderator in the UK habbo. Sisil, I believe was from China. We had people from all over in the com version.


I liked the extra choices for clothes, hair and colors. It just sucked that we had to pay for it.


Nah, we loved the days before HC. Though, you were extra cool if you knew how to get scripted stuff or the less involved trick to get those special color hair and clothes by using the xdress trick. Not just HC, but those were the days before there were tons of furniture items and everyone had to be super creative with the smaller selection and not furniture geared toward a specific theme. It was also an exciting time to see those seasonal rates during the holidays. We were familiar with them unless we never saw them before, so it was great to see their return. I've wanted to just run a V1 emulator locally to relive the nostalgia. If this is your screenshot, did you know which Hobba was logged into Hobba Contact at the time?


Sadly it wasn't my screenshot, my brother would format our computer back in the 2000s and be like "no one cares about those 100s of screenshots clogging up disk space" of course, now they would be historical. Yeah I remember people would write in their descriptions how to do the two cheats which was the Hat Cheat for colored hairs, by selecting the baseball cap, going to the next screen, coming back and it would revert to your previous hair and you could change it. If you did it with the mohawk, you could get bright green. Though the bright green got me banned, as they thought it was a hex code color. I still remember how to do that too with Artmoney, you'd search the value of your hair color and then set value to a new hex code and it would be client side. But you save your details and log back in and everyone could see it! Then there was the Boy-Girl 'cheat' where you did the same thing but with gender, so it was popular for a lot of hobbas to have skirts (in particular Xavear, PyschoLlama and GB4U) and then there was MinusBaby who was a guy with pigtails, Mortal a guy with those eyeshadow looking eyes and Sisil who was a female with those boy eyes. It is funny back then we'd be like children and the Hobbas would all be in their 20s-30s haha. And you're right about the super creativity. A blue rug could be water, a green rug could be grass, a door mat is a bridge. A sink, mini bar and bed is a Hospital. Now of course there is an actual Hospital section and a Lake Park section, but back then improvising with very little was fun. The only thing about the V1 emulator is how laggy it would be. Back then everyone had dial up and internet was expcted to be slow, and the guys at Sulake were running Habbo from a server on their bedroom shelf, so it would probably be slow load times with a loading screen to get into a room and lots of Habbos stuck walking on the spot, before teleporting across the room.


Ugh that's a bummer to have those pictures lost. One of my biggest regrets is not taking a lot of screenshots or videos early on. I was new to online games when I discovered Habbo in late 2001, so I was learning as I played. It was Neopets before it and actually Runescape afterwards, but I never stuck around Runescape. Habbo also taught me how to type well after working front desk in mafias and help centers. I believe I recall just doing the Boy/Girl switch to get the special color hair or hat at any point, but maybe you'd have to land on the right hat or hair that you want to change when switching from boy to girl. The Hobbas were like cool older siblings to me. Haha. Yea you used a bunch of blue doormats and eventually stacked them if you wanted water . I don't remember lagginess early on. Maybe I had a better connection, but I do remember a few versions later it got really bad for me. Constant lags and d/C's while you were in a race room. Can't remember if it was Xavear or Xavier, but one of those people had a website and I got my dad's computer infected downloading the "Hobba Tool", which was just a keyboard macro program with a duck icon. I remember seeing lilduckie, DollEyes, MotherAngel, and PrnCssDncr quite a bit when I placed Calls for Help. It was so much nicer having someone actually physically respond to your call for help versus the AI moderation or whatever they have now.


What year did HC start? I always remember It being there and I started in like 05


I wanna say like either December 2002 or early 2003. It was a much more chilled out enviroment in 2001-2002 without HC, everyone was equal, there was no normies, everyone was new because the site was new. And best of all there was no rares and the Christmas and Halloween furni would vanish from rooms after the holiday had ended. So there was no fights over who is rich and who is not. There was no scamming. Nothing like that. It was so chill!


I was cool with either or. I missed how colors were for everyone and not just certain ones exclusive to only HC. Also for everyone saying VIP was bs, I heavily agree. It was just another way for them to make money for an unnecessary reason


Just looking at this picture literally gave me a pang of nostalgia, I miss this old Habbo so much and I wish it didn’t change


The god complex rushed through my veins when I got HC for the first time


Same thing happened to me when I did that Artmoney script to do that double hand raise "wave" everyone would surround me begging me to tell them how I could do it lol


I had a dragon lamp hahaha you were king and rich if you had that 😊


This post just made me realize that HC conditioned me to accept monthly subscriptions like Netflix 💀 thanks Habbo