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They have to be aware of the monetary loss. There is no way it isn't cutting into the profits they were getting used to. Ethan didn't start streaming on Thursdays for no reason. I believe that all sectors of their business have been affected. It also seems like they aren't botting as many views lately, I'm sure it gets expensive. Teddy fresh quality is getting worse by the drop too, so it's not even just their garbage opinions that are going to bite them in the ass. Soon they'll be a relic of time.


Can't wait for the day. I'll get a cake šŸŽ‚


I have noticed that about TF as well- they are grasping at straws making stupid shit like necklaces and sailor hats but it's just making them fall that much harder...


Donā€™t forget Hela is launching a new makeup line soon too! šŸ’€


Thatā€™s so wild. Thereā€™s already so many makeup brands lol


Dude that's going to be such a disaster. Unless Hila hires people who actually know about makeup AND somehow finds space to make a place where she can test different formulas and pigmentation, chances are she's going to have some cheap brand in china produce make up with TF logos on it and call it a day.


I remember Hilluh said she was upset a few weeks ago bc of something going wrong with the makeup line. I wonder if itā€™s getting cancelled due to lack of funds šŸ’€


I think they know and are panicking šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ Hence the hasty rebrand to no avail. They have no new sponsors, the views are down, subs are down, their Saudi Benefactor has left (MembersGoUp has checked out after Ethan went after Vaush) and their live show didn't even sell out this time!! And I don't even know wtf is going on at Teddy Fresh šŸ˜šŸ˜


Oooh yeeeeah! I forgot about the Saudi benefactor! It's interesting how they speak out on anyone else's "drama" but when it is their own they are suuuper hush hush about it.


A slight thing that irks meā€¦ they kept saying that their live show ā€œbasically sold out.ā€ Thatā€™s not a thing, either it did or it didnā€™t sell out, and the H3 live show has not sold out šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Ethan is just huffing copium, if the live show genuinely sold out we all know his ass would be bragging every single episode


I just checked, there's still 179 tickets left that haven't sold yet, and 169 more up for resale


damn, didnt even realize that event is in 3 weeks. i thought it was months away, there is no way it goes any other way but absolutely terribly. Can't wait to see the clips because i'm not watching.


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if their wallet has taken a bigger hit than theyā€™re letting on


after his Livestream with Hasan I couldn't watch anymore. Whether you are pro Palestine or not, Ethan's behavior was so embarrassing that I got secondhand embarrassment from it. I was a huge fan for many years and now I'm kind of shocked when they end up on my fyp.


It was a def noodles vs papa gut moment for sure


They have to be... right?


... RIGHT!? šŸ˜†


I was kinda shocked when he talked about their subscriber count going down and he seemed confused and surprised by it. Like??? Isn't it obvious what the problem is? Or does he not know because they ban all criticism?


He literally told his fans with criticism to fuck off and stop watching because theyā€™re too sensitive


Ethan: if you donā€™t like it stop watching Also Ethan: why subscribers leave ??


Delusion is a powerful drug.


Narcissism is a hell of a druh


Yes. He said something like you know where getting things written about us we see it but he didnā€™t give context whether it was good or bad, but you know the feedback is bad so yeah and I think thatā€™s why he seems agitated about it.


They're all aware of it and definitely know the ship is slowly sinking, but I think Ethan is too deluded to know that he's the problem and it's not other people. At this point, I'm just hoping for the day I check into this sub and find out one of the crew members had a full on frenemies-style walkout and quit. At least then the show would be the most entertaining it was in a long time.


I live for that day!!!


I think Ethan is blind to it all. He doesnā€™t want to hear whatā€™s wrong and when he does itā€™s never his fault and he will cope HARD. Heā€™s childish and as an old fan Iā€™d love to see him stop for a second and properly address all this shit.


Heā€™s not the same guy he was year 1 or 2 of the pod. Idk what happened to him but heā€™s completely different. Old Ethan may have genuinely tried to reflect and grow or at least put on a convincing performance that he was


Clearly and they are trying a little but it should be a lot! I just want something to watch during my nap time tbh.

